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Posts posted by BOB

  1. NGONGE;780404 wrote:
    ^^ Were all those trophies he won you a fluke? Was getting you to the CL final a fluke?

    You are worse than NORF, saaxib. He used to say the same about Benitez (even though Rafa won us the CL and got us to the final two years after that). A good manager does not become rubbish all of a sudden. Arsenal's real problem was the sacking of Dean (that's when it all went pear shaped).


    (Support your team warya).







    Arsene was never a tactician and never had a style of his and this whole ‘Wenger Ball’ monkey business was started by the media. Another factor is Arsene had a monopoly on the French and Anglo-French talents for years thanks to a world class scout called Damien Comolli (Liverpool’s current director of football) and when the rest of the premier league teams found out about this, they swamped the French academies by dangling their big cheques and bribing the parents with houses, cars and cash and it’s not a coincidence that ever since Comolli left Arsenal and been replaced by Grimandi Arsenal never recruited a French youngster with so much potential.


    David Dein was a winner and a smart businessman too unlike the tortoises we currently see at the helm who broke the unwritten fundamental law of business by investing in the property (Arsenal FC) in order to make money and we all know the more investment you make, the greater the profit will be hence why Utd keep on making profits simply because they remain competitive where it matters the most…on the pitch.


    This old bag basically sold his soul by accepting big fat cheque (6 Million pound a year to be precise) and how on earth can he get paid more than Fergie? I will always support Arsenal but that doesn’t mean I can’t call spade a spade which is exactly what Arsene has become for the last 6-7 years and I can’t support him blindly just because he’s the most successful manager Arsenal ever had, I’m not deluded and most certainly I’m not stup!d and NORF was right about Benitez as it was all clear that the man had lost the plot and was running the club to the ground which is exactly what is Arsene doing to Arsenal Football Club.



    Naga Daa Dee.










    Peace, Love & Unity.

  2. The sad reality is, it could’ve easily happened to us instead of them, we are not better than them, most certainly not smarter than them but luckier…that’s all there’s to it.


    May Allah have mercy on their souls and grant them rest and prosperity for they couldn’t find that whilst alive.












    Peace, Love & Unity.

  3. NGONGE;780047 wrote:
    ^^ I thought it was correct substitution at the time. The kid, though good, did not (does not) have the know-how of Arshavin. If anything though, I believe Wenger is wasting Arshavin on that right hand side, he should play him down the middle and allow him to be the star of the team.


    Come on NGONGE, The kid was by far the most dangerous player wearing an Arsenal jersey on the pitch, he created the goal and he was in his elements and wanted the ball all the time which I'm sure would've resulted either Fabio getting sent off or another goal for Arsenal and another assist for him. I'm not and wasn't against Arshavin coming on but what I'm against is him replacing Chamberlain rather than Walcott who has been a mere spectator. The guy is a championship player at best and Arsene should be brave enough and cut his loss and flock the donkey from Arsenal ASAP.


    Arshavin should've done better in marking Valencia as the whole defense for their second goal and Alex Ferguson sensed blood the minute Arsene bottled it by taking off Fabio for Park because once Arshavin came on he knew that side was as good as vacated and wouldn't you know it, it happened as he'd expected it...Arsene should bury his head with shame because the guy has been making those same mistakes for 6 years and getting the same results and the fans still believe he's an intelligent man...yeah right.









    Peace, Love & Unity.

  4. I don't know about you lot but I don't know that many educated (properly educated..I'm talking about the whole 9 yards) who are decent enough to have a normal conversation with let alone have a positive impact on you. I've met a drunkard who had PHD in human science who was sick with qabiil. I've met mid kale oo aan garan kari waayay meel aan ku tiriyo sababtoo ah his name was Mohammed and he said he was a muslim yet he didn't say one good or positive thing about Islam the few days I've been talking to him and he was also PHD holder in veterinary microbiology but he was as Somali nationalist as any man or woman I've ever met and couple of others including mid ayeeyo ah oo sigaarka u cabeysa sida inuu daawo yahay...marka I'm sorry if I don't have a good thing to say about the few I've met but kolleey anigu waxaan u arkaa in kuwaasi ay wax macno leh Soomaaliya ama Soomaali ay kala maqneyn. mid aaminsan in diinta Islaamku tahay waxa dhibka keenay iyo mid aaminsan in Soomaaliya ay qabiilkiisu maamulaan simply because he thinks they're the most educated and ayeeyo aan xishooneyn oo lasoo taagan Soomaaliya gaalada halagu wareejiyo dumarna madaxweyne iyo prime minister waddanka halooga me we're not missing out on anything when it comes to the so-called educated..let them leave and I hope they never come back as long as they're still confused about who they're and which side of the fence they stand.










