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Everything posted by BOB

  1. That's something that I have been dreaming of for ages now and to say its my ambition would be a major understatement...I should contact this brother and ask him few tips. PS. Cambaro, when I make it Insha Allah, please don't post my picture here because I don't want people to bombard me with e-mails claiming that they are my distant uncles and aunts from my great great grandmother's side or worse dozens of others claiming that they were good to me back in the day when I was a member in SOL... Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. BOB


    Salam Aleikum W.W I don't know the brother personally and to be honest haven't read his posts much either but that doesn't mean I am going to bash him in his absence like some people above did. I just don't like the idea of some one getting banned (believe me I know what it feels like to be banned "unfairly if I may add" after all I was banned more than any other member in SOL ) just because he or she happened to irritated bunch of insecure cry-babies who can't take a joke or can't stomach some one having a different opinion. Admin, give them another chance PLEASE...everybody deserves a second chance, I'm sure they know they made a mistake by now and as a human being you know we're prone to mistakes and that's the beauty of being a normal human being marka once again FADLAN give them a second chance Insha Allah anaga nagu sharaf maadaama ay dad badan kaa codsadeen inaad cafiso. Thanks in Advance. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. BOB


    I love poems dedicated to the family members especially parents...Nice 1 and Thanks for sharing with us & please keep them flowing Insha Allah... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Salam Aleikum W.W If I accept their humiliation they call me a 'Moderate' but if I resist it they label me a 'Radical' 'Extremist' 'Terrorist' and shoot me on sight even if all I ever wanted is to live peacefully & freely in my own country with my Islamic that too much to ask? if so...then I would rather be a dead radical, extremist or terrorist than a puppet "Moderate" who has forsaken his faith for not so genuine worldly western praise and few loose change. I stand to be corrected but I honestly believe we (Muslims) have neither choice nor voice over what's currently going on in our own countries, be it social or economic all THANKS to our so-called leaders who keep on alienating us every time we raise an important issue that needs to be discussed thoroughly... yet they sell us short by claiming ‘we’ the Muslim youth around the world aren't interested in Politics and we would rather watch MTV than the State Budget announcement on TV or any other important events...but still they're pigs enough to claim we (the youth) are happy with "Western-Democracy" than Islamic Sharia... Well, some of us maybe happy with the whole package of western style democracy ( gay rights, paying and receiving interest etc) but not all of us and most CERTAINLY and most DEFINTELY not me. My point is...we are where we are at today because we let it happen and we shouldn't blame the west but our so-called leaders who betrayed not only Muslims but also Islam by accepting the West's proposal of Monkey Business. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by Crystal_Clear: Where is Australia? Adeer dhonti lisen wat Nameless_Jik sayz...hadaad dooneyso inaad Australia aado oo aadan garaneyn halka loo maro anigaa kuu tilmaamaya ee buug iyo qalin soo qaado Adeer iina soo dhowoow...teeda kale Adeer isoo eeg dee...dadka waa la eegaa marka ay wax kuu tilmaamayaan ee hoos lama eego...Miyaadan weligaa maqal Eye-Contact? mise Adeer waxaad tahay gabar aad uxishood badan oo anigaadan i eegi karin marka hoos ayaad eegeysaa? Adeer aan kuu tilmaamee idhageyso... Bismillaahi Al-Raxmaani Al-Raxiim...Ilaahow dambigeena iyo kuwii na dhalay dambigooda dhaaf, Ilaahow wadada toosan nagu hag...ilaahow safarkeena ku kheyr qaba inooga dhig...Ilaahow kheyrka na waafuji oo sharkana naga najee...Ilaahow owlaad Kheyr qaba nasii...Ilaahow diintaada Islaamka ku xooji intii iimaan buuxa leh, Ilaahow Muslimka uga maciin dhibaatada joogtada ah ee ay maanta ku jiraan...ilaahow gaalada dulmigooda iyo bah dilkooda naga qabo...Aamiin. Adeer ugu horeyn waxad mar walba ogaataa inee Australia kaa jirto halka uu sankaaga ku toosan yahay, magaalada Meelboon la yiraahdana waxee kaa xigtaa dhanka uu ku yaalo xusulkaaga bidix...hadii aad hada ka hor gacanta ka jabteyna xusulkaaga laguma kalsoonaan karo oo taas waxee isu badaleysaa labadaada indhood laba dhexdooda...koow dheh. Waxaad raaceysaa jid caddaha dheer ee ku yaala Afar Irdood oo kugu ridaya kan Via Af-Madoow...sidaad u socoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto usocoto waxaa kaasoo horbeysa ood weyn oo qodax miiran ee oodaas ka dul bood...Adeer waad boodi kadhaa sooma aha? Markaad Oodaas ka boodo waxaa uleexaneysaa oo aad raaceysaa wadada yar ee ay reer Waamuhu uyaqaanaan Mur ama Mudh oo kaa qabaneysa faryaradaada midig...waa wado caro guduud ah...taas ayaa sidee kuu wado ku geyneysa bada...markaas ayaad dabaal bilaabeysaa oo sidaad udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso udabaalaneeso ayaa waxaad arkeeysaa buuro waa weyn oo aad moodo inee yihiin dudumada aboorka markaas ayaad joogtaa Australia oo wixii ku weydiiya halkaad ka timi waxaad ku tiraahdaa waxaan ka imi waddanka Jula-Jawaya oo waxaa isoo diray Adeerkay Bob...wey garan doonaan. Adeer iska ilaali waddanka waxaa laga helaa bahal aad moodo Bakeyle weyn oo ku bood-booda labada lugood ee dambe oo ay ugu yeeraan Kangaroo oo wax nacfi ah oo uu leeyahay aan la arag...Ari carbeedka ayaaba ka fiican...waxaa kaloo laga helaa bahal aad ufoolxun oo xanaaq badan oo ay ugu yeeraan Tasmanian-Devil oo ka foolxun Doofaarka kana caro badan Xoorka kaana wax nacfi ah oo uu leeyahay lama arko oo Dameerka ayaa dhaama ooba la rartaa...laakiin waxaa laga helaa Geel...Geelaas oo laii sheegay in laga qaaday reereheenii marka Adeer geela iisoo tiri dibna inoogu soo qaad waxaan ku siin doona abaal marin aad u wacan...Geela waa geeleenii ee intaad dhex gasho maalo oo caanaha ka dhareg Adeer ileyn waan ku ogahay waad haraadsantahay oo mudaad bad iyo berri kusoo jirtaye... Adeer badoodu waxaa laga helaa kalluunkeena oo kale marka midkaad aragtaba waa la cuni karaa aan ka aheyn Stingray...Adeer iska ilaali kaas oo waa gacan ku dhiigle...wuxuu dilay ninka la yiraahdo Steve Irwin adduunka dhan oo eegaya iyo waxa kaloo ay leeyihiin kalluunka ay Baajuunta Kismaayo ugu yeeraan Laqam reer xamarkuna ugu yeeraan Yaxaas Badeed (Af Soomaali Xumaa Wuxu) gaaladuna ugu yeedho Shark...qaas ahaan noociisa qatarta ah ee loo yaqaan Great White Shark...adeer kaa waa qatar ee iska ilaali waa Sac-Sac aan rag wax ka aqoon...intaas hadaad ka badbaado waxa kaliya oo aad ka walwaleysaa waan Skin-Head kuwa loo yaqaan oo uu uweyn yahay Madaxweynaha mareykanka Jawaan Buush qeybna uu ka yahay Raiisal wasaaraha Australia Hawadh ninka la yiraahdo ee foosha xun... Adeer guriga haka soo bixin oo Wiilasha iska ilaali...anigu ma jecli wiilasha fooda dheer oo aad moodo Diiq Gel loo mariyey...Adeer Maqbiyo noqo...waad caddaaneysaa oo aad gaduudaneysaa waadna quruxsanaaneysaa markaana Geel badan ayaa lagaa bixin anaguna beerta ayaan ka baxeynaa...Marka waan kuu duceynayaaye Adeerow dardaarankeyga dhageyso...Ilaahey Haku Nabad Galiyo Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Mambo Hodman...Hali Vipi...You're Welcome Sistee. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Originally posted by Taliban: plus certain Somali groups never practiced it. Salam Aleikum W.W Care to elaborate on that my brother? if you don't mind that is...because I was told that all Somalis practiced it regardless of background & tribe...I lived amongst Bajunis & Arabs who used to practice it even though most Somalis believed that they never circumcised their girls... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Salam Aleikum W.W A man was on his way to a neigbouring village when an Angel suddenly appeard before him. "What takes you to this village?" enquired the Angel. "To visit a brother whom I love for the sake of Allah" was the sincere reply. The Angel questioned further "Do you have any other (worldly) motive?" the man replied " No, upon which the Angel exclaimed "I'm the messenger of Allah s.w and I assure you that Allah s.w loves you as you love your (Muslim) brother". (Sahih Muslim, Hadeeth 6495) At the same time, another Angel is deputed to proclaim the following message to him "You have done well, your footsteps have been profitable and you have prepared and abode for yourself in paradise". Sunan Al-tirmidhi Hadeeth 2008. Allah s.w himself announces "My love is incumbent for the one who loves, visits, or spends on others purely for my sake." Daily people meet in the world for various motives, but the practice of loving/ meeting someone purely for the sake of Allah s.w is totally foreign to us. Of the many disastrous ill-effects of the present day society is the concept of self centeredness, where each person cares for him/herself while remaining totally oblivious of the presence and needs of those around him/her. Presently, there are many such "un-noticed" muslim brothers & sisters that are secluded in old aged homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and orphanages etc who await some kindhearted soul to lift their spirits by paying them a visit. Occasional visits to such places would do us all more benefit than harm. One who visits the sick is, so to say, visiting Allah s.w, our beloved prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said "Allah s.w will say to man (on the day of qiyamah) " O my slave, I was sick and you refused to visit me" man will exclaim " O Allah, how could that be when whereas you are the lord of the worlds?" Allah s.w will reply "A certain slave of mine was sick, had you visited him, you would have found me (i.e Mymercy) at his side." (Sahih Muslim Hadeeth 6501) If the merits of visiting an ordinary Muslim brother or sister are such, can you imagine the rewards of visiting those with whom one shares a special bond? Imagine the honour of joining ties with Allah s.w Nowadays, we choose to spend our spare time (Holidays) frequenting places that are totally immoral and filled with vice and sin, for example the cinemas, the casinos, shows, entertainment halls, beaches, parties etc. On the contrary, ask yourself the question; "When last did I visit my relatives, my local alim, the elder of my community or any fellow muslim brother/sister purely for the pleasure of Allah s.w"? Visiting the sick, the elderly, the needy, one's relatives, neighbours or any other Muslim for the sake of Allah s.w was the salient feature in the life of of our noble Prophet (p.b.u.h) he would even visit such non-muslims, such as the jewish lad who was ill.. Today, especially the present holiday season,k we can achieve all that and more by implementing this very important and neglected Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h) Insha Allah instead of emulating the rest of the world who celebrate these kinds of holidays with as much sin as possible, thereby drawing the wrath of our creator upon makind. May Allah s.w Guide Us All Through The Righteous Path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Questions I hope no warlord ever gets to read this as I've still got some family members living back @ Home. You'll know me no better in epitaphs I know you better when everyone is sinking while the windows clear and an alarm smacks the hand that revolves above innocence. (laughter) and the ring finger a trigger to silence the heart the heart was never beating in the first place so some of them live on in a work of fiction others in the dreams of another's pension it seems like its been four years as I'm looking around the back of the room it seems so empty, so quite and silent like the promise you'll never keep for the future you're selling us short, I repeat.. you're selling us short, I will spell it in morse S.O.S beats in my aching chest but compounds a stress fracture just another round of young believers waiting for the reasons to fall in your guillotine world but worst of all is that you never asked the youth if they live with purpose yeah purpose… I say you greedy old man.. what's the purpose of life anyway? I'm looking at everyone's size I'm looking at everyone's lies and I'm sick of waiting for your permission for my young and educated generation to die catch me if you can...catch us if you can I'm that flat line when your fingers on the pulse of the youth of Somalia at peace with the world at least enough to succumb to a lesson suburban sprawled functions and semi casual corporate luncheons something like a family held together almost perfectly by so much tension this is for the youth you deemed unimportant then we forget so quickly, so quickly. so pick me up with the business section and tear your wrists with coffee cups star bucks isn’t much if you take away the diminished middle class because I'm living in fear my parents cried gallons of tears you are living in deep fear of letting your negative trends fall by the wayside and pass over the reigns to the young and better equipped but before you enlist us, just listen just listen to the heartbeat of the young fading into insignificance... it's your turn and it's your fault it's our turn to be our fault to learn to just learn to live in peace rather than die in pieces catch me if you can, I said catch us if you can we are that flat line when your fingers on the pulse of the youth of Somalia. :mad: :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. (SOMALIA) I scream out loud lungs stretched to its full capacity as I lose breath and my chest hurts from inside the pain of the torture I am receiving is killing me. (ME) Due to my Somali skin that doesn't tone the right notes I am locked behind these strings of violins violent strokes i scream day and night Dear God you're my only hope my heart is subjected to these mindless chains of killings tight iron cuffs making marks through my wrist, skin splits blood drips around my finger tips as I write about the rape of my beautiful Somalia by my own Somali people. (SOMALIA) BOB, my proud Somali child, we'll make it you'll see our time will come, we'll break through the barriers of war no more crying mothers for their dead infants no more mistreating and beating and raping our women or getting kicked in the head,spat on,slap and shot no more of our families getting chased from their shelters. (ME) Somalia, my beautiful and loving princess hence my motherland rich and beautiful you still have Faith in us the same people who abuse you daily without a hint of care yet I lost myself, since they took the life of my friend he was only an innocent and infant bright star on my shirt still exist his blood stained hand print (Tears Drip) Yes Mother Somalia I must keep hope in these trying times what must we do to break loose from these warlords’ unprovoked wrath? (SOMALIA) My BOB, we'll reunite with all our lost hope and dreams one day I will give birth to a Somali child who is so adorable eyes sparkle like stars his giggle tickles, ah my son Noble sonny, you didn't lose yourself. You're my unbreakable Prince who will forever posses his golden heart as his crown my beautiful body might have endured the cruel abuse but I've plotted a scheme when the warlords come I'll strangle them all with the same cuffs they tied me with to abuse me I know I'm more powerful than them without their arsenal they aren't tough. (ME) Beloved Somalia, they are quick with the gun, I don't know