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Everything posted by BOB
Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh: oooh things getting a bit too heated for you there bob? take it easy there is no need to get all hyper. You accuse me of getting hot under the collar and yet post your autobiography for a response? Sxb if you can't take a stick I suggest you quit while you are ahead because in here we take the mickey out of each other all in the name of football...say what? you assumed that I was a scouser just because I spoke of the fact? :rolleyes: You don't win nothing by being the most knowledgeable couch potato when it comes to football that's why my knowledge of the game is non-existent compared to you and FYI I don't give a monkey's behind about Chelsea or how much they are worth but all I know is that (your) Chelsea wont win the premier league this season just as you would bet on your last guilder that Arsenal and Liverpool wont win the F.A Cup this year. Now what else did you assume? PS. by referring to you as a genius...I meant that as a compliment...loosen up Mr Chelse...what's with the insecurity mate? Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by hodman: BOB Kweli umezeeka hivyo nimezeeka kitambo sana...nimetupa mbao jo... so Puuja..who's the lucky fellow? whatever you do...PLEASE don't tell me he's from SOL because i am not sure if we can co-exist in here without being tempted to whack him on the head with a chair or anything... :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh: Bob your insinuiation that i am another johnny come lately doesnt insult me in the slightest First and foremost...I don't do insults...I am too old for that now. secondly...you must be a genius to figure out that I am a Liverpool fan...I wonder who would you be...Mini-Me or Dexter? :rolleyes: And who said I'm Somali...just because I am a member of SOL doesn't necessarily mean you have to be 100% Somali...but I am married to Somali girl so you must respect me as your Seedi. I was told that Somali men make the best brother-in-laws and I am glad for that. So when did you start supporting Chelsea? long before Ken Bates bought the team with 2 pounds I bet. Chelsea won't 'buy' the Premier League this season...I give you a guarantee in right here right now. want to bet? LooooooooooooooooooL@ North...if I am Pierre...I wonder what kind of names you and Nuune would have...Martinez & Nunez? Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Do they accept refugees there and if they do...can some one please tell me how much the ticket to Bermuda costs and how much will the Mukhalas charge me? I hope they pay Welfare. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My brother Baashi...for the record no one from my immediate family is into politics even if the name of my first cousin appears on that list...but if you read the whole paragraph you will realize this isn't political motive but rather patriotism in the highest order that's why I am proud of them. On the family part...the majority of those people are from Majengo and most of them are my neighbours and it was natural that I would get accustomed to calling them Eedo, Abti, Ayeeyo, Awoowe, Abaayo and Aboowe etc like true reer Kismaayo spirit and I'm glad this whole tribal garbage thing didn't come between us and separate us because they all mean a lot to me as they are fundamental to my history and they all played role one way or another into molding me the man that I became today...plus ninkii ibanaan bixiyey's name is on that list too. its about time we took the initiative my brother and organized ourselves so we would take our gobolka back from these bunch of novices running around claiming to represent us when they don't even know our history... I don't know Waafaante personally but I know his brother Yahye whom we used to play football together in Utange...by the way don't you find it odd that the majority of these people are from Calanleey and Majengo to be precise..is it a mere coincidence or all the great people of Kismayo are from Majengo Ghetto? Do you know who's Khaleef Shire Muuse at number 51? that's Riiko, arguably the greatest footballer along with Bin Shakir that Somalia ever produced and wouldn't you know...they are both from Majengo. (Sorry..i couldn't resist the temptation to hail my neighbourhood) My man what's with your persistence Aggah? You want to put me into trouble with the Madam or what? Come on now...you are supposed to be my homeboy and homeboys don't put each other into trouble with their significant others? lol How do I keep my cool when they dash by? Simple..I turn my engine off... seriously speaking I'm capable of handling myself in the most delicate situations and these days I'm Sheikh just like my old man and you wont see me wandering around at night after Isha salat..i guess that's the privilege you enjoy in married life which you know all about it. What is it about Africa that makes me crazy? Well...so many things my brother, first and foremost I am at home where the sun shines through out the year and the moon dances with millions of bachelor stars at night...where the birds sing in beautiful melodies composed by nature...where the bees make honeys daily on the thick African trees...now I may not make millions like you but I am content with whatever little that come my way. :cool: My brother, it will be an honour to welcome you with open arms and half open wallet in my tiny hut so you can stay as long as you wish and I will even drive you around personally on my brand new donkey cart...now how's that for a hospitality? Poetry huh? I lost my inspiration these days due to the unrest back home but once I do find my touch again..i hope to go ahead with the plan I told you Insha Allah and you will be the first one to know it. 1 LUV my brother. Peplow Throb...glad to hear that…know you got one mighty sense of humour. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