    Peace, Love & Unity.

  5. Samjamaa, I don't know whether you're a sister or brother but all I can say is trust almighty Allah s.w and have faith in him and he'll never disappoint you. If you're a good muslim then I'm sure Allah s.w will bless you with some one pious Insha Allah. pray Istiqara and everything will be ok Insha Allah. Good Luck. Salam








    Peace, Love & Unity.

  6. NGONGE;780037 wrote:
    Bob looks at SOL's discussion and assumes that all Somalis are lazy or don't care. But how could a country suffer a war for over twenty years yet have buildings being built, universities being run and lots of basic institutions existing (more so in the case of SL & PL)?


    I admit I haven't been to politics section for years now however I've seen many continue their bickering from there onto Sports, General or poetry section and that tells me all these years nothing has changed and people still continue to argue, fight and curse each other over their stup!d qabiil and you know what the funniest thing is, I can count with my one hand on how many SOLers on here that I don't know which tribe they belong to simply because we're literally forced to read about one's qabiil everytime they fart as it will be posted on SOL. now can you blame me if I class such group of people as tribalists rather than nationalists? I can be classed as Lazy too because I've given up on Somalia, I'm not neccessarily accepting defeat but rather being realistic...does that make sense? Lol



    As for the Mzungu other than the strong wordings he's absolutely right and those Africans you mentioned that go back home do it not out of patriotism but out of me on this.








    Peace, Love & Unity.

  7. NGONGE,


    First and foremost Congrats on beating City last least you'll win a trophy this season.



    Secondly I think you agree with me now on everything I've said about Arsene Wenger..the game against Manure summed the guy up when he replaced Chamberlain for Arshavin.







    Peace, Love & Unity.

  8. Hey Seeker, Long time no see...I hope all is poa kwako Insha Allah.



    There's nothing to defend here as the mzungu is absolutely right, of course he could've chosen his words much wiser but I guess that's what you need to say to when you're dealing with some one in a trance and in my opinion the so-called african intellectuals are in trance.


    As a somali most educated somali men/women I've met come across as vain and fake and completely out of touch with reality especially when it comes to our country...I'm sorry to say this but I cannot defend our intellectuals as I think some of them are part of the collective problem we face as a nation whilst the rest either don't care or too scared to grab the bull by the horn.


    Just look at SOL politics section to realise how grim the future of Somalia looks as these retards posting on SOL were supposed to be the beacon of hope to our fallen nation but it looks like they'd do far worse damage than those savages before them.







    Peace, Love & Unity.

  9. Our Children:



    Explicit lyrics censored, expressions choked to death

    while they justify mass murder, kids are taking their last breath

    her face tells a million stories, yet she's afraid to speak the truth

    they no longer fight for peace but for the freedom of their youth

    another day, another bullet, another tear drop down her face

    another child leaves for the graves as others soon take their place

    as the world shakes around us we all stop and take a look

    realising all we see is a world already shook by the heartless crook.








    Peace, Love & Unity.

  10. Somalina;776843 wrote:
    Abwaan, inuu Maadeey caroodey waaku saxsantahay, threadkaan ayaa dhibaaya. Laakiin wax xun oo aniga igu yiri ma arkin, hadal aan ku qorey Women sectionka ayuu igu soo celiyey (qeybta ugu danbeysa) asagoon fahmin ula jeedadeyda hore (qeybta hore); suxuuufiga ayaan u tilmaamey asagana meel kaloo aadey.


    Carafaat, Liido lacag uma haysidee beenta naga dhaaf. Reer Hargeysa waay joogaan Xamar ka wareyso guryaha sicirkooda intaadan bixin.


    Showqi, adigaa mudan.


    Maasha Allah, waa weynaatay markaan oo af Soomaaligiina waa baratay, Xashac caleek.









