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Everything posted by BOB
AYOUB;695239 wrote: I do believe the Ka'aba and Makkah as places very special places. I believe it's where Ibrahim(AS) placed and left the gift of Black Stone delivered by Jibriil from the Heavens, and there must reasons behind it's chosen location. I just put all mentioned about the Ka'aba miracles in that context. Brother Ayoub that's the whole point...forget about the formula and ratios as a Muslim we know that Mecca is one of the three cities most beloved to almighty Allah s.w so iska daa Johnny B warkiisa...nin kibir u geeyay inuu inkiro jiritaanka allahii uumay...ma wuxuu rumeynayaa magaalo ayaa Miracle ah? Aniga iyo science xiriir nagama dhexeeyo...xisaabtaan xoogaa yara fahmaa. Peace, Love & Unity.
It's a sad day for football as we're left with Bendner, Carlton Cole, Marlon Harewood, Dirk Kuyt, Solomon Kalou and all the other rubbish so-called strikers you can think of to watch...football is dying a slow death. Like I said countless times before...Ronaldo was the best player of his generation by a country mile and we will never know how greater he would've become had he been little bit lucky with injuries which eventually took their toll on him. Peace, Love & Unity.
Johnny B;695079 wrote: Sxb, waa la is fogeynayaa ilaa Q-dahhare, Tii fudeydka badneyd degtay sxb, wataa ku waalatay , "alla beerka", iyo "waxba iima dhadhamaan" Anna waan ku sii giijiyaa oo idhaahdaa , beer gaani, "coucha haba, nayaa". :D:D Peace, Love & Unity.
Shiisha (Badeecad) has become the new Jaad especially amongst the wiilasha iyo gabdhaha yar ee Soomaalida ah. Peace, Love & Unity.
This is written by the great Somali poet Omar Benale for his beloved Rahma Run Badan. the incomparable mirror of a new bold light that makes my universe shine so bright found deeply in your hypnotic eyes will forever be there for you and I to reach for our love is so far beyond the outer space we formed a galaxy of our own with our heartstrings sealed with thousands of heavenly rose coupons like a full moon our love shall brightly be shown. PS. I'm happy for you Val...you thoroughly deserve it walashis. Peace, Love & Unity.
Liverpool not only were they painfully unlucky yesterday but the linesman cost them dear as well and now what would happen if Liverpool missed the champs league spot because of that linesman’s error? Last week it was Stoke getting two clear cut offside goals that eventually helped them win the game then Bolton were denied a legitimate penalty while Spurs got two joke penalties and yep you’ve guessed it...Bolton lost the game...I mean if I had to go through their mistakes in one single week we’ll be here until next week...these guys are really making me dislike English football. I watch every other big league in Europe and I promise you, you won’t see a game defining mistake from a linesman or a referee and yet they are not even professional referess/linesmen unlike their English counterparts....waar qashiinkan yaa ka qabta dadka. PS. Rooney scored a great goal yesterday but City should never have lost that game...Mancini is so negative and coward it's ridiculous. Peace, Love & Unity.
OZ Good to have you back bro. I just want to know why the so-called ‘Premier League’ referees and linesmen are so useless? How incompetent is the person who picks these clowns as the best in the whole of England and what criteria did they use when they were picking people like Phil Dowd, Mike Dean, Lee Mason and the rest of them to justify their £70,000 per annum salaries? No single week passes without them directly influencing the result of a match with silly mistakes that someone good at his job should never make which leaves the fans asking/wondering if these guys actually know the rules of the game? They always interview the players, managers after each game why can’t they grant the media an access to these guys so we can hear them trying justify their mistake laden performances week in and week out and I would’ve loved to hear them explain why do they keep on making costly errors that eventually is going to cost a team the title or worse send the wrong team down. I know they’re humans but sometimes I honestly think there’s more to it than an honest mistake otherwise their constant mistake would not have favoured one team over the other and who in the world can tell me that it’s a mere luck that ONLY Man Utd tends to get 'The Rub Of The Green' week in and week out whilst others are denied a legitimate advantage or hindered by a silly call one of them makes? Peace, Love & Unity.
Brother Gheelle...Wax shaki ah iigama jiro reerka aan ka dhashay mana arkin waxaan ku shakiyo ee laakiin waxaan ula jeeday oo kaliya inaan dadka tuso in aan isku heysano oo aan isku leynay waxaan la hubin...I know wado dheer aan soo maray laakiin xoogaa waxaan rabay inaan dadka maskaxdooda iyo teydaba alameento siiyo. Kismaayo warkeeda jooji hadii kale hadee Ibti waxee ku dhihi doontaa qabyaaliiste aa tahay sida aniga oo kale. Luanda waa kasoo caro gedistay shimee...hada miyaa? PS. Wallee Sayid Qardho iyo aniga waxbaa nakala heysta soo ogaada. lakiin runtaan u sheegaa oo waxaan leeyahay waxaan oo dhan Juxa ayaa mas'uul ka ah. Peace, Love & Unity.