My brother Baashi I am doing great Alxamdulillaah...everything is going great Maasha Allah. lol@ Zulu ladies...I am afraid I haven't got anything to tell you about them other than they are voluptuous and full figured but then again all the S.A ladies regardless which tribe they belong to are usually voluptuous, however, the S.A ladies that are the most beautiful would be the sisters from the Mother City better known as Cape town. They are Malaysian mixed with Europeans and Africans and they have some sisters who would simply take your breath away and the best part of it all is that they are crazy about the Somali brothers, too bad I can't go into detail why for obvious reasons...but personally speaking I never thought about betraying Gabdheheena and abandoning them for a non-somali no matter how attractive I may find them because I only know too well that no better looking woman than our Gabdheheena ever sat a foot on this earth and I am forever enticed and seduced by every little thing about them. My brother I had no intention to lambaste no one but I was overcome by disappointment and I felt I needed to get that out of my chest...I am already considered a dinosaur by the younger generation from Majengo and the funniest part is...they know of my younger brother but don't remember me at all even if we all left home all at the same time and I always end up yelling "Waryaa I'm Ibrahim's older brother". You know I was first told this story by Abaayo and I thought it was an excuse so she could go back to U.A.E to her hubby and friends but when I spoke to her kids, the same kids who knew no other language than Arabic...I understood why she didn't want them to remain there and grow in the states and there were times when they demanded to know who I was and what I wanted from their Mom..the little buggers even refused to acknowledge me as their uncle just because they've never seen me around like uncle so and so (naming couple of brothers & cousins that live in San Diego with them)...my brother May Allah s.w help you guys all Insha Allah. The greatest advantage we have here is that there's no Qaat and if you are caught with it..you will do time and I trust you don't need my help to imagine what its like to do time in one of Africa's jails but the buggers found other narcotics and those who use them are well known and they stay away from the Somalis and their restaurants or community hall where we gather to discuss the latest issues that concern us...marka my brother kuwaas waa raggaa waa ween oo wax dhaco oo lacag faraha ka badatay heesto. My brother..I am an African man through and through and I don't see myself ever leaving this place...maybe I would go to Dubai when all my plans fall into place Insha Allah and I end up retiring but at the moment I am not ready to seek new opportunities as I believe I got more than enough opportunities to make few Shillings right here in the jungle of Africa where I am the King. :cool: My brother kheyr ayaan kuu rajeynayaa and pass my Salam all the way from Majengo Calanleey to my Dumaashi Insha Allah....by the way check these names out and see how many of them do you recognize...I have a handful of cousins, uncles, aunts and Grandpas and Grandmas in that list... http://www.horseednet.com/analysis.php?id=338 Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
I was challenged by my Grandson to see if I can still write love poems and this is the result... I don't write love poems anymore as I'm way too old for that now and my wife would kick me out if I say some of the things you wrote here...she will think I'm on Viagra or something...lol The stars in your hypnotic eyes tell me that you've been dreaming of me The scars on your kind heart tell me that you never believed we would be you were always within sight...I was blinded despite your silent cries for my attention blurred vision and worthless existence shiftless resistance...I dismissed your submission what is there I wouldn't give? anything just to have you in my arms again like the pen I use to write this blasphemy in relation to this man's burning hell pity,your eyes are as dry as the well of our LOVE you've answered my questions beckoned many blessings gave my soul protection my Love...these are my confessions I vow to be your crutch if ever you are co-dependent with no resentment I'll stand by and be your co-defendant our future stands before us evident of man's corruption can we endure the planet's lust or fall before it's clutches? ignore the repercussions and recoil if