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Salam Aleikum W.W Mr Red Sea...First and Foremost I wish you all the best and may you have a pleasant stay in hooyoland Insha Allah. I don't have many things to offer to you other than get a wife while you are there and please pass my sincere regards to my future wife (third) in Borama and tell her that I'm coming to get her soon Insha Allah. I could've offered you advices if you were headed for South Africa marka I'm sorry to say that i have nothing to say to you since you are going to a place where I've never been to before myself and I know nothing about it. once again GOOD LUCK and Have a wonderful time. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
The short holiday was over and it was time for Ibrahim to report back for duty and as much as he hated to leave behind the shining light of his life in Safia, he knew he had to do it and not only to please his frustrated father but also himself as he promised himself never to let anything come between him and his destiny including LOVE and to Ibrahim destiny meant nothing but wealth and he was truly convinced that someday soon he was going to be a very wealthy man, perhaps even wealthier than the great Xaaji Lacag himself and we all know too well that in life anything is possible and being ambitious never hurt nobody even if poverty is all that you've known all through your life. Mr Yusuf, the friendly supervisor at Kudhaa Sea Club was somewhat pleased to see his new and love-sick young clerk report back for duty and he was looking forward to their private chat over a cup of special Kismayo tea which they both loved and it was an open secret to the rest of the employees that the supervisor liked the 'spoiled and arrogant' new desk clerk more than the rest but is it fair to Ibrahim to be seen as a 'Spoiled & Arrogant' by his peers at Kudhaa Sea Club just because he doesn't socialise with them and what would they do or say if they discovered his poverty-stricken background…ridicule him for being born poor and ultimately discriminate against him like they have always done in his short but tough life? Ibrahim lived within his head and most of the times he was unaware of what was happening around him, if love has made Boodhari a poet, it made Ibrahim a daydreamer who spent most of his spare time in his own imaginative castle where he was the King and Safia his beautiful Queen. "What's troubling you, Ibrahim?" all week Yusuf noticed how the young man seemed preoccupied as if there was something weighing on his mind, as Ibrahim was always independent, too concerned about hurting others to unburden his troubles on them and he had a way of keeping his thoughts to himself, but not today though, today he had a feeling that things were coming to a head and he needed to talk to some one before it was too late. "It's my Safia" his soft voice was lost against his mutterings. Ibrahim looked up from his writings, watching Yusuf at work and as always wondering what would happen to his beloved Safia since he wasn't in Kismayo any longer and to say he missed her would surely be the understatement of the century. Yusuf glanced at him "Sorry Ibrahim, what did you say"? "Nothing important sir, it can wait" "What's that about Safia?" Ibrahim didn't answer straight away, instead he continued to observe him, noting how the long hard hours standing on that bloody desk drained him and he looked fairly older beyond his teenage years, yet even now he would have still been quite a catch for any girl, long of limb and dark of the eye, he was still an easy-looking guy with no life outside of his desk clerk job and his true dedication to his love, he was often lonely even though he could’ve found a new girl without too much bother but Yusuf felt he never would simply because the plain truth was that Ibrahim loved Safia beyond logic and though she wasn’t around he wanted no other. "What about Safia?" Yusuf repeated, turning from his work, Ibrahim's dark eyes sought his face. "I didn't think you were listening" "Sorry about that Ibrahim" "its alright Sir" "Would you please stop calling me Sir?...you irritate me whenever you call me Sir" "Sorry...Si..Ummhhh...I don't want you worrying, but..." Having started Ibrahim had to go on "I have been meaning to have a word with her, so I had" Sensing Ibrahim's excitement Yusuf put down the file he was holding and came to sit opposite him. "so, go on then and tell me" "We made up and nothing wrong as I know of now" he shrugged his shoulders, trying to make