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Everything posted by BOB

  1. I'm beginning to get nervous and I hate it when I get nervous because I know what's coming next. it's official people...I HATE URUGUAY go ahead and tell yer ma. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. BOB

    Ssshhhhh Be Quite

    Come on guys stop torturing me and give me the link Please. Ducaysane...NORMAL FILMS of course. you've been hanging out with those guys again, haven't you? Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Waxaan u baahanyahay website laga fiirsado movies oo free ah. Thanks. Kaan ka fiirsan jiray waa la xiray... Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Xalwada inaan iska dhaafo waaye. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Then prospect for a fresh start struck again with the so called wind of change in the 1990s. A new breed of leaders, the Musevenis of Uganda, Kagames of Rwanda, Isias Afwerkis of Eritirea etc where seen as the replicas of the biblical Moses who would mould a more democratic Africa and deliver it to the 21st century. These three he hails as Africa's new heroes are the architects of mass murders and destructions...he should do Africa a favour and shut it. PS. Kenneth Kaunda was another criminal who stole millions from Zambia...ninkani knows nothing about Africa and African 'Politicians'. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Obbo Waxaad ka hadleysaan waa dad kibray. deiting waxaa ka fikira qof xor ah oo raashinkuu codsado loo karinayo laakiin mid maskiin ahoo maqaaxi meel aan aheyn aan waxba ka cunin goormuu diet ka fakiraa? Waxaad wadaan waa dharag dhacsi ee aniga daaya dee...anagaad dooneysaan inaad maseer nagu abuurtaan. :mad: PS. Calool baa igasoo dhacday oo maalin walba magaalo cusub baa dhismata. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. I just want to ask a serious but simple question to all of you who posted in here and I hope you'll give me an honest answer Insha Allah. Maxaa laga helayaa ceebta gabadha SOOMAALIYEED oo loo fadeexeenayaa? Meeshaad aragto dacaayad gabadh soomaaliyeed baa lagu hayaa oo nin soomaaliyeed baana wada? walaalayaal waa maxay waxaan? miyaadan danqaneyn oo eydaan ku fakireyn meel walba haka timaado the truth of the matter is SHE IS SOMALI. Nimanyahow ilaahay ka cabsada oo dulmiga joojiya iyo dacaayada aad gabdhaha walaalihiin ah aad ku wadaan. Wallaahi waa wax laga yaq-yaqsoodo waxa aad sameyneysaan ee isku xishooda. waa arrin aysan Soomaali dhaqan iyo diin u laheyn waxa aad wadaan. Nin jecel ma jiro in hooyadii, walaashii, eedadii, habar-yartii la dacaayadeeyo marka damiirka ku siinaya inaad nin rag oo adigoo kale ah aad hooyadii, walaashii, eedadii, habar-yartii dacaayadeeso waa damiir noocma ah? Rasuulku S.C.W wuxuu yiri. Qofkii walaalkii/walaashii muslimka ak ceebtiisa/ceebteeda qariya, Allah s.w baa isagana tiisa ama teeda qariya ee walaalayaa; Allah s.w ka cabsada ee dhaqankan xun ee aan caadaysanay hadaan nahay ragga soomaaliyeed aanu joojino. May Allah. s.w pardon our sins both major and minor Insha Allah and may he guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. PS. Fadlan Ka raali ahaada canaanteyda hadaad si qaldan u aragteen. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Arsenal is Puntland's favourite team. Nice. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. BOB

    Maalin wacan

    Abaa...waa iga qoslisiisay wallaahi. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. BOB

    Maalin wacan

    Reer Soomaaliya hadaadan aheyn, reer intee baa tahay? Just curious. PS. Baigaduud? what a magac! Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. BOB

    Serena Williams.

    When you're watching football do you watch the players or the game? :eek: Watching THEM is watching the game...besides I don't find muscular women attractive, if you must know. Dhibka dhaaf. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. BOB

    Serena Williams.