about this. we already lost thousand innocent lives, our dignity and pride I swear,I can't grasp losing you. it's a crazy risk. (SOMALIA) a risk I have to take for my millions of loving kids world wide forced to get down on their knees and beg for food while some are getting raped somewhere far as we speak some are taking their last breath and I wont get to keep their bodies refugee camp isn't the place for a King and his pretty Queen my sanity I can no longer contain, bondage must be broken I won't be tamed and I wont allow fear of death intimidate me we'll make it Son, forever remember the freedom dream. (ME) My people shall be set free from their greed we wont lie down and beg but for freedom we bleed we wont let the legacy of our freedom fighters die they corrupted our young minds in containment now forget our skin even the soul is as rough as pavement i can marvel at the insanity and wonder when humanity will prevail over this insane world. (To The Somali Youth) in the day dream of pain we are all in I am sure we will make it, we must keep the Faith but we are still losing a part of Somalia everyday as she gets brutally raped & looted time and again by the merciless scavengers we call elders it is about time we let our voice be heard stand up and for motherland's sake speak up let us not stand back and watch let us not history accuse us of failure we are our beloved Somalia's one and only hope can't you hear her cries and see her tears? My dear Somali brothers & sisters, my fellows.. The FUTURE IS NOW. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Traveling Man. If I was born to be a traveler with curiosity and watch my people pushing passion and self pride let my journey be across the spaces that divide us the spaces that confine us, spaces that define true love spaces that create us, spaces we must break up call out and make me and my people rise up it's the very liquid soul that oozes from my kind to light the deserted side walks with our magic beyond the foreign and distant shores it's the joy from which the laughter of those dying while still young is drawn love should be the essence of my people and when we move to any groove we should shake the earth around the sun ask for the tricks that dip our ladies’ hips we'll tell you that love makes the blood run my people wear your colours with pride sing your spirits loud and unplugged we'll use the hands that built our art to build ourselves up once again with love carry the love for your people within your blood love is in the survival of my Somali race dear God give me new set of eyes to see my people in a different light give me new set of eyes to see the new state of mind peace brings true love defines the space between the person I am and who I wish to be. Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Salam Aleikum W.W Brother Northerner, I am not surprised one bit and it makes me wonder...what's their next step going to be? to sabotage "the extremists" by forbidding them to attend prayers with the congregation? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Which able General said; The whole art of war is to gain your objective with as little loss as possible Answer: Bernard Law Montgomery. I admit, I have never heard of him which is why I cheated by asking an old timer who's as you may have guessed a WW 2 Vet... PS. Brother Xalane...Since I have cheated I don't deserve to be given the credit of answering your question, so I have decided to forfeit and pass the opportunity to ask a question...and if it's possible I would like you to take my place and ask another question again and if I don't know the answer don't worry I wont ask the answer my veteran neighbour again. You have my word. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Answer;sayidina cali? indeed. it was Ali (RA) who said that. Now...the floor is all yours Capitano Xalane... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Salam Aleikum W.W INTRODUCTION: If you wish to research the life of this great lady, and if you do not have al-Majlisi's voluminous [110 Vol.] encyclopedia titled Bihar al-Anwar, the best references are: al-Sayyuti's Tarikh al Khulafa, Abul-Faraj al-Isfahani's Aghani, Ibn Hisham's Seera, Muhammad ibn Ishaq's Seerat Rasool-Allah, and Tarikh al-rusul wal muluk by Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (839-923 A.D.). Of all these books, only al-Tabari's Tarikh is being translated (by more than one translator and in several volumes) into English. This article has utilized a number of Arabic and English references, and it is written especially for those who appreciate history, our great teacher, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, and who aspire to learn from it. "Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth," a saying goes. Khadija al-Kubra daughter of Khuwaylid ibn (son of) Asad ibn Abdul-Uzza ibn Qusayy belonged to the clan of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Banu Asad. She was a distant cousin of her husband the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ibn Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny. Qusayy, then, is the ancestor of all clans belonging to Quraysh. According to some historians, Quraysh's real name was Fahr, and he was son of Malik son of Madar son of Kananah son of Khuzaimah son of Mudrikah son of Ilyas son of Mazar son of Nazar son of Ma'ad son of Adnan son of Isma`eel (Ishmael) son of Ibrahim (Abraham) son of Sam son of Noah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the prophets from among his ancestors. According to a number of sources, Khadija was born in 565 A.D. and died one year before the Hijra (migration of the Holy Prophet and his followers from Mecca to Medina) in 623 A.D. at the age of 58, but some historians say that she lived to be 65. Khadija's mother, who died around 575 A.D., was Fatima daughter of Za'ida ibn al-Asam of Banu Amir ibn Luayy ibn Ghalib, also a distant relative of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Khadija's father, who died around 585 A.D., belonged to the Abd al-Uzza clan of the tribe of Quraysh and, like many other Qurayshis, was a merchant, a successful businessman whose vast wealth and business talents were inherited by Khadija and whom the latter succeeded in faring with the family's vast wealth. It is said that when Quraysh's trade caravans gathered to embark upon their lengthy and arduous journey either to Syria during the summer or to Yemen during the winter, Khadija's caravan equalled the caravans of all other traders of Quraysh put together. Although the society in which Khadija was born was a terribly male chauvinistic one, Khadija earned two titles: Ameerat-Quraysh, Princess of Quraysh, and al-Tahira, the Pure One, due to her impeccable personality and virtuous character, not to mention her honorable descent. She used to feed and clothe the poor, assist her relatives financially, and even provide for the marriage of those of her kin who could not otherwise have had means to marry. By 585 A.D., Khadija was left an orphan. Despite that, and after having married twice- and twice lost her husband to the ravaging wars with which Arabia was afflicted- she had no mind to marry a third time though she was sought for marriage by many honorable and highly respected men of the Arabian peninsula throughout which she was quite famous due to her business dealings. She simply hated the thought of being widowed for a third time. Her first husband was Abu (father of) Halah Hind ibn Zarah who belonged to Banu Adiyy, and the second was Ateeq ibn Aaith. Both men belonged to Banu Makhzoom. By her first husband, she gave birth to a son who was named after his father Hind and who came to be one of the greatest sahabah (companions of the Holy Prophet). He participated in both battles of Badr and Uhud, and he is also famous for describing the