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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Carafaat;807183 wrote: One of the most beautyfull and most divers cities of Somalia. It has so much potential, Unfortuantly some want to make it to a one clan dominated city. Carafaat have no fear my brother Kismayo will never become like the rest of Somalia where only tribe dominates and claims its sole ownership, one tribe might run the city through a gun but Somalia will not be at war forever and once law and order is established once again all the natives will return Insha Allah and we all know who owned what and who lived where. I'm not saying this just because it's my hometown but Kismayo alone can comfortably feed and sustain the rest of the country as we're blessed with everything needed to live healthily and live well. We can also boost the economy of the country through the production of our farming, fishery and livestock and if you want hard currency we have wildlives, build a tourism industry that can rival Kenya and eventually surpass it. We can build several amazing hotels on the beaches outside of the city and believe me when I say this, Kenyan beaches cannot and will never a hold a candle to those in Kismayo as ours are far more cleaner and deeper with countless reefs that are crying to be explored and enjoyed, we can also create parks and game reserves just like Kenya through investment, after all Kenya just didn't get all these amazing looking national parks and game reserves, they've put lots of money into it and now they're reaping its rewards. Our potential as a nation is limitless my brother and the sooner these senseless war ends the better for each and every Somali as we're blessed with one of richest lands under Allah's so pray to almighty that we'll achieve proper peace in our lifetime because the future looks beyond promising...amazing. PS. I didn't even tell you about our knack of producing the most gifted footballers in the entire Somalia and our gorgeous girls, The benefits of coming from a true cosmopolitan city is you get all kinds of flavours, if you know what I mean? Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Dadka hortooda inaa igu karbaashto aa ka dambeesaa beryahaan waan kuu jeedaa, Marka waaba gartee Mahadaayna intee la dhahaa hadana? How the heck can I post an image here, why did they change the site without teaching the pensioners like me how this bloody thing works? LSK cayaarta naga dhaaf ee course baan u baahanahay oo la igu baro sida loo post gareeyo sawir iyo video. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Chimera Thanks for the wonderful pics of my beloved city my brother, Please do share if you have more. Maaddeey, dheel dhaaf aniga iyo Somalina heshiis dheer aan kala saxiixannay weena jeceshahay Kismaayo, I'm sure after Xamar and Beled-weyn she'd love to live in Kismayo so that I can show her around. Somalina as always Thanks. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. No Carafaat, she's from a small town called Kula Sumu, the opposite of Meza Mawe next to Kunywa Damu which is more or less 196km from Tanga. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. I saw the clip of their wedding on Skysports News this morning when I was leaving for work and the first thing that came to my mind was you and NORF but one glory hunter wearing Chelsea jersey ruined it for them. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Huh? Who corrupted you by the way? You are an arab version of fish and chips yet you follow and know more about which clan has an argument with whom and who is sponsoring who to do whatever than me and I’m supposed to be from Somalia and full of tribal nonsense! Stick to your Liverpool as they’re the ones who are desperate for your energy and time. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Legend of Zu;806840 wrote: and this return has nothing to do with Arsenal winning again! purely conincidenctal I hope your return doesn't jinx us STILL Welcome back my fellow Gooner. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. :D Defend your city with all your might and don't give an inch or it will be the beginning of the end for your city and every one will take a pot shot at it. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. BOB

    Uber Facts

    The two highest IQ’s ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to women. Women are 96% dirty minded than men. (No wonder ). Women do NOT want an honest answer to the question, ‘How do I look?’ When a woman answers, “I’m fine, ” after a few seconds, she is not fine. Women will drive miles out of their way to avoid the possibility of getting lost using a shortcut. The most embarrassing thing for women is to find another woman wearing the same dress at a party. When a woman dresses up to go out, she puts on a blouse first. undies come second. men work it vice versa. If a man goes on a seven-day trip, he’ll pack five days worth of clothes and will wear some things twice; if a woman goes on a seven-day trip she’ll pack 21 outfits because she doesn’t know what she’ll feel like wearing each day. Why is it cool to be a daddy’s girl and sad to be a mommy’s boy? Girls pay attention now...this is for you. Guys don't actually look for good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls. Guys love flirts. (and Nuune, Jaceylbaro and Ngonge know it). Guys may be flirting around all day BUT before they go to sleep, they ALWAYS think about the girl they truly care about. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics. (We really really do). Guys go crazy over a girl's smile. (I look at the mouth before anywhere else,I do, I'm not a perv like JB and Cali Niikiyow, you know). Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention. (Put us out of our miseries and pay attention sweetheart, will you?) Guys cry!!!!!!!! (Yes we do but if he starts crying over a film or a song, you don't want to be with that type of faarax and dump his lagarooni behind ASAP). Don't provoke a Faarax to heat up. Believe me. He will. Guys can never dream and hope too much. (ooh we are so modest). Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.( You can't find the word defeat in our vocab.) When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back. ( That's why we marry you). Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. ( we hate suspense, just give it to us once, will you?). Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands. (Naa go'do weesada hanaga jabin...yeah right ). Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. (Carafaat, it doesn'tONLY happen to you, it always happens to me). Ladies take our stammerring as a compliment. When a girl says "No", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow." (in case you didn't know, the saying of persistence pays was invented by men to harrass the ladies more until they give in). . Guys love their moms. (Who do you think wrote or sang most amazing songs about mothers that you love so much?) You can never understand him unless you listen to him. ( You accuse us of not listening when in fact you never listen to a word of what we say). If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does you know. (Once is enough for you ONLY fall truly in love once in your lifetime). Guys are very open about themselves. (You know about our dream car, the team we support and the famous woman that we fancy). It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long. (We have no patience for your childish games woman) No guy is bad when he is courting. (I bet you already know this) . Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. BOB


