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Everything posted by BOB
Salam Aleikum W.W My brother Kulmiye...I swear it took me this long to conjure up the courage to finally reply because I just did not know what to say...such a guys are spoiling me... Bro...I'm getting there Insha Allah and soon you will finally hear that I got a book out Insha Allah...Thanks once again... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Jaceylbare... Aniga waxaan is lahaa baddii quruxda badneyd iyo kalluun baad arkeysaa markaasaad waxaad indhaha naga galisay bilcaamo qaawan oo surwaal gashan...waa maxay waxaas? :mad: :mad: My old girl thinks of me as a pervert now all thanks to you because she caught me looking at these pictures and she started screaming and yelling at me...war ninyahow bal waxaad igu sameysay bal eeg...bilcaamaha yar waxaa ka weyn kuwaan awoowga u ahay. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Maya weli bro...meeshu waa meel wacan bro...I just sent you an e-mail...check it out Insha Allah.
Salam Aleikum W.W My brother Northerner...How are you bro? I'm so sorry...I know inaan nin xun ahay. Salam Aleikum W.W
Abtigiis &Tolka Wrote: Sheikh-BOB (what an Oxymoron) I was in South Africa just before the Ramadan and runtii thought of looking for you. I was in Pretoria for 3 days. The bilcaan was with me and perhaps next time I come over you will meet your Dumaashidaa. Odayga haka caayin dee, dayday ma ahe! You just let the whole world know inaa nin xuntahay because you came to S.A and you couldn't even afford me a private message never mind an e-mail and we're supposed to be brothers...what's up with that? however...its your loss mate because you could've had the best tour guide around with 10 years experience and believe you me I would've shown you around til you got dizzy but thanks for saving me fuel cousin... PS. My nick is BOB...just plain BOB...I'