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Everything posted by BOB

  1. I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful to you in any form but I honestly believe that whoever polluted your mind with such lies should compensate you before 'YOU' compensate those enslaved by your ANCESTORS. Just remember one long as you are a member here in SOL there will always be those who will remind you these two topics...ever heard of a thing called FIRST IMPRESSION? Welcome to Somaliaonline. by the way if you are interested in having a word or two with your ancestors, here in South Africa there are people who can help you communicate with them and they charge you less than $200 per call...ask Fu-Fu...are you game? PS. Berrina waxaan sugeynaa mid kaloo yiraahda Nebi Muxammad (c.s.w) ayaa ah my ancestor oo Soomaliya ayuu yimi sida mid uu Sheekh Umal hada ka hor nooga sheekeeyay oo kale... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. May ALLAH s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Salam Aleikum W.W Welcome To Somaliaonline. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Guys Xantu waa dambi Xasuusnaada...! Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by Sister1000: in my culture, the divorce rate for muslims is very low. Divorce is pratically unheard of. ^^^and what culture is that where divorce amongst Muslims is very low and practically unheard of…if you don’t mind me asking that is and by the way we are SOMALI and not Somalians…Thank You. Welcome to Somaliaonline. Peace Be With You. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. BOB

    The F.A Cup

    Bloody Lampard...! Congrats To Chelsea. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Dig This. She came alone hiding in the darkness of the nightly express my senses woken by the loud scent of her scintilating perfume oozing beauty in confidence while sheltering in fate's grace I listen to her heart beat with its sweet melodic music cords with my ears as her audience she came prepared with words unleashing her lyrical prowess with poise making sweet noise then suddenly battered my heart with her venemous tongue when I hoped she would mend my shatteted hopes & dreams. Ooops...that was the wrong tape...sorry and to the epitome of the idiocy (I'm hurting) that one man could deliver all to divinity that one warlord gave a damn about our infinity that one mob could shed the blood of God's creatures it's a bloody façade *begins to cry* the sadness is why I sob that so many drift in ignorance, just searching for penance not enjoying life without a burden of resentment because they feel necessity to grovel for repentance the sentence in this instance is devastating secular humanistic leaders are celebrating the edict is instituted by the European Union open season on Muslims with free guns for their shooting Hitler solved the wrong problem with his 'Final Solution' in the present as the Qur'an said the world is controlled by secular humanists while Muslims are relegated to the abyss our relationship with Allah (s.w) riding on the river Styx we're already on the wrong path and God is growing in wrath we’ve regressed since prophet Moses formed a snake with a stick we’re less than a half without God in our lives he shared this love with us and we killed it. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Peace, ove & Unity.
  8. BOB

    The F.A Cup

    Oops Drogba just equalised...! Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Why are you bullying my friend Madam? He has a great lawyer so I would suggest to leave him alone before he sues you for £1M which we know you can afford even in these tough times. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. BOB

    The F.A Cup

    Everton Goal in the first 25 seconds....Luis Sahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa. The fastest goal in the F.A Cup Final ever. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. BOB

    The F.A Cup

    What the heck is this tuug Koffi Anan doing here? :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. BOB

    Good Vs Bad Times.

    Brother the moral of the story is not whether he should give his eyes away or not but how unappreciative bunch humans are...they envy what they don't have and when the almighty blesses us with something we take it for granted. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. BOB