it's disruptive can we ultimately grow from it's destruction ? Puuja...Nice 1...that was nice..it took me back to my heydays...lool Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by STOIC: I believe that he did an excellent job depicting the life of Iddi Amin. No he did a lousy job and no self respecting man/actor would ever accept such role and in my opinion he looked more stup!d than that Jaluo from OMO commercial on KBC TV...una kumbuka? An old man once said to me...if you see the western world singing the praises of non-western man...especially a Muslim man...there must be some monkey business going on between them and if you see them belittling, denouncing, dehumanizing and defaming a non-western man, particularly a Muslim for that matter...that man must have been a one mighty brave or a noble Muslim man. Yeah I watched it and to be honest I laughed at how stup!d Whitaker looked more than anything else and how low some would go just to humiliate a long dead man...and what's with the shoe polish thing and what kind of Kiswahili is "Nduyaye hiniinaa uwaawa kuu kiii etc" I never knew such words existed in Kiswahili until Forest Whitaker came along in The Last King Of Scotland. If you want to laugh at how stup!d one man would look and how low one would stoop just for a statue called an Oscar...look no further than Forest Witaker...for me he sold his soul in this movie and as a black man I expected him to have a respect for a fellow dead black man... For me Di Caprio should've won for either Departed or Blood Diamond...both of them excellent movies and I would recommend for anybody who hasn't seen them yet to go and watch them. Stoic...nime chukiya huyu fala Whitaker ajili ya hii picha..kwangu, ame jiuzia rahisi sana wallahi. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh: what I am trying to say is Barca are going be at their deadliest when they can just attack another Chelsea fan huh? You guys are coming out of the woods all of a sudden and soon this place will be full of knowledgeable Chelsea fans...imagine that? To come back to your story...Barca never managed to turn it over whenever they trailed from the first leg played at their beloved Camp Nou...so if I were Liverpool fan I wouldn't worry about them playing an all out attacking game as that is exactly where I would prefer them to be but then again Barca always play the game exactly how it should be played. that is why everyone enjoys watching them unlike certain teams who like to spoil it for everyone by playing defensive football from the first to the last minute but it will be a whole different story if Barca score the first goal as that might make Liverpool nervous...but in truth I don't see Barca knocking Liverpool out in Anfield. I would love to see Chelsea draw Liverpool again in the quarters(given they come over Porto...wouldn't that be a wonderful game to watch as we all know which team will come out on top as always whenever it's a knockout tie... Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by SoMa_InC: Why are Arsenal such bad losers? its funny to hear you say that because if I remember well its your Chelsea who are the worst losers as I am yet to hear an Arsenal fan sending a death threat to the referee or Arsene Wenger saying that he saw the opposing coach coming out of the referee's changing room...and not so long ago we all know what your "Special One" uttered to the media after Spurs beat your behind fairly & squarely..let me refresh your mind incase you forgot it..he blamed the referee Graham Poll for that defeat too...again! Obi Mikel deserved more than a mere red card as he's the one who started it all. If you watch the incident that caused Toure to lose his cool (as Wenger put it) you will see Obi Mikel taking a whack at Baptista's crotch and worse, from behind. you can never tell me in a million years that Mikel was trying to kick the ball as the ball was firmly on the ground and the referee ignored it and what did he do instead? he waved play on even when there was no so-called advantage whatsoever as Mikel was holding and literally all over Toure and finally pulled him down to the ground...now I'm not saying Toure was right to have a go at him (as tempting as it was) but I felt the referee should've stopped the match long before even Toure got the ball and sent the bloody bugger off for trying to destroy Baptigol's money maker. in my personal view I think Mourinho sent him on to avenge what he deemed as a deliberate foul on John Tery after all the man has no idea how the game is played for if he did I don't think he would've ordered Chelsea players to kick Messi & Ronaldinho out of the park in that shameful champions league match at Stamford Bridge where they deliberately made their pitch look like a Gal-Kacyo stadium and guess whose idea it was? Yep, you guessed it...Jose Mourinho "The Special One". One more thing, Drogba's goal was miles offside while Adebayor was denied a clear run at goal for imaginative offside and if those decisions went our way instead of against us we might have been talking about a different outcome now but as a true gunner, always the gentleman...Congrats Chelsea fans, SoMa_InC in particular. our young GUNNERS made me proud yesterday and I was delighted for Theo just as much as Henry was for him who couldn't hide his joy and celebrated whole heartedly as he only knows too well how badly Theo needed that and I am sure from now on ward he will show the quality that made Wenger buy him in the first place... 