Prophet's physique; he was martyred during the Battle of the Camel in which he fought on the side of Khaleef Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA), although some historians say that he died in Basrah. All biography accounts describe Hind as an outspoken orator, a man of righteousness and generosity, and one who took extreme caution while quoting the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Besides him, Khadija gave birth by Abu Halah to two other sons: al-Tahir, and, of course, Halah, who is not very well known to historians despite the fact that his father is nicknamed after him. Who were Khadija's children by her second husband? This is another controversy that revolves round the other daughters or step-daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) besides Fatima (RA). These daughters, chronologically arranged, are: Zainab, Ruqayya, and Ummu Kulthoom. Some historians say that these were Khadija's daughters by her second husband, whereas others insist they were her daughters by Muhammad (pbuh). Zainab, their oldest, was born before the prophetic mission and was married to Abul-`As ibn al-Rabee`. She had accepted Islam before her husband, and she participated in the migration from Mecca to Medina. She died early in 8 A.H. and was buried in Jannatul Baqee` where her grave can still be seen defying the passage of time. Ruqayya and Ummu Kulthoom married two of Abu Lahab's sons. Abu Lahab, one of the Prophet's uncles, stubbornly and openly rejected his nephew's preaching; therefore, he was condemned in the Mecci Chapter 111 of the Holy Qur'an, a chapter named after him. Having come to know about such a condemnation, he became furious and said to his sons, "There shall be no kinship between you and me unless you part with these daughters of Muhammad," whereupon they divorced them instantly. Ruqayya married the third Khaleef Uthman ibn Affan (RA) and migrated with him to Ethiopia in 615 A.D., five years after the inception of the prophetic mission, accompanied by no more than nine others. That was the first of two such migrations. After coming back home, she died in Medina in 2 A.H. and was buried at Jannatul Baqee`. Uthman then married her sister Ummu Kulthoom in Rabi` al-Awwal of the next (third) Hijri year. Ummu Kulthoom lived with her husband for about six years before dying in 9 A.H., leaving no children. One particular quality in Khadija was quite interesting, probably more so than any of her other qualities mentioned above: she, unlike her people, never believed in nor worshipped idols. There was a very small number of Christians and Jews in Mecca, and a fairly large number of Jews in Medina. Waraqah ibn Nawfal, one of Khadija's cousins, had embraced Christianity and was a pious monk who believed in the Unity of the Almighty, just as all early Christians did, that is, before the concept of the Trinity crept into the Christian faith, widening the theological differences among the believers in Christ (AS). He reportedly had translated the Bible from Hebrew into Arabic. His likes could be counted on the fingers of one hand during those days in the entire populous metropolis of Mecca, or Becca, or Ummul-Qura (the mother town), a major commercial center at the crossroads of trade caravans linking Arabia with India, Persia, China, and Byzantium, a city that had its own Red Sea port at Shu`ayba. Most importantly, Mecca housed the Ka`ba, the cubic "House of God" which has always been sought for pilgrimage and which used to be circled by naked polytheist "pilgrims" who kept their idols, numbering 360 small and big, male and female, inside it and on its roof-top. Among those idols was one for Abraham and another for Ishmael, each carrying divine arrows in his hands. Hubal, a huge idol in the shape of a man, was given as a gift by the Moabites of Syria to the tribesmen of Khuza`ah, and it was Mecca's chief idol. Two other idols of significance were those of the Lat, a grey granite image which was the deity of Thaqif in nearby Taif, and the Uzza, also a block of granite about twenty feet long. These were regarded as the wives of the Almighty... Each tribe had its own idol, and the wealthy bought and kept a number of idols at home. The institute of pilgrimage was already there; it simply was not being observed properly, and so was the belief in Allah Whom the Arabs regarded as their Supreme deity. Besides Paganism, other "religions" in Arabia included star worship and fetishism. The Jews of Medina had migrated from Palestine and settled there waiting for the coming of a new Prophet from the seed of Abraham (AS) in whom they said they intended to believe and to be the foremost in following, something which unfortunately did not materialize; on the contrary, they joined ranks with the Pagans to fight the spread of Islam. Only a handful of them embraced Islam, including one man who was a neighbor of Muhammad (pbuh); he lived in the same alley in Mecca where Khadija's house stood; his wife, also Jewish, used to collect dry thorny bushes from the desert just to throw them in the Prophet's way. Since Khadija did not travel with her trade caravans, she had always had to rely on someone else to act as her agent to trade on her behalf and to receive an agreed upon commission in return. In 595 A.D., Khadija needed an agent to trade in her merchandise going to Syria, and it was then that a number of agents whom she knew before and trusted, as well as some of her own relatives, particularly Abu Talib, suggested to her to employ her distant cousin Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh) who, by then, had earned the honoring titles of al-Sadiq, the truthful, and al-Amin, the trustworthy. Muhammad (pbuh) did not have any practical business experience, but he had twice accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on his trade trips and keenly observed how he traded, bartered, bought and sold and conducted business; after all, the people of Quraysh were famous for their involvement in trade more than in any other profession. It was not uncommon to hire an agent who did not have a prior experience; so, Khadija decided to give Muhammad (pbuh) a chance. He was only 25 years old. Khadija sent Muhammad (pbuh) word through Khazimah ibn Hakim, one of her relatives, offering him twice as much commission as she usually offered her agents to trade on her behalf. She also gave him one of her servants, Maysarah, who was young, brilliant, and talented, to assist him and be his bookkeeper. She also trusted Maysarah's account regarding her new employee's conduct, an account which was most glaring, indeed one which encouraged her to abandon her insistence never to marry again. Before embarking upon his first trip as a businessman representing Khadija, Muhammad (pbuh) met with his uncles for last minute briefings and consultations, then he set out on the desert road passing through Wadi al-Qura, Midian, and Diyar Thamud, places with which he was familiar because of having been there at the age of twelve in the company of his uncle Abu Talib. He continued the lengthy journey till he reached Busra (or Bostra) on the highway to the ancient city of Damascus after about a month. It was then the capital of Hawran, one of the southeastern portions of the province of Damascus situated north of the Balqa'. To scholars of classic literature, Hawran is known by its Greek name Auranitis, and it is described in detail by Yaqut al-Hamawi, Abul-Faraj al-Isfahani, and others. Arab trade caravans used to go there quite often and even beyond it to Damascus and Gaza, and few made it all the way to Mediterranean shores to unload their precious cargoes of Chinese paper and silk textiles bound for Europe. What items did Muhammad (pbuh) carry with him to Busra, and what items did he buy from there? Meccans were not known to be skilled craftsmen, nor did they