    I was watching the game not their bodies. PS. Sheikh <----- this I AM NOT horta Sheekh Shariif Ma Dhalo un baan maqli jiraye ma runbaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Me & You I've been to a lot of places across this small world of ours I've been on ancient mountains basking in sun showers I've often smelt ocean breezes from under shinning towers I've also smelt the aroma of dew rising off desert flowers still I have yet to find my love a place that's truly ours we've lived a couple of places, danced on hard wood floors shared the same view together and opened hidden doors joyfully shared presents from each others favourite stores carry the tears and fears of children when the wind roars but never have we shared together a place that's truly ours I gave myself a helping hand, she gave me a new start I make her grounds firm to stand because she is my heart I changed my ways and made bouquets if we were apart pulled herself in my arms not saying my dinner was tart all this and my mind and heart wasn't yet a work of art the art to learn how to express Me through You I confess you see through me but all I can see is YOU keep us together and hold us near for the sake of Me & You. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Any team but Spain and the Scum PLEASE Breaking News: The African Withcraft Union better known as A.W.U has vowed to make Luis Suarez pay for breaking african people's already broken heart. they did not specify what exactly that they were going to do but they promised that he'll regret it as long as he lives. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Holland will beat Germany without a shadow of a doubt but I'm not sure whether we can beat ge' me blood? Oscar Cardozo...Dhoos Fowqal Dhoos Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. BOB

    Serena Williams.

    He's another England case even if he's a scot. When he looses the commentator never forgets to remind you that he's from Scotland but when he's winning he'll scream how blighty is proud of him. Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. I don't like Spain which means they will be Champions. :mad: They're a team full of cheats...from David Villa, Puyol, Sergio, Capdevilla, Sergio Ramos. :mad: Germany I've never ever supported you but now I do so you better not let me down. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. I don't know how many of you watch Tennis but today Serena Williams won her fourth Wimbledon title and 13th grand slam titles over all which put her 6th on the list of all time trophies won by ladies. I've seen Stefi Graf play and I used to think she was phenomenon and in all fairness she was but I wonder if she would be able to compete against the Willams sisters and still win trophies as much as she did because these sisters define the image of 21st century female athletes and they raised the bar to the heavens and if you aren't 100% fit and sharp both mentally and physically you stand no chance against them because of their power and athleticism and above all their sheer will to win is frightening which seperates them from the rest. I once heard one commentator say Serena is arguably the greatest tennis player of all time and my god I'm tempted to agree because of all the battles she had to win just to get here never mind compete and win trophis but the hardship she had to endure as a black girl from poverty stricken background just to step onto a tennis court and compete against not only rude and racist opponents but also racist and hostile crowds wherever they competed in. I don't know how many other girls would've been that tough mentally to compete against so many different opponents at the same time and still remain focused enough to finsih the job at hand. Today we see so many girls throw in the towel the minute they feel uncomfortable in their designer footwears or slight tightness in their muscles but ask Serena how many physical pain she had to endure to get here and see if she's ever considered to quit. Congrats Serena...You're a True Champion. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. BOB

    Football Pictures.

    VS I'm going to record this match...something tells me it's going to be a CLASSIC. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Cali Niikiyow are you sure you were watching the same game and not a recorded liverpool match? Uruguay NEVER had a clear chance in the whole 120 minutes while Ghana had at least 4. Back to the topic...the only thing that Uruguay had that Ghana did not have was LUCK anybody who says otherwise should stop wasting their time on Football and watch netball or bowling or dog racing or something. in the dying minutes just before the red card Uruguay were close to scoring an own goal and my friend turned to me and said 'If that was Ghanian goal, I promise you the ball would've crawled into the net...' he did not have to explain that to me because I knew exactly what he just the way it is Africa and luck just don't get along and as soon as Gyan hit the crossbar we both knew it was game, set and match. I AM PROUD OF GHANA Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: Don't like this Dutch team at all (except for one man of course). Andre Oojier Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: What a waste. Africans loosing mental strength again. it has nothing to do with mental strength but everything to do with LUCK...Penalty is a lottery...ask all the greatest players that ever played the game including Maradona. The Boys tried their best and they deserve to be COMMENDED and most of all deserve the respect of all of us AFRICANS...I'm PROUD of them. Holland will have a field day against the SCUMS . Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Party Bloopers extraordinaire...that's Urguay cheating their way into another win. :mad: Africa...even lady luck looks down on us. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. A&T you're still my uncle that I LOVE gaalo kubad ku kala adkaatay ina kala geyn meyso aniga iyo adiga...ISKU DHIIG baan nahay before anything else...just remember that. I LOVE Felipe Melo. PS. Let me know when Dunga is being LYNCHED Peace, Love & Unity.