light of it, already regretting being the cause of anxiety betrayed on Yusuf's face. "Aw, sure it doesn't matter. its just a one of those teenage ramblings" excused Ibrahim. "Huh! I've yet to see the day when you take to teenage rambling," "Come one Ibrahim, its obvious you're concerned about something and you'd best out with it". "its just that I can't seem to get past the promise that I made to Safia" confessed Ibrahim. Frowning, he asked "What kind of Promise?" Yusuf knew only too well that Safia was the joy of Ibrahim's life and he couldn't afford to shatter the dreams and the hopes of the young man and he had to choose his words carefully. "I promised to her that I will quit the job and go back home to her" swallowing his grief he continued "you've been an absolute Godsend to me and you stood by me when the whole world seemed to be against me and I will forever be grateful to you as long as I Live" promised Ibrahim sincerely and he felt he owed him more than he could ever repay. Unsure he searched his teary eyes looking for the truth, then suddenly leaning forward, he took hold of his hand and he knew Ibrahim was a special kid. "Look here Ibrahim, I know you love her but what about your dream that you carried within ever since you were a toddler?" he kept his gaze locked with his, a fond smile creeping over his manly features and continued..."That doesn't mean I don't trust you or anything and I'd never want to hurt your feelings as I love you like you were my own flesh and blood". Shame and guilt filled his young heart and now he was in dilemma. "I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart" Ibrahim overcome by emotions broke their gaze and stared at his feet and continued to talk "I'm tempted to remain here for the remainder of my living days but I can't and please believe me when I tell you that all that I am, all that I see, all that I dream and I still do dream mind you, are brighter and more beautiful and they are all meaningful today than ever because of my feelings for Safia" mourned Ibrahim while casting his mind back to the past and briefly thought of how things used to be. "Aw, I'm sure they would, where dream is involved a lady will always give the whole thing that bit extra" a cheeky grin lifted Yusuf's features. "Do you know who you remind me of right now?" asked Ibrahim. "Xaaji Lacag?" joked the supervisor and they both ended up laughing hard. "I wish he was as understanding As you are...but naah, you remind me of my father who once dismissed my feelings for Safia as an adolescent crush" reminisced Ibrahim strating at the vast Indian Ocean. "Was it ever a crush?" Asked Yusuf cautiously. "You know crushes are like the wind, they come and go while my love for Safia has never been smaller than a mountain standing in the depth of my heart and that mountain will forever be here to stay till my last breath and to my last beat of my heart". Here stood a boy who was never told to be anything when he grows up, just told to be something, but what is something? How can he be it? That is where his challenge lies...he has no idea what he wants to do with his life, apparently nobody else does either. "Just do something" "You can be anything you want when you grow up Ibrahim" they would say and it's been years since he's first heard it from his father, but it still echos clearly in the back of his mind and to make matters worse, he's madly in love with the daughter of one of the richest men in the country, a girl who would never understand what 'Work' means as she's never had to work for anything in her entire life, anything and everything she could possibly ever want was handed to her on a silver platter. He only has one choice left...Be a person to the furthest degree, He should never let the progress define him, define the progress for himself. he doesn't think that if he lived everyday five years ahead in time, he would ever truly enjoy where he has gotten. He wanted to focus at the present. He wanted to be comfortable making the mistakes in career choice that he's pretty sure he will end up facing because despite how hard he'd will it not to be so...If he's to live an enjoyable life, he will have to be the Worker Bee at some point, perhaps throughout...but he doesn't want his life's focus to be his career. Ibrahim never wanted to be remembered as the CEO who pulled such and such company out of a financial rut but the man who lived his life to the fullest with all its heartaches & heartbreaks all beside the love of his life Safia. Peace, Love & Unity.
