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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Salam Aleikum W.W Ok here we go... Among the ladies who gathered to witness the birth of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) there were two very famous ladies (May Allah s.w Be Pleased With Them) who will be the Prophet's wives (P.B.U.H) in the Jannah...Name the two Please... PS. Brothers & Sisters, as you can tell I don't log in as much as I used to these days marka don't let me hold you guys up and if a brother or sister gets the answer...don't necessarily wait for my confirmation...let a judge decide whether he/she answered or not and move on... I apologize for the inconvenience. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. BOB

    My Wife

    War Belaayo...Ms Word I didn't know you had a wife..lool...What can i say...a masterpiece as always... Heaven is the place of complete happiness but I've seen heaven and I tasted heaven I ran my fingertips upon heavens smooth silk-like blessedness and did I say,I tasted heaven like luscious fruit,dipped in sugar,bathed in desire I loved heaven and her beauty was only measured by her intellect and vice versa with her beauty alone,could part the oceans divide continents,clash with titans and... heaven, even first liked me briefly but love soon changed into a life long companionship and unconditional love and now this is what I am going to say to my heaven I love you so endlessly and completely my heartbeat matches yours your kisses taste so sweetly connected at our cores beautiful love exudes from within I never knew such a bliss could be found on earth we both refused the tricks of the devil when he tempted us and tried toying with our souls but my true love,our love is holy dedicated to the almighty Allah both angels in a sea of demons we float above the raging tide waiting to make the covenant between myself, my wife,and God we've waited and persevered his swipes gained us fresh air his kindness yielded all the despair and with this time we prepared for our so intimate affair one that we chose to be shared used in original design in the highest art blood marks the covenant and for we are only lovers no more today we are a HUSBAND and WIFE. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by peacenow: I think Somalia would have progressed more if we didn't have it in our culture.Cold hard reality is that Islam makes you weak. You don't produce anything, manufacture anything, no technology. you wail and pray, but the ground beneath you doesn't move. Then you wonder, why you are all weak and occupied. Today, the whole Muslim world is a humiliation. Salam Aleikum W.W Islam makes you weak? Subhannh-Allah, first and foremost brother say Istaghfurul-Allah and ask Allah s.w for frgiveness. Secondly, Muslims are suffering world over today not because of Islam but Muslims themselves are to blame for turning their backs against their faith and did you know...Islam encourages of all the progress you so passionately speak of and did you also know that all this technology you also so passionately speak of are found right in the Qur'aan verses but only if we Muslims paid little bit more attention. Don't blame Islam for Somalia's Somalia finds itself in anarchy simply because we undermined our faith and to a degree abandoned Islam and what do you expect to happen when you turn your back against Allah s.w? Brother we are reaping exactly what we sow and unless we repent and forget about this sickness called tribalism we will remain the laughing stock of the universe as Islam teaches and mind you, it was also in the last sermon of prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) that ALL MUSLIMS are equal and therefore are brothers & sisters. so my brother don't blame Islam for Somalia's madness...Blame your so-called elders for deceiving you when they told you that your tribe is superior to all the rest and therefore its OK to murder, rape and loot the wealth of all those who aren't your tribesmen/women for they are inferior to you. Just because we have puppets as Muslim leaders today doesn't mean Islam is weak or dying as you put it because the religion of Islam belongs to Allah s.w and he will protect it no matter what the infidels do to the followers of the religion of Islam. Just make sure you don't lose hope or faith in Allah s.w and Islam because of few hypocrites who would rather see Islam wiped off from the face of the earth but we all know that will never happen as Allah s.w himself promised in the Qur'aan that he will safeguard it...they can burn the Qur'aan or flush it in the toilet all they want but Islam will always be there and will keep on flourishing right in front of their eyes. May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Salam Aleikum W.W That is easy.... it was Omar Farookh better known as Omar Bin Al-Khattaab (R.A) Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. ^^^^^^^^Home: My country is stripped and ripped without hesitation our so-called elders corrupt the youth without consideration I am tired of waiting, hoping and dreaming of evolution i pray for the rebirth of the lost revolution people are dying and all you lot talk about is constitution our Somali soil is getting polluted beyond recognition the wealth of the land is being looted without the natives' permission my people are executed in distant shores without an explanation Somalia became the playground of the scavengers for it has no protection my people respect the infidel who advocates for fornication the greedy elders turned Somalia into a house of prostitution where the highest bidder is guaranteed for an uninterrupted satisfaction while the youth stand back and observe the forceful penetration we praise and look up to a heartless murderer in admiration we thrash the nobles who preach Allah's last revelation my people, has the fires of hell became your chosen destination? we spread lies and hatred amongst Almighty's creation Somalia's pride supposed to be its Somali nation we took our shame all across the globe as an expedition our rich country is known as the land of famine and starvation our pain became our enemy's favourite conversation our souls became the prize and our Somalia the competition we ignore our women & children's cries from the unjust execution does it hurt not how our people turned their backs on salvation? i rattle your conscience without seeking anybody's worldly admiration for this is my sermon to my beloved country's PATRIOTIC generation. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Fallen Angel: I see the sunshine over the drive the valley of gods...a plea for a hand to lift the estate over the cliffside to survive there used to be a dream worthy to rise for so many dead faces,too much chest pride on the inside you tell me that you're living fine but where's your smile? your pain is SO distinctive even though you're in denial your posture so rigid you're scared to be free you mourn about what you used to be in your days of ecstasy you tell yourself you don't know who you are you feel different and vulnerable outside unlike the strength you see in your mirror where's the freedom when you live on regrets? you struggle to lift your child to feed on your breast with that heavy cough deep in your chest you still wear your mom's smile that she gave you as a gift you forget sometimes that you once used to wait for her to put you in bed and into sleep not so long ago you were a child in this world surrounded by your fake friends that deceive you kept their arms clean and poisonous out for your blood though the estate grew like poppy fields thriving with unwanted chemical love you deny and refuse to accept the truth I am preaching thinking you are strong to accept fate's teaching some day you will realize your life was made out of cheating. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Welcome To My Mind: I lost track of time and I lost a dime hopefully my mind will give no curfew for me to stitch verses into my scars traffic lights signal my mood for the day i wait in patience when I am renown impatient let me tell you about the Red light poetry ignores the air I breathe and stomps upon the ground I praise opinions of my lonely mentality are extinct intoxicated with the lies from the heart fickle minds living life from a dictionary never giving something a meaning but always following what something says to me reality is nothing but opinion and poetry is my chosen companion I take a pause in my day to release the stress through these battered words I dream success staple my hands together to never write again paint my fingers red so each poem is never perfect always something to work for and never something to try for. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Hodman...Jambo sistee... Drink Deep My Disdain: I scrub my face in the solution of steam finding solace in solitude within my mind inhale fear and feel the heat beat my lungs as I choke with its smoke I shut off my dreams near in my mind I discover an inner peace though in my withers and weeps haunting memories of deep fried friends at times it seems I can almost see my end as my inner vision examines my life choices I write voices that speak mute truths from the pen ribs ruptured from the loss of my greatest love heart erupting with the ferocity of an ape blood breaking through veins...claiming the reigns flushing through my chest spurting pain as I stand staring under the torrent of this haunting and burning rain in this learners game...i stand without my notepad detached from the pain and my ancient being tainted and tattered...Oh wishing to be painless I'm battered by my nation's shameful madness embrace my fasting mind for I lost my latch on reality standing grasping the hollow handle of fantasy stand with me under this muddled rain...Please while blood and pain form puddles on my brain. Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Salam Aleikum W.W ...but still opposing is better than rejoicing...don't you agree Sir? lol I agree with you my brother and I would like to add, if I may, the smartest men and women on earth are kuwa ku dadaala inee xoojiyaan Cibaadadooda so Allah s.w will reward them in the day of Khiyama. I don't care how high your IQ is and what degree you possess if you are not aware of the fact that the ONLY reason that almighty created you is to WORSHIP him and him alone and constantly remind yourself what awaits you in the hereafter so you would retain the good deed that is expected of you then you are as thick as they come and the only reward you will get is Cadaab (Subhanah-Allah)... May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah and May he be pleased with all of us Insha Allah... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Salam Aleikum W.W Brother much as I admire Sultan Salahuddin Ayubbi (May Allah s.w Be Pleased With Him)he was a man known for his military capacity of the highest order and the man who crushed the crusaders but in Islamic history and literature that title is rightly reserved for The Sword of Allah better known as Khalid Bin Al-Waleed R.A...the world has never known better general and commander and he was master tactician and simply put he was a genius and the only commander to inflict a (temporary) defeat on the noble Prophet Muhammad, (May Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace) and read what our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companion Abu Bakr (R.A) said about him. "What an excellent slave of Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed, one of the swords of Allah, unleashed against the unbelievers!" [Prophet Muhammad, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Tirmidhi and Ahmad from Abu Hurayrah, Sahih Al-Jami' Al-Saghir No. 6776] "Women will no longer be able to give birth to the likes of Khalid bin Al-Waleed." [Abu Bakr, (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, Dar Abi Hayyan, Cairo, 1st ed. 1416/1996, Vol. 7 P. 141)] However, the Sultan's name rightly deserves to be put alongside the elite of Muslim warriors who fought for the cause of Allah s.w over centuries and today we find ourselves in this heartbreaking situation simply because women no longer give birth to (The Next) Khalid Bin Al-Waleed (R.A) and Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi but instead give birth to Mujrims who sell their faith for a lousy buck and the praise of the infidels. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Salam Aleikum W.W Who Said... "For the life in me I can't rejoice the demise of my own people in the hands of the greatest enemy they've ever known brought by my own kind" Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Salam Aleikum W.W What about those of us who oppose their presence in Motherland...does that mean they possess higher IQ by any chance? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Salam Aleikum W.W imagine receiving a call from a stranger telling you that your husband is gunned down in Mogadishu and he's dead...the same man you were speaking with just 15 minutes earlier...the same man you were looking forward to seeing him once again few days later. That is exactly what happened to my younger sister yesterday (Wednesday 14th MARCH 2007) and I got the same call from my father in Cairo just as I was leaving the mosque after Maghrib prayers telling me about the tragic death of my brother-in-law. The most painful experience for my sister, I would that she's not even there as she now lives in Cairo with the rest of the family and has to be content with mourning from far and accept the fact that's she is a widow at the ripe old age of 23. Dear Brothers & Sisters Please read du'a for my family in this difficult time Insha Allah and May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Originally posted by Kimiya: it's those who disappear for years and return with new nick, avater, attitude that are hard to figure out... you mean like Ameenah? Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Salam Aleikum W.W Unfortunately i don't know any1 in UAE that I should 4ward it to...and those that i know of don't deserve it any more than the next man/woman... PS. They should offer this to those of us living in Africa Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. You mean Athena & i correct? Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Originally posted by Paragon: ^BOB, war maad ka joogtid? Goormee wajeer iyo dadkii lagdheeraa abaarta ku leysey warkooda kuugu dambeeyey? Mise xoolo raac weli ma aadan noqon? Salam Aleikum W.W Believe it or not I received a call from Wajir yesterday...a cousin of mine called and she reckons I should buy a piece of land there and another one thinks I should buy one in Garissa and not in Wajir people are organizing themselves back there and I believe the so-called global warming had nothing to do with the drought we recently had and NO xoolo raacoow waa ii dhimantahay weli and I would love to try Geel once just to have a feel of what its that make Camel herders so arrogant? Lool Like I said Don't Worry about us...we will all be just fine Insha Allah and if you need to, you can always come and see us in Baadiye, we will give you fresh Camel Milk and you will sleep under the beautiful ? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Originally posted by Paragon: The Eskimos or the Mongols? No no, the Somalis especially those living in Northeastern Kenya are said to the be the first victims. According to an older article published by the Guardian newspaper, 'African nomads', that is, Somali nomads, are ' to be first people wiped out by climate change '. Salam Aleikum W.W With all due respect...I stopped believing, wait, let me rephrase that, I stopped wasting my time on reading things that don't do me any good, for example, first we had aliens and they told us alien invasion was imminent and then they came with time travel story and said it was possible, yeah right and now they say Global warming and Somalis would be the first victims? Everybody has his/her theory but I don't believe one bit of what they say and as an African the last thing I would worry about is the Sun getting couple of degrees warmer...because for all my life I have been enduring hot climates from Kalahari to desert of Sahel and we are still here and you never read nor heard an African soul dying because of the hot temperatures and Allah s.w primed us to deal with it as we live in a hot continent... so I say Bring it On and let me see if the so-called Global Warming will make me stop from going to play football in mid afternoon let alone killing me. :cool: The only race that the climate change, global warming or whatever the heck you call it, will affect is WHITE people...can you believe BUSH begging Malawi to take him and his family because they can't stand the heat-wave that hit across the so-called first world? That would be the day right? I would worry if they said Africa will freeze in the year so and so because we are not equipped to deal with cold climates otherwise Siberia would've been next door to you & me and we would've read somewhere that your great grandfather/mother won several medals in the winter olympics marka walaalyaal don't worry about us we will be fine after all WE ARE SURVIVORS that is why we are called Somalis. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. BOB

    Poetry Elitists

