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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Malika easy again what I wrote and tell me where I mention Maxi's parents. I've just asked Cynical Lady a simple question but if you intend to make it sound as I'm taking a swipe at anybody's parents then that's your choice but that was not my intention and I'm better than that for I consider parents to be no less than sacred. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. The title is misleading...there's ONLY one girl on a mission to kick and womanhandle (you've heard it from me first...remember that) an entire team but what I really want to know is why her coach did not intervene and tell this clearly disturbed phsycho to cut it out (maybe her boyfriend just dumped her before the match) or even her team-mates why didn't they have a word with her and last the so-called referee and his linesmen should be banned from FOOTBALL (not Soccer) forever because there's no way they could've missed all those horrific kicking and hair pulling unless they were BLIND which really suggests they were to miss all that. Americans should stick to their joke of a hobbies like baseball, nfl and ice hockey because in those 'sports' arenas they kick each other's behind especially in the ice hockey... Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by cynical lady: Somali men hate women who are capable of having independent thoughts let alone intelligence Does your father hate your mother? unless he is non-Somali which would mean he worships the ground she walks on. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. X-BOX waa OVERRATED. PS. Fu-Fu also thinks WII waa for girls. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Ragbaa meesha Shukaansi u imaan doona kolkaasay ceeb ka raaci doontaa...allow ceebta astur. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. A&T Sergio Aguerro is OVERRATED...both goals were fluke...the volley was easy on the eyes and technically world class but do I think he can do that consistenly? not a chance. I used to watch him even in his days at Indepediente in Argentina and I've never seen him score a free kick which tells me that it was a one off incident. Arshavin isn't as stocky as Aguerro and Arshavin doesn't rely on brute force to beat can't possibly compare the two...Arshavin's vision is world class while Aguerro isn't even as good as Messi with a right foot PS. Don't fall for the hype...if he was as good do you honestly think he would've gone to Atletico Madrid of all teams? He would've been playing for Barca, Real Madrid, Ac Milan, Juve or Inter by now...He's OVERRATED just like TEVEZ. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Chocolate & it's my sister. 1958kii ayaa magaalada Hargeysa waxaa soo booqday nin Ingiriis ah oo la odhan jiray "Duke of Gloucester". Abwaanadii wadanka ayaa loo yeedhay oo laga codsaday in ay soo dhaweeyaan sarkaalkaa Ingiriiska ah. Hal abuurka, Maxamed Ismaaciil Baasarce "Balaayo-Cas" ama loo yaqaan "Barkhad Cas" isagoo diidan in ninkaas la soo dhaweeyo, sheegayana xumaanta uu Gumaysigu leeyahay , wuxuu yidhi: AWOWGAY NINKII INDHAHA TIRAy NINKII AABAHAY ADOONSADAY NINKII ANIGANA I IIBSADAY NINKII IFKA IGU ADOONSADAY ITAAL LI'I BAA ISHAA I BIDEE HADAAN OGOHOONAN KA AARSAN KARAYN HADAANAN AADANOOW UNUUNKA JARAYN NINKAA ARAGIISA UURKAAN KA NECBEE AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. ISAGOO ENGLAND JOOGA BUU I DILOO USHUU SOO FIDIYAA I IIMAYSOO WAA TAARAMIDU OOFA TIRTEE ASAAG LI'I BAA ISHAA I BIDEE NINKAA ARAGIISA UURKAAN KA NECBEE AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. ARLADII KA SAMROO ADUUN MA HAYEE HADII LA ILAASHAY AFKAYGII HADAANAN IKHTIYAAR AQOONTAY HADLAYN HADAANAN ERAY QUDHA SHIRKAAS ODHANAYN NINKAA ARAGIISA UURKAAN KA NECBEE AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. WIXII ARINEEN ILAAHAY JECLAYN AAYAADKA QUR'AAN WADA ARAGTOO UDGOONE INA YIDHI INDHAHA KA QARSHEE NINKAA ARAGIISA UURKAAN KA NECBEE AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. UGAADHA NINKII DHAQEE URURSHAA RUUXII EEGAYAA ADDUUN KA BAXSHEE RAGIINII OGAA HORUU U ARKEE NINKII OORIDIISA U GEYNAAYOOW IN KEEG IYO SHAAL AYUU KU ARKINE IIMOOWDEE AXANKAAGA WAYNEE. AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. LIBAAXA ANNAYIYO ABAARSO KA CIYEY ABUURIIN LO'DA JOOGTA BAA URISOO OODAY JABISAA INTAY KA DHACDOO AMSAXUU KA GURAA IDAYLKEED WAKAA INGIRIISKII IIDA HAYEE IDINA U DABAALDEGOO ADHIYOHOW ORDAYOO MAGACANA KA IIBSADA. AAN OOYEE ALBAABKA II XIDHA. The simple reason why this gabay happens to be my ultimate Somali poem is that it shows how far we've fallen from grace in the 51 years since after this gabay was first recited and it also shows how brave, loyal, dignified and honourable most of our poets were and compare that to the present clowns who for a mere $100 will mention a lowlife warlord in the same breath with our fallen heroes and forefathers and lastly compare Soomaalidii hore rag iyo dumarba to the the sort of 'men' we've left with today who keep on whoring us to the lowest hurts, it really does...doesn't it? PS. C&H...You're Welcome. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Originally posted by cynical lady: I see you’re a fan of Marie Claire for sex tips@Bob..... Naah I don't need tips besdies what works for a caucasian won't neccessarily work for a Xaliimo and if you need a manual book for the most natural thing then you might as well stop living. You'll be surprised to know I used to read a whole lot of girlie magz from Harper's Bazaar & Marie Claire to Elle & Vogue to Cosmopolitan and must be at least 5-6 years the last time I read one so be careful there are some Faaraxs who know more about girl stuff than your average Xaliimo with 99 Cents Mascara Eyelashes. Mr Maxi Priest, I've retired from doing what you consider to be Ilbaxnimo today when I was 22 after realizing the only fun thing left for me to do was to go to my grave but did I ever compalain about what a Somali lady said to me or about me on a public transport? not a chance because I look 100% Somali PS. I suggest you start reading Dhoore.Com then maybe you'll understand what it takes to be the 21st Century Faarax that the Xaliimos can't get enough of...that's your ultimate goal isn't it? Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. I wouldn't call him average but the guy is seriously tiny and he lacks stamina that's why you hardly see him tracking back but his quality is in NO DOUBT. He's one of those players who doesn't need to be visible all the time for you to know how affective they are...for example the Liverpool game where he scored 4 goals...he didn't have a good game in my opinion yet he proved his class the way he took his chances and last night again he didn't have a good game yet he had 3 world class assists...every game he plays in for Arsenal he always attempts to do the impossible passes and that ALONE could prove to you what a world class player he's because the average player will make the ordinary seem extra ordinary and Arshavin makes the extra ordinary seem ordinay to you. The premier league defenders rely on their aggression and physical prowess rather than their technique and what hope is there for just over 5 feet player against a 200 pound over 6 feeter? Just pay close attention to the way he dribbles next time and you'll realise he dribbles with both feet with the same speed and tell me how many players can do that in the world today. PS. Arsene Wenger said he's not fully fit yet now I feel sorry for those who will have to face a fully fit Arshavin. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Liverpool could've had the billions of City today ONLY if they were not prejudice towards the Arabs and now they're paying for it...let them enjoy the fruits of their jew-aryarised labour. I really believe that Arsenal has better chance of winning the Premier League than Liverpool and I'm not only talking about this season but in general...we have too many inexperienced players while they have too many below average players now according to my understanding you can gain experience but you can never be a world class player unless you were not born with a talent...I will always prefer Rocisky, Arshavin or Nasri over Kuyt and Fabregas over Lucas and Mascherano (Please). PS. My Brother Northerner Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Just the other day I heard a Somali guy claim to have been supporting Man City for ages and when they asked him to name their old ground (Maine Road) he said he doesn't remember so that statement which says Somalis are fickle bunch is true. My adventure as a Gooner began in the ancient times of Highbury Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Fabregas is FINALLY coming into his own...the kid is CLASS and now this new system Arsene Wenger adpoted this season really suits him well and it brings the best out of him which is great to see because usually whenever he's on song trust Arsenal to dance to his tune BUT my money is for him to go to Barca next season...I can almost feel it. A&T...Rio is getting on a bit age wise but it will be unfair to say he's been overrated all his career...he was a monster in that leeds side that reached the semifinal of the champs league and in his early days at United he was solid and reliable but as always soon or later a younger, faster and stronger attacker will come along who will show the world your weakness...for example Torres's goal at Old you honestly think he could've been brushed aside by Torres of all people say 5-6 years ago which would've made him the same age with Torress? The answer is BIG NO and Torress would've bounced him off and claimed to have been fouled which he always does whenever he doesn't get his way...Give RESPECT where its due and let's not even get into how I HATE United but fair is fair.
