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Everything posted by BOB

  1. The Zack;718543 wrote: Bob, good points sxb, one claim that those born and raised in Mombada or Isiolo are more Kenyans than Somalis.. Waa adoo miidhan LOL. Anigu I was born in Kismayo and ONLY left 1991 however, I do have a Sijui blood in my veins as my Hooyo was born and bred in Mombasa marka Anigu I'm 100% Authentic Somali unlike you know who!!! By the way I have a beautiful memory from Garissa and to this day whenever I hear the name I smile knowingly. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. The Zack;718502 wrote: Is somebody from Garissa considered to be sujui? I didn't think so. Technically YES but then again those in Nairobi and Mombasa will disagree hence why they are known as Viatu Mpira Kabo Imbiiro... Have you ever met those born and bred in Isiolo? Goodness me...waxaan ka bartay kuwo ka badan 20 oo wiilal iyo gabdho leh laakiin weligeey waxaan u dhigo ma arkin...'re OFFICIALLY the chief of wabongo clan on SOL...from now on wards I know who I'd want to have a word with in case I have a misunderstanding with them. Ismahhaan...Does this mean gabdhaha mar dambe lagama maqlaayo Aboowe Ma'da Weyn I geey meaning Mcdonalds? How much would a dinner for two Grown Ups cost by the way? Can you get extras...meaning hadee kugu yaraato Suubis Ma Jiraa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. BOB


    Aaliyyah;718007 wrote: eww@. Even the gold teeth in Bob's the dude that old that he has fake teeth..mise qurux bay ka tahay..wa iga suaale? LOL Silver's silver and not gold...Are you trying to find out how young I am? Malika is the best representitive after your parents that you can hope for and she's fighting with tooth and nails for you marka adigu sit back and we will inform you about the outcome pretty shortly Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. BOB


    A_Khadar;718117 wrote: BOB, I am with you with other stuff, but not Xalwo via Kismaayo part.. I have heard not too many good things about that place marka nagaadaa dee meesha waad nagu wareeerisee plus the Xalwada has its name (Xalwo kismayo) but made in Mogadisho.. It was just barrowed name from Kismanyo.. That doesn't mean it's originated from Kismaayo.. I haven't seen good Xalwad in Kismaayo.. May be that place is good with fish and fruits plus nice beaches.. But waters wells and sewards leak to each others.. So it's possible you may drink your own waste in Kismaayo... lol.. Whoever brainwashed you into believing that in Kismayo we drink our own waste owes you a refund because clearly they haven't done a good job. How old are you...12? Bal intee ku yaalaan baa laguugu yidhi Ceelasha iyo Sewageka isku darsama? I never claimed that Xalwo originated from Kismayo but rather stated how we make The Best Xalwo in Somali peninsula...something I doubt you'd know about since you've never been to Kismayo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. BOB


    Wuxuu ka hadlayaa weatherka oo uu leeyahay...For most of the year the climate in Cagtaa Lehel is simply perfect: blue skies, warm weather and gentle breezes but there are only two seasons - the wet and the dry. The wet season lasts from November to May. With some months averaging over 400 mm of rainfall. The dry season runs from June to October with rainfall averaging approximately 35 mm.During the wet seasons tropical cyclones (hurricanes) can influence the weather, but Cagtaa Lehel is built to survive the elements and has weathered scores of cyclones in the past. Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. it's all Arsene Wenger's really is. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. BOB


    Aaliyah...laguma xamanayo ee weynu ku amaaneynaa. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. BOB