    Senior Nomad...sheekadaas mee keeneen LSK and co? There's no older guy in SOL than me laakiin maalintaan SOL iska dhiibaayey ayaan da'deyda been ka sheegay oo teenager ahaan ayaan isku dhiibay marka obviously that must have worked against me. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Kaka nakulizaje...mpenzi ndiyo ime ku ingiya nini? tuna ku karibisha vizuri sana...Welcome To The Family mate. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Is it a sin to kiss your husband or hold his hand in public? NO! So why are you implying that we are condoning sins? Abaayo holding hands and kissing passionately in public are entirely two different things, yes the qur’aan doesn’t say anything about public displays of affection but the qur’aan doesn’t also tell you how to pray and how many rak’ahs you need to pray in each Salat but Allah s.w TELLS US to be modest…my point is the prophet said we should DO AS HE TOLD US and he did tell us to be decent, respectful and modest. now can you honestly say kissing passionately in public is modesty? Would you do it yourself? If not then why encourag/support others to do something that you wouldn't want to do it? (I know that is beside the point or it is not?) Wouldn't you agree that its modest to keep private matters to yourself like affection and intimacy otherwise we will only end up behaving like animals and coupulate in public…yeah I know I know they are only kissing (No Big Big Deal...Ngonge ) but as long as there is a guy called Sheitan I guarantee you kissing wont be the only thing they will be doing...married or not. There are several places in the world where PDA is not allowed and they are not even Muslims...did you ever ask yourself why? Surprise surprise...even in Israel kissing in public is prohibited! I hear Somalis kiss in front of everybody these days when they are getting married…I bet we think inee ilbaxnimo tahay but what we do not know is what the prophet said about imitating the kufaar…! Ilaahay hansoo hanuuniyo kulligeenba dambigeenana ha dhaafo Insha Allah...Cafis iyo Misaamax kulligiin...I am out. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. I think I've heard or read somewhere (I could be wrong) that Glasgow Celtic, Ajax and PSV did it before Utd have in 99...! Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. BOB

    Somalis Today!

    I have been having this same debate with my friends and family for ages and my opinion has never changed one bit...if the Somali parents do not stop dulmiga iyo fusqiga they expose to their children oo ay ilaahay u noqon then I don't see any hope for dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Maxaad filaysaa in ay dhacayaan markaad canug xalaal ah oo aad dhashay illegitimate ku sheegto si aad lacag ceydh ah u qaadato? wiilasha iyo gabdhaha yar yar waalidkaa fusqiga u ogol...gabartiina waxey usoo iibinayaan dhar xun wiilkiina waxey usoo iibiyaan dhar xun Subahanah-Allah waa maxay waxaas? waxaad arkeysaa mid dayuus ah oo xaaska xalaasha ah oo uu qabo ku dhahaya boyfriend baa uurka iiyeelay ku dheh dowladda just because ma doonayo inuu shaqeysto...waxaas oo miiran ayaa waalid wada ah maanta oo uu iimaankii ilaahay ka qaaday and unfortunately our youth are paying the price for it marka aniga dambiga oo dhan waxaan saarayaa waalid isku sheega maanta aan leenahay hadaan Soomaali nahay. Ilaahay hadaan loo noqon wax ka daran tan maanta taagan ayaa imaan Soomaaliyey ilaahey aan unoqono oo aan cafis weydiisano anaga dhexdeenana aan is cafino Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Ngonge and AT&T Stop ganging up on LZ...gabarta ka xishooda you cyber hooligans Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Bob, you are the only brother in SOL who talks smack about Kismaayo boys and their footie talent. How many times aan aqriye faankaaga about Kismaayo boys but waxaa qosol eh waa how some of my homies, two of em who hail from kismaayo have continued to use the same line as an advantage over others by area as a way to justify their knowledge and talent of football. You remind me of them everytime aad ka hadasho kismaayo and football. They throw names of players from other regions as thought anyone can verify their BS, ya dig? (cabdullaahi xaaji was last to come out of bari etc ) Salam and Greetings Ms Madam to you first and foremost...sida kale ii waran? odaygaaga ka waran? caruurtaada ka waran? deriskaaga ka waran? ciyaalka xaafada ka waran? Chief dhan baad leedahay waxaad ku hadleyso waa BS (Bur iyo Saliid)...ceeb isku xishoo. lol I speak highly of Kismaayo first because it is my home town...the city where both my grandfather and father were born and secondly we used to dominate football tournamnets amongst the regions...if I am not mistaken we won the you can't help but feel SUPERIOR to the rest when they can't compete with you or against you. AT&T Wrote: Bob, Waryaa I was a good player and I wish if we meet in Jo'burg sometime you will notice it even at this old age. FA cup- Chelsea will take it. Iwould have liked David Moyes's team but they are in no match to the mighty blues. Plus, Hiddinik (my favouraite coach, the master tactician) needs to go on a high. I have so much respect for Ronaldo (the original) now knowing what he went through when he hurt his knee...unfortunately the same thing happened to my right knee last week marka playing football again is the last thing on my mind in the near future...fadhiga ayaan salaada ku tukadaa which to be honest doesn't feel the same... like I said I think your lucky goose will be turned over by luckier Moyes Bob, K Town uun baad inooku faantaaye do you have any stats? I hear they didn't travel well and crumbled under the northern pressure That is what you would like to believe...I am told that we've only lost to Burco once in our history thanks to that man again Qadari...marka out prolly 7 or 8 games you only won once and lost the rest...we even used to spank Hargeisa for fun whom I am told (again) you've never even managed to get a point from... My man Fu-fu was a talented footballer as well before he decided to hang his boots and become Mr Olympia Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. BOB