excel in any profession besides trade, but young Muhammad (pbuh) might have carried with him a cargo of hides, raisins, perfumes, dried dates, light weight woven items, probably silver bars, and most likely some herbs. He bought what he was instructed by his employer to buy: these items may have included manufactured goods, clothes, a few luxury items to sell to wealthy Meccans, and maybe some household goods. Gold and silver currency accepted in Mecca included Roman, Persian, and Indian coins, for Arabs during those times, including those who were much more sophisticated than the ones among whom Muhammad (pbuh) grew up such as the Arabs of the southern part of Arabia (Yemen, Hadramout, etc.), did not have a currency of their own; so, barter was more common than cash. The first Arab Islamic currency, by the way, was struck in Damascus by the Umayyad ruler Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (697-698 A.D.) in 78 A.H., 36 years after the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty (661-750). The time Muhammad (pbuh) stayed in Busra was no more than a couple of months during which he met many Christians and Jews and noticed the theological differences among the major Christian sects that led to the disassociation of the Copts, the Syrian (Chaldean) Nestorian, and the Armenian Christians from the main churches of Antioch (Antakiya), Rome, and Egyptian Alexandria. Such dissensions and differences of theological viewpoints provided Muhammad (pbuh) with plenty of food for thought; he contemplated upon them a great deal. He was seen once by Nestor the monk sitting in the shade of a tree as caravans entered the outskirts of Busra, not far from the monk's small monastery. "Who is the man beneath that tree?" inquired Nestor of Maysarah. "A man of Quraysh," Maysarah answered, adding, "of the people [the Hashemites] who have guardianship of the Sanctuary." "None other than a Prophet is sitting beneath that tree," said Nestor who had observed some of the signs indicative of Prophethood: two angels (or, according to other reports, two small clouds) were shading Muhammad (pbuh) from the oppressive heat of the sun. "Is there a glow, a slight redness, around his eyes that never parts with him?" Nestor asked Maysarah. When the latter answered in the affirmative, Nestor said, "He most surely is the very last Prophet; congratulations to whoever believes in him." One of Muhammad's observations when he was in that Syrian city was the historical fact that a feud was brewing between the Persian and Roman empires, each vying for hegemony over Arabia's fertile crescent. Indeed, such an observation was quite accurate, for after only a few years, a war broke out between the then mightiest nations on earth that ended with the Romans losing it, as the Holy Qur'an tells us in Chapter 30 (The Romans), which was revealed in 7 A.H./615-16 A.D., only a few months after the fall of Jerusalem to the Persians, just to win in a successive one. Only four years prior to that date, the Persians had scored a sweeping victory over the Christians, spreading their control over Aleppo, Antioch, and even Damascus. Muhammad (pbuh) was concerned about either of these two empires extending its control over the land inhabited by Muhammad's Pagan fiercely independent Pagan people. The loss of Jerusalem, birthplace of Christ Jesus son of Mary (RA), was a heavy blow to the prestige of Christianity. Most Persians were then following Zoroastrianism, a creed introduced in the 6th century before Christ by Zoroaster (628-551 B.C.), also known as Zarathustra, whose adherents are described as worshippers of the "pyre," the holy fire. "Persia," hence, meant "the land of the worshippers of the pyre, the sacred fire." Modern day Iran used to be known as "Aryana," land of the Aryan nations and tribes. Not only Iranians, but also Kurds, and even Germans, prided in being Aryans, (Caucasian) Nordics or speakers of an Indo-European dialect. Some Persians had converted to Christianity as we know from Salman al-Farisi who was one such adherent till he fell in captivity, sold in Mecca and freed to be one of the most renown and cherished sahabis and narrators of hadith in Islamic history, so much so that the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) said, "Salman is one of us, we Ahl al-Bayt (People of the Household of Prophethood)." The war referred to above was between the then Byzantine (Eastern Roman) emperor Heraclius (575 - 641 A.D.) and the Persian king Khusrau (Khosrow) Parwiz (Parviz) or Chosroes II (d. 628 A.D.). It was one of many wars in which those mighty nations were embroiled and which continued for many centuries. Yet the hands of Divine Providence were already busy paving the path for Islam: the collision between both empires paved the way for the ultimate destruction of the ancient Persian empire and in Islam setting root in that important part of the world. Moreover, Muhammad's (and, naturally, Khadija's) offspring came to marry ladies who were born and raised at Persian as well as Roman palaces. Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA), Prophet Muhammad's grandson married the daughter of the last Persian emperor Jazdagird (Yazdegerd) III son of Shahryar and grandson of this same Khusrau II. Jazdagerd ruled Persia from 632-651 A.D. and lost the Battle of Qadisiyyah to the Muslim forces in 636, thus ending the rule of the Sassanians. Having been defeated, he fled for Media in northwestern Iran, homeland of Persian Mede tribesmen, and from there to Merv, an ancient Central Asian city near modern day Mary in Turkmenistan (until very recently one of the republics of the Soviet Union), where he was killed by a miller. The slain emperor left two daughters who, during their attempt to escape, following the murder of their father, were caught and sold as slaves. One of them, Shah-Zenan, ended up marrying Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA), whereas her sister married the renown scholar and acclaimed muhaddith (traditionist) Muhammad son of the first Muslim caliph Abu Bakr (RA). Shah-Zenan was awarded a royal treatment and was given a new name in her own Persian mother tongue: Shahr Banu, which means "mistress of the ladies of the city." The marriage between her and Hussein (RA) produced (Zainul-Abidin, or al-Sajjad) Ali ibn al-Husain ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA). The profits Khadija reaped from that trip were twice as much as she had anticipated. Maysarah was more fascinated by Muhammad (pbuh) than by anything related to the trip. Muhammad (pbuh), on the other hand, brought back his impressions about what he had seen and heard, impressions which he related to his mistress. You see, those trade caravans were the only links contemporary Arabs had with their outside world: they brought them the news of what was going on beyond their drought-ridden and famine-stricken desert and sand dunes. Waraqah ibn Nawfal, like Bahirah, the monk who had seen and spoken to Muhammad (pbuh) when Muhammad (pbuh) was a lad, adhered to the Nestorian Christian sect. He heard the accounts about the personality and conduct of young Muhammad (pbuh) from both his cousin Khadija and her servant Maysarah, an account which caused him to meditate for a good while and think about what he had heard. Raising his head, he said to Khadija, "Such manners are fit only for the messengers of God. Who knows? Maybe this young man is destined to be one of them." This statement was confirmed a few years later, and Waraqah was the very first man who identified Muhammad (pbuh) as the Messenger of Allah immediately after Muhammad (pbuh) received the first revelation at Hira cave. The trip's measure of success encouraged Khadija to employ Muhammad (pbuh) again on the winter trip to southern Arabia, i.e. Yemen, the land that introduced the coffee beans to the rest of