    I didn't say I will spend the rest of my living days on my knees...come on, do you think I'm mbongo? Stop putting ideas into Aaliyah's head...Reer Kismaayo waa god fearing, honest, hard working people. it's not entirely our fault if ladies find us irresistible...:cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. NGONGE;717268 wrote: ^^ The last team to beat United at the theatre of prawn sandwiches was Chelsea and I would not bet against them doing it again. I also see no chance that THIS United side can in anyway, shape or form beat THAT Barca side (war they could not beat them when they had better players in their squad, you think they'll beat them now with this rubbish team?). NGONGE...I've been saying all along that Chelsea are desperate for a playmaker and if I, of all people could see coulc Chelsea not see it? Mikel, Essien and Lampard would never create nothing if their lives depended on it...not against big teams and definitely not when it matters and as far as I'm concerned Chelsea lost the plot when they allowed Deco and Ballack leave without any kind of reminded me of a certain London team called Arsenal. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. BOB


    Mambo yetu ni kichini chini... Aaliyah hawezi kukataa...nitaomba mpaka akubali. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Nuune...hadaad guursatay maxay xoolihii lagaa bixiyay qeybteydii iisoo gaari waayeen? Waxaan maqlay Jinnigu waa sida Hinduga oo hablahaa xoolaha siiya reerkaay wiilka ka guursanayaan... Where's my 20 she-camels? Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Valenteenah.;717289 wrote: The Bin Laden story has truly been a boon for conspiracy theorists. It's going to go and go and go. BOB, Bristol huh? Well, I guess, as SOL reps, we need to officially welcome you to the UK. So, welcome! :cool: Val...I've been in Bristol for a while now...didn't Juxa tell you? Juxa and Ibti knew all along and they didn't even tell you? no wonder they wouldn't even invite me for a cup of tea...!!! Thanks a lot my sister...I appreciate it. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. BOB


    Juxa;717264 wrote: Indeed war ma wadeyno ee hore u soco, BOB wuxuu BOB ahaa markuu kismaayo cadeey joogey, me not so sure about this new BOB. carry on Juxa...illeyn qofyahay waxaad ku taqasustay sida qof BUUFIS loogu rido and if I didn't know better maryahaan tuuri lahaa as of right now. Malika...pole then I thought you've never been outside of Dar for your entire life kama Juxa. Malika...hadaad Aaliyah i siisay aad iyo aad baad u mahadsantahay because something tells me that she will quickly learn how to make a magnificent fish salad and Xalwo... My coastal charms is as toxic as it's ever been but I'm forbidden to display it on public forum... Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Chelsea will be beaten by Utd at Old Trafford...I can't see them winning at Utd never mind the title. PS. I can't believe this crap Utd will be crowned as Champions of England but if they go on and beat Barca...dee kolleey anigu kubad dambe daawashadeeda waqti ku lumin maayo.... Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. BOB


    Naxar Nugaaleed;717030 wrote: lol @ Bob, there is a story from a marriage between one of the daughters of a Garaad or sultan of maakhiir named kaaha and the son of a Garaad to the south from SSC. It is said that the SSC guests at the wedding reception sang "naaheey kaaheey, kurus Geel iyo Kaluun wala kala sooca" just to prevent any fish from intermixing with their hilib, should tell you were Malika and Aaliyya stad as for as any sea creatures are concerned. Horta aad baan u fahmay maansadu halka ay ku socoto iyo meesha ay ku socoto LAAKIIN baa ku jirta ogtahay in Kismaayo ay ku noolyihiin reer SSC oo tira badan oo natives ah? marka kuruska geelana waan la naqaan kalluunkana waan kaga aqoon badanahay marka all I did was offer the best of both worlds to Malika's great grand parents are DEFINITELY from Kismayo...alllow yaa baadha!!! so as far as I'm concerned Malika iyo my distant cousin who could've easily been born in Kismayo just like me instead of Tanganyika. lol:D Juxa...Waagii hore ayaan Ceeshow Milix eheen sidaad LAWYERAD u noqotay waan kaa cabsadaa oo markaan ku arko adigoo halkaas soo socdo, jidka dhanka kale aan u gooyaa...weligeey waxaan maqli jiray Lawyer lama aamino..marka...war maan wadeenaa hee... Malika..kwanza have u ever seen angamia? sema kweli... Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Waar there is no Geel in Hawd nowadays...there's been some torrid droughts over the years which unfortunately many lives has been lost both in humans and in livestock... Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Poetry Your words move me swifter than the current of the ocean floor your voice is soothing as it's formed through vocal chords absorb me into your everlasting fantasy endless in bliss; the glee overwhelming ecstasy smooth to the touch...arousing my senses with presence I kneel at the sight...your aurora humbles peasants you wow me through intellect...none can out do you beautiful without an other girl compares to you take me with you where ever it is that you relocate so I can retain my sweetness forever in my domain........ I Hate Poetry... I hate this terrible form of expression because of poetry I experience depression due to this ‘art’ I witness my other side through every second verse I mentally die I converse with my psyche and argue with my mind my emotion caused the commotion I believe is that your own emotions what I have achieved? me to reach this mental state I was relieved to escape emotional pain….I was deceived its starting to thrive therefore I'm taking a nose dive I'm starting to think about love again...Oh Poetry once more love is starting to corrupt my brain I hate this pain which my brain has manifested I wish I never read that first piece of poetry but I did it unknowingly...I Hate Poetry. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. BOB