    Peace, Love & Unity.

  11. NGONGE;776769 wrote:
    (ama forget all that and become a glory hunter that chases teams that win, City ayaa la amaanay baryahan).

    LooooL...I am not Tuujiye or your mate A&T you know? Lool.


    I’d rather support QPR than Mancini’s City who I do not think will win the league by the way as the man (Mancini) reminds me of a certain gentleman named Ranieri, Remember him? He’s doing a brilliant job at Inter now and has managed to turn them from relegation candidates to Serie A candidates and I was in heaven last weekend when they beat Milan.


    I’m afraid both our teams won’t make it to the champs league this season or next season unless we get rid of all these dead wood at our respective clubs and that includes your favourite Geordie who has been the biggest flop in your club’s history.


    I trust Man City will flock Adebayor back to France at PSG, the goat has been a revelation at Sp*ds and is one of the main reasons why they’ve been flying thus far. City didn’t think Tottenham will be this good otherwise they wouldn’t have loaned them to him and they’re smart enough to realize the positive impact he’s had on them and their manager ‘Arry is dumb enough to bad mouth the same club that has helped him with a proven premier league goal scorer…I guess a Sp*d will always be a Scum.








    Peace, Love & Unity.

  12. N.O.R.F;776697 wrote:
    Bob, welcome back. Ma Thierry Henry ba meeshan kugu soo celiyay?


    Thierry imasoo celinine heedhe I was hiding my face. lol I was there to witness his historic return by the way but the sad reality is King Kenny is turning Liverpool into another laughing stock and it's embarrassing to watch Liverpool who spent over £100 Million labour to beat QPR, at least at Arsenal the excuse we have is that we sold our two best players and replaced them with bloody Gervinho and Benyahood. Lol









    Peace, Love & Unity.

  13. NGONGE;776688 wrote:
    ^^ You're as fickle as Norf, Bob.

    Welcome back by the way.

    Stop pretending waryaa, you know I’m spot on. The man has become an embarrassment to himself as all he does is whine and blame everybody else but his useless tactics and useless players. He’s destroying his legacy along with the club as he’s running it to the ground with his penny pinching mentality and youth policy which has failed so far.


    Arsenal has too many average players that cannot win you games when it matters most, the likes of Theo, Arshavin, Ramsey, Djourou, Rocisky, Benyahood, Gibbs, Diaby, Almunia, Chamakh (Denilson and Bendtner) all are average players at best, Spurs has better players than Arsenal, when has that ever happened? Swansea outplayed Arsenal, when has that happened? Wolves held Arsenal at Emirates, Fulham beat Arsenal in the last 10 minutes. I blame no one but Arsene for his incompetence when it comes to tactics and his lack of ruthlessness when it comes to getting rid of the dross that he has brought in.


    I’m not expecting Arsenal to finish above 6th at best and I’m looking forward to him and the bloody board explain to the fans what happened to Arsenal, a club that was universally admired for their brand of football and ONLY in 2004 went on to win the league unbeaten.


    I was offered tickets to watch Arsenal V Man Utd this weekend and I refused because I wouldn’t pay £50 for these lot as they’re not worth it.









    Peace, Love & Unity.

  14. Home.




    My mind feels jaded as my memories of home begin to get faded.

    writing love letters to my past hoping the romance to ever last

    eyes like pearl, soul enriched by the uncertainty of life unfulfilled

    filled with sorrow fuelled by the fake frowns I wear like a throne

    pain became part of me brought by the floods of the seasonal rain

    as I again lose my face inside fate’s train only to regain my faith

    sanity lost its sense the day humanity fled from my nation’s essence

    killing the dead for their unwilling to let live amongst the living

    filling the shallow graves with the empty souls of the evil infants

    mothers mourn for the loss of their toxic tongues of war mongering

    as fathers sell their souls to the foreigners farming for our young flowers

    enslaved by our lust for treason whilst we shame the free and freedom

    born free only to die a slave of greed and merchants of misdeed

    indeed they put Allah out of the equation, no need to question

    murdering the masses became the nation’s favourite past times

    innocence became the curse of weak and the wisdom of the freak

    my blood stained footprints led me to my tainted imagination

    as I lay myself to sleep I beg the lord to spare my soul from his wrath.








    Peace, Love & Unity.