    Salam Aleikum W.W Welcome Back Besbaaso aka Ms Pilipili...its good to have you back and a privilege to read your work...amazing as always... Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. For My Rose: Taking nature's time...the beauty that grows blooming so slow...that's the beautiful rose afraid of rushing...unable to say when to stop from being seeds imbedded in rocks till the time petals of fragrance would drop the type of rose that's wrapped around at the heel the type of rose that'll stand out in a field the type of rose that love fools would follow the type of rose used as a cure for sorrows the type of rose relieving those wrapped in stress the type of rose given to those lacking happiness oh beautiful're like a beautiful artwork providing us life similar to how hearts work beautiful rose...the thorn less and smooth dare I say worth more than a diamond or should I just say worth more than a few worth more than're a treasure to be cherished and my heart & I cherish your beauty in more ways than one taking nature's're still the beauty that grows but beautiful rose...why are you blooming so slow? beauty is your potential...though you're hiding it truly beautiful rose please bloom and grow and provide us your beauty that's soul deep. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Speak: I sit in silence awaiting knowledge that is impossible to conceive trying to obtain these facts by listening to every detail as words go in one ear and out the other for they're just passing through if I take the time to perceive these facts it causes confusion among the feuding seasons preaching liars and enlightening poets like a pen running out of ink I have nothing else to give I am a shell containing purposeless hopes that I carry inside of my dream a genius among id!ots I pray not to be remain humble while being intelligent as possible for that wouldn't make me an outcast among the rest I speak from the heart while being at my best so I disguises myself not aware that as a result I loose my deep thoughts as I try to fit in this world's picture perfect puzzle releasing stress through this ancient spoken words this world's expectations break you down into the sands of time as I sit in silence awaiting nothing while hoping for everything falling through life in the moment of a blink of an eye without ever knowing that I had ever really been there confusion overwhelms my destiny without it ever knowing I do the noble thing by closing my mind's battered windows open up and bare my soul to the deafening silence for one last time…I wish all mine and your pain GODSPEED. Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Time: Can you hear the chants of an ancient soul? damned and broken spirits out on weeping patrols voices of my slain Somali peers echo in my ears no measure of fame will ever tame my fears the concrete is alive saturated by lives leaked beneath the feet of victims past & eyes blinked hatred thrives when society pays it no mind rewind time to witness crimes no jury can find stitched into the fabric that joins time & space is the very thread sewn into the human race? disgrace the keepers of old like (Censored) for gold and you'll drown in the shallow pond of your mold breeched by the angry flight of predators at night despite lack of breath I fight to recite the prayer of last rite finally free from the worldly shackles that bind me my eyes open to a world that no longer blinds me... "The Best People Are Those Who Are Most Useful To Others" Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. BOB


    Originally posted by Abwaan: starting with the infamous Sayid Mohammed Abdille Hassan Infamous? Salam Aleikum W.W For me its got to be Sayid Muhammed Abdullah Hassan (may Allah s.w be pleased with him) Qamaan Bulxan, Ismail Mire, Mohammed Ali "Beela-leey", Salam Carabey, Abdullahi Moallim "Dhodan", Abshir Bacadle, Carees Ciise... Lately I have been listening to poetry, especially to the Somali poets and I've had the privilege to read/listen to all these great poets even if I needed translation for some of their sentences and I was blown away and amazed at the talent these great Somali men possessed...Genius is the word comes to mind and its an honour to read/listen to them indeed. Currently I'm enjoying Abshir Bacadle's poem where he talks about the hazards that the Miraa causes and I love it... I was told he used to chew it true brothers? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. The Saduim is called Ellis Park....its where S.A won the Rugby World Cup in 95 and home to south african giants Orlando Pirates... Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. Originally posted by nuune: Bob , bro, sadly so, as much as I wanted Arsenal to stay in the CL, they just drop out after Alex's 83rd minute header gave PSV a 2-1 aggregate win, Salam Aleikum W.W Nuune...Thanks for the sympathy my brother...there goes our season but there is always another season to look forward to Insha Allah. I am not even going to mourn about if we deserved to go out or not but what I know is that...we haven't got the rub of the green this season (funny how they used to call us Lucky Arsenal) and in football you need to catch a lucky break like Chelsea did when the Porto goalie presented them with an early Christmas gift or when Victor Valdes & Marquez gifted Liverpool two priceless away goals...we didn't get those lucky breaks and that is how our season has gone from the first game we played against Villa at Emirates to last night. The funniest thing is...I sent a text message to SoMa_InC bragging about the lucky break we got when Alex scored the own goal and I also mentioned how I hoped we may never live to regret Adebayor's miss which we sadly did... but in fairness I thought Alex was the man of the match and at times it felt like it was Alex Vs Arsenal as he seemed to deal with every challenge we threw at them with a relative ease...Good Luck to PSV. Northerner & Ngonge...go ahead and rub it in you bloody Scousers... :mad: Good Luck To You Boys...Make Your Queen Proud. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.