    No disrespect but I think this is one of the main reason why marriage amongst our people has become a big joke, most girls are pressurised by family and friends to demand such a high meher without having the faintest of idea whether the groom can actually afford it or not, it’s become so bad that some grooms are forced to go and get a loan with unreasonably high interest (who cares if its haram). If you can afford it, it’s cool pay it but if not then sit the girl down and explain to her that you can’t and (I’d advice you to do this away from her family and friends and never ever tell her that over the phone) if she loves you and seriously wants to get married then I’m sure she’ll compromise. Pray to god inaad mother-in-law wacan hesho, they ruin more marriages than lust does to teenage girls. Best of luck my brother. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Angels come from Borama not ordinary subjects like those chicks from those cities I've mentioned above. Walle iyo bille been baad moodaa adigu kow dheh laakiin waxaa igu ballan ah inaan inan reer Borama ah kol un shukaansado oo dabadeedna guursado haduusan eebe maya odhan. yaa igeeya un. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. I can't wait for Malika's response. PS. Dar es Salaam along with Maputo and Cape Town is where I had the pleasure of seeing some of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on...Mama Mia. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Come on now NORF, There's nothing good about him, in fact he's going to cause a serious injury one of these days with his erratic two-footed tackling. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. That's what you can do when you control the world media, you can sell any BS to anybody and it won't be long before all the muslim hypocrites (I already ran into couple of Somali guys and girls) come out of the woods and defend this coward murderer. Ooh the utter tripe some of our people vomit sometimes is cringeworthy especially those with inferiority complex who are blinded by their hatred for themselves. May Allah have mercy on them and may Allah give their families the strength to overcome this terrible ordeal Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Val, Iphone 4S is rubbish especially if you live in the UK because the SIRI thing that is suppossed to be exclusive to Iphone 4S and one of the major factors behind why people want to have it is not working in the UK, However my brother in the US tells me it's working perfectly fine for him over there. Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Happy Birthday Narniah & Carafaat ...May you live to celebrate many more and may all your wishes and dreams come true for both of you Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Somalina;804612 wrote: This thread is dedicated to BOB, hogaamiyaha jaaliyada reer Waamo ee UK. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this amazing thread dedicated to my beloved hometown of Kismayo, unfortunately I can't contribute much picture-wise as I haven't figured out yet how to upload an image and there aren't many positive pictures of the city as it's been the centre of never ending dispute of every bloody clan in Somalia and it breaks my heart whenever I see the pictures of Kismayo and the pictures of the rest of the country and how developed they've become while my beloved city is still bearing the scars of those clans' greed. The ONLY positive picture I have of the city is this one and it's of my old neighbourhood which is called Calanley and Thanks to my cousin, I can see our house and that always puts a smile on my face. ^^^once again THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. NGONGE;803885 wrote: ^^ FIVE EUROPEAN CUPS keep nuune warm at night. How many did Arsenal win again? 3 Premier league titles...won the league at what's that tiny and crumbling rat hole called? Yeah Anfield. 49 games unbeaten, INVINCIBLES...How many did Liverpool win? Oh wait they haven't won NONE and WE'VE GOT Emirates Stadium... Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Exactly and now they want to paint themselves as Angles and the rest of the world as Evil...Yeah right, tell that to NGONGE. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Tuujiye is back to wearing his Arsenal jersey and he's in a restaurant somewhere in Canada boasting about Arsenal's cajones. PS. Dossena :D , NGONGE you used to rate him as well...innaa lillaahi wa inna ileyhi raajicuun adigu mid kastoo Liverpool u ciyaaraba you rate him even if his name is Djimi Traore. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. ^^^Imagine the hell he must have put the poor woman through that she felt suicide was the only way out! He must have abused her both physically (including sexually) and mentally that she felt only death offered solution to her ordeal. Most stories that you hear from these sexually oppressed arabs is that they rape their domestic workers especially the foreigners whom they know are vulnerable and can’t go to the authorities and seek justice against them. He should taste his own medicine and get the same punishment that he handed out to the deceased and then force him to pay her blood money and support her family like she used to for the rest of his worthless life. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. When will these guys ever stop whining, blaming and criticising everybody else but themselves? Peace, Love & Unity.