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Everything posted by BOB

  1. BOB


    This is my favourite qari reciting Surah Al-Rahman with English subtitles. May Allah s.w reward him with khayr Insha Allah and may he guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. BOB


    The overwhelming majority of Somalis including myself love this Sheikhs' recitation (Maasha Allah) and I'm sure many of you in here do as well so in case if you've never seen him before here he is leading salah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. BOB


    Jazakallahu Khayran Insha Allah Walashiis. Very emotional Dua by one of my all time favourite qari...May Allah s.w reward him with khayr and say Ameen to the Dua Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Reer Kismaayo waa dowlad, reer Hargeysa waa ilbax, reer Boosaaso waa akhyaar, reer Garissa waa dadkeyga, reer Borama waa ehel, reer Qandala waa qaraabo, reer Qalaafe iyo Qabri Dahare waa ciyaalka xaafada laakiin reer Xamar markaan ku leeyahay kuma jiraan reer Waaberi, Hodan, Xamar Jajab, Shingaani, Xamar Weyne, Shibis, B00ndheere laakiin inta kale iyo reer Burco waa meel walba yaalow MOOS. Adiga Mzansi ayaa lagaa celin la'yahay sooma aha maanta? waan kuu sheegi ee iska dhici. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: You must understand my Somali because waad ii jawabi and having a normal discussion!!! Yet you claim I can't write Somali. The reason being my Somali is excellent...simple as that! Maraba qof cusba baa iisla so tagay Af Somali baan ku baraya! bal adaan isaso taag waxad keentiid and no strings attached. I know you want me to sweet talk the family of the 18yr old for ya No Strings Attached? Careful people might interpret it the wrong way...I don't hide behind any agenda that's reer Xamar's especiality plus I'm not that devious, However I am seriously thinking of cancelling my proposal simply because I can't afford to have enemies as I'm too old to defend myself. Mzansi waa Legend...he has friends from Central Africa Republic...have you even ever seen one? He has friends from Burkina Faso, Friends from Mozambique, Friends from Angola, Friends from Liberia...ninku waa universal nomad unlike you oo yaqaana Burco iyo London oo kaliya. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Qoom kasta cadowgooda wuxuu ka adkaadaa marka ay is khilaafaan. Xaaji Rooblow, Hadaba Soomaali yaa ka dhaadhicin taa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Mzansi ayaad hada caynaysaa sooma aha? waan u sheegi ee meeshaa geli lahayd ayaa la iska doonayaa! Juxa waa walaashay laakiin maalmahan dambe reer Xamar bay igu noqtay oo Nina iyo Tuujiye ayay igula goobataa meeshee iga celin laheyd. :mad: Af Soomaliga anigaa ku baraya don't worry laakiin cidna ha u sheegin because this IS NOT Somali Juxa you just want inaand magatiid, don't hide behind me to attack her BOBow and cadiso waxad ka raabiid Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: I know you know I speak like iilan ariid dex joogta, next time fake ears na so gaasho bal. Even NGONGE wouldn't understand this...bal maxaad soo qortay noo sheeg...people are bombarding me with PM and they're flooding my inbox with questions...they want you to explain what you just wrote! You don't want inaad iga xanaajiso? Booloxooftadii reer Xamarka ayaad baratay beryahaan...I knew Juxa inee ku wareerin doonto ...Do you watch Indian movies as well? Which one is your favourite. Tuujiye waa reer Shingaani sheeganaya inuu Towfiiq ka yimid and he speaks reer Xamar's bila macno Somali...I agree but what about Mzansi and KK? Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Idinka walaashay Shukulaato & Malab aa igu dirteen oo wakaa hada wee iga xanaaqday... :mad: Nina adiga iyo Juxa topic'ga been been aa ku hijack gareeseen...anigaa focuska isaarteen geedkaas madaxa weyn ee reer towfiiq ahna oo Chelsea ku qarwo calankuu idiin wadaa markaasaa leedihiin reer Xamar faraha ka qaad! :mad: Goobasho aa nafta iiga qaadeen...mid jalaafo ii dhigto, mid garbo duub ii qabato, mid timaha i jiido, mid i xagato, mid i qaniinto iyo mid kab igu garaacdo aa igu wada noqoteen wax iga kiin celiyo oo idin dhao waraa maskiinka iska dhaafana ma laha...Mzansi, Ibti, Malika, N.O.R.F ayaan isku haleyn jiray iyagiina xarash ee ii qabteen oo wee ii aamuseen. Shukulaato & Malab...Walaashey raali noqo...Saambuus iyo Malax dambana ma cunaayo waan joojinaa...beriitana Gymka aan iskasoo qoraa haduu ilaahay idmo...haye dheh. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: That aside, I know 100% ciid aad Qald@n uu gu yeedey never gave you a girl, let alone miid 18yrs jirtey to an old toothless man. Now why do you broadcast about my toothlessness to the rest of the world? :mad: I wore a fake set of new tooth when I went to ask the girl's hand in marriage and I got away with it...if you must know! What does Damiin mean? ^ stick with me another year and BOB and his waamo lahjad suuqa baad gelin Juxa qoftaan intee waxaas run moodo bey af aan cidna fahmin oo ay iyada kaliya taqaan la imaan doontaa meesha...maskiintaan ha waalin East London mosque and White Chapel maryooleyda joogto hadee ka baran waysay weligeed adi kaama baran karto. Can I tell you something, don't laugh but I find it easier to write southern Somali than reer waqooyi This had me rolling on the ground with should start hanging out with Mzansi, KK iyo Tuujiye and see if you can understand their Somali...if you do then I will never ever call you Damiin again...I PROMISE...but if you fail...God have mercy on you. ^^^Qabilkee ba deega or what is their political orientation? I probably have a good friend from those areas and I have subconsciously adopted it. Subxan aya yiid soonka lama qoslo? bidcad iska daa! P.s. Maybe I do have those signs behind the head and shoulders iyo eyes after all, no wonder the xawal man's were confused. wax baan isku xaladey! La Hawlah Wala quwwata Illa Billah...I haven't laughed this much for a long time...I blame Juxa for all this...iyadaa ku waashay...waar stick with your natural dialect, iska daa kan Koonfur intaadan ku waalan. Nuune...Gabarta haku qoslin sheydaan baad tahaye...Af Soomali aabihiis oo aroos aa la tusay meeshaan. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Nin cad baa caqli leh bee hadhoow ku dhihi. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. I know it's not Kismayo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Argagixiso iyo nus aa tihiin adiga iyo qoftaan Shukulaato & Malab waaweyn aa leedihiin waxaas ha cunina iyo waxaan cuna! Waxaa nasoo xasuusiseen waagaan ciyaalka aheen oo nala dhihi jiray nac nac ha cunin, shukulaato ha cunin, jalaato ha cunin...Ok kaalaya hee idinka wax noo kariya aan ku afurno waayehee hadii waxaan cuni leheen aa na dhahdeen qashinka ku shuba! :mad: Aniga waxaan rabaa Qubo iyo muufo baraawe iyo Qare for casho Right Now. :cool: PS. adiga jooji accusationska...mar walba waxaa i dhahdaa thread aa Hijack ku sameesaa...waxaan ka cabsanaa in dadka markee wax soo post gareeyaan ee soo raaciyaan Notice: BOB Please stay away...adigaana waxaas oo dhan ka masuul ah. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. ^^^Chelsea to win the Champs League? Stop mis-leading Tuujiye waa Ramadan...waxaas intuu akhriyo uu run u maleen doonaa! Come on Young Boys waar wuxu magac ku qaab daranaa geel beelayaashu! I hope to God Spurs get knocked out with away goal rule so I can laugh through out the sweet would that be? I've never seen a Somali guy supporting Spurs until I ran into mid aan u mooday inuu Tuujiye yahay oo hadana ku sheekeynaya inee Spurs ka Championship badantahay The One and Only Arsenal, the greatest football club London ever had. Only Tuujiye is capable of making such claims because illeyn waa nin gasketkii marhore gubay oo oilka iyo biyiihii isku daray. Arsenal to win if not...Inter if not then I hope no english team wins...who cares about Chelsea and Man Utd. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Bob, rawka i iis hee, nitee goojtaa rawyaa? Ni'dhah ruuni aaku hadhay, sitaaqrufulaahda dabso... Nadteey aaw sika faadhay uk hey, da'iga aayku riyi xawgaas ka rifik? Nad aat buuso, nimikaa uk qono is dinaam he, leemo riifriifiska faadh!!!!!!! Raweegto Gula Dac...lifinkaas aam neektay dahana? Xawaan goojaa rajiisada laqmaadiinta ee dauunka gu'u cejelyihiin. Sssshhhhhh! Lawaaley naiga xaw am riifiyi kaaliin nabi daa'am naa ha'ay ramka xawaa cadheeso daigoo leem lake riifi si' hadhaayo aa xawaa shi'a ku baqanee dheeshaamad waaqan...laagada sheemtaan goojaana laagnimo tixaa eew faadheen oo gamac lake yio niid lake ni' ool daariyo yaawe. Baladaada coodhilood ak rawan? baa ahoodna uuw ciifanyahay oos am ha'a? Maanta lasagna, kalaankal, malawax, steamed koosto and other veggiesna, and fruit salad mixed with mango pulp dhinaca aa menu-geena ku jiro bariga...Soo dhowaada, biniya lee laakiin... Afur aan caadi aheen waaye alabtaas...qaraar aa nagu dilee yaakhe ma naga dhaaftidoo? dhareer aa naga socdo hada! Nina and Shukulaato & Malab lee yee ku maqlin hadii kale iyagoo garuun wato ee miiska kusoo kor dhici doonaan. Aniga Lasagna aan adduunka ugu jeclahay ilaahay amarkiis...xaf naa rakin rakin la'aabtaas am sioo shago...qasho am uk hili looh ulaato yiada yaawe...desex iyo bakeheeda iyo cabteeda damoow ee daaqanee lijib iyo lusuxna aaw gu'u radaa. Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Originally posted by Juxa: i stand to be corrected lakin ma aan caayin HARIISO, the name waan ka naxay kaliya, that was first time i heard and tasted it it was like ma aqan wax aan ku tilmaamo yaqey ps: faheema is definetly from kismaayo! Ma aqaan waxaan ku tilmaamo ee ku leedahay ka waran? Hariiso intii lagu siiyay aa leedahay waxaan ku tilmaamo ma aqaan! reer Xamarkiina yaaqe saan iska badala waxaan ka daree waaye markaane...see camal yaakhe! :mad: Faheema must be from same neigbourhood as me...if she's from Calanleey then I'm sure at least our families know one another... Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Spanish Goalies and their howlers. Joe Hart is going to be a world class goalkeeper...pity he plays for England because he will always be bound to concede a comical gaol....waar England are cursed. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Originally posted by Juxa: hahahaahahaha ^^cali iyo cabdi baruur yaan la idiin bixin BOB i cant remember last time i ate xalwo, the other day faheema gave me something that is called haruuris/haruurin(sp?) i miss xalwo, la iima keenin moogiye waan cuni lahaa inkastoo waayahan arkay iney arintu fiicneen hadana majecli inaan dhibo naftayda eat what i like at that moment Caayda jooji Juxaa...wax haruuris iyo haruurin la dhaho ma aqaan aniga laakiin waxaan kasaa Hariiso...haye ka waran faraha ma is goosatay? caadi ma aha alaabtaas...Oh my god...My mom (Allah u naxariisto) used to make it for us, waan kuu sheegay mar hore...Kista wee idinka horeesaa, Xamar waxba kuma heesaan...Faheema reer Kismaayo miyaa...hadee tahay Salaan Kal Iyo Laab Ah Iga Gaarsii una sheeg inee Hariisada ay wax igasoo gaarsiiso....intee laga helaa...Please iisoo ogoow I definitely would buy it Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Hadaan sheeko bilaabo waxee i dhahaayaan Threadka aa Hijack gareesay marka waa inaan iska aamusaa. Abaa sheemtaan Noos am uk ciifna lawaahi...Fa'rika naa u siixay...samaajid aa lagee ruqaan aa si'ka ra'khinee, sheemtaan Summer aa galu rijaa gaanaha oo nadh radh nux ee shaganyihiin...gamaalada am daai...nad sakta oo giasoo shago naaw u baqtaa...gaanahaas radtood...ilaahay sheemtan giuma lido Bacdoow sii oo ducee bro...keeshada ramkee si'ku cadhto aaw soo qononaa Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Salam Aleikum W.W I don't want to be rude or disrespectful in any way to anybody here but brothers & sisters prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h gave 30 or so examples when describing the signs of the Munafiq (Hypocrite) marka brothers and sisters may allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. 1.Falsehood and Lying 2.Treachery 3.Showing insolence and licentiousness in argumentation. 4.Breaking one's promise. 5.Laziness in worship. 6.Showing off. 7.Lack of remembrance of Allah. 8.Hastiness in prayer. 9.Slandering those who give themselves freely to good deeds from among the believers and the righteous. 10.Mocking the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the Messenger, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam. 11.The protective oath. 12.Disliking to spend for the sake of Allah. 13.Desertion and abandonment of the Muslims. 14.Originating false rumours and causing sedition. 15.Finding fault with Allah's decree. 16.Bringing down the honour of the righteous. 17.Remaining away from the congregational prayer. 18.Causing mischilef while claiming to establish peace. 19.Outward behaviour contradicting what is in the heart. 20.Fear of unpleasant events, incidents and happenings. 21.False excuses. 22.Commanding the evil and preventing the good. 23.Tying one's hands back out of stinginess. 24.Forgetting Allah. 25.Denial of the promise of Allah s.w and His Messenger p.b.u.h. 26.Concern for the outward appearance and neglect of the innner condition. 27.Eloquence, long-winded speech, boasting and bragging. 28.Lack of understanding of the religion. 29.Not sinning in front of the people (due to fear of them) but showing boldness to Allah by committing sins in secrecy. 