Rudy...I tried German after you recommended it and I didn't like it one bit that's why I decided to stick to my own Kismayo Style which has never let me down thus far...Maybe its time you listened to my recommendation and tried Kismayo Style because you and I know how badly German, Spanish, Swedish and Venezuelan failed you... Try ala Kismayo and I promise you...You are going to love it Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Mr Australia aka Zu...Nice Video They told us so much lies about the Lions and I'm sure almost everybody in here believes that the Lions are the masters when it comes to hunting... We were told that the Lions are not scavengers and they are the master tacticians when it comes to hunting...What a load of Elephant Dump . Lions are renown scavengers and if you want a master hunter then look no further than the African Wild Dogs, followed by the master of camouflage Leopards, The Maurice Green of the jungle Cheetahs and Hayenas... Lions have a lousy record when it comes to hunting...1 out of every 5 attempts end in failure...which will give you a clear indication that Lions are not as great as we were made to believe... but the bloody thing is mighty Brave...especially when it comes to defending its territory against the intruding Nomadic Lions that are looking to take over another pride by force and they usually fight to death and they possess a powerful uppercut that Mike Tyson could only dream of... but if you want the ultimate fierce battle then watch Hayenas Vs African Wild Dogs...the mother of all battles which will leave you breathless... Long Live to National Geographic Channel... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother Baashi...Soon Insha Allah...and Remember I will need your help Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Silence in The Face Of Violence: 2 it's a part of the survival education I speak of the truth no question youth learning to avoid early grave where they become slaves to warlords from the bloodthirsty elders in our cities on the lookout to ring a bell or two while across this lord less world AIDS infected Africans walk with no shoes while Europe is awash with booze and mentally loose teenagers becoming alcoholics very early changing their destiny and rope of life from straight and narrow to frayed and curly plus the surly politicians get to ripping on each other death campaigns plotting a nation's certain destruction so some are conscious, right? but my naiveté blinds me to the fact the voice of reason sounds light why we, the youth, don't put up a fight? like mindless dogs following masters telling the youth it's cool to kill and rape their souls wait for the masturbation of life telling you and me to fight against peace where they condition your right to live with their own terms on a lease and thus around the world we run to until we can give ourselves freedom and I got to say this from the heart God would be nice right now because we need him. Peace, Love & Unity.
Silence in The Face Of Violence: Part 1. in this fast world we live in it's a given humans are struggling people driven insane by all of the pressures they're juggling two ways out of the trap for most death or poverty...choose your path and every waking second of life a birth arrives, its a miracle empirical formulas developed enveloping the masses in war babies rolling on the floor with hunger the wealthy is sniffing and fighting for more this is the reality, the true fatality lives come and go in swirls lying in the clutches of tragedy dominating around the world everywhere people search for a better life praying that the day won't come where husbands must bury their wives hoping that the strife will soon be over lowered guns, warring stopped hoping there can be no more animosity between my own Somali brothers they seek the river and the vast oceans to bear them into the new age of destiny it calls where humans can think and know not to destroy forests, building malls where bathroom stalls are no longer the biggest threat for the female where there will be no breakouts because no murderers in the kids playgrounds degrees hailed at universities a piece of paper deciding you're smart while some like me aspire to be poets and get enlightened by the verses of the flow and words of the arts make you street smart. Peace, Love & Unity.
