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Everything posted by BOB
We (Somalis) are born and raised in Islam as Muslims, some are lucky to learn and gain deep knowledge than others, some are just left with the basics they've learned in the madrassa and as soon as they finished the madrassa stopped seeking and above all acquiring knowledge and the third and the last category is the group who barely know the basics and don't even know what it's to be a muslim and yet when asked about the faith they seem to have millions of questions than answers but instead of admitting their short-comings they blame the faith. We need to ask ourselves What Are The Fundamentals That Every Muslim Must Learn? Allah s.w says in the Qur'an (I swear) By the time.1. Surely, man is in (a state of) loss, Except those who believe and do good deeds, and exhort one another to accept the truth, and who exhort one another to endure (the consequences thereof with) patience. 2. Surah 103. This is an oath made by Allah s.w stressing that ONLY those who believe and do good deeds will prosper. Imam Al-Shafi'e (Rahimahu-Allah) said "Were this to be the ONLY surah Allah s.w had sent down to his slaves, it would have been enough for them". Diinta in la barto halagu dadaalo and trust me, you won't have doubts about anything...everything you ever wanted to know is already in the Qur'an...just give the Qur'aan a chance. Allah s.w Knows the best. Peace, Love & Unity.
That's Abou Diaby Kicking Racism Out Of Football PS. Julio Baptista's reaction in the 3rd pic is Priceless. PSS. Peace, Love & Unity.
If you believe me...I'd rather have Song than Mascherano Wallah. Mascherano has never impressed me at all and I don't rate him one bit, he does more harm than good, he commits unneccessary fouls at the wrong place at the wrong time and gets carded unneccessarily which in the end puts the team in trouble...he's same with Wilson Palacios. Nothing personal...just my opinion. Peace, Love & Unity.
^^^Aamiin Insha Allah. That's more like it...Well done brother Rashid. Peace, Love & Unity.
Dadaab Refugee Camp: I have never seen horrible killing like this
BOB replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun...Subhanah-Allah. This is beyond barbaric...this is sad and it brought tears to my eyes. Our people are being mercilessly murdered on all the corners of the globe including back home where we were supposed to be safe from these kinds of barbaric acts. What's happened to us? Why can't we just stop killing one another and realize that we are all brothers & sisters? when will we realize that our enemies don't care what tribe we belong to and which part of the horn we come from as long as we are Somali they will kill us? Innaa Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun...Wallahi this is sad, sad beyond belief. -
Originally posted by Archdemos: She wasn’t religious before, but principally identified herself as a Muslim. Why waste your time and energy when you knew the problem all along? How can she have doubts on something that she knows nothing of in the first place? Having worldly education does not make her smart whilst in terms of Islam she remains IGNORANT. Every question she has is found in the Qur'an from science & technology to history and philosophy and if she thinks she's smart, articulate, visionary, pioneer, sophisticated, futuristic tell her to read about Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (r.a), Fatima Bint Muhammad (r.a), Aisha Bint Abu Bakar (r.a), Hafsa Bint Umar (r.a), Umm Salamah (r.a), Fayruz Ad-Daylami (r.a), Asmaa Bint Abu Bakar (r.a), Barakah (r.a), Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan (r.a), Rumaysa Bint Milhan (r.a), Sawda Bint Zama'a (r.a), Zeinab Bint Khuzayma (r.a), Umm Salama Hind Bint Abi Umayya (r.a), Zeinab Bint Jahash (r.a), Juweyria Bint Al-Harith (r.a), Umm Habiba Ramla Bint Abu Sufyan (r.a), Safiya Bint Huyay (r.a), Maymuna Bint Al-Harith (r.a), Maria Al-Qibtiya (r.a)...may Allah s.w be pleased with them all Insha Allah. All these women were from different walk of life businesswomen, doctors, teachers, visionaries, leaders, pioneers, warriors & philosophers and they were all highly successful in their own right and they still had time to be wives and mothers so if the sister is really serious about wanting to learn her religion then she should dedicate few hours of her time to learn about these women and I'm sure she'll be able to understand what it means to be a muslim lady in the 21st century without violating the principles of her Islamic faith but if she's doing this just to get attention then tell her to find Ayan Hirsi who can do with a company as she's somewhere feeling lonely. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
Micheal Essien...Ooouch. Spike Lee Hova Peace, Love & Unity.
Even your own fans know that Chelsea players are RUBBISH. Peace, Love & Unity.
Racist. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Tuujiye: BOB muruqa caloosha kaaga fakaday see yeeshay? Abaa muruqaas sida cunug aan dhalay oo kale aan u fiir fiirsadaa nooh. lacag aa la galiyay oo lagu soo saaray muruqaas saaxiib...hadaa macnaheyga fahmeyso. Peace, Love & Unity.
Three RUBBISH clowns. Peace, Love & Unity.
Guess the team whose emblem is missing? Let me give you a clue...they're from Africa. Peace, Love & Unity.
Cabdoow ummadoo dhan buufis aa ku wada riday oo qof walba diet iyo exercise buufis la dhaho aa kuwada riday. Peace, Love & Unity.
