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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Ndiyo najuwa Mwanza...nimepitia huko on my way to Africa Kusini lakini sikusikiya Sharif Shamba. Amani, Mpenzi & Umoja.
  2. I love your has a classic ring to it. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother Red Sea...I never Knew Borama was this wonder i chose there as the hometown of my future 3rd Wife Insha Allah. Don't Worry..waan ku marti qaadi, xoogaa yarna waan kuu laabi not as a bribe but dowry si aad seedi fiican iigu noqoto Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Salam Aliekum W.W I always find myself defending the dignity & the name of our people and at times I have to defend it against fellow Somalis but that doesn't necessarily mean I am more Somali than you are or the next man, however, I am not stup!d or naïve enough not to see their shortcomings and their shortcomings is what gets to my nerve most of the time. Before you jump your gun, remember I'm not asking them to be perfect as perfection got nothing to do with it but I believe with all my heart that we can be far better than who are today and I trust that isn't too much to ask. As far as I'm concerned Somali men lost the respect of their womenfolk and I don't see them winning their respect back anytime soon, especially if they don't change their ways. We, as Somali men, have a dismal track record when it comes to gabdheheena and I will go as far as saying "Gabar walba oo Soomaali ah oo suuqa gashay, nin Soomaali ayaa u sabab ah" I stand by my statement until proven wrong. Who caused this endless havoc that our country finds in itself? Nin Soomaaliyeed. Who chased dumraka iyo caruurta from their homes? Nin Soomaaliyeed. Who threw them overboard into the shark infested seas? Nin Soomaaliyeed. Who spends hours chewing bloody grass like he was xoolo while his beautiful beloved sleeps in an empty bed all by herself? Nin Soomaaliyeed. I mean, I can go on for the rest of my life pointing out how miserably we failed Dumarkeena but that's not my intention but I aspire to be part of the generation that win back the respect of our Dumarka and I'm willing to play my part to perfection just like how our fathers used to do back in motherland, brothers let's keep the legacy of Aabeyaasheena alive Insha Allah. I'm a Somali man as well but if one of us fails then that means we fail collectively and vice versa marka walaalayaal that's all I got to say. My brother Che...all I'm trying to do is make Faarax live up to his Xaliimo's expectations. -Lily- you are setting me up. Lol I didn't know your Faarax was into Mejia, I give credit where its due and right now..i'm afraid Faarax isn't worthy of any at the moment. Femme-Fatale...the Faarax of today is priceless like the MasterCard advert and you should be glad & proud at he same time. Cynical lady...wazimu wewe..ati shopping. Lol Faarax needs to be obsessed with 76ers or he doesn't stand chance miyaa? Lol Ole..thanks for the LOVE. I appreciate it. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by Emperor: Buguruni Buguruni? Kwa madini :eek: ? wapi tena huko? ilala tunaijua. Amani, Mpenzi & Umoja.
  6. cynical lady; Pia Das'lam sisi ufika siyo kitu kubwa. je unge kuwa umetoka Eastleigh usiliye ingekuaje? Nairobi Vipi ushawahi kufika? Peace, Love & Unity. Amani, Mpenzi & Umoja.