187....I'm beginning to like Denilson and this kid will be far better than Fabregas...mark my words...his vision and his first touches are amazing not to mention his ability to take on and beat seasoned pros like Makelele and Ballack and the best part for me was when he made Lampard look s!lly more than once.... remember the game at Bolton how he dictated the pace of the game and ran our show and he's only 19...Bro the future looks bright...I'm telling you...don't be surprised if we beat our 'ancient' record of 49 games within the next 3-4 years. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Zafir: Brother Bob Don’t be so hasty, the flip side of this sad story could be that you and I are what we are because of these godforsaken elders, and we have become what they are not, despite their actions. Be grateful that we are among the lucky ones sire. Salam Aleikum W.W Absolutely my brother Zafir...I am grateful and always will be to almighty Allah s.w Insha Allah for that. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Do you honestly expect me to believe these well fed, well dressed kids are Gangsters? You guys are either acting like Caddaan or exaggerating because I don't see any Gangsters but bunch of Ciyaal Xaafad acting and talking tough so they can impress the girls at school..typical MTV Base Generation. If their parents failed to discipline these kids..tell them to send them back to Africa to me and I will introduce them to real Somali Gangsters and show them where at the end of the day...a life of crime leads to and if that fails to enlighten them..then I will beat sense into them and that has never failed any African father. Ciyaalka been ha usheegina idinkaa sii waalaayo markaa dhahdaan waxaa tihiin Gangsters... Peace, Love & Unity.
Peace, Love & Unity.
Are you guys alright? how come none of you mentioned "How we (Arsenal) were humiliated" in Holland by the Great Dutch Hope..PSV? Peace, Love & Unity.
The Unspoken Truth: I wash my soul in the calm rivers of humanity i cover my flesh with the skin of kindness enlighten my mind with my sweat's philosophy remind my heart about the joy tomorrow holds I am on a journey looking for my life's links I travel back in time to my forefather's past hoping to find my life's meaning at long last life is precious and faith in Allah (s.w) is a MUST my people carry my wishes inside of their hope unleash my dream and tie it not to nightmare's rope announce my joyous existence to the world keep my pain & sorrow hidden from my heart deny my eyes the pleasure to weep painful tears keep my name away from those that their blood be shed fate ought to see me to three decades and beyond guide my Somali peers to their lost paradise ease my pain...for today is an unknown gain ambition is making this mind of mine ache dreams are achievable yet mine are misleading and they wonder why my thoughts are bleeding! if I am to die before planting a human seed who's to carry my name with the pride of good deed? lay down my body on the shores of Somali unity sea let my soul rest on the waves in the ocean of peace I am no chauvinist only a proud Somalicist I strive to be a righteous Muslim & a noble Somali man praying to earn my creator's mercy and kindness in this world where souls are sold on cheap masses lost direction in search of wealth in heap fear of failure gives my brother a heartburn told to be brave ever since we were born they say fortune favours the mighty brave bravery only got my friend to an early grave I speak as I bear witness to my beloved brain leak today I am at the ultimate future and its bleak where kindness is seen as a sign of weakness broken home is where the majority hail from leading a life filled with sins and constant lies putting the deceitful devil into a shame right now Allah (s.w) will be nice for we DESPERATELY need him. May Allah (s.w) Guide Us All Through The Righteous Path Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
I will watch after I borrow from whoever amongst my friends buys it first and copy it Insha Allah... :cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
The most selfish one-letter word is "I" avoid it. (Surah Al Kahf 18:34) The most satisfying two-letter words "WE" use it. (Surah Al An'am 6:71-72) The most poisonous three-letter words "EGO" kill it. (Surah Al Qasas 28:78) The most used four-letter word "LOVE" value it. (Surah Al Rum 30:21) The most pleasing five letter word "SMILE" keep it. (Surah Al Najm 53:43) The fastest spreading six letter word "RUMOUR" ignore it. (Surah Al Hujurat 49:12) The hardest working seven-letter words "SUCCESS" achieve it. (Surah Al Ala 87:14) The most enviable eight-letter words "JEALOUSY" distance it. (Surah Yusuf 12:8-9) The most powerful nine-letter words "KNOWLEDGE" acquire it (of Allah and the Holy Qur'an) (Surah Yasin 36:2 and Surah Yusuf 12:2) The most essential ten-letter word "CONFIDENCE" trust it. (Trust in Allah's guidance) (Surah Al Tawbah 9:51) Peace, Love & Unity.