^^^ A&T Anigu waxaan rabaa geel ma beesho aan WAAYO ARAG AHEYN oo aan hangaada isla barano. Laakiin mid dhowr jus iga horeysa tabar uma hayo oo markaan eray qaldaba igu tidhaahda Xaaji sidaa ma aha ee sidan bay hebel iyo hebel odhan jireen. Aniga marnaba waxaa iga dageyn inaan marweysto mid adiga ku taqaan...dee ma been baan isu sheegnaa hadaa ileyn waynu is naqaanaaye...awoowgiis la jannee aniguu rabaa inuu qub moos ii dhigo ka waran Jijiga, Awbarre, Dhagaxbuur, Raaso, Godey, Qabridahare, Shilaabo, Qalaafo, Wardheer iyo Denaan baan rabaa inaan lug ku wada maro oo qalanjooyinka jooga oo dhan aan iraa Salama Caleykum. Peace, Love & Unity.
You call Somaliland seccessionist yet you advocate for Puntland autonomous state with a different flag from the Somali national flag? What makes the existance of Puntland OK in your eyes and not Somaliland? What is the difference between Godane and Abdullahi Yusuf? What makes one an Angel and the other evil? Qabiil iyo qashinkiisa ayaad mashquul ku tahay while the world ay ku tartameyso in Mars la dago. Do us all a favour...get a grip Xaaji...you're embarrassing yourself. Peace, Love & Unity.
You call Somaliland seccessionist yet you advocate for Puntland autonomous state with a different flag from the Somali national flag? What makes the existance of Puntland OK in your eyes and not Somaliland? What is the difference between Godane and Abdullahi Yusuf? What makes one an Angel and the other evil? Qabiil iyo qashinkiisa ayaad mashquul ku tahay while the world ay ku tartameyso in Mars la dago. Do us all a favour...get a grip Xaaji...you're embarrassing yourself. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: quote:Originally posted by *BOB: PS. D!ridhaba ama Jigjiga ayaan gabar u doonan ee ma i raaceysaa? Peace, Love & Unity. Maya kuma raaci karo, laakin cid ku ka xaysa waan kuu abaabuli karaa markaad Addis Ababa gaadhid. Hadaad gabar halkaa ka rabtid, meel ka dhow anaa kuugu haya mid aanad indhaha ka jeedinayn laakin 3 ciyaal ah wadata. Habeen dhowyd inbay meel agtayda ah igala soo hadashay ooy tidhi halkaas ayaan joogaa. Caruurta ka bacoobin waa inan yare! hadee qof A&T soo wacda oo uu isaguna lambarkeeda hayo sideen ku aamini bal ii sheeg? waa dhurwaa hilbo ku raro waxaagu. Peace, Love & Unity.
Adiga iyo Malika sheekda waa badasheen oo meel kale aa ila aadeen. Peace, Love & Unity.
JB is more than saxiibkaa today oo waa xidid maanta ee sidaa u ogoow hadaba oo wuxuu ku dhahana u dulqaado anigaa kaa xaal marine. PS. D!ridhaba ama Jigjiga ayaan gabar u doonan ee ma i raaceysaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ That's called understanding football dee. Kubbada barta. Peace, Love & Unity.
NGONGE & Nuune are GLORY HUNTERS hadba kooxdii badisa ama ay is leeyihiin wax bay qaadan kartaa bay la jiraan...I will show you iyagoo kooxo kale u qeylinaya come the Euros in 2012 Insha Allah. Waar Naga Daaya Dee. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: lool! Bob, war the new Brazil is taking shape and look at the names who will [probably make up the 2014 team. Julio Cesar (34) Maicon (33) - Mario Fernandes (23) - Thiago Silva (29) - Marcelo (27) Hernanes (29) - Ramires (27) Kaká (32) - Ganso (24) Neymar (22) - Pato (24) Substitutes: Victor (31)- Daniel Alves (31)- Miranda (29)- Sandro (25)- Coutinho (22)- Robinho (30)- Nilmar (29) That's a wishful thinking but I'm sure almost half of the names you mentioned won't be around come 2014 Insha Allah and most certainly I can't see Kaka & Robinho still being around. PS. Maxaa ku daba dhigay reer S'Land iyo P'Land adigu? labaduba waa xidid ee faraha ka qaad ninyahow plus JB gabadh buu isiiyay ee isku xishoo sodoh baad tahaye. Peace, Love & Unity.
I was referring to a story one of the papers ran few months back about a group of "Somali' kids who had AK 47 in London and were bragging about dealing in drugs and even being hitmen for the right price and as it turned out it was full of monkey business yet the community said nothing, I presonally took that paper to one of the so-called community offices and the guy gave a ridiculous excuse and completely changed the subject. Our people waa dad iska reer miyi ah and they don't understand at all or have a slight idea on most of the things and I don't know how many older members of our community know that the media always targets the vulnerable and the defenseless to make their point and there's no one around to help them understand how things are run in the west and the so-called Somali community centres in where I live do not do anything at all for the community that much I can testify marka you're left in the company of the savages that is the media with no one to come to your rescue. Peace, Love & Unity.
May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul and ehelkiisana patience iyo iimaan Allaha siiyo Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.