Songs Of The Silenced: Life is full of struggling strife leaving upholding families in fights blundering sweat for tears and blood, working lonely nights superb distant sights and years they spend and tend to depress and caress the pillow tears send to try and mend half of their lives is spent with abusive and ruthless arguments the young children resorting to pills as their cries of pain fill the galaxy dark apartment,living a lie they try but unconditional love fills the air blistered bounty & bruised beware the cup of life spills without a care people stare and focus on life's daily struggles with images broken the homeless outspoken and wide open poverty erupts violently unprovoked problems poking through soon court settlements brew and out of every few an ignorant pupil has the nerve to sew bombings seen through windows with suicidal missions in denial with every court case and file another warlord goes free without a trial :mad: tons of clothes in fashion and people are busy asking what is the latest trend? while peace is passing us all by expensive broadcasting while my beloved Somalia worries about food rations life's passing....visions of being a star cover our youth' minds a far only god knows they wont succeed what they need to get a car? life's a gazing star and happiness is ahead just focus on the sign because life is just beginning. PS. My Brother Kulmiye...1 LOVE to you too and My Sijui Princess Hodman...Checki Pm'yako tafadali alafu tutaongea Insha Allah . Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W The holy Qur'aan has repeatedly informed Muslims to expect animosity and hatred from those bearing enmity and antagonism towards them. This somewhat suppressed hatred manifested itself in no uncertain terms after the fairly questionable events surrounding the 9/11 saga which resulted in the birth and baptism by U.S government of the murderous outfit called Al-Qaeeda. True muslims know that Al-Qaeeda is but just a bogeyman, a phantom, if you like, the Monkey-Business invention by the Zionists to bring nations of the world under its sway and control. In Islam there never was an Al-Qaeeda. True Islam can never sanction an Al-Qaeeda. Islam is simply too pure, perfect, wholesome and chaste to permit the horrendous and barbaric activities which are attributed by the so-called Al-Qaeeda organization led by Osama Bin Laden. When Islam does not even allow a fruit bearing tree to be cut and destroyed, where will it ever permit a true believer to cut apart the lives of innocent women, children with mindless bombings? Islam, the religion of peace does not permit a shade providing tree which provided shelter from the sun for the weary traveler to be hacked or uprooted, where will it ever allow the hacking and maiming of innocent kids and the elderly by the so-called suicide bombers? Islam, the religion of peace does not even permit its followers to display a knife to an animal which is about to be slaughtered, where will it condone the utter destruction and mindless slaughter of innocent civilians whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. An eye lost here, a hand severed there, a leg amputated elsewhere, a new bride widowed, children orphaned without case, an old father deprived of support, and no one seems to know exactly why this whole carnage occurred. The only certainty is that this is not the teachings of the compassionate Holy Prophet who was sent as a mercy unto mankind or of the righteous Sharia. Ignorance of Islam creates havoc not only in the so-called extremist ranks but even in the response of those who feel threatened. Just after 9/11, the security forces of another country swooped down upon Islamic institution. With howling sirens and blazing lights they rushed into the institution in the dark of the night with drawn guns. The inmates were awakened and roughed up. Questions were rapidly fired at them. One small boy was asked if he knew Al-Qaeeda. He replied "Yes, we're compelled to study it everyday. We cannot progress if we do not know it. Day after day its drummed into us." Police radio's crackled in excitement. A nest of Al-Qaeeda has been discovered! Bin Laden could not be far off! The place was ransacked and turned upside down. the raiding commander had great personal hopes and ambitions. "Find the guns, the bombs, the grenades. Al-Qaeeda is here"! Despite the most frantic of searches, absolutely nothing was found. If only the security services knew that the child was referring to a simple small Arabic teaching booklet called "Nurani Qa'idah", they would not have made such fools of themselves. Such mass ignorance does more damage than weapons of mass destruction! Worse still, they would not have invited the animosity of the Muslim community, the Nurani Qa'idah which every child has to master is the book, the A, B, C of learning the Holy Qur'aan which is taught in the majority of Institutions around the Muslim world. PS. For those of you who still believe the existence of an organization called Al-Qaeeda led by a man called Osama Bin Laden who masterminded the tragedy that was 9/11, remember one day we will stand in another court where as Allah s.w said in the Qur'aan "Even The Earh Will Reveal Secrets" that day I wont be surprised when the true culprits are revealed and proven that they are not even Muslims let alone Osama Bin Laden. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Xanthus...Yeah my dearest Sister, the Sheikh I'm refering to is Sheikh Imran Nazar Hussein from Trinidad & Tobago...May Allah s.w Reward Him With Kheyr Insha Allah. My Brother Rooble, If we don't trust our Muslim scholars, then who do you suggest we should trust? because no one of us can ever say he or she knows enough when it comes Islam and we always need the scholars to remind us of Allah s.w and the Hereafter. My brother, to translate the Qur'aan exactly the way Allah s.w intended for the followers of the noble Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to translate is not easy and you have to go to a college or University to learn how to translate it even if you're PHD holder in the Arabic language...Now, I'm not referring to the type of translation some Somali so-called scholars use just to suit them and their evil agenda...and we know some Sheikhs keep mum on what's currently going on around them or in the Muslim world simply because they're scared to speak of the truth and to be honest with you...I don't need those kind of Sheikhs to come and tell me I don't need to go to a Jihaad because I'm poor or Rich or its not permissible for me to fight against my tribe even if they are the enemy of Islam...I don't need those kind of Sheikhs anywhere near me. You can't use the Qur'an according to your or anybody else's understanding but according Allah s.w intended to be used and by Allah I trust this Sheikh did just that and I'm thankful to him and Grateful to Allah s.w. PS. My Dearest Sister Cambaro...I'm sorry to have hijacked your wonderful and eye opening topic...it was not my intention to do so and I apalogize to you from the bottom of my heart. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My Brother Peacenow, I’m not supporting the Arabs but my faith which is Islam and I got nothing but Love & respect for each and every Muslim whether he/she is an Arab, Somali or Chinese and it’s one of the principles of my faith to do so as they are my Muslim brothers & sisters. the reason why I’m not supporting all Arabs is because not all of them are Muslims as they have Arab Christians and Arab Jewish and lately we got Mujrimeen from Somalia to San’a to Sinai and I don’t support none of those who, like Sheikh Omar Abdelrahman stated cause more harm to their fellow Muslims than the enemy does. Wallah no man or community could ever brainwash me no matter how articulate he/she maybe because Allah s.w blessed me with a healthy mind and he guided me into seeing the truth through my father who happens to be a Islamic Scholar and the Sheikh I’m referring to knows more than me & you will ever know as he’s qualified to comment not only on Islamic issues but also the world affairs as he’s a proud holder of few masters degree as He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them is Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland and in case you didn’t know, Islam encourages you to study even if you have to go thousands of miles from home as long as you would learn something that will benefit your community and people and above all yourself. Osama Bin Laden is my fellow Muslim brother and I admire him beyond words and not because he’s the leader of so-called Al Qaeeda organization or the culprit behind the so-called 9/11, my admiration has got nothing to do with terrorism as there’s nothing called Terrorism in Islam and I have never supported any organization that has murdered innocent people and I’m not going to start now and my Admiration for Osama goes deeper than that..its something you wouldn’t understand unless you were a Muslim (no pun intended). You got MJ as an Avatar..does that mean you are going to inherit the retired number 23 jersey and win 6 more championships for Bulls? No, will be your reply I believe, but you still admire him nevertheless, am I right? I’m a supporter of Islam and will defend its honour By Any Means Necessary. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W I recently watched a DVD about a Sheikh who was translating what Allah s.w said will happen in the Qur'an within the nex few years and he also quotes few saheeh hadeeths that also give you a clear indication of what's going to happen and how the world will turn out and one of the few words of his that I remember I will quote for the benefit of my Somali brother Peacenow who believes he will be safe from the oppression just because he isn't a Muslim. "When the Jews finally come to power and rule the whole world from jerusalem, not only will they oppress the Muslims but also Black Christians" marka my dear brother Peacenow, you will be safer with Islam and Muslims and repent now while you still can...I swear there will come day when you wish you were never born if you keep on denying Islam and fail to fulfill your obligation as God's creation by not being Muslim and worshipping him and him alone after all he told us in the noble Qur'an, he created us all for one reason and that reason is to Worship him. by the way...the Sheikh expects that to happen within the next 50 years but like he said...Allah s.w knows best. I will try to post the video here and I truly believe...you will look at the world differently from the moment you hear that Sheikh. May Allah s.w guide you and us through the righteous path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
First and foremost no person with a healthy mind would believe his faith would put a food on his table unless he works for it and Islam encourages you to earn a living and when I say a living I mean...Working be it from 9-5 or whatever but we were told to earn a living in HONEST way and since you're not a Muslim I would like to tell you that the Noble Prophet P.B.U.H used to work and sweat for his living. You said the Arabs are rich because they got oil, fair enough...but what about England? What does England have and they are rich...did you ever ask yourself or did some research on how they became one of the wealthiest nations in the world, even far wealtheir than any Arab country? There are NO nations on earth that has more bad intention than the Westren countries, especially the Americans & the English and they are all doing it, not for the interest of their own people but for the Jews who very soon will RULE the whole world ( I know they already do rule the world indirectly but i'm talking about directly...just like Bush rules the world from Washington...they will rule it from Jerusalem...how did I come to know this? simple...Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h told us this) if you read the history of England and U.S.A you may get a glimpse of idea how they came to be the most powerful nations in the world, first England who ruled the world previously and now U.S who currently rule the world...but guess what? you will never know the whole truth unless you are a Muslim and the only man who could give you a detailed explanation on what's currently going on...his name is Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, the best of Almighty's creation...the TRUE saviour but pity you don't believe that. Honestly speaking...Arabs have done Somalia more than what anybody has even done for us including the same men who claim to be Somalis...they kept our previous goverment running with their money (I expect only an honest Somali to admit that) and you know there will always come a point when you'd say enough is enough just like we somalis say, Bartyo Badan iyo Bukaan Badan Waa la isku Naca but still they never abandoned us and most amazingly they never got tired of our constant lies...and PLEASE be fair...when you say their war you should've said Muslim war...we're in the same boat and the reason why we Somalis find ourselves the situation we currently find ourselves in simnply because WE ARE MUSLIM COUNTRY...believe it or not...your choice. Islam discourages FGM but encourages Education, Peace, Prosperity, Democracy (Islam is the pioneer when it comes to democracy) I hope you wont argue West pioneered it...especially now that there's no Democracy in the world whatsoever, marka walaal don't blame Islam for Somalia's failure...in fact the ONLY reason Somalia is in anarchy today is simply because WE ABANDONED OUR ISLAMIC FAITH. I, myself will not hesitate to die for the cause of Allah and blow up myself to pieces even if it will make me a terrorist in your eyes and and your Western colleagues but guess what...I will be a Shaheed in the eyes of MY CREATOR... Last but certainly not least...Somalia briefly enjoyed (6 months) one of its most peaceful moments in its history with justice and fairness when the Mujrimeen known to you as Warlords were chased away and the Islamic Courts took over...any honest and God fearing Somali would agree but the infidels namely U.S, couldn't stomach that and they sent Ethiopia to invade our country and bombard our innocent civilians simply because we finally found our way to our long lost faith...ISLAM, the ONE & ONLY TRUE GUARDIAN... Don't blame Islam for Muslim's failure as the problem lies with us Muslims and not Islam and Saudi Arabia...is far safer than any so-called super power countries all because of Islam...sick country? any sicker than US, UK or our beloved Somalia? be fair my dear brother. PS. Islam teaches me to respect every living soul regardless of faith and colour and you assumed wrong when you said I would say something bad to you or of you...No, I would never do that because I know better Thanks to Islam. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by peacenow: Oh these people really amaze me. Look at how the Arabs have brainwashed and arabized these people. Their masters in Saudia, must be hailing the fact that they have brainwashed them. What is their purpose? Just as acting for the wishes of the arabs in their plans. These Americans have given them a reguge and money so they can stop starving and then they do this. Amazing. Somalis are brainwashed by the Arabs and they are our masters? is that how you see your Parents everytime you see them praying? What is their purpose? Simple...to Worship none but the almighty lord and do so in time so they could be rewarded where it all matters...in the Qiyama or the Hereafter...Oh..they didn't teach you that in University huh? Americans have given us nothing but HELL and same goes for the entire Christian West while our Muslim brothers, namely Arabs...(Yeah I will always consider them to be my BROTHERS & SISTERS and I got nothing but respect & love for them, I don't care who says what) tried everything in their limited power to bring peace into our country but only if the so-called Somali Leaders wouldn't listen to their Evil Masters in the West. I don't know who brainwashed who but as far as I'm concerned it's actually YOU who sounds like a brainwashed and confused little soul who thinks being granted by a permit and welfare to live in the west is actually a "Liberation" as the Western leaders like to put it...did you stop and ask yourself what's the reason why they are giving me all these for FREE while some of their own Christian folks are homeless and live on the streets? I bet you believe that gesture is out of generosity and kindness while those of us brainwashed by the Arabs, as you put it, KNOW otherwise. as a Somali (You're Somali right?) you should be ashamed of yourself and while at it you should despise your own kind instead of pointing a finger at the Arabs who have been enjoying prosperity for Centuries THANKS to Islam...they are wealthy, more educated than you will ever be and above all they don't rape pregnant women and slit the throats of the infants simply because they belong to different tribe... let me hit you with a dose of reality that they forgot to teach you in your White Master's University...You belong to the lowest of low people called Somali, who are brainwashed into beleiving they are superior to each other and guess who initiated the hatred and the lies and above all, guess who supplied us with ammunition to kill each other for fun? My Brother, go and read the Qur'an and try to learn little more about Islam before glorifying The West like they are saviours when in truth its them who mastermind every war and conflict in anywhere in the world today... GIVE CREDIT WHERE ITS DUE... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Emperor: ^Waar Sheekhow complaint iga hoo, Goormaan gaarnay inaan dalasho udabaaldagno? Salam Aleikum W.W My dear brother Emperor...Dabaaldag ma jiro ee waa Hambalyo...and they are completely opposite to each other, teeda kale DUCO never hurt no one. Brother anigu Sheekh ma ihi waxaana hubaa inaan ka Sheekhsaneen adiga iyo dhammaan inta SOL memberka ka ah...Ilaahey wadada toosan hanagu wada hanuuniyo Insha Allah. Walaalkey Baashi waxaan ku salaamay Salaan Sare oo sharaf iyo qiimo leh. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My dear brother Northerner, ....Where's my brother from another mother SoMa_InC? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Hodman, Mambo Vipi Sistee...Unataka Ice-Cream einagani, ile ya Eastleight usiliye ama ile ya Bungoma or Busia? Good to see you again my dearest Sister. Pacifist, Nkosi Kakhulu and just remember Mina Uthando Wena as you are wami umlindi ingelosi. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Nuune...Kheyr waaye marba hadee Dhadhaab aaran tahay...Bilcaantana wee fiicantahay. Peace, Love & Unity.
Bribe? Sorry Madam you're the honest Xanthus that no one can bribe...even with an African Ice Cream. Peace, Love & Unity.
Now that's more like it Xanthus....You'll get an Ice-Cream from me on your birthday Insha Allah... Nuune...Greetings to you my brother. Peace, Love & Unity.
