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Everything posted by BOB
Aamina...your family must be very lucky to have such a chef...your husband and kids in particualar Maasha Allah. Xaajiyo Bishaaro waan ku salaamay walaashiis. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Ahem Ahem...Garaad Soofow Hurry Back mate Please. Peace, Love & Unity.
Xaal baan ka rabaa ninkaan niikada badan...gabdheheenuu meel uga dhacay...walaashiis Nephthys baan uga dacwoonaa illeyn labadoodaa reer Xamar isla ehe hadee iga gar bixi waayaan hadee hadhoow wixii ka yimaada meeshaas anigu mas'uul kama ihi. LoooL@war illeen talaado waa tii arbaco ka horeysay...yaah sheeko cusub aaba keentee...sida kii yiri Laba Iyaaka Nacbudu aa Udhexeeyso like inuu wax murti leh sheegay oo kale... Reer Waamo intee maahmaahaan bee dhaafeen...where do you think Careys Ciise Kaarshe (May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul) hailed from? he was reer Waamo through and through. PS. idinka hadaad bilcaanta is guursataan anaga waan guursanaa kaliya...now between Waamo Vs Galti who is more manly? take that. Peace, Love & Unity.
Well...I am currently at work...I never have a 'Weekend'...my week doesn't neccessarily mean Saturday or Sunday...it can be Monday, Tuesday or even Friday. it was my decison and I am happy with it...try to save as much money as you can...it will always come in handy and don't forget to donate as well...the more you donate the more rewards you will get. Peace, Love & Unity.
Because of the death of an entertainer? Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: P.s: Please make sure you don't mistake me for Bob. The difference is Bob's face is curfew-hour face (dark), mine is a bit fairer. @Curfew hour face....That was Classic. Mine is a bit fairer kuye...Allah muxuu is faanshay...typical galti...waryaa admit that you use Diana on daily basis and don't forget your shiny bidaar that would've made Cigaal Shidaad envious. USA will win today dheh...waad jilicday sidii foorjo laguugu waday...hold your ground man...ma sidaas baad ku aheyd hogaamiyaha guutada 76aad ee ONLF? PS. What's your monkey business with Caramel? come clean man or else... :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by nuune: gabar aad ku shukaansaneeso dibigeyga iyo dibigaaga aa is hirdiyey, dibigeygi hilfahaa loo laabey, markaas bey gabadha reer waamaha godlan Nuune XAAL ayaa lagaa rabaa...hadalkaas waa beyond insulting to our beautiful, modest, humble, kind, loving and caring Waamo girls...meel baad uga dhacday...foorjo badanaa ninku... Ninyahow aad iyo aad baan ujeclaan lahaa inaan ku raaco oo aan dhulkaas aado oo aan soo dad iyo dal barto after all that's where my great grandfather came from (Qabri Dahare) before he settled in Kismaayo...laakiin nasiib xumo hada ma aha...it's one of my MUST DO things and If Allah s.w permits I will definitely go Insha Allah. war ninyahow gabadhaha Galbeedka ka yimaada waa gabdho aan caadi aheyn...beauty with brains ma maqli jirtay...meel ha u raadin baan ku iri but still I WONT betray my Waamo princesses...marka galtida waa minyaro...all I want is her to say Huuno to me every now and then PS. I hope Daba-Qoodhis wont read this...bloody monkeys. Peace, Love & Unity.