    Somalis Today!

    I have been meaning to write something about dadkeena especially those living outside of waddankii and to say we are losing everything we held dear including our deen will be understatement because all you have to do is look at our dhallinyarada both boys and girls in any country in the west be it north America or north Europe and I am sure you’ll get a clearer picture of where we are headed as a nation. When we were in Somalia we had a sense of family, sense of belonging where you knew everybody around you really cared about you and they constantly let you know how much they cared about you like you needed any more reminder and most crucially those who were older than you guided you and taught you right from wrong and most importantly our parents were visible and hands on in our childhood which is why the majority of us have a happy childhood memory regardless whether we come from a rich or poor background and we can look back today and appreciate what a wonderful role models both our parents were and may allah reward them for the wonderful job they have done. The youth of today haven’t got all the things that I have mentioned above which played a crucial role from childhood to adolescence, from a stable home where the both parents are present and active in raising their kid(s) in a serene environment with no presence of violence and drugs. Waalidiinta maanta jooga waa joke oo iyagaaba caruurta bad influence u ah, aabe haba sheegin oo wuxuu mashquul ku yahay qabiil iyo qurun reerkiisana wax uu ka ogyahay ma jirto, waa mar uu jaad cunaayo oo uu markee caruurta iskuulka aadaayaan ayuu sariirta tagaa markee iskuulka ka imaadaana albaabkuu kusii dhaafaa oo qayilad iyo fadhi ku dirir iyo cilmi sheydaan ayuu u socdaa marka kaas oo kale aye u badanyihiin aabe isku sheegyada manta jiro inta soo hartayna marxalada adage e maanta waddanka ka jirta ayaa kala waday iyaga iyo caruurtooda oo waxaa laga yaabaa inuu aabaha soomaaliya isaga xannibanyahay ama xero qaxooti ku jiro. Hooyo soomaaliyeed naturally waa iska maskiin oo wee iska jilicsantahay marka you can’t expect hadee wiilal leedahay inee every step oo ay qaadaan ee ogaato sababtoo ah danta ayaa u ogolaaneyn oo maskiinta iyadoo aan wax ogeyn unbaa maalin police soo wacayaan oo leeyihiin wiilkaaga wuu xiranyahay or worse, canugii iskuulka ayaa lagasoo erinayaa markaas ayuu been usheegayaa oo uu leeyahay waa la isoo fasaxay school reportkana she can’t read at all or doesn’t know how to read English…taas waa mid tan kalena waa exactly aabaha aan kor kusoo sheegay oo kale oo you can’t tell inee jirto 50 or 15 wax xishood ahna ma laha…caruurtee waxee bareysaa edeb darro iyo akhlaaq xumo…I have seen gabdho yar yar oo lagu ababinaayo inee dhar xun gashtaan so how can you expect inuu canugaas wanaagsanaado markee waalidkii ay xumaanta iyaga u horseedayaan? Ilaahey dadkeena ha u naxariisto oo wadada toosan haku hago Insha Allah…soomaaliyeey ilaahay u noqda oo xummaanta iska daaya inteydaan qabri galin oo you run out of time. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Salam Aleikum W.W Xishoodku waa qeyb ka mid ah iimaanka ayuu yiri rasuulka s.a.w marka as muslims we shouldn't do something like that in such a public place MARRIED or not and don’t just say 'it's not a big deal' because it is. There has never been a man on the face of the earth more affectionate than prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h and he used to encourage his companions to be affectionate and loving towards their wives but ONLY in private marka If you want to show affection to your wife do so at home where nobody sees you because that is what our prophet used to do. Some of you are saying 'it’s not big deal' but I would advice you to fear Allah s.w and think before you type and choose your words carefully and don't take it lightly what the almighty has forbidden...hadaadan aqoon uleheen iskaga aamus oo dambi meel cidlo ah haka galin...just pray to almighty to guide you to the righteous path Insha Allah. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path and may he pardon our sins big and small Insha Allah. Amiin. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. AT& all fairness your knowledge of the game is as deep as any one in here even though from time to time you tend to make wild predictions (I know why you do it) you are still as good armchair expert as anybody else but I don't whether you can kick anything smaller than an elephant or not because backgroundkaaga ayaa kaa hiilinaya just like my mate Northerner oo isaguba Burco ka yimi...they've ONLY produced one legitimate footballer in Jamaal Soofe Yaasiin 'Qadari' in their history while yours truly hails from the Brazilian version of Somalia...K-I-S-M-A- Y-O... Waxaan ku weeydiiyay yaad fileysaa inuu FA Cup qaato and why? something tells me that it would be Everton...can you see them conquering their Blue cousins from London? Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Every English football fan and his dog says that Barca have a weak defense yet they don't have the balls to attack...I wonder how they'd expect to expose their weakness while sitting back? Chelsea were cowards with their 'Lucky Guus' in both legs and they paid the price for it and Man Utd got lucky last season but you'd expect some one like Ferguson to know that lightening doesn't strike twice...but he thought Park, Anderson, Carrick and Giggs could stop arguably the most lethal quartet in Xavi (Maestro) Iniesta (The 2nd Best player on the planet) Messi (Numero Uno) and Henry (He may not have been fit but still managed to remind Rio who used to rule the roots by exposing the average player that he really is) he should've scored it for every Arsenal fan but still we are ELATED for him. I don't know how many people know that Barcelona really put teams under pressure when not in possession they chase the ball hard and in twos or even in threes and when you have average players in the middle which is something most english teams have there is every chance that you will loose possession...the two goals conceded by United both came from their intense pressure...first they attacked Carrick and what did he do...surrend possession easily and boy did they pay the price for it and the second goal Evra ( Who were the boys last night then?) gave the ball away so cheap that you'd think he was playing for Muufo instead of History...bloody dameer. I know most people would point their finger at Ronaldo but in all honesty he was by miles Td's best player last night...he was selfish but then again he was their best bet...Alex Ferguson should've played his normal 4-4-2 with Tevez and Rooney up front and let Ronaldo play his normal wing position and last not least Man Utd lost the trophy at the Emirates when Fletcher was sent off ( He would've done so much better job than Carrick, Anderson and the 100 years old Giggs) and Barca won it at the Bridge...Chelsea fans must feel gutted now for thinking that cup should've been ours instead but would their team out played Utd last night...I doubt it. Congrats to Barca...Thanks for silencing and humiliating the bloody English Pride in front of the world...I Love Football. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. http://www.skysports .com/video/clips/0,2 3791,12602_5351440,0 0.html ...This is Priceless. PS. Rub it in tyme... Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. BOB

    Good Vs Bad Times.

    Originally posted by nuune: Thanks ina aabooy Waryaa wiil oo maxaad igu geli Agaa? Ina aabooy bilcaantaa la dhahaa ee ragga lama dhaho...ina aaboow dheh intee qalanjooyinka waamo ku saas ayaad ku rabtaa inaan gabar kaaga doono Leheleey, Canjeel, Joore, Af Madoow, Qooqaani, Cagtaa Lehel, Xaliimo Cadeey iyo Kulbiyoow? Back to the topic...I hurt my knee playing sport last Sunday and I didn't enjoy the pain and walking around with crutches and I was moaning and whining to my older brother over the phone and he tried at his best to lift up my spirits and cheer me up by trying to remind me how good I got compared to millions of others around the world and next morning he sent me an e-mail containing this story which I must admit humbled me and embarrassed me beyond imaginable marka I thought I should share it with you all and hope it will do what it has done for me. I am glad it lifted your spirits as much as it has…Maasha Allah…that is always great to hear. Peace, Love & Unity.