Only ONE "Present" from Cawo for Pacifist? Whatever happened to the great SOL solidarity & Love people? I'm utterly DISSAPPOINTED in you people. PS. Thanks Cawo and Great to have you back again. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W I would like to wish a happy birthday to the First Lady of Somaliaonline with these few words Insha Allah. Dearest Pacifist, I pray to Allah s.w for this wonderful day of yours to be filled with good health, happiness, success in this world and the one in hereafter shared by all your wonderful and loving family who have been by your side and still remain your rock-solid beside you through in sickness and in health, in thoughts and in prayers throughout your journey in this unfolding mystery called LIFE. Your laughter we openly rejoice, your happiness we genuinely share it around and your grief we wholeheartedly mourn for you're ONE OF A KIND whom I will forever admire her courage and cherish her friendship and above all, her sisterly love that has always been an unconditional. We honour you as we always honour those who are best among us...Happy Birthday once again Pacifist and May Allah s.w Keep you & the rest of the family in safe and in a good health Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Innaa Lillaahi Wa Innaa Ileyhi Raajicuun...May Allah s.w Have Mercy On His Soul and May He Protect His Family Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Xanthus...thanks for the compliment dearest sister...I hope this story will inspire many brothers & sisters to share their stoy through in either books or blogs...I truly believe we, Somalis, have a lot to tell as we've been through so much yet so little is known of our pain & heartbreak...maybe its time some one made few quid out of it. Munira, The word LOVE became something that i grew to associate with my friend since he's shown me nothing but love from the first day we said Shikamo to each other so the title came naturally to me and I remember the day he finally came to admit what we both knew but not mature enough to say it, he told me that I was his best friend and I told him the same. Our naughtiness didn't escalate to an extent where we would steal, if you like, from the neighbours even if our neighbours didn't grow any fruits in ther backyard but what we enjoyed doing more than anything else was to go to an Indian mate of ours' home and play video games all day...I enjoyed playing immensely until his Mom would ask me to share my experience of the civil war when she knew I wasn't fluent enough in both Swahili & English to express myself as well as I would've liked...I didn't enjoy embarrassing myself in front of her cute daughters whom Haji had a major crush on one of them and by the time he finally conjured up the courage to admit that to me it was already too late as their Mom suddenly made them stop sitting with us, playing and joking with us...who knows maybe she sensed Haji's intentions. I never liked their food and I don't mean that in a bad way, only God knows how much I loved having her sweet cakes and the roti she used to bake...its just that I can't stand spices and I don't eat anything with a hint of it and I always used to lie and tell her that I had just eaten and I was full but Haji on the other hand, Boy could he eat and he tells me that he still has the same healthy appetite that he had back then. We talk on the phone quite a lot and our record stands proudly at 8 consecutive hours! Crazy, I know but the only problem is the time difference as I live in Africa while he lives in California and it took us a while to get used to our time difference but one thing that NEVER changed is his short-term memory and me always bragging about having a superior memory to his lousy one. He's going to read this and Boy, I would love to see the impression on his face as there's a certain girl in here that he likes (His version of CRUSH, Oh no, not again). He's one STRANGE fellow who's terribly shy around girls yet he's by far the greatest friend in the whole world and one of the most loyal I've ever had and we all know how LOYALTY is the most IMPORTANT in any friendship. Da Scarecrow, I can't believe you still remember Sunset,they made...arguably, the best Chicken & Chips in entire Eastleigh and this dude I'm talking about now that we used to play video game with used to live two doors away from Sunset between the butchery and the Tailor and his name was Haroon, pity i can't tell you whether he's still alive or not or where on earth he might be today. We used to go to Pangani, Parklands looking for Pigeons and I remember once when we went inside the Ismailia Mosque thinking we could pretend praying then see if we could find Pigeons there and then set up a trap but we were shocked when they chased us away and telling us this isn't "Our Mosque" if I knew then what I know now we would've never went anywhere near there.... PS. Muslim girls & Parklands...That's where all the Supuus were...Sunset was the place where the Makangas used to take their dames to simply because it was CHEAP...if you know what I mean. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W My Dearest Sister Hawdgirl, I'm honoured and humbled at the same time and yeah i entertained the thought of writing my Autobiography and I had people like Nuurdiin Faarax and my homeboy Baashi and many many other people offering to help in anyway possible and I've promised myself to do it Insha Allah when the right moment comes in other words when I achieve the certain goals that I aspire to achieve and Alxamdulillaah I'm already half way there...marka don't worry Walaashiis I WILL put it all in a book and you can bet with your last dime on Haji's name appearing on more than one occasion. Thanks for the LOVE. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love, Unity