  7. Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother are you doing...long time! Brother...Faarax disappointed me big time and the reason why..i will try to explain some other time Insha Allah as i am rushing to the Mosque for Maghrib now....take care brother. Athena.....take a good care of yourself my dearest Sister Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Another Topic where i have to explain myself all over again... Brown, take it easy my need to pull off your hair as it was only meant to be a JOKE...and stop taking it personal..if you are GOOD....may allah reward your parents for that but i wasn't referring to you or all the brothers & sisters who come on SOL..because nobody i know from SOL is born in the WEST...and those that i know of who were not born in Somalia where born in either Kenya or Tanzania..marka macallinka fiiri hadaa intaa Africa tagtay oo lagu shaxaaday I'm Sorry...maybe you should come to S.A anigaa lacagtaa siisay kuu celinaayo.... Ceeb waaye dadka Jahil haku tilmaamin...wax la'aan jaahilnimo ma ahan. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Emperor, Wa Arusha ndiyo kwao Mt Meru..Ndiyo Nyumbani...Na wewe wapi? Magomeni mapipa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. I wouldn't know what 'Alright' is even if it hit me on the head! lol How are you doing..Your Royal Highness Ms Athena? How is everybody doing at home...did you greet your neighbours this morning when you were rushing to work? did you kiss Hooyo Macaan and tell her how lucky you are to have such a wonderful Somali lady as a Hooyo? are you going to give her a foot massage when you get home this evening Insha Allah? did you buy your friend a gift on Valentine's Day and tell her to pretend that it was the man of her dreams who bought the present and not you? shall i go on Madam? Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Originally posted by cynical lady: mimi ni wa bongo bob Bongo wa wapi...Da'slam, Arusha or Dodoma? Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Ladies many of you complain anything and everything about the present Faarax but believe me, the way things are going, the future Faarax will be far worse than any of his predecessors and here is why. 1-Since he is born in the West, he will have nothing but Dhaqanka Gaalada. 2-He won't allow his or your relatives to set a foot near his home let alone coming and staying with you as long as they wish. 3-He won't speak one word of Somali and he will consider the Somali language useless piece of his past. 4-He will drink like a fish and smoke like he was Abbaas Roti's bakery chimney and he will expect you to follow suit. 5-Will change his beloved Samatar into Samuel or worse Samantha. 6-Will let your son decide whether he wants to be circumcised or not as he will consider it to be an ancient custom his ignorant ancestors used to practice. 7-He will identify himself with the sporting team he likes and their followers instead of his reer hebel hebel tribe. 8-Expect to attend many fans'meetings in miles away from home so they could bond as a team. 9-Expect to get phone calls at ungodly hours from the cops because your husband started a brawl in a bar after his team got beat. 10-He won't be bothered if another man comes on to you in his presence, in fact, he will encourage you to flirt back. (Dayuus) 11-He will cheat on you for god knows who and what (yuck..I don't even want to imagine that) 12-He will encourage you to be a member of nude camps and expect you to go to nude beaches. 13-He will murder you for your life insurance money after he persuades you to take one. 14-He will ask your domestic worker to move in with him and inherit everything you ever owned including your great great great Ayeeyo's favourite necklace from your ancestral homeland in Horn of Africa. 15-He will never mention your name even to your beloved children once you are gone and when he does, he will tell them that you never loved them and you were such a bad mother. 16-He will spend fortune buying Christmas gifts when you could use that money on something more important like healthcare & education for your kids. 17-He will have you believe your great great grandparents were brought to the West on a plane from somewhere Africa as they were the victims of an Alien Invasion and never tell you the fact that you are in fact the result of the experiment of the imperialist’s new system of slavery. 18-He will know nothing of his roots except that he comes from somewhere far where humans live on grass like Xoolo just because he saw it on a movie meant for propaganda against him so he will believe that he isn’t human indeed. 19-He will despise himself and everything about him and he will hate each and everyone that look like him with passion. 20-He will make you a drug junkie so he can use you and sell your body to yours and his enemy without ever realizing that he’s selling his soul on cheap and above all, that he’s destroying the only source of his creating and existence. So Ladies who do you prefer..Faarax, Samuel or perhaps even Samantha? Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^Bob, this is only soccer. could you find the 20 richest clubs from all sports? there is no other sport as great as FOOTBALL...not soccer.. remember that. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Originally posted by Northerner: What did Henry greyhound say/do to Neville? I didnt see the game When Van Persie scored the equalizer by beating the ball to Neville, Henry said to him "Give all my love to your Mama" but in French though, so Neville didn't get it and went over to Henry busy celebrating with Van Persie and said... "Excuse Moi Monsieur Henry, what did you say my King Henry?" to which he replied.. "Stop farting when trying to defend against the future great Van Persie you piece of kaka and get your dirty butt off our turf" and Neville ran and went off crying swearing never to set a foot on the pitch again until Henry apologized and promised to give his jersey at the final whistle and our Captain, the generous and the great as always, agreed but on one condition.... he will score the winning goal if Neville wanted to get hold of the most sacred kit in world of football..which is our beautiful home kit and Neville as always the Judah agreed shamelessly and as they say the rest is history.... My brother North...i don't know exactly what Henry said to him but Henry appeared to have said something to Neville while still on his bum after Van Persie beat him to the ball to score the equalizer...its nothing...just the media trying to blow things way out of proportion as they always do every time Arsenal is involved... PS. Koyoti....I don't know about you but i knew we would win and i am afraid i jinxed telling my friends that he would miss it...just look at his face and how nervous he looked but i didn't think Baptista would miss.. i thought he would make up for his Liverpool miss...but what about Adebayor's miss? what a crazy game it must go down as one of the greatest FA Cup games of all the way did you know..everytime we beat Bolton..we went on to lift the Cup? Salama Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Salam Aleikum W.W My i said i will get to the bottom of this story Insha Allah the next time we sit and have a tea the meantime I don't want to be dragged in into all this attack & counter-attack.... I will never defend any one who insults Islam but I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt until i find out exactly what he said but I wont hang him to dry just because Salman Rushdie sang his praises and I will never go as far as comparing him to Ayan Xirsi which is utterly wrong and uncalled for.... I'm out and May Allah s.w guide us all Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: NOW since the Valentine is over ,,,, i need the report ,,,,,,,, where did u go what happened and so on ,,,,,,,,,, After I had a nice dinner with my buddy and partner in this nice & trendy Somali restaurant, not to mention very affordable, we went to the Mosque for Isha prayers and then went to fetch another friend and then came back home and sat in front of the TV to watch Arsenal kick Bolton's behind.Wwheeeew :cool: all in all it was a wonderful day just like any other day spent with family & friends and of course watching my beloved Gunners. Sorry to disappoint you mate, I don't discuss my significant other in open forums but I am willing to tell you that I don't wait a certain day in the calendar year just to buy something for her and lady knows how much she means to me and how I feel about her..i don't need a bloody card to say it for me... How did yours go and how many girls from SOL did you send free Valentine Cards? Stoic...nifunge mlango na nizime taa nini kaka? lol Cynical wewe ni Mkenya or tz?...naona unamenjoy beste wangu..muoneye huruma tafadali kwa sababu ni maskini ya mungu... Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Salam Aleikum W.W First and foremost I would kindly like to ask the brothers & sisters from both sides of the fence to refrain from uttering something that they would later regret and please do not let your emotions undermine your decision making ability. Thanks in Advance. I personally know Nuuradiin Faarax and I have had the privilege to spend sometime alone with him many times and one brother above wrote that he's heard that he's a Christian..Subhannah-Allah. would he fast Ramadan or pray if he was a Christian? My point is, he's no less Muslim than the next man. There's no point in arguing what he said and what he meant by that as none of us can explain exactly what he meant by what he said, Somalis say "Hadal Nina Si Uyiri Nina Si Uqaaday" and I wouldn't make a rush decision concerning whether he's meant to insult Islam or not if I were you lot. Give the man the benefit of the doubt and let him explain because believe me there are a whole lot of people waiting for him to explain what he meant by that and before that let's just wait for the dust to settle. I will get to the bottom of this story Insha Allah as soon as he comes back home here in S.A where he lives with his Nigerian wife and their two children marka akhayaarta odayga yaa lagu saqajaamin oo aan la af lagaadeen because we all know that is Un-Islamic. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....Ssshhhh don't say it out loud or my dusty behind will be kicked out..i told her that i am 20 something years! Good to know you are still around my Brother... i have to go...time for Asar prayers...take care and pass my Valentine Greetings to my Dumaashi. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by Farukh: Should theiry henry publicly apologise for the incident with chris kirkland wigans goal keeper ? i thought that was unsportslike of such a talented player. Henry should publicly apologize to whom? My brother Farukh first & foremost Salam Aleikum W.W (great name by the way) secondly, are you kidding me here? I find it funny that you accuse Henry of unsportinglike behavior and completely ignore Kirkland's blatant & annoying attempt to cheat since they went ahead with a cracker of a goal...I give Danny Landzaat to that....Wasting time is also Cheating..isn't it? Are you saying Kirkland was right to waste time? and what amazed me most was the referee didn't utter a word to him and Lehman tried to follow his cheap stunts once and what does the referee do? book him and thanks to him tonight he will be out of the crucial F.A CUP tie away to Bolton for collecting 5 yellow cards. You know, I also had a United fan complain to me about him taunting Gray Neville and he even went as far as calling Henry "A Disgrace|". Now, I would have criticized Henry if he did it to some one else but he did it to Gary Neville, the same guy who ran more than half the pitch across to Liverpool fans just to taunt them when Ferdinand scored the late winner last season at old Trafford and to be honest I haven't heard or read one United fan condemn his tasteless taunting and for me that is called Double Standards. I agree with Wenger 100%, Henry didn't do anything wrong , in fact I would've preferred him to have done it when we scored the winner..Kirkland got exactly what he deserved and I hope he will learn from his mistake and remember that Honesty is the Best Policy. I don't know why Jewelinho is complaining about..What penalty? That donkey called Heskey should've been sent off (just to spare him the embarrassment of missing so many easy chances that even my granny could've scored) for elbowing and breaking young Djourou's nose ( I bet you didn't notice that) and how come no one ever mentions Adebayor's legitimate goal ruled offside by the same linesman who forgot to raise his flag when Flamini was clearly offside (a friend of mine who's Arsenal nutter joked that the linesman was so amazed & delighted at Arsenal's move that he felt he would commit a crime against football if he did deny us an equalizer) or when Gael Clichy was tripped in the box by one of their defender (or are we gooners, the only once to have seen it?). if you are looking for the slightest of contacts..then even Henry should've had a penalty! My point is there's no way Wigan should blame the referee for their players' failure to defend and to blame the poor Ref for losing 50 Million if they go down? I found that sickening because he's enticing their fans to repeat the same thing that the Chelsea fans are accused of doing and that is against the spirit of the game. I understand if you argue that Wigan didn't deserve to lose but then again we lost 5 games already and tell me anyone of those games that we didn't deserve to win, never mind losing brother football is a funny old game and we've all had decisions go against our teams one ay or another and all we must do is say 'Tough Luck' and move on. If I were Jewelinho I would have aimed my anger & frustration towards Heskey, the man who truly cost Wigan all the 3 points and not the poor ref. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Peace.
  20. Originally posted by Northerner: I didnt know Vickey Pollard was an SOL member I have no idea who that is and I KID YOU NOT. is she an Arsenal or Liverpool fan? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Here is you a hitch-hiker's guide to my galaxy...enjoy the ride and in the end I will give you a tip on the exact year that I was born by revealing all the (crazy, stup!d, amazing etc) things that happened in that same year. I was born in the same year that my Aabo graduated from Al Azhar University in Cairo which was 5 year before our first born got his medical degree from Pune University in India and 7 years before he left Somalia for Europe. 10 years before our second born sister got married and moved to Shariqah with her hubby and 11 years before I lost one of my childhood best friends and his entire family after the boat that was carrying them and hundred others capsized just few hundred miles off the port city of Mombasa and he was few days shy of his 11th Birthday. 12 years before I lost the second and the last uncle (Hooyo's younger & last born brother) to the still on going senseless Civil war, he was 16 days best of his 41st birthday and exactly 15 years 2 months and 13 days before I lost my Hooyo and almost 17 years before I came to S.A... More than a quarter century ago I was born in Kismayu when in fact I could've been born in Cairo when Hooyo visited Aabo there while still pregnant with me or I could've been born in Kenya the same birth place of Hooyo when we attended the burial of her elder and first born Brother.. I could've also been born in either Qabri Dahare, Qandala or Qalaafe, the birth place of my ultimate nomad great great grandparents but how can you claim to be a Universal Nomad if you remain in one single place for your entire lifetime like if you were in confinement? Now the tip: I was born in the same year that Billie Jean King & Martina Navratilova (Tennis Greats) both came out of the closet and admit to the world that they preferred their own kind to men without ever knowing the baby that was eager to come to this world in that same year. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Salam Aleikum W.W Dude you forgot the simplest yet the most fundamental rule of mankind when it comes to asking a girl how old she is, let me offer you a simple yet affective tip on how to make a girl tell her real age without feeling any embarrassment at all. I assume any self-respecting man out there knows how women love to talk, especially talking about themselves as that is something that comes to them naturally, so what you should have done instead, is ask them to share their life story & background and how they came to be wherever they are at today and sit back, relax and watch them go. I hope you are either a good listener or you are great when it comes to pretending, like yours truly does here every time the madam starts talking about the trees & the stones like they had any significant meaning and all I do is just smile and nod my head like I was her puppy while busy thinking about the great goal scored, how sexy the M6 looks and how silly its to spend a fortune and many hours on something like manicure or pedicure when a simple blade would do or better, your own teeth. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Salam Aleikum W.W How does one celebrate Valentine's Day while being involved in a Cyber-Romance? I once had a crush on this girl I saw on SOL whom I later found out had a soft spot for my buddy who had a fling with her older sister after being dumped by her younger twin sisters and then hit it off withe her neighbour whom she caught chatting up her best friend behind her cousin's back whom he was cheating on for her schoolmate before he tried to tempt her naive classmate who didn't fancy her old flame whom she said wasn't all that because he tried to get it on with her gossip partner who has a reputation in Paltalk of being a man-eater and then moved on to her niece after being introduced to him by her aunt who went to school with his uncle that married to her all time favourite aunt whom is rumoured to have taught her how to get any Faarax she wanted...are you with me? Because this girl is said to be cute but daft at the same time and sucks her thump when she sleeps and snores like a thirsty buffalo, eats like a hippo, sweats like an obese that lost in Kalahari dessert and swears like an old woman who lost her glasses, tooth and walking stick all at the same time and did I mention that she kicks like a wild mule, walks like a chameleon and runs like a tortured runaway slave. to keep a long story short, she hates flowers and she will think you brought it for her to eat it like she was a cow and don't even think about buying her chocolates as she got no teeth in sight. I guess a small price to pay for consuming too much sweets in her prime and not listening to her dentist's advice after he told her to maintain her dental hygiene by brushing her teeth at least three times a day. Anyway try as you may, there is no way on earth for you to show your affection, at least physically, as you are thousands of miles apart but still crazy or docile enough to believe a word of what she types while munching away tons of chocolate bars or god knows how many mountains of ice creams, especially when she swears on her fake nails and her $ 2.99 hair extension and goes on for ages about how she will forever love you as you are simply the greatest Sac-Sac she's ever came across and says the same thing to everyman and his dog that look at her way. So what you guys suggest one should do, suppose one is desperate for confusion in other words in need of amateur help or should I say Madax Faluuq ala Maryooleey style? so let's hear it people and please keep it short & simple. let's start with you...yeah with the (never mind). come on let's go...I haven't got all day...I've got a hike to hitch or is it hitchhike to catch all the way to my rural African village where my beloved awaits with Muufo, Maraq & Malaay plus thermos full of Waarikoow. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Aaawwwwwwwwwwwwww...Now that is more like it Ms Word aka Mrs Gates...Good to have you back Madam...stay around and please keep them coming Insha Allah...its me, from your number UNO Fan. PS. Please Pass my Salam to my beloved Sister Ms Pili-Pili Xaaji aka Besbaaso. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. War Belaayo, JLee...Just remember all the people that love you, adore you and above all idolize you and right now they are prolly feeling sick to their stomach for you being sick of it all....start with your cute little niece or nephew and oh that adorable little baby who smiles everytime she lays her innocent eyes upon you... take a moment or two and spend 60 seconds with them and i promise you..before you know it, they will put a smile on your face and it wont cost you Nothing...just 60 seconds of your time... Good Luck Madam Mrs Gates Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.