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Everything posted by BOB

  1. That's true but laakiin ninkan reer Ijaaraa ah wuxuu taaganyahay ninkan mar dambe yuusan i dhihin 'Dee Orodoo na dhaaf waxyahow falani' aniga beer maan yehe bani-aadam aan yahyaaye mise asaan dusha ka saaranyehe mise meejaaneey uu leeyahaa wah! Ninka reer Qoraxeey wuxuuba dhaar ku marayaa ninkan inuusan Soomaaliba aheyn iska daa reer wiil iyo waran badan e sababtoo ah wuxuu ku leeyahay ninkan wuu dhaqan xunyahoo dadkuu yasaa oo markaad aragtaba 'Ar lee Galti xunaa tahee maxaas ogtehe' ayuu idhahaa buu ku leeyahay. Hadee waad ogtahay aniga ninkan Cabdalle ayaan garta siiyay ileen isagaa reer Waamo ila ehe, A&T markii dambe beezaani ayuu noqday oo waxaa iigu dambeesay isagoo ku haya...ilma adeerayaalow maad Waamo inan iiga doontaan waddankii gaari kari maaye, miyaadan rag tol ah aheyn' Meesha waa la isku wareersanyahay, iyagana gabdhaha Waamo ayey rabaan, anigana waxaan la yaabanahay oo aan la dhacsanahay quruxda gabdhaha xaggaa ka yimaada Maasha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Maya xuun aa i qaniinay...xuun ma taqaanaa? Ma ogtahay inuu af sawaaxiligu leeyahay eray u eg Jogo...waa Jogoo. it's the opposite of Hen...can you tell what it's? :cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Ras Kiamboni yaa ku baray? oo caawoo dhan intaa maqneed ma intaa baad ku maqneed? Anigu Batalaale maskaxdaan ka hayaa ka waran? Ok JB...caawo BOB aan ku baro, waxaan ku dhashay Kismaayo, Isbitaalka Weyn habeen Arbaco ay soo galeyso around 7:30-7:45. Hooyadey (May Allah s.w have mercy on her soul) waxaa ka umulisay maamo ay hooyadeed isku reer ahaayeen oo la dhihi jiray Xaajiyo Zeinab (Ilaahay naxariistiisa jannadii fardowsa haku geeyo). Waxaan daganaa xaafada loo yaqaano Calanleey oo ah xaafada ugu da'weyn Kismaayo...qaas ahaan meesha loo yaqaan Majengo oo ah meel ay wada daganaayeen Soomaali, Baajuun, Baraawe iyo Carab. Gurigeena waxaa xeebta ka xigay oo kaliya 3 guri taasoo keentay inaan aad iyo aad u jeclaado Xeebta jaceylkaasoo illaa iyo hada i haya. Dugsigii hoose ee aan dhigan jiray waxaa la dhihi jiray Bilal oo xeebta ayuu saarnaa...ooh allah maxaan magaaladeyda u xiisay...Ciil weynaa. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Adigu waxaan kaa dhigayaa isku dubaridaha arooska! ka waran arrintaa bro? Xalwo Kismaayo intaa cuni karto cun, oodkac intaa bacdhabi karto bacdhab, hariiso intaa dejin karto deji, qubo intaa yuunbin karto yuunbi, malaay intaa qararamsan karto qararamso, kac-kac intaa u daliigi karto u daliig, i cun intaa ka fara qabsan karto ka fara qabso, malawax intaa isku duuban karto isku duubo, saambuus intaa u qubeen karto u qubeey, baajiye intaa beerka ka garaaci karto ka garaac, kabaab intaa kadabdkiisa goon karto kadabkiisa gooy, mishkaak intaa mooleen karto mooleey...maxaa kaloo u baahantahay bro ii sheeg? Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Manxiis reer Kismaayo cidaan aheyn ii noqon mayso, cid kale aamini maayo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Maya maya reer Burco iyo aniga weligeen is fahmi mayno ee iga daa kuwaa ilaahay kheyr hasiiye...reer Batalaale ka waran? Bal eega ninkan sheekada aan jirin iga abuuraya! Imisaan ku lahaa inanta reerkeeda iiga doon oo aad ilaheyd sug? Adigaa waxaas oo dhan ka mas'uul ah oo intaan isoo gaarsiiyay sidaad hadba cashar cusub oo aanan jirin iigu dhiseysay. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. I thought it was about a man who would turn into a Hyena and prey on children like the stories we used to hear when we were kids...remember those stories? Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. NGONGE Nagaa daa dee...Norf laabtaad cadeesay you keep on shifting the goal posts. Between Lucas and Ngog who will have a better season? My money is on David Ngog. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Xisbigayga Durriyo makusoo biiraysaa aan jago kaa siiye? Ninkan waa nin maskiin ah oo aan waxba ogeyn, Kismaayo haduu tagi lahaa oo reer Kismaayood dhalad ah u tagi lahaa waxaa la dhihi lahaa Camoo Xamari maa tahay meaning reer Xamar maa tahay, taloow muxuu ku jawaabi lahaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Originally posted by Haatu: If you follow the Jubba up towards the ethio border-beenaad, you reach our brothers in Baardheere and Luuq-Ganaane. Waan gartay. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Brother ma fiicna in la fadeexeeyo walaalka dhibaataysan. inaan isu ceeb asturno ayaa aniga mar walba ila fiican even haduu isagu garan waayay inuu is asturo...weligaa ha hilmaamin this brother waa SOMALI marka waa inaad ceebtiisa ka gubataa ee ma aha inaad ku maadaysataa. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Waxaa la rabay inaa aragto nin reer Ijaaraa ah oo lo'leey ah iyo galti geel jire ah oo Qoraxeey ka yimi oo is helay! bal kaalay adiga is af fahansii. hadee markii dambe waxay tagtay in raggii lakala qabto oo lakala jiido. Horta taloow reer Jabuuti ma yaqaanaan Kismaayo? Reer Waqooyi Galbeed weyba na necebyihiin taas anigaa og oo waxay noo qabaan inaanba Soomaali aheyn. Meeshaas hadaan tagi lahaa maskaxdaan ka qabsan lahaa...bro hadaan reer Kismaayo nahay sida looga dabaasho waa naqaan...waxaa la arki lahaa anigoo duqa magaalada gaarigiisa la igu wado faxduu dhalayna waan hypnotize gareen lahaa. Reer Boorama ayaan rabaa inaan xidid la noqdo oo gabar ayaan rabaa inaan u doonto, 3 sano kadibna waxaan rabaa inaan isusoo sharxo madaxweynaha Somaliland anigoo wata xisbi cusub oo la yiraahdo Durriyo Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Zack...Xariifkaan intuu ku maqnaa the last 20 years? Ninkan hada koow leh Soomaalidu waxee u kala Bixi Doontaa qabiil qabiil...what were we doing the last 20 years? and I thought I was naive. Teeda kale macalinkaan Xamar iska dhaafee mid magaalo ka imaaday uma eka...ninkan leh weligeey ma maqlin Fooq, Suuli ama Laxoox. Anigoo Kismaayo ka imaaday oo hadana Baajuun kusoo dhex koray aaba garanaayo waxaas. JB malaha wuxuu mooday in Somaliland lagu caaynayo meesha that's why he didn't comment on it..the guy said great things about Somaliland and Hargeysa in particualr which is something you'd expect because Hargeysa waa magaalo weyn oo dad ilbax ah ayaa jooga unlike tuulada yar ee Burco (Sorry Obbo) The dude got issues with the word 'Xamaraawi' maskiin. "Huuno ma @aldaan baad tahay?" muu dhaho haba lagu kala yaaco meeshee. PS. I think he met Jaceylbaro who thought he was MMA in disguise. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. BOB


    Ramadan Kareem to all of you. May Allah s.w accept our fasting in this blessed and holy month and may he pardon all our sins and may he have mercy on the souls of all our dead parents Insha Allah. Brothers & Sisters...the blessed month is upon us once again so let's all take advantage of it Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Lafa yare meesha isaga carar yaan lafaha yar lagaa dhuuxine...Caracasaanyo fowqal Caracasaanyo. :mad: Who told you about Joga Bonito? A&T oo Jaceylbaro? Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Waa 65Kg markuu gashan yahay sadexda sarwaal, afarta shaati iyo 2 garan, 4 al falaax iyo sagaal socks ee normally miisaankiisa waa 48Kg. Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Wax naga qabtaan la'nahay ee yaa muslimoo ummadan waalan yac naga dhihi? @ Haatu...upstream ii jilci. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Competition aa? Agah! War geel beelaha maxaan ku compete gareenaa aniga iyo isaga oo ina dhexyaala war ileyn tanoo kale...baajuuntaa waxee dhihi jirtay markee wax ka yaabiyo arkaaan Salalah Muhammad. Ninkan iga qabo...rag la iskuma soo daayee siduu awoowgeen Cigaalba hore usheegay ee la hadal una sheeg in aysan jirin wax ina dhexyaala haba yaraatee ee wiiloow ninkaas fahmada jooji dheh fahmuu bestiis la yahaye . Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Ninkan aad igu soo weyrixisay maad iga qabatid? Ninkan meel aanan aqoon buu igala dirirsanyahay waxaasna adigaa ka mas'uul ah because word has it that you two are 'Tight' these days marka sida diidiinkii meeshaad iigu tashaneyseen sow Allah ma joogin? Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Taas weligeed ma dhaceyso...hadaad aragto kuwo Jubbaland iyo filin caato noocaas oo kale ah la wareegaayo waxaan kuu balan qaadayaa inay kuwaa reer Kismaayo dhalad ah aheyn waa kuwa aan ugu yeerno GALTI. Al Shabab waa lagu roonyahay oo magaaladu waa nabad iyo barwaaqo oo cid cid kale dulmisana ma jirto sida waagii hore marka waxaan ku dhihi ilaahay waa kuu roonyahay waana kaa roonyahaa cida nabadeed waaye ilaah xamdigii. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. I love Malays...I'm lucky to have met so many wonderful Malays in S.A and I can sincerely say that they're wonderful people with a truly golden all my 12 years in S.A I haven't met a bad person that I disliked. in Capetown there's very large Malay community who has been in S.A for centuries, they've Welcomed the Somali community with open arms and luckily for us we've rewarded them with some good Sheikhs who to this day still teach Qur'an and Arabic to their kids at the Mal'amas and of course quite a few husbands as well. it seems like in the next few years Malaysia will be the shining light of the Muslim world and something tells me the Muslims around the world will benefit from their progress. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. A&T aka Johnny Bravo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Bob'na ma badali karo oo lama hubo inuu Kismayo ka soo jeedo. Qaar baa leh waa Zulu. ^^^ Soomaalida waa wax laga faano beryahan, beenta iyo munaafiqnimadaan ku nacay nasiib xumada ihaysana waxay tahay Kismaayo weli kuma dhicin hergabka waddanka intiisa kale ku dhacay oo la yiraahdo 'Monkey Business Land' simply because waxaan ka imi magaalo weyn ee kamaan iman tuulo yaroo uu hal qabiil isugu tagay...Kismaayo waa Cosmopolitan city oo qabiil walba oo Soomaaliyeed from Bajuni to Barwani baa dega and we are proud of that. PS. Hadaad ehel iyo qaraabanimo ii diiday dee Muslim nimada ha ii diidin awoowgaa la janneeye. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Rule Number 1. Play the 'Wonderkids' far Mano Menezes seems to have done just that as he's already called up tons of youngsters. it is very import to build a strong squad and keep steady side in the long run, but when the world cup time arrives and there are new players just crying out for a call up, be bold and take a risk and let them play. Leaving Neymar and Ganso out of the squad was a crime against Football Socrates said that, however, the good news for the Brazilian fans is that Mano seems determined not to repeat the same mistakes...Let's hope he doesn't. Rule Number 2. Hire A Psychologist...and how they could've done with a mental guidance in S.A. Luiz Felipe Scolari had his very own lady shrink on the road in 02 World Cup to help shield players from the pressure, the result...they came away WORLD CHAMPIONS. "She had me thinking of my team not as footballers, but as men." said Big Phil, having grasped the importance of making sure his players didn't shrink like delicate flowers when things got tough. Rule Number 3. Drop those players who don't perform for the Selecao, for too long Brazilian coaches have picked players who don't reproduce their sizzling hot club form for country. If the big names can't perfrom as they do for their clubs, it's time to retire them. Rule Number 4. Get an experienced coach, playing at home, in a country obbsessed with football, will heap an extraordinary amount of pressure on the shoulders of any manager and only time will tell whether Mano is the right man for the job. "You have to get a seasoned coach, one that lived the good and bad times of the job, so he can master any situation" said Clodoaldo, mazy-dribbling midfielder from the 1970 winning world cup side, you hear that A&T. Rule Number 5. Book unfriendly friendlies, as the host nation Brazil will skip the qualifications, so it's imperative to play games against the world's best so the new generation of Brazilian players get a test of true world class action. Canada & Zimbabwe should be thanked for their past services, but in order to get the team ready, the samba boys have to face Argentina in Bombanera or Spain in Hostile Mastella. Rule Number 6. Build a team leader, Brazil's unparallelled disintegration in the second half against Holland could've been different if the team had a cool-headed leader, something the Selecao will have to consider for in 2014. "After Holland game, each player wanted to take matters in their own hands. This would never happen with a true leader on the pitch" said Felix, 1970 Goalie. Rule Number 7. Ban the touchline catwalk. No suits or floral shirts, please. Brazilian coaches have to don the good old Selecao track suits like Prof. Zagalo and Big Phil and worry only about the team's performance. every time a Brazilian national team coach dons a shirt and tie, like a European coach or creates a new catwalk trend, like A&T's boy Dunga did with his ill-fitting silk's disaster both on and off the pitch. Rule Number 8. Don't pick injured players, "I wasn't 100% fit" has been the excuse quitely muttered by a number of Dunga's men on their return to Brazil. the question is, then, why were they there in the first place? Since Pele retired, there's not been a player worth taking if he isn't fully fit. clearly Kaka was not anywhere near 100% fit yet fully fit Ronaldinho, Adriano, Ganso and Neymar were delibrately left behind and since it's unlikely that the next Pele will amerge in the next 4 years, the motto for 2014 should be simple, If you're not fit, stay at home son. Do all that and Brazil might just stand a chance of glory and A&T will have a field day in my absence because I'll quit SOL. This was of course the courtsey of Four Four Two Magazine. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. Everybody in here is the reflection of the Somali nation as a whole...FULL OF HYPOCRISY. Peace, Love & Unity.