the world, the land where the renown Ma'rib irrigation dam was engineered, the land of Saba' and the renown Balqees, the Arabian Queen of Sheba (Saba') of Himyar, who married King Solomon (Sulayman the wise, peace be upon him), in 975 B.C. (after the completion of the construction of the famous Solomon's Temple [1]), the land of natives skilled in gold, silver and other metal handicrafts, not to mention their ingenuity in the textile industry and domestic furniture..., and it may even be the land that gave Arabic its first written script which, as some believe, was modelled after written Amheric, then the official language in Ethiopia and its colonies. Yemen, at that time, was being ruled by an Ethiopian regent. This time Khadija offered Muhammad (pbuh) three times the usual commission. Unfortunately, historians do not tell us much about this second trip except that it was equally profitable to both employer and employee. Some historians do not mention this trip at all. Khadija was by then convinced that she had finally found a man who was worthy of her, so much so that she initiated the marriage proposal herself. Muhammad (pbuh) sat to detail all the business transactions in which he became involved on her behalf, but the wealthy and beautiful lady of Quraysh was thinking more about her distant cousin than about those transactions. She simply fell in love with Muhammad (pbuh) just as the daughter of the Arabian prophet Shu`ayb had fallen in love with then fugitive prophet Moses (AS). Muhammad (pbuh) was of medium stature, inclined to slimness, with a large head, broad shoulders and the rest of his body perfectly proportioned. His hair and beard were thick and black, not altogether straight but slightly curled. His hair reached midway between the lobes of his ears and shoulders, and his beard was of a length to match. He had a noble breadth of forehead and the ovals of his large eyes were wide, with exceptionally long lashes and extensive brows, slightly arched but not joined. His eyes were said to have been black, but other accounts say they were brown, or light brown. His nose was aquiline and his mouth was finely shaped. Although he let his beard grow, he never allowed the hair of his moustache to protrude over his upper lip. His skin was white but tanned by the sun. And there was a light on his face, a glow, the same light that had shone from his father, but it was more, much more powerful, and it was especially apparent on his broad forehead and in his eyes which were remarkably luminous. By the time he was gone, Khadija sought the advice of a friend of hers named Nufaysa daughter of Umayyah. The latter offered to approach him on her behalf and, if possible, arrange a marriage between them. Nufaysa came to Muhammad (pbuh) and asked him why he had not married yet. "I have no means to marry," he answered. "But if you were given the means," she said, "and if you were bidden to an alliance where there is beauty and wealth and nobility and abundance, would you not then consent?" "Who is she?!" he excitedly inquired. "Khadija," said Nufaysa. "And how could such a marriage be mine?!" he asked. "Leave that to me!" was her answer. "For my part," he said, "I am willing." Nufaysa returned with these glad tidings to Khadija who then sent word to Muhammad (pbuh) asking him to come to her. When he came, she said to him: O son of my uncle! I love you for your kinship with me, and for that you are ever in the center, not being a partisan among the people for this or for that. And I love you for your trustworthiness, and for the beauty of your character and the truth of your speech. Then she offered herself in marriage to him, and they agreed that he should speak to his uncles and she would speak to her uncle `Amr son of Asad, since her father had died. It was Hamzah, despite being relatively young, whom the Hashemites delegated to represent them on this marriage occasion, since he was most closely related to them through the clan of Asad; his sister Safiyya had just married Khadija's brother `Awwam. It was Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle, who delivered the marriage sermon saying, All praise is due to Allah Who has made us the progeny of Ibrahim (Abraham), the seed of Isma'eel (Ismael), the descendants of Ma'ad, the substance of Mudar, and Who made us the custodians of His House and the servants of its sacred precincts, making for us a House sought for pilgrimage and a shrine of security, and He also gave us authority over the people. This nephew of mine Muhammad (pbuh) cannot be compared with any other man: if you compare his wealth with that of others, you will not find him a man of wealth, for wealth is a vanishing shadow and a fickle thing. Muhammad (pbuh) is a man whose lineage you all know, and he has sought Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid for marriage, offering her such-and-such of the dower of my own wealth. Nawfal then stood and said, All praise is due to Allah Who has made us just as you have mentioned and preferred us over those whom you have indicated, for we, indeed, are the masters of Arabs and their leaders, and you all are worthy of this (bond of marriage). The tribe (Quraysh) does not deny any of your merits, nor does anyone else dispute your lofty status and prestige. And we, furthermore, wish to be joined to your rope; so, bear witness to my words, O people of Quraysh! I have given Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid in marriage to Muhammad ibn Abdullah for the dower of four hundred dinars. Then Nawfal paused, whereupon Abu Talib said to him, "I wished her uncle had joined you (in making this statement)." Hearing that, Khadija's uncle stood and said, "Bear witness, O men of Quraysh, that I have given Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid in marriage to Muhammad ibn Abdullah." These details and more are recorded in Ibn Hisham's Seera. After his marriage, Muhammad (pbuh) moved from his uncle's house to live with his wife in her house which stood at the smiths' market, an alley branching out of metropolitan Mecca's long main bazaar, behind the mas`a, the place where the pilgrims perform the seven circles during the hajj or `umra. In that house Fatima (as) was born and the revelation descended upon the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) many times. This house, as well as the one in which the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) was born (which stood approximately 50 meters northwards), were both demolished by the ignorant and fanatical Wahhabi rulers of Saudi Arabia last year (1413 A.H./1993 A.D.) and turned into public bathrooms. The grave sites of many family members and companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) were all demolished by the same Wahhabis in 1343 A.H./1924 A.D. against the wish and despite the denunciation of the adherents of all other Muslim sects and schools of thought world-wide. The marriage was a very happy one, and it produced a lady who was one of the four perfect women in all the history of mankind: Fatima daughter of Muhammad (pbuh). Before her, Qasim and Abdullah were born, but they both died at infancy. By the time Khadija got married, she was quite a wealthy lady, so wealthy that she felt no need to keep trading and increasing her wealth; instead, she decided to retire and enjoy a comfortable life with her husband who, on his part, preferred an ascetic life to that of money making. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) had no desire to accumulate wealth; that was not the purpose for which he, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his progeny, was created. He was created to be savior of mankind from the darkness of ignorance, idol worship, polytheism, misery, poverty, injustice, oppression, and immorality. He very much loved to meditate, though his meditation deepened his grief at seeing his society sunk so low in immorality, lawlessness, and the absence of any sort of protection for those who were weak and oppressed. Khadija's period of happiness lasted no more than 15 years after which her husband, now the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), started his mission to invite people to the Oneness of God, to equality between men and women, and to an end to the evils of the day. Muhammad (pbuh) was forty years old when the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to him. They were the first verses of Surat al-Alaq (chapter 96), and they were revealed during the month of Ramadan 13 years before the Hijra, at the cave of Hira in Jabal al-Noor (the mountain of light), his favorite place for isolation and meditation, a place which is now visited by many pilgrims. Muhammad (pbuh) went back home heavy-hearted, profoundly perplexed, deeply impressed by the sight of arch-angel Gabriel and by the depth of meaning implied in those beautiful words: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Proclaim (or read)! In the Name of your Lord and Cherisher who created (everything). (He) created man of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is the Most Bountiful Who taught (the use of) the pen, Who taught man that which he knew not... (Qur'an, 96:1-5) He felt feverish, so he asked to be wrapped and, once he felt better, he narrated what he had seen and heard to his faithful and supportive wife. "By Allah," Khadija said, "Allah shall never subject you to any indignity..., for you always maintain your ties with those of your kin, and you are always generous in giving; you are diligent, and you seek what others regard as unattainable; you cool the eyes of your guest, and you lend your support to those who seek justice and redress. Stay firm, O cousin, for by Allah I know that He will not deal with you except most beautifully, and I testify that you are the awaited Prophet in this nation, and your time, if Allah wills, has come." After a short while, Khadija told her husband about the prediction of the Syrian monk Buhayra regarding Muhammad's Prophethood, and about her dialogue with both her servant Maysarah, who had informed her of what Bahirah (or Buhayrah) had said, and with her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal. She then accompanied her husband to Waraqah's house to narrate the whole incident. "Let me hear it in your own words," Nawfal said to Muhammad (pbuh), adding, "O noble master!" Having heard the Prophet's words, Nawfal took his time to select his words very carefully; he said, "By Allah, this is the prediction which had been conveyed to Moses (as) and with which the Children of Israel are familiar! [Moses] had said: `O how I wish I could be present when Muhammad (pbuh) is delegated with Prophethood to support his mission and to assist him!'" It was only natural for Khadija to receive her share of the harassment meted to him by none other than those who, not long ago, used to call him al-Sadiq, al-Amin. Khadija did not hesitate to embrace Islam at all, knowing that her husband could not have put forth any false claim. Yahya ibn `Afeef is quoted saying that he once came, during the period of jahiliyya (before the advent of Islam), to Mecca to be hosted by al-Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib, one of the Prophet's uncles mentioned above. "When the sun started rising," says he, "I saw a man who came out of a place not far from us, faced the Ka`ba and started performing his prayers. He hardly started before being joined by a young boy who stood on his right side, then by a woman who stood behind them. When he bowed down, the young boy and the woman bowed, and when he stood up straight, they, too, did likewise. When he prostrated, they, too, prostrated." Then he expressed his amazement at that, saying to al-Abbas: "This is quite strange, O Abbas!" "Is it, really?" retorted al-Abbas. "Do you know who he is?" al-Abbas asked his guest who answered in the negative. "He is Muhammad ibn Abdullah, my nephew. Do you know who the young boy is?" asked he again. "No, indeed," answered the guest. "He is Ali son of Abu Talib. Do you know who the woman is?" The answer came again in the negative, to which al-Abbas said, "She is Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid, my nephew's wife." This incident is included in the books of both Imam Ahmad and al-Tirmithi, each detailing it in his own Sahih. And she bore patiently in the face of persecution to which her revered husband and his small band of believers were exposed at the hands of the polytheists and aristocrats of Quraysh, sacrificing her vast wealth to promote Islam, seeking Allah's Pleasure. Among Khadija's merits was her being one of the four most perfect of all women of mankind, the other three being: Fatima daughter of Muhammad (pbuh), Maryam bint `Umran (Mary daughter of Amram), mother of Christ (AS) and niece of prophet Zakariyya and Ishba (Elizabeth), and `Asiya daughter of Muzahim, wife of Pharaoh. Prophet Zakariyya, as the reader knows, was the father of Yahya (John the Baptist), the latter being only a few months older than prophet Jesus (AS). The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) used to talk about Khadija quite often after her demise, so much so that his youngest wife, `Ayesha daughter of Abu Bakr, felt extremely jealous and said to him, "... But she was only an old woman with red eyes, and Allah has compensated you with a better and younger wife (meaning herself)." This caused him (pbuh) to be very indignant, and he said, "No, indeed; He has not compensated me with someone better than her. She believed in me when all others disbelieved; she held me truthful when others called me a liar; she sheltered me when others abandoned me; she comforted me when others shunned me; and Allah granted me children by her while depriving me of children by other women." and many others, all quote `Ayesha saying: "One day, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) mentioned Khadija affectionately, so I was carried away by jealousy and said about her what I should not have said. It was then that his face changed color in a way I never saw it change except when he (pbuh) was receiving revelation, so I realized what I had done and felt overwhelmed by regret to the extent that I could not help uttering these words: `O Lord! If You remove the anger of Your Messenger right now, I pledge not to ever speak ill of her as long as I live.' Having seen that, he forgave me and narrated to me some of her merits." Both Muslim and Bukhari indicate in their respective Sahih books that among Khadija's merits was the fact that the Lord of Dignity ordered Jibraeel (Gabriel), peace be upon him, to convey His regards to her. Gabriel said to Muhammad (pbuh): "O Muhammad! Khadija is bringing you a bowl of food; when she comes to you, tell her that her Lord greets her, and convey my greeting, too, to her." When he (pbuh) did so, she said: "Allah is the Peace, and He is the source of all peace, and upon Gabriel be peace." Khadija died of an attack of fever on the tenth or eleventh day of the month of Ramadan, ten years after the start of the Prophetic mission (in the year 619 A.D.), 24 years after her marriage with Muhammad (pbuh), and she was buried at Hajun in the outskirts of Mecca. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) dug her grave and buried her... Funeral prayers (salat al janaza) had not yet been mandated in Islam. It is reported that by the time she died, her entire wealth had already been spent to promote Islam; she left not a single gold dinar nor a single silver dirham, nor anything more or less... O soul that are at rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with Him),well-pleasing (Him), so enter among My servants, and enter into My garden. (Qur'an, 89:27-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This temple was built by Solomon (Prophet Sulayman) to express his gratitude for what the Almighty had granted him. Solomon had in advance obtained his Lord's permission to erect it. A glimpse of its grandeur is described in the Holy Qur'an in 27:44: "It was said to her (to Balqees, the Queen of Sheba): Enter the palace; but when she saw it, she deemed it to be a great expanse of water," that is, its marble floors shone like glass, reflecting her image as water does. This temple was later ordered by Solomon to be demolished in its entirety, and the claim of the Jews that the al-Aqsa mosque is built on its very foundations is false. The Jews plot to demolish the al-Aqsa mosque in order to rebuild Solomon's Temple. Jews intend to do so at the right time, when they realize that the Muslims of the world, because of the weakness and hypocrisy of their rulers, are too weak to stand between them and the achievement of their most vile goals, and when the "Christian" West will be ready, more than now, to help them achieve their objectives. The West has been supporting the Jews against the Muslims, and there will never be any reversal to this trend... We are Allah's, and to Him shall we return... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Answer;The Prophet p.b.u.h. Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother Xalane...No, it wasn't the Prophet (P.B.U.H) Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Originally posted by Centurion: quote: Dont be childish. No need to hand in your resignation, just refrain from posting in this thread if you expect to be 'exempt' from the rules. The rules say, the quotes have to be in that so hard to do? Salam Aleikum W.W You sound like a dictator in the making... loool You're not making it any easier for me now, are you? not only do you want me to respect your rules but you also insist that my quotes should be in Bold and soon you will say I should also make it Beautiful... loool waa ku side dee Agaa? PS. Brother Khalaf...Check your inbox Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Salam Aleikum W.W First and foremost CONGRATS to Northerner & Nuune on a job well done... secondly...I was expecting Liverpool to take advantage of Alex's absence, (the man who knocked us out almost single handedly) and they did that with ease and as for Bayern Munchen, they shouldn't write Milan off or they will come to regret it...the Russian referee was awful last night, no wonder Karl-Heinz Rummenige was suspicious of him long before the match and he was proven right when he awarded Milan a non-existant penalty. About tonight's games, in theory, Chelsea shouldn't have any problem dismantling the always stubborn Valencia and they should be careful not to give them too much room to launch their trade mark counter-attack... many people believe Utd has the easiest tie of all the English teams and I tend to disagree with that notion as Roma is more dangerous than PSV especially when Totti is on song...ask Lyon that...the team many thought including myself would be the dark horse of this year's title. Good Luck Guys. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh: i know football inside out So that's what this is all about then, isn't it? You know what, you are right, I'm an imbecile and you are the all knowing genius and #1 football fan in the whole, would that be enough to make you squash the grudge you seem to hold against me? As far as I'm concerned at this point of time I got more important issues to worry about than your knowledge of the game as that doesn't mean nothing, in fact it means less than nothing to me...which is exactly why I NEVER said or say how good I maybe at something and the reason being that no one really cares and secondly its not in my nature to praise myself, where I come from which is called Shoriyako only the pretty girls do that. People are dying by the dozen back home and all you worry about is to impress me with your make-believe knowledge of the game like I was the hottest girl around when in truth you should spend your energy and time on helping our people back home. Don't let your ego deceive you buddy for real men don't rely on false props (brownie points ala cyberspace) to earn the respect of their fellow Cybers and don't bother replying for I wont waste my valuable time on a childish game like he said she said any longer...I'm too old for that. its clear that we will never understand each other unless we knew each other in real life and we would only see eye to eye even then simply because I would beat you up beyond belief every time you tried to argue with me... loool. now before you say how you are being promoted as the next Jackie Chan or Mike Tyson...Remember the last line was only meant as a joke... We should both be embarrassed of our conducts and I'm sorry it took a fellow friend and Moderator to remind us of that... SoMa_InC & Northerner...I'm Sorry brothers. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh: BOB, I dont think your statement that the title was chelsea's to loose makes any sense. here you go with your typical air-head comment AGAIN...the topic is more than 10 pages and if you haven't come across where i said this title was Chelsea's to lose then go ahead and find it for yourself... You have knack of embarrassing yourself by always jumping on the wrong conclusion... [ April 04, 2007, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Northerner ]
  21. Originally posted by Centurion: Lets stick to the rules, people. It must be a quote BOB . The rules are there to be broken and if you insist that i can't break them, then I'm Sorry, I have no interest in playing the game. I QUIT...but not before I give you a one final quote from a great and very famous sahabi (May Allah s.w Be Pleased With Him Insha Allah)... Who Said... "The sourness of this world is sweetness of the next world while the sweetness of this world is the sourness of the next one." Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Salam Dh & Dh. Yes.... Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. You wont be surprised or shocked when the expected or should I say the inevitable you? I was expecting either a draw or a loss (I got my own reasons) but nevertheless at this point of time no loss or win will make any difference to our season as it has already ENDED but I wasn't expecting Crouch to score a hat trick or see him running Toure ragged which made me REALIZE and accept that our players are just going through the motion and can't wait for the bloody season to end so they could go on a holiday. Soma_Inc...I said from the beginning that this title was Chelsea's to lose and that's exactly what happened and right now I don't see any team beating United including Chelsea...mark my words United will either draw or beat you guys at the bridge...or who knows maybe they will come at the bridge when they've already clinched the title thanks to minor favour from a team called Arsenal... but as I always Good Luck.... Northerner....I see you are enjoying the glory of beating the mighty Gunners...What's the chance of us becoming the only team in the history to win the title in your own backyard AGAIN? we DID it at Anfield and we will do it again in your new one...if there's ever a one... Good Luck against shouldn't be a've already done it and i expect you to repeat the same trick twice. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. [*]She has kids, Which means extra CA$H from the welfare but depending which country she's living in, of course, I was told some countries pay you loot if you have kids and the more you have the get the point. Single Mother with few baari kids isn't such a bad idea after all guys...think about it... is there a website strictly for Somali single mothers around? :cool: Peace, Love & Unity.