  13. JB waanu is ognahay aniga iyo adigu...glasseska aad u baahantahay kuwan ma aha ee waa kuwo entirely shaqo kale qabta ee runta sheeg. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Dameer fowqal dameer dheh oo daanyeer ah...waxaasoo miiran baa raggii Soomaaliyeed sharafta iyo magaca ka dilay...Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun...Ilaahay sabar iyo iimaan haka siiyo waalidkeed iyo eheladeeda Insha Allah. I hope the so-called elders of the tolka won't collect funds for his legal team as he deserves to be sent away for a long time and by the time he comes out he'll never consider himself a man again because of all the 'boys' waiting for him inside. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Inanku waa inan yar ee sidaa ha u galin ee ka daa yuusan Topic naga pos gareyne oo uusan na odhan odayaashii baa hadana i af lagaadeeyay. Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: BOB: These days you don't even say SalamAlikum no more (only to your sujui friends), baal first before you attack and cay me and my husband, salanta islamika ka bilow! In any case xishood and stop being so bitter. :eek: :rolleyes: It happens, so dusty yourself off and try again, no need inaand cuuntidi miskiinka P.s. He is 5.1 not 4.1 Horta you got me there...I ADMIT I should've greeted you first but then again if I had greeted you that would've softened my heart and I would've missed a great opportunity to take a dig at your bengali puppet which would've been a criminal in my modest standard. Make sure I never see him or I will beat him up until his face ends up looking like he's been stung by a million bees...I will beat him with a cricket bat after I break the baseball bat on him :mad: Nuune...Ninkan AT&T ah meejaneey uu xukumaa marka he likes to bully me a lot sababtoo ah waxaa xan igusoo gaartay ninku inuu qaalin uu ilaashanaayey umooday inaan aniga ka weyraxay oo aan hardi ku boobay when in truth it was either YOU, PARAGON or FU-FU...waxaan maqli jiray maskiin maciin ma leh marka ninkan yac iga dheh una sheeg inaan maskiin ilaahay oo caane ma daadiye weyn ahay. Juxa...waan ku salaamay walaashey...please allow me to STAND UP for you.marka xigo reer Kismaayo la'aantood Xalwo majiri leheen ma ogidoo marka at least Xalwo madaxeeda nagu cafi. AT&T reer abtiyaashay waa gob...sijuugu waa dad aad u fiican...allah yaa Garissa iyo Ijaaraa ku geeyo aad soo aragtide gabdhihii Cabdalle ee quruxdooda qalanjooyinka u ekaa oo biyaha markay cabayaan oo ay dhuunta marayaan aad arkayso...kah eeboow eebe. PS. Salam Aleikum Ibti:D Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Originally posted by MAXY POWERS: I was insulted yesterday by an Old Somali Woman who thought I was Black. I clearly heard her say... 'these (jareer) slaves are bad people' in a xamari accent. I was shocked and felt so ashamed for her, spewing such prejudices. Dude you need to STOP hanging out with white're beginning to sound like them and if I didn't know better I would've thought you're one of those 'Blonde Bimbos' who rely on MTV for fashion tips and Marie Claire for sex tips unless you already are a 'Blonde Bimbo' ala Farax version. Dad baa gaajo iyo haraad u dhimanaya in the world right now markaasaad waxaad nooga sheekeyneysaa madoow baa la iigu yeeray in xamarawi saan baa raggii Soomaaliyeed u dambeeysay? :mad: Tolla'ayoo Tolla'ay...Waar Aan ooyee albaabka ii xidha. PS. I hope you won't think of me as Saqajaan...yeah right. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Didier Drogba is the Most underrated player in the defender in the world can stop him and If Chelsea were to loan him to us for ONLY one season...we would win every trophy in the world. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by *BOB: Salam Aleikum W.W Under-rated: Didier Zokora Ivory Coast/ Spurs Micheal Essien Ghana/ Chelsea Gael Clichy France/ Arsenal Shaun Wright-Philips England/ Chelsea Charles Nzogbia France/ Newcastle Gilberto Silva Brazil/Arsenal Alexander Hleb Belarus/ Arsenal Patrice Evra France/ Man Utd Mohammed Sissoko Mali/ Liverpool Jamie Carragher England/ Liverpool Jermaine Pennant England/ Liverpool Benni McCarthy South Africa/Blackburn Obafemi Martins Nigeria/ Newcastle Joseph Yobo Nigeria/ Evrton Mikel Arteta Spain/ Everton Morten Gamst Pedersen Norway/Blackburn Abdulaye Faye Senegal/Newcastle Lassana Diarra France/Arsenal Nemanja Vidic Serbia/Man Utd Miroslav Klose Germany/Bayen Munich Those are the names that I can't think of right now that I think deserve more recognition. Over-rated: Alan Smith England/ Newcastle John Terry England/ Chelsea John Obi Mikel Nigeria/ Chelsea Andy Johnson England/ Everton Francesco Totti Italy/ Roma Lucas Padolski Germany/Bayern Munich Daniel Alves Brazil/ Sevilla (25m...Chelsea are you kidding me?) I will add some more names soon Insha Allah as I'm full of Samoosa right now and I can't think properly plus Isha is upon us... I must add that Robinho looks ordinary whenever playing for Real compared to when he's playing for Brazil..maybe he should move away in oder to fulfill his potential...after all this is a player thought to be next Pele while at Santos even if you can't compare Brazialian Serie A to European leagues. PS. How many of you still think Fabregas is over-rated? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity. If I were to change some names from my list I would begin with Obafemi Martins...He's OVERRATED midget who only scores 1 wonder goal per season and misses more sitters than Adebayor in his sleep. Wayne Rooney...England fans wont agree with me on this but the guy never scored and never will 20 goals a season in the league while RONALDO did that with ease and the guy was supposed to be a wonder Ferguson made the two swap positions. Vidic is OVERRATED just as half fit Torres proved that more than once...his biggest problem is the guy has no sense of positioning whatsoever...usually when a defender is slow you'd expect him to be smarter and out fox stronger, faster attackers but this guy doesn't have that and his strenght is he doesn't give you time to turn and once you do that...well you get the picture. Utd fans just look at how many times the guy gets caught out of position and trust me if Kuyt manages to do that at will then you're simply a rubbish player. Hleb...Boy am I glad we got Nasri...the dude should be at the circus because his tactics are designed to entertain rather win you an important other words give me Nasri anyday. Theo Walcot...of all the Arsenal youngsters he's the only one that has not made any progress in my opinion...the guy is way too predictable and even Sam Allardyce can tell that. My brother North...I'm sorry but Kuyt, Lucas, Voronin, Babel, Mascherano and the greek dude are all useless and they don't deserve to play for a great club like Liverpool and I blame solely on Mr Fact Benitez. PS. Diaby is some player, talented but he's stup!d and something tells me he's another Hleb in the making...that own goal at Old Trafford was criminal offence. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. So you're into violence miyaa iminka Mrs Bengali Chapati? I don't envy your 4.1 feet tall hairy, sweaty, smelly, greasy of a husband... Af Soomaligii miyaad baratay weli mise sidii baad afkii adiga kaliya kuu goonida ahaa u qortaa? PS. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Wewe ndiyo umepotea...vipi hali? mzima ausiyo? Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Originally posted by Norfsky: What is success? What is failure? What is life? My brilliant minded brother North...good question. Mr Marax before I give you my two cents I need you to define for me what you consider SUCCESS and what you deem as a FAILURE. PS. Remember Only The F0ols Are Satisfied. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Gift: By Eedo Cambaro. Fallacy endorses delusions firing bullets from the tip of the nation's tangled tongue yearning to harness our inner flames so as to attach meaning to our makeshift lives ignore the conflict and the agony brewing within us downward tumbles my painted smile because... to silence the violence and insolence we need excellence in our benevolence the gift of life is turbulent so we chose death as I tower over these lands pondering where my destiny lies wailing winds and thundering storms come to my embrace my breast pocket gleams past this plastic skin, ingesting a new essence I cast out all my broken sticks into raging waters that have been contaminated by lost tiers and mourning they say to me live positively and freely so everyday I wear a smile on my tired face just to give it a test and my brain a rest but positivity and negativity are debatable swaying on either side like a battery just to restore one's balance I stand on the mouth of this summit Iris fixated on the breast landscape and candy floss skies I have found myself at a nose end or do I? for the sure cure to lure those mired in a cave. is to show them what is pure...Gift of my Love is. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Salam Aleikum W.W Brother Uztaad haa af Soomaaliga waan qoraa laakiin nasiib xumo illaa iyo hada waxa aan afkeena hooyo ku qoray waxey u badan yihiin qoraal 'Personal' ah oo aan diyaar u eheen inaan halkan kusoo qoro...Sorry. Seeker...Salam Aleikum W.W it's been a good while since we last exchanged words and it's great to know that you're still around...thanks for the compliment...I'm honoured and the pleasure is all mine. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. As far as I'm concerned this is very delicate topic because I've never seen a film made by a non-muslim that has even come close to being fair to Islam and even though my head is willing to give this director the benefit of the doubt my heart reminds me that I should never ever trust the non-muslims of today with anything and everything about our prophet s.a.w. The Message was made by a Muslim (according to a documentary I once watched) and I believe they have done a brilliant job for not only showing the Prophet but also the four caliphs (Khulafada) and if this guy is going to follow suit then I don't have a propblem but I suspect somewhere in that film he will imply that the Prophet s.a.w learned from the Jewish and Christian scholars rather than say he received a revelation from Allah s.w through Jibril A.S...I could be wrong but my point is I don't trust a non-musilm until they earn my trust and that is as fair as they get. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.