Waxaad socotaba ma maantaad AT&T igu noqotay oo Soomalinimadeyda ayaadba inkireysaa? Somalis say dusha ka maskiin hoosta ka liciin Intee wareegaas dheer soo galeyso mee iska tiraahdo Maskiin Seefle Ayaad Tahay...Liciin maxaa iisoo arkay? Af carabiga waa la iiga roon yahay...I said I am from Kismaayo not from Kuwait. :mad: Eggan gabar aan galti aheyn uma socdo...markee Huuno tiraahdo ayaa xaadoo idilba i kacdaa oo aan qiiro dhulka kula dhacaa Ninyahow AT&T waa waraabe oo anigu aamini maayo kow dheh...adiga iyo Zack iyo wixii galti kaloo SOL ku jira ayaan rabaa inaad iiga odeyeesaan oo gabar galti ah hala ii doono hadii tol layahay laakiin don't forget mid sagaal sano ONLF gaandhari u aheed tabar uma haayo...aniga reer Waamo miskiin ahoo hadana ciyaalka xaafada ah aan iska ahay marka kuwii caadiga ahaa aa iga adag iska daa mid xabash qudhmuune bilaawe ku bireysay isagoo indhihiisa shanta ay yihiin oo Weeyne Weeyne Weeynada haya... Ninyahow ma maantaad i tiri Ibtisaam baa kaa Af Soomaali badisa oo aad hadana saas xaal iigasii dooni Tolla'ayoo Tolla'ay...ufaa caleek yaakhey...dhulka maan isla dhacaa mise firinjeerkaan isku garaacaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
Monkey Business. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Somalis say Duusha kaa miskeen hossta kaa liciin Laa Xawlah Wala Quwata Ella Bellah...Soomaalidee ? I've never ever heard of such language...who taught you this? your chicken loving, curry eating, biryani smelling Bengali HASBAN? Nuune...I need a translation on this PLEASE...gabartaan af shiinees iyo af amxaari la isku qasay ayey ku hadashaa aniguna labadaba ma aqaan Peace, Love & Unity.
Ibtisaam, That's a foul play...play fair...suuqa ha iga saarin...I'm already experiencing a draught that is worse than Credit Crunch marka suuq xir ha iigu darin PLEASE. Peace, Love & Unity.
Imtithal...don't listen to these heartless thugs...they are all Iskoris...literally. Kool Kat can't remember the last time she smiled never mind giggle, laughter and her eyes ran out of tears because she has been watching Indian movie from the age of 1 til now...Stop reading between the lines Wareegto Luga Cad. Nuune...used to play the bad guy in those Indian movies that Kool Kat illinta ka dhameeyay but only after he finished his... Fu-Fu...waa chokora...meaning ninkaan waa from the streets...that is what the streets do to you especially when you've been living on the mean streets of the most dangerous city on earth...ninku naxariis ma leh...waa wax iskuma fale. Ibtisam...I'm scared of her...she is a bully...marka avoid her all together and pray she doesn't read this and come after me. PS. Naigaba...kaaliin rebbi qasho am daa aayi...sheemta am rufaayi. Peace, Love & Unity.
Looooooooooooooooooo oooL.... Itaghfur-Allah...I haven't laughed this hard lately..Thanks for that guys. Reer Kismaayo hadaan nahay we don't suffer from inferiority complex...we don't mind laughing at ourselves so like they say The Joke is on me...Every one should have a laugh and put it on my tap. Peace, Love & Unity.
Ninka guursadaa aamusin doono...Gabarta faraha ka qaada...she has a beautiful heart unlike you guys qalbi adeyg iyo calool adeyg aa isugu kiin tagay... Aaliyah...don't pay them no mind...they're just messing with you...waryaada gabarta ka xishooda she is my guest...remember? :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
Nani? PS. This dude chose a very misleading title...its not right mate. Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by IsseRiyole: xataa 50% discount lama i siin, ...so basically whoever gives you 50% dicsount will earn your praises miyaa waxaada adiga? lol Maxaa lagaa faaidaa hadii ay 50% discount kusiiyaan? Brother runta hadaa rabto maqaayad Soomaali will forever be different from the rest and like Faarax said caqligaaga aa lugala macaamiloodaa ee not neccessarily with your money...there is no maqaayad in the world oo lagaa yeelaayo intaa raashin isku daldasho ayaa waxaa leedahay hala igu lahaado...no one will even bother telling you why didn't you say so beforehand marka I don't think there is a maqaayad Somali on earth I go to for their service... we will be here for days If I were to disclose the number of times that I've been brought for the wrong orders or how long I have been waiting for my lunch/dinner to arrive but do I complain...never...n ot even one single moment because I chat with the waiters and tease them to an extent that they would want to get rid of me...that is the trick . P.S Ar magacaan goormaad inaga badali doontaa maandhow? good to see you around my brother and Salam. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by nuune: :)Thanks BOB You're Welcome my brother. **Comes in wanting to give walaalkeey Bob a hug and wish him to have enough!** OOohhh I Wish You Enough Too Walaashiis. Now will you and Nuune stop teasing and embarrassing Aaliyah please...she is sweet like that. Bob, Galti baan ahoo taas iyada kuma dhaaran karo camii lakin reer Kismayo should let me build a house in the suburb of the city, if not I am going to go to the buulo bundha of Garissa. Wallee inaa galti tahay carab weynidaadaan ka gartay...Bundha kulahaa waar awoowgii la jannee waa Punda which means dameer ee afka jilci waa kusidee ma sidaas baad ku rabtaa inaan kugu siino gabar reer waamo ah...speaking of waamo yaa kugu yiri Garisaa waamo ma aha...waa waamo asli ah... Meesha waa dhismatay markaan Maasha Allah...gabar aan adeer u ahay ayaa wiil reer Garissa ah guursaday magaaladaba waan garan waayey...very soon it will easily be the second largest city Insha Allah...after Muqdisho of course... Peace, Love & Unity.