Taleexi THANK YOU...bal dadkan intaa kaliya ayaan weydiiyay markaasaa meel kale iyo adduun kale afka la ii saaray. War Nuune...bal tartiibso adiguna ee warka dhuux marka hore intaadan billaawaha igula boodin ina aabow waa ku sidee? Qabiil iyo Qabyaalad lagama hadlaayo mana ihi qof macnuhu ka maqanyahay ee waxaan kaliyoo su'aalay dadka...Qof kasta qabiilka uu sheeganayo horta ma yahay? Diinta ha iga saarina oo ha iga dhigina qof ayaada ilaahay inkiraya oo leh qabiil ma jiro..Billaa Caleykum Ya Somaliyun madax adeega joojiya. Peace, Love & Unity.
Taleexi, I am very keen to find out the final outcome...Bro Please keep me posted Insha Allah. Bilan (Nice name)...walaal waad kululaatay ee is deji...First I am not here to prove anything to anyone and *Blessed I am not denying the existance of Qabiil at all but all I am saying is there's something fishy going on for a small nation like ours to have so many clans! This is my theory, We all agree that we are nomads and as nomads we all know that we've moved around a lot thus making one family come into contact with several other families and then decide to live and die amongst them for god knows how long, now all I am saying here is couldn't it be possible that so many sub-clans could be from one of the said inter-marriages and they're not who they were told they are? I mean there's every chance that lots of families still live amongst other clans as one of the family members simply because they've been part of that said clan for as long as they've been around! *Blessed...Walaal sheekada kumay iman inanka inanta loo diiday ee raali noqo Juxa baa waxaba isku wada dhex qastaye. PS. Sayid will be very pleased. Peace, Love & Unity.
Prometheus iyo wixii lagu yiraahdaba....af lagaadada naga daa waa lagaa xishoonayaa ee xishoodka garo, caqliga aad sheeganeyso xaqa haku tuso ee waxaan kugu waaninayaa inaad dadka diintooda iyo caqiidadooda af lagaadeyn...jiritaanka ilaahay in la inkiro hadaad ilbaxnimo mooday adigey ku dhibeysaa, in la is xishmeeyo ayaa mar walba fiican oo aan loo dhaqmin sida caruurtii oo dacaayad iyo sarbeeb iyo waxaan loo joogin lagu dhaqaaqin, keep your greek mythology and let me keep my Islam...is that too much to ask? May god guide us all through the righteous path. Peace, Love & Unity.
Subhanah-Allah Peace, Love & Unity.
He said 'He couldn't bear another public himiliation in front of his father'...Now you'd expect some one like that to be bitter and hold a grudge against the family but not this guy, ilaahay wuxuu qadaray inuu odaygii u baahdo wiilkuu gabarta u diiday oo uu humiliate gareeyay...wuu ka roonaaday oo wax walbo oo uu ka rabay ayuu si sharaf lef ugu qabtay markuu u dhameeyana wuxuu ku yiri...Madaxa gabartaada oo aan jeclahay ayaan kuugu sameeyay wax kasta oo aad iigasoo baahatana oo aan awood u leeyahay diyaar ayaan u ahay inaan kuu sameeyo.:cool: Calaa aya xaal ninku wuxuu gabar ka qabaa reer caan Europe ka ah oo adduunkoo dhanna laga yaqaan bal ka waran kuwii uu ka dhashayna Nasab ma tihid ayeey gabar ugu diideen marka waxaan intaas ula jeedaa Qabiil wax faaiido ah oo uu leeyahay lama arko Soomaaliyana waxay carada ilaahay ugu dhacday oo uu burburka iyo halaaga aan uga bixi la'nahay waa dulmiga iyo munaafiqnimada aan iskula dhex jirno iyo ilaahay oo aan si cad oo toos ah ugu wada jisaarnay. PS. Whenever we're talking/discussing about Somali affairs I prefer to write in Somali so that only those who it was intended for should understand and if you're Somali and can't understand my rant then I'm sorry...learn your mother tongue if not then blame it on Juxa. Peace, Love & Unity.
[quote=Juxa BOB, maxaa dhigey guri? i dont approve raga guriga jooga har iyo habeen period. i wont bash men in general as i love the men in my life to bits but kii wax ka qaldan yihiin waa inloo sheegaa no? and why waste good anger bal? anger is needed as fuel to help you survive in difficult times, it shont be wasted Haye what do you suggest I should do habeen iyo maalin? Go to marfish? start hanging out at fadhi ku dirir cafes? go to shisha places? danteyda xataa markaan soo dhameysto guriga inaan imaado mala ii ogolo miyaa? hadee waxaaga waa sheydaan noqo ee maa ii sheegtid xaajiyo? Peace, Love & Unity.
They will go down. Peace, Love & Unity.