The New World: This is a world of wonders and wizards a world of wishes and worshippers a world of miraculous and magnificent manners this is a new world where we live and die a world of scavengers and strangers a world where the lunatics become automatically healed where a person cant live without his or her roots a new world where patience and participation is needed not forgetting to add your own personality now I suddenly remember this is a new world not the previous one, not the one with happiness and harmony this is the final one, the unfortunate one which contains death and deadly diseases corruption, lies and nuclear pollution where the sinner is chosen before the saint where society prefers the illiterate to the articulate gangsters and thugs, robbers and rulers but only one thing is needed in order to survive trust your instincts and be a responsible human being no one will pave the way for you, pave it for yourself for this is a new world my dear Brothers & Sisters. Peace, Love & Unity.
Motherland: Motherland wanted a water birth so dirt in exchange she wouldn't desert us when we cried just a mere grain of sand for our homeland pity the salt in her tears washed over her open womb though I was a child..i was alive and dried bones grown reciting verses from a note-worthy poem's tomb discarded and torn through the pages of history like the mystery murder of the unborn babies families and cities on the move towards misery forced me to write on graves and stoned ghosts in my beloved coastal city of Kismayo turned into caves my deceived nation remain slaves to a dead culture fed to vultures for guns and chains by few evil souls drugged villages and scholars slain to silence the truth bragging about whose crack came first and pure but what was Somali flesh before post-mortem has been stained red perfected into full Somali blood effect though is millions of microphones went unchecked I chose to be the one to resuscitate the buried mix tapes while they drunk with sleep and break of dawn gets carried away to the ashes of the devil's beat they fired like clay. Peace, Love & Unity.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Wrote: Many Soomaalis know my family. Nice try, saaxiib. Nice Touch.....I liked that....but Please don't keep me waiting because I'm a renown impatient. Thanks in Advance. Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W You know i always wondered How come 99.99% of the Somalis were born in Mogadishu? Waraa Ilaahey ka cabsada...its not a shame to be born in Baadiye or under a tree...its OK kido..Neither its not your fault nor your parents..its called FATE...like they would say in Djibouti...Dee Ilaah Baa Qadaray ma ahan? I mean I am yet to meet somebody from a small town or one of those places that you only hear about or see when you look at the map but these days they are becoming more popular especially among the Nomads because...I don't know...suddenly somebody felt we should know all the tuulos & villages that his/her tribesmen/women reside and we are forced to swallow by force ever since which in Kismayo (My real Birth City ) would be considered un-democratic and you know the good thing about my home town...it's a true Somali city with a cosmopolitan population...which is why I fall in love with it all over again every time I hear about it. Somebody find me the pictures of Kismayo in the good old days PLEASE...all I can find are those from the Civil war and to be honest I am not sure if that's my City.... I said PLEASE people...What? you can't read all of a sudden now? :mad: Maryooleey kii baryo atafiriki bila sababu wallahi...waraa Baadiye saa noo tuseeseen aa indhaha naga rideen...allow me to show you how great my city is... i will need the help of my man Baashi as its been a long time (I can't believe I haven't been home for 16 years) I wish i could go back there just once even for a Day or even an Hour... MMA....Find me the pictures of my city and i will introduce you to someone who know you and all your family members...I am serious Bro...and NO that is not a blackmail but consider it a favour that we are doing for each other ...TRUST ME...you want to talk to this guy...<---- Please inform MMA about my urgent PLEASE. Thanks in Advance. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother Baashi...I'm doing wonderful Alxamdulillaah and today (Monday 19th Feb) has been such a great day for me Maasha Allah & Alxamdulillaah that I have decided to treat myself with a lavish dinner at this new joint in down town and you know our dinner (Reer Calanleey Style) consists with fish and fish and even more fish but since I left Calanleey I've developed a taste for shrimps and man...what a treasure we missed! I can't believe we found all about Qubo but missed out on Shrimps ...I remember people were crazy about Lobsters especially the Fishermen but come on Aargoosto is nothing compared to Shrimps. Brother Zulus are wonderful people...i have been living amongst them for quite some time a while ago and I have never had a problem with them, in fact they used to enjoy my company in a town called Newcastle situated in the Zulu heartland and I used to make laugh those around me every time I spoke Isizulu (their language) they must have thought that I was a Qcaba (Stup!d) who had no shame but today I'm the one who's laughing all the way into their pockets today as I have learned their language. I have never had a problem with a South African of any race and colour and I have a whole lot of friends from all walks of life and believe me generally they are good people but like in every community you find sinners living amongst the saints and no one targets the Somali people like they will have you believe. you know how long I have been living here and I'm yet to hear Somali girl being raped even those who are married to those fallen brothers who were murdered iyagoo la joogo nimankooda while normally or South African Tsotsi (Thug) style if you like, they rape the women of their victims including infants..yeah you heard me right..infants and elders..yep even the Ayeeyos aren't safe regardless of their colour marka we are not targeted because if we were you probably would have read my death in some Somali site and yours truly wouldn't be here right now sharing this story with you. You should come down here sometime and don't worry I will protect you Insha Allah :cool: I know you became Ciyaal Maamo ever since you left Sikyaamo Daceey and I'm almost sure that you will have a wonderful time because I know a humble guy like you would highly appreciate the simplicity of the life of the common man as no Yicaal Sikyaamo will ever change no matter where he goes and how old he gets..he will always be man of the people unlike the egoistic & spoiled Yicaal Maxarka. PS. Pardon my excitement...I tend to get carried away from time to time or should I say once in a blue moon and today was certainly one of those days. Take a good care of yourself my Brother and Pass my Salam to my Dumaashi Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W For the first time in my SOL life (if you can call it that) I can say I have posted something meaningful, at least for me, because I have touched a very sensitive issue which resulted many brothers losing their cool and the debate along the way as they failed to make a case for their men folk including myself. Brothers, I have tried many a times before to defend my fellow Somali men but I failed miserably as you can't defend all the crimes they have committed against the Somali nation as a whole, especially our generation as we were the first to witness & experience the war escalate into a deep rooted hatred and divisions amongst the once mighty and united Somali nation. Che mentioned the name of the late Somali singer with a microphone fuelling the fire but my dear brother forgot to mention that she was delivering a message given to her by none other than a Somali man, now I have never been one to speak ill of the dead and I am not saying this out sympathy as I am not into Somali songs and never have been but realistically speaking we all know that Somali men got such a venomous tongue coated with honey and the biggest criminals and the worse than worse of all men are those conscienceless men called Elders as a whole nation finds itself on her knees today because of their deceit and godless actions and my biggest regret of being born Somali is that, I may never live long enough to see the day those men pay for what they did to each and every Somali soul and all the pain and heartache they put through thousands upon thousands of Somali mothers...in the day of Khiyama perhaps! To prove my point...go and read few lines in any topic at that Godforsaken place called Politics Section and tell me how many of them are guys who still preach hatred & division amongst the already broken Somali nation and then maybe, just maybe you will understand why I'm disappointed with the overwhelming majority of my own Somali men. PS. I will forever be grateful to almighty Allah s.w for two wonderful parents who not only got me out of Somalia while still young but for also guiding them through the righteous path as they have taught me that we are all Muslim Somali brothers & Sisters and warned me never to get involved with this whole tribal garbage and I pray I will do the same for my kids Insha Allah. May Allah s.w Guide Us All Through The Righteous Path Insha Alla. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
The most beautiful part is..when i used to hear my non-muslim Kenyan friends say "Wallahi Bellahi".... it became common in Nairobi..especially among those non-muslims living amongst the muslims..particularly Somalis.... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.