30.Rejoicing at the affliction of the believers with a calamity and being saddened at their being touched by joy and pleasure. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: LOL! You are kidding right? If you take away the qaxwo, green tea, and water. Lets see, I eat a piece of fruit and timir for afur. Ok. And sometimes I add one sanbuus. I eat brown rice and veggies OR whole wheat past and veggies OR a salad for dinner. Not all at the same time mind you.I just pick one. I have a few dates and a glass of milk for saxuur OR oatmeal with a glass of milk. Not both. And you're telling me I eat more? You want to kill me? Thats even less than a 1000 calories. Bal do tell what you eat and lets see how much it amounts to. I'm not kidding ee gaxwada iska kala yaree before you turn into a Warewolf or something. teeda kale waxaa isoo gaartay saambuuska intaa ka cunto maba xisaabisid aa la dhahay malawax kii la dhahaayena isaga haba sheegin oo ma noola maskiinka... Juxa iyada baaf Xalwo ee ku afurtaa oo wax kale ma cunto...she's on diet Aniga every single day I eat new stuff that's the disadvantage you'd get markaa maqaaxi ka afurto but I usually eat bowl of mixed fruits 2 fish sambus, 1 or 2 malawax, porridge and at least 4 glasses of either Orange, Pineapple, Avocado or Watermelon juice and that's it...casho iyo aniga iskuma saqajaano...suxuurtana waxaan cunaa bariis cad iyo sour milk or soor iyo caano. Peace, Love Unity.
  22. Waraa Tuujiye adiga wararkii fadhi ku dirirka aa noo keentay...Lukaku is not going anywhere...he's staying with Anderlecht after he snupped Chelsea & Real Madrid. Geedoow see camal adiga...xadiis daciif oo aa marfishka kasoo maqashay aa meesla la imaanee. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Nuune & Norf I'm surprised that you both focusing on Arsenal when in fact you should worry about your team which did not create one single chance to speak of for the whole 90 minutes! You guys are also forgetting that we were playing at Anfield and not at Emirates and to be perfectly honest other than the present we gifted to Ngog you offered nothing in terms of attack and like NGONGE said had we had Cesc and Van Perfect on the pitch we would've thrashed you. Pool's defence looked shaky through out except when dealing with set pieces as Hodgson opted for man marking rather than Rafa's zonal marking which clearly failed you guys last season. Diaby owned Cole and I'm convinced his erratic and dangerous tackle was purely out of frustration and he thoroughly deserved to be sent off but on the other hand I thought Kosceilney's red card was harsh as I remember Ngog doing the same thing and getting away with it. :rolleyes: Arshavin's laziness is embarrassing to professional football and the sooner he realizes that the better because I don't think the fans would tolerate such Monkey Business again, being out of form is understandable but being disinterested and not showing any sort of desire to help your team mate is inexcusable and last but not least A&T's cousin Ebue should stop shaking his bloody head when subbed, who does he think he is? Henry or Bergkapm? Zu don't even get me started with Almunia. :mad: I know Arsene is not looking at Given but even if we did I don't think City would sell him to us for the simple fact that we're their direct rivals and every man and his dog know our weakness is the goalkeeper so why would they solve our weakness when they would want to exploit it? Fulham goalie is better than the Clowns we currently have but if it were down to me I wouldn't waste my time on him, I would go after Hugo Lloris because we're looking at potentially 15 years maximum here as he's 24 and what's £15-16 Million when it would get you 15 years of service? I don't know about trophies but I'm absolutely confident that we’ll finish above City and Spurs. We'll beat Spurs both at home and away...they're our eternal whipping boys...they win once in every decade or so. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Askax Madax Dhagax...Don't you know that it's Ramadan? Ilaahay ka cabso ee dhibka dhaaf inteesan il kugu dhicin. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. Shukulaato & Malab You eat More than Nina...hadee see wax u jiraan were supposed to teach us about this strange word of Less Cuntada hala iska yareeyo sidaan wax soconaayo ma aha... PS. Qaxwada badan blood pressure ee leedahay ee be careful. Peace, Love & Unity.