Err...not as far as Somalis are concerned...unfortunately! The thing is, our people still hang on to some of the pre-islamic customs and beliefs which is mind boggling to say the least. I met a Somali guy through a cousin of mine and we've become relatively good friends...he told me about his story and I was shocked and embarrassed at the same time...gabadh Soomaliyeed bay waxay isku barteen University and they decided to get married...gabartii markii uu doontay waa loo diiday oo waalidkeed ayaa u diiday...waxay yidhaahdeen Nasab ma tihid...I could understand haduu yahay qof xun oo aan diin laheyn oo saqajaan ah but come on...waa nin fiican oo salaadiisa tukada oo ilaahay ka cabsada and top of that waa nin aqoon leh oo wax bartay....anyway ninkii ended up marrying naag cadaan ah...some of you might know im hadaan sheekadiisa sii dhex galo so intaa ayaan uga harayaa.... My point is...imisa hablood baa maanta gaal iyo qashin aan la aqoon raacayoo xaaraan lagu heystaa? Kuwaasi ma nasab baa? I know the question will be returned to me....so let me answer before hand. I don't care Qabiilkuu yahay ninkasta oo soomaaliyeed oo u qalma in gabadh la siiyo dee aan TOTALLY wax balwad ah laheyn :)waan ku darayaa gabadhaan dhalay as long as ay iyadu raali ka tahay. Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
Dee maxaad noogu sgeegi weyday oo aad nooga qarisay?:mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
Horta did you notice how Juxa beryahaan joined Somali Men bashing brigade? I understand the reason behind some bilcaamos' anger at maryooley 'MEN' (Yeah they always generalize all men) but Juxa? I am heart-broken and saddened to see Juxa deserting us...what will become of us now? Kool-Kat is not here anymore...who will come to our rescue? Peace, Love & Unity.
Sheffield? You should go to Anfield as it's not that far away and get Lucas' autograph for Ngonge... Peace, Love & Unity.
Friday night sitting in front of the telly watching footie...Juxa just woulnd not approve that...she will say something wrong with us. Peace, Love & Unity.
Boowe maxaa is badalay baryahan? Goormay kala dheceen xeeradii iyo fandhaalkii maxaase kala riday?:confused: JB, Dee waa maxay af lagaadadu? Anigu Tuulo kamaan iman dee billaa caleek....I'm from Kismayo the same city where ay iska dhiibaan lagana qaabilo dadka kasoo qaxay Qardho. Naxar...I asked for an authentic Proof I didn't ask for the place where your Tolka reside sxb and you failed to provide it the same way Sayid failed....illaa iyo hada waxaad meesha la timaadeen reer hebel baan ka dhashay oo meel hebla daga iyo waxaan la aqoon which like I said is nothing but a Monkey Business. Aniguba I can post stories that my Grandmother (God rest her soul) used to tell me but I don't want to sound like one of those clan crazed junkies running around with nothing but legend tales told by herdsmen with nothing better to do as I cannot produce an authentic written proof that some of the names we claim as ancestors even existed...who can proof that men called D!r, D@rod, H@wiye etc existed other than what we were being told and let's be honest some of the stories we hear would make 2 year old child feel cheated that's who stubidh they sound...at least to me anyway. The only thing I can proof is that I can live freely any city or town in Somalia or wherever Somalis live...be it Nugaal, Mudug, Bari, Hargeysa, Burco, Berbera, Borama, Mogadishu, Djibouti, NFD, OG'enia, Kismayo and no one can dare touch me...Go Figure.:cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
For Somalia I seek refuge from my hurtful sadness caused by this madness where tragedies of our yesteryear still haunt our tomorrow hatred consumed our hearts and today shame is bemused infants are executed mercilessly and fairies abused openly a whole generation is reduced to a wandering mute ghost from the beginning of my being to my turf in the coast for those whose souls borrowed by the bloodthirsty evil sow the sorrow my fallen Somali nation reap today I grief in silence while watching motherland weep when the nation’s once shining star fell from the blue sky we fell prey to the ungodly devil when we stopped praying we embarrassed kindness when we openly embraced cruelty drank from the poisonous & shallow wells of betrayal to watch our enemy devour us is what we chose gambled our dignity away and today we lost homeland I curse whose soul brought my kind’s untimely demise may their eyes never find rest even in their sleep for they silenced my brotherly voice inside you all may the almighty resurrect the guardians of the beloved faith may he deliver us from the unjust of these times we live in. Think I may have posted this before but well...why not again? Peace, Love & Unity.
Let Me Be: I know this man who lives alone solitary mind and a life all alone expects nothing for he's a lost soul he doesn't dream, he doesn't imagine years have passed, he's only a has been his mentality is justice, he's above the law heart in pieces, he's been loved and crossed voiced in anger, he's wrongfully accused inner actions are fake, he wants to be true looks in the mirror, he doesn't see himself reflects his nightmare, he's a bleeding hell reaching out in fear as his hands disappear trying to escape the worst in himself while bringing the worst in himself out running from what keeps him level minded going out of reach into endless peaks while pushing away the ones that help him down he's gone 6 feet into his fourth dimension his mental state has exceeded the limits a midget on step ladders, he's coming up short unexplainable pain with a hammer in his lungs every mistake is another nail in his coffin he stands trial to himself, he'll never live. Peace, Love & Unity.