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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Are you enjoying hijacking this topic as much as I am? Haye ii wad sheekada...aawey Lily iyadana...sug aan koob shaax ranji ah soo sameeste. Gabarta aan abtiga u ahay waxey igu leedahay sad bulukaati ah anigaana lugaheyga ugu keenaayo all the way from Africa Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Originally posted by -Lily-: Bob, I cant guarantee that, let me go and watch it first Ok igu soo ware celi before I waste my few cents on another Bollywood production...even if its made by Europeans...hadee heeso hindi ku jiraan...I'm out of it. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: BoB, no you didn't..lool comon man, I am Legend is a great movie and in fact one of Smith's best performance as an actor. Not only did I liked it, I enjoyed it and re-watched it time and time and again. I watched it twice believe it or not and I was disappointed to be honest...I didn’t find the idea of watching one man cast appealing...Pursuit of Happyness is my kind of movie...I will even go as far as saying he will never make a better movie than that. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Dismissive maybe but I wouldn't think of it as a rude word because it’s a word mainly used by elders towards pre-teen girls...I don’t think a grandmother would call her grandchild rude names especially our Somali grannies who are kind and loving. I remember my ayeeyo used to call our last born sister Foodleey which you can argue is same with Dhoocil. The other day I found out a perfectly normal innocent word means soemthing completely different to some people Come on share it with us...what was it so I could refrain from it in the future Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. What if I don't like it? Will you refund me my money? Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. As far as I've seen gabdhahooda wey ka qurux badanyihiin kuwa nasabka lagu sheego marka hadaad taqaanaan gabadh Muslimad fiican ah ilmo adeerayaaloow aniga isoo aadiya anigaa guursanayee...kaftan ma aha I'm Serious. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. in Kismaayo dhoocil waxaan ugu yeernaa our favourite nieces ee af lagaado ma aha marka ina adeerey Aabeheed ha usheegin oo yuusan feeraha yar iga jabinine! Haa abtiyaasha waa il madoow ee iska ilaali khatar cadiim... Alxamdulillaah aniga waa iska faayaa oo qeylo igama soo yeerin...ookiyaalihii un baa iga jabay oo weesha dhallaanta ah aa iiga joogsatay... Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. I watched 7 Pounds couple of weeks ago and to be honest I was disappointed…now the last three movies of Will Smith were joke from I am Legend, Hancock and now this 7 pound where we have a dog that’s vegetarian! The last movie of his that I really enjoyed was Pursue Of Happyness. I haven’t seen this movie yet because I thought it was just another Indian movie and I can’t stand Indian maybe I should get it tomorrow Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. SOL baa hoogtoo ba'day haduuba ninkan Nabadoon noqdo...waxaas oo dhan Xiin kaa ka mas'uul ah illeyn isagaa ninkan ooda ka rogay! PS. Wareegto Luga Cad...waan ku salaamay nooh...reer buulo barde iyo dhoocisha wee fiicanyhiin sooma aha? Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Bal hada maxaad hablaha ka rabtaa Agaa? War illeyn tanoo kale! Waraa aniga S.A waan kasoo guuray mar hore ee hadaad run sheegeyso Luanda iigu imoow aan Ice Cream kaa dharjiye illeyn wax kale ma awoodee Teeda kale waxaan kuu hayaa bilcaan Portuguese ku barto illeyn waan ku ogahay inaad jeceshahay bilcaamaha ku hadla luuqad aadan garaneyn...I hope my sister in law reads this... Waxaan ku weydiiyey...maxaad magacaaga saacad walba u badashaa? yaad ka dhuumaneysaa? adiga iyo Nepthys iyo Jamaal11 waa in talaabo sharci la idinka qaadaa ama aad noo sheegtaan dadka aad iska qarineysaan...yaa idin taaban kara anigoo nool...see camal yaakhey? If you come to Jo'burg go and see Ahmed Dowlo or Khookhaani of Somali Association Of South Africa iyagaa kusoo dhoweyn doono Insha Allah... Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Xaaji Seef La Bood...lafahaa ina aaboow? Why aren't you replying to my PM's Mister? Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Mjomba from Garissa...wax Faataxo la dhaho ma jiraan and I refuse your attempt to blackmail me... When it comes to our Qalanjooyinka we only talk about 100-1000 she-camels as you know they happen to be a rare gem...why else do you think I got four? PS. Waxaan kaloo kugula talin lahaa inaad dhaantada always does the trick for me. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Sick Note: Watch me attepmt to overcome the unbearable pain I possess listen to my sorrow as I confess my mental decaying sin I wake up screaming in agony only to realize it was another dream seeking out the source of my soul that I lost to you I try to reach out to you through my deceitful thoughts I rage alone within this locked cage I chose to age within I engage in wicket tales without staining fortune's blank page my body is weary yet its your teary eyes that haunt me I asked lot of your fragile heart that I heartlessly hurt I avoid your eyes for the fear of seeing the depth of the void I left history is damned by the men who mocked your golden story forever I lost what I never wanted but forever needed as I grow older I carry the weight of guilt on my shoulder wisdom failed me the day ignorance hailed me as a titan I hate the man I turned out to be and I blame my cruel fate death is my dark pleasure that I wholeheartedly treasure in secret words became the curse that destiny forced me to nurse forgiveness I ask not of you for it wont cure my sickness stab me with vengence and spare me your loving slap. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Waxaa ciil iga hayaa...waan ka qaday inta Demos. oo adduunka ka dhacay...Gaalo madoow yaa ku dhex noolaan jiray... :mad: PS. Saaxiib I'm willing to hire you as my 4th wedding your price...qiimahana iga dhin ina adeerkaa baan ahaye... Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. What about Scolari and Benitez? Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. not only lazy but doqon looking too...when you see him first you would think this guy must be the kitman at best but he could play bit but for me the greatest English player I have ever seen is simply John Barnes... No English player WILL ever score the goal he scored against Brazil in Maracana. Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Ronaldo Luiz Nazario Da Lima aka Il Fenomino...Just imagine what that guy would have achieved without the horrofic injuries...! Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Waamo Stadium is my all time favourite...The one I used to dream of playing in when I was younger. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by Norf 1 Al Filastini: "They are routinely called "slave" by the majority" I don't think this is true. I agree this is just to mess with people's minds and deflect the Muslim focus from Iraq...typical American propaganda me think. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Meesha Bilcaan badanaa...raggii aaway apart from the dude who's rocking his Macawiis...Raggeedii! Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Now that's what I call a Priceless Nuune...Sawirada noocaas oo kale ah waa kuwa loo baahanyahay in lagu dhajiyo in every Muslim's bedroom so that it will be the first thing your eyes see when you wake up in morning and the last thing you see just before you close your eyes and fall sleep... Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Salam Aleikum W.W My father has always been my hero and without a single shadow of a doubt he always will be Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Dear Mr Bush (Beerka Laguugu Dhufay) Before you were inaugurated to the Whitehouse and swore to serve the interest of the Zionists before any other...I used to be a pathetic and hopeless 'Muslim’ who used to pray whenever I felt like it, I used to think about the present ONLY and rarely wasted energy about the future because I was fool enough never to think about death even if it scared the living out of me because deep down inside I knew I was Muslim ONLY by name and not by faith...then suddenly you showed up and started talking about nothing but garbage whenever you were talking about my faith which for a non-muslim was quite a lot and every time you were on the telly you were ONLY too happy to share with the whole world your hatred towards my faith with your ridiculous statements which STRANGELY made sense to me after all you swore on your beloved holy bible to serve the interest of the Zionists before any other including the rednecks in Texas. After 8 long and chaotic years later I'm better Muslim than I ever was and every single day I’m making an improvement so I thank you for finally waking me up and making me realize that I’m here on this earth ONLY to worship Allah s.w after all no one WILL EVER enter paradise because they made the most billions or trillions so Thanks Buddy and I trust your successor in Obama will ONLY continue from where you left off (Ooops I shouldn't say that around Somalis because they love their Obama) Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. I've always wanted to throw my shoes at some one just to see if its as fun as women make it seem...because in some cases you ask this abaayo a normal question like...Abaayo what time is it and...BOOM...kab duuleysaa wajiga kaaga dhaceysa... Ibtisam...Did you enjoy unleashing the hooligan in you? Did you actually hit the cops or you were so scared you delibarately missed from less than 2 yards... Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. Caqli iga maqnaa baaba isiisay...suuqa gal KK my kidneys are healthier and cheaper...marka beec noosoo raadi xagal dalaalkaaga waan kuu ogolahay...waaba MILYANEER noqo quicker than planned...faan badanaa. Peace, Love & Unity.