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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Tuujiye afka inuu ku qaloocdo maka cabsaneesid? Sheekh (Aniga) iyo Sheydaan (Nuune) aa isku meel keenee ka waran? :eek: NNC...we hijacked your topic ala 9/11 style and we are not sorry for it. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Wax waalan...Fu-Fu muufadiisaa maraq ugu jirto ee adiga is dabar. Nuune waa sheydaan waxba kaas hanagu darin... Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by MZanzi: laakin ninkaan reer kismayo waaye sheekhul kuli waaye mar marka qaarkood Afka yuusan ku qaloocan oo wadaadka ka xishoo teeda kale Hillbrow ma taqaano Juxa ee gabarta ha wareerin adigaa wax waalan ehe. Juxa bes waaye mardambe Sipho iyo Vusi sheekadooda igama maqleysid...waa balan taas adigana iga balan qaad inaa waa haloowday i dhihin..calooshaa i hurto markaan hadalkaas maqlo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Juxa qof aan is dhaho maqbiyo darteed u noqo weli ma baran marka maalintaan abaayo macaantaas barto anigaa akhbaarteeda kuusoo gudbinaayo inta ka horeeyso banooniga aa amoore ii ah. PS. Arsenal inaa taageerto waaye...and in the world cup waa inaa Holland taageertaa. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Juxa calooshaa i hurinoosaa walaashey...maxaa waaye haloowgaan aa sheegoosid? da'dii lagu halaawaayey waan soo dhaafay ee intaa ciyaarta iga dhaaftid deriska akhbaartooda isii waan soo socdaaye...boos iisii raajici ahem ahem. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. oo ma hadaan ka fogahay? sowkan aan MSNka hada kuwada hadleeno...wuxuu ku hadlaayo iyo wuxuu sheegaayo hadaa maqli laheyd xalwad dambe ma cunteen. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Bakaaraha maxaa laguugu dilaa? Al Shabab wee ku yaqaanaan inaa gabar wadani ah tahay oo Soomaaliya jecel laakiin waxaa laga yaabaa inuu mid kamid ah ciidamada ku jeclaado oo markaa lagu dhaho mujaahidiinta ka mid noqo ahem ahem. dadka ee Al Shabaab raadinayaan waa Kool-Kat, Malab & Shukulaato,A&T iyo dad kale oo badan oo SOL ku jiro oo maalin walbo af lagaadeeyo mujaahidiinta. Cusbada hadee kacdo sokor aan ku shubaa...ka waran arintaas? :cool: Adeer...bal koob shaah ah ii keen, shaah baa i haya e. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. @Mahadoow haa halkaa kasii wad howsha. PS. don't know who Mustaf is? Oh my days. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Juxa hadee ogaan leheed macnaha Fong Kong garuunkeeda ee kula dhici laheed. Juxa hadhoow waxaa dhehee waa lagu corrupt gareeyay...nin ee Fu-Fu iyo A&T dhexda gashteen aan ahay...ani maa nool? Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Owned aa? Sheekooyinkaas markaan maqlo aanba aroos kasii qawaafaa...aniga I like my freedom, I'm someone who loves travelling around and seeing new places and countries marka marriage will ONLY tie me down but right now I can come and go as I please but truth must be told the only time I feel I could do with abaayo macaan is when I'm sick so that she could be my nurse...make that my night nurse as Gregory Isaacs used to wail. PS. Football World Cup aa South Africa ka bilaabmooyo...abaay heeleey adiga yaa kuu muslim ah ileyn balooni fiirso waa diidee? Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Originally posted by NNC: B.O.B, waa igu shactireysanaa miyaa hadana, Totti maay kaaga dhegentahay weli? I'm not celebrating July 1st because weli gumeysi ayaan ku jirnaa, saaxiibkaada la soo ordey June 26th u sheeg inuusan ilaawin October 20th. Haddii aad wax positive ku dareysid xaagan adeer you are welcome haddii kale waan ku ban gareynaayaa. ...Sea salt ma aada arkey weli. lol Horta weli makuu sheegay inaan ookiyaalahaaga weyn jeclahay? Ma Kamloops keliya aa laga helaa mise xittaa Suuqa Bakaaraha waa laga helaa? I like it when everyone calls me 'Adeer' it makes me feel so loved and so honourable. Soomaaliyay toosoo, toosoo isku tiirasada e hadba kiina taag daran, taageera weligiin. it doesn't get much more positive than that...does it? PS. Sea Salt ma adaa arkay weli? ii jilci hadalkaas..dhagweyn oo hadana duq ah oo aan slangka dhalinyarada fahmin baan ahaye. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. I can't believe there was a time in my life when I was desperate to be a smoker because I thought it was cool...naca$ fowqal naca$ dheh. Waxaan arki jiray wiil iyo aabihiis oo sigaarka kala qaadan jiray Subhannah-Allah hadana waxaan filayaa in la helayo wiil iyo hooyadii oo kala qaadanaya ama husband and wife oo kala qaadanaya...Sheemo as Wareegto Luga Cad would like to say. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. 26th June waxaa hada ka muhiimsan May 18. PS. NNC...tartiib cusbada yee kugu kicin yaah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. aaawwwww maxaa dhacay cabsi kuguma aan ogeyne? ma PM baa laguusoo diray oo lagugu yiri deny garee sheekada or else me and you waa khalaas yaah? PS. Igu Salaan. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Originally posted by Juxa: BOB, single adigaa ka harey unless aad ismeelaysay last few years I was born single and I'd like things to remain as they are laakiin maalintaan go'aansado inaan reer know you'll be the first person to be informed about it as you and KK will officially organize my wedding Insha Allah. Haatu...More Honeys More Mroblems...taas ha hilmaamin weligaa. Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. NNC...1st July is fast approaching ha hilmaamin. Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. This brother was by no means a Racist but a proud Somalicist and I agree with him 1000%. Gabdhaha Soomaliyeed ma guursan karaan niman kale while Nuune, Tuujiye, Che, Geel_Jire, Haatu, OZ and thousands of others are still single and looking for bilcaan plus we've got thousands of others that are looking for a minyaro the likes of A&T, Ngonge, Fu-Fu, Rudy, Jaceylbaro, Xiin and there are those of us looking for third...kuwaana anigaa madax u ah marka gabdhaha akhrinaya this waxaan u sheegayaa hadaad tahay single and ready to mingle then all these guys are AVAILABLE...have your Ms Somalia. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Carry Me Home. I tend to tweak every time I speak as I reach my peak words leaking from my fingers as they caress the keys quick witted soul accompanied by a blackened heart passion escaping down the vessels deep inside Who am I? The lost traveler with no where to go home is where the heart is, but she stole it awhile back breathing gets hard as the night falls the moon crowding the sky taking over once again minutes pass by like hours attitude is horrid wisdom bouncing against my skull or is that my conscience? is that sorrow looming in my not promised tomorrow? blood pressure boiling, the mood lighting me up nature over powering my spine with sublime force bend down on my knees and beg for forgiveness wishing for just one witness...Please carry me home. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. BOB

    Football Pictures.

    Chasing The Greatest. Lothar Matthäus...The Most efficent footballer I've ever seen. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. BOB

    Football Pictures.

    With Zico in the beginning at Flamengo. José Roberto Gama de Oliveira aka Bebeto...The Brazilian goal machine and the man who invented 'Baby Rocking' at US 94. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. @Iranian! I was expecting to see a streaker on the pitch with a huge flag written on 'Hi Guys This Is A&T Reporting Live from Zimbabwe' Walle inaad raggeedii tahay...halkaa ka wad hoosha! Tuujiye...did you know Ronaldinho once humiliated Dunga while still at Gremio sometime in 99 in a Brazilian Serie A match and I know of a Brazilian who believes that Dunga still hasn't forgotten that incident. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. BOB

    PLayOffs '10

    Even Jordan himself knew that Kobe was gonna be 'Great'. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. What about this one Tuujiye? Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. BOB

    Football Pictures.

    in the beginning at Sporting Lisbon. Luis Figo...One of the greatest natural wingers ever played the game..the man was joy to watch and sheer class. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. BOB

    Football Pictures.

    His last ever game at Stadium Of Lights...The home of great S.L Benfica where it all started for him. Rui Manuel César Costa...Enough Said. Peace, Love & Unity.