    Geel waxba kama ogi waa runtaa...teach me all about it then!!! Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Aaliyyah;717002 wrote: ^^heedhe mid kismaayo ka doono xalwada iyo kaluunka kula fahanta lol Che...Haye boqol halaad iyo nirigtooda ma heysaa oo meel maku ogtahay right now? Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Aaliyah 100 halaad bey dooneysaa ee waqtigan halkeen ka keenaa 100 halaad? Xoolihii qaadhna amxaar baa laayay qaadhna abaar iyo cudur...hence why I'm offering her Xalwo iyo Kalluun. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. BOB


    Malika;716993 wrote: ^Xal moyaani wax kale marabnoo - maa gabadh reer Buhodhle ayuu leyahay kaluun baan sinayaa iyo bareyaa...maa reer Kanshale yuu saan maqliin ninkanii hee?..Loool ps.Bob - sharpern the coasty charms on that note, I shall hit the sack! Umekuwa mlendo siku hizi nini? lol ati angamia lool We're in the 21st century...tables have been's the women folks' turn to charm men...Aaliyah is already doing that by teaching these rookie lads on SOL about Xeedho...yet the saddest part of it all is none of them got the hint........Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. tolla'ayoo tolla'ay...I've aged...I've aged indeed. Aaliyah I'm sorry huuno...raggii ragga ahaa wey gaboobeen. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. BOB


    Aaliyah, Nobody makes Xalwo as good as we can...Yeah I know even in Baydhabo, Beled Weyn, Burco and Borama they have Xalwo, however we all know it's not as authentic as the one yours truly is referring to...and about fishing, If you're health conscious then you can't look past fish as it's good for your body and soul and I'm offering the golden opportunity to learn how to fish for FREE and you're throwing it back to my face? in Mafia culture some one would've 'Made an offer that you couldn't refuse' right about now...Capiche?:cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Che -Guevara;716909 wrote: ^Adopt starving street children in Somalia. First I need to ADOPT bilcaan before I can even contemplate on brining a child to my house otherwise gaajaa ku dili meesha maskiinka...sooma aha? Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Innaa Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun.... Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. BOB


    Aaliyyah;716965 wrote: Bob aww thanks for your compliments walaal. And, no unfortunately I have no plans to get married just yet lol..this is just a general discussion .. I Love General Discussions...halkaa inooga wad. Imika Xeedho ayaad dooneysaa miyaa sheekadu? Anigu Kismaayo ayaan ka imi huuno kow dheh ee Xeedhada intaad naga deyso Xalwo sida loo sameeyo ayaan ku barayaa kadibna sida kalluunka loo dabo ugu dambeyntiina waxaan ku bari doonaa sida loo kadhiyo ee ka waran arrintaa? Xeedhadu ha inoo dambeyso oo markeynu Buuhoodle iyo Laascaano tagno ayaan ka wada hadli doonaa Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.