I used to be Waamo-Boy a long time ago...I'm more like Waamo-Grandpa these days...lol Kismaayo hadaad rabto inaad guri ka dhisato first you must take and pass a small test...marka hore you have to swear alleigance to the cause of the city and its people...in other words hadaan reer waamo nahay waxaan nahay dad iska honest and innocent ah marka you have to swear and promise never ever to take advantage of our kindness and innocence...our girls are the most beautiful bar none....ina aaboow I Wish You Enough. Imtithal (Maasha Allah...that is an amazing name) You're Welcome walaashiis...yeah I know Allah s.w blessed you with two wonderful parents who blessed us with the grace of Allah s.w with a wonderful young lady...I Wish You Enough Too. Peace, Love & Unity.
Ibtisam, Does Naima have a single sister...bal soo wareyso. THANKS for lifting the sisters' spirit with your timely topic of sister Naima. These days it has become a trend amongst our people to mock Islam...Allah yaa jooga yiraahdo...it's embarrassing to read their ignorance of Islam and its principles... There is an Ayah in Surah Al-Ahzab where the prophet is ordered to tell his wives to cover themselves...so who are you tell a Muslimah not to cover? Today the french president banned niqab but if we Muslims don't even flinch I don't think you need me to foretell you what he's going to ban next...it's not about the Niqab ban that we should protest against...it's about the basic human-rights of the muslim woman that the french president is violating...if his wife is allergic to basic clothing, his excellency should know that not everybody shares her allergic. If a girl likes wearing her Parada jean and flash her knickers every time she drops something and not want to cover her zillion times coloured hair...that is her CHOICE and I think its only fair that she should respect the choice of those who have more respect for themselves and for their body...in other words those who like to cover themselves. Peace, Love & Unity.
The monkeys who ruined our country should've been those perished instead of the heroes and the patriotics we lost... No wonder we are ONLY left with buffoons...caaqiladd ii, indheer garadkii, odayaashii, suldaamadii, garaadyadii, ugaasyadii are all long gone...nowadays we got nothing but monkeys in other words imitations...ciil badanaa. They don't know countless IMPORTANT men and women lost their lives while safe guarding Somalia...how painful its too see the same enemy oo waddanbka laga ilaalinayay is the one we voluntarily whore the country to...damiir xumaa oo hadana dullisanaa raggu ma dameerbaa? Sorry for my rant...I couldn't help it...Happy "Xornimo" Day sisters and brothers...Insha Allah one day we will rise from this dust Insha Allah and Somalia will again become Muslim Capital of the entire East African peninsula and all the way to Mozambique just like old times Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Rajicun...Subhanah-A llah...La Xawlah Wala Quwatta Illa Bellah. Allah s.w said in the qur'aan "When the sun is shrouded in darkness, when the stars are dimmed, when the mountains are set in motion, when pregnant camels are abandoned, when wild beasts are herded together, when the seas boil over, when the souls are sorted into classes, when the baby girl buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed, when the records of deeds are spread open, when the sky is stripped away, when hell is made to blaze and PARADIE brought near, then every soul will know what it has brought about" Surah Al-Takwir. Those Somali men whose greed caused this will one day stand in front of almighty Allah s.w and will be asked why they caused so much pain and suffering to millions of innocent little children...this poor child and millions upon millions like him will get their rewards that day Insha Allah where they will never ever suffer again. By god this is beyond sad...you can't help but feel guilty every night going to bed with full stomach and plenty of unwanted food lying around when our brothers and sisters are dying in hunger...This is not what Islam teaches and definitely this is not the way of our prophet p.b.u.h... May Allah s.w come to our rescue Insha Allah...this is beyond suffering and poverty...La Xawlah Wala Quwatta Illa Bellah.
Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the Airport. they had announced the departure, standing near the security gate, they hugged and the father said, "I Love You and I Wish You Enough" the daughter replied "Dad, our life together has been more than enough. your unconditional love is all that I ever needed. I wish you enough too Dad" they kissed and the daughter left. The father walked over to the window where I was seated, standing there I could see that he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not intrude on his privacy, (besides I was hurting myself and was in my own little world where I was reminiscing about my late father and I imagined what we would've said to each other had we been in the same situation) but he welcomed me in by asking "Did you ever say Good-Bye to someone you truly love knowing it would be forever?" "Yes I have" I replied. "Forgive me for asking but why is this a forever good bye?" I continued. "I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, the next trip back will be for my funeral" he said "When you were saying good bye, I heard you say 'I Wish You Enough' may I ask what that means? He began to smile "That's a whish that has been handed down from generation to the next in my family, my parents used to say it to everyone" he puased a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and he smiled even more "When we said 'I Wish You Enough' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them" then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting from memory. "I Wish You Enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how grey the day may appear. I Wish You Enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I Wish You Enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting. I Wish You Enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger. I Wish You Enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I Wish You Enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I Wish You Enough hellos to get you through the final Good Bye." They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them. Remember to tell your family and friends that you Wish Them Enough and to all of you reading this I Wish You Enough. PS. No need to thank me and it is not me who wrote it...I am just passing this message from an unknown author. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by money: Somalis all over the world and specially Somali-Americans in Minnesota strongly oppose these suicide bombings.The organizers will release a press release and voice the community's stand on this issue and others. I personally oppose and condemn what is going on in Mogadishu but we should be careful in choosing the words we say/write and who we should cheer for and oppose...and MOST IMPORTANTLY we shouldn't be decieved and misled by the world media who would like us to believe ONLY what they want and not neccessarily who has the best interest of each and every Somali in the heart. I strongly condemn the killing of the innocent people, I strongly condemn and refute whoever uses the glorious name of Islam to his advantage, I condemn those who sold each and every Somali short for a mere worldly bounty, I condemn those who work for the interest of our arch enemies in Ethiopia and Kenya, I will FOREVER condemn the so-called ministers who sold our coastline to Kenya and then had the audacity to lie to us all by claiming it was our best interest... I strongly condemn the presence of any foreign troops on Somali soil be it Ethiopian, Burundian or whoever and last but not least I strongly condemn anybody who takes a side on the issue of Somalia because as far as I'm concerned neither side is holier nor righteous than the other and this unneccessary, mindless and senseless war that is currently going on in Mogadishu could've easily been avoided if both sides were half honest and half righteous as they claim. May Allah s.w Ease the suffering of the innocent people across the world and may he unite the Muslims all over the world and may his curse befall upon the hypocrites and mujrims who use the name of Allah s.w and his beloved messenger p.b.u.h to their worldly gain Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W I love Sambusa and always have as long as I can remember especially at Ramadan where it's a MUST in my house...I buy a ready made one from the local grocery store and BAM a friend does the rest...I know I know I know...but I don't know how to cook and I find myself promising myself to buy cooking books and stuff but as soon as the next day breaks all is fogotten. Aamina your topics has been a massive help to clans of batchelors here in SOL and I am one of them and I thank you for your help but in case if things go wrong and I manage to burn the house down...I will give the cops your details and say she told me that I could cook... Once again Thanks a millions indeed sister-in-law and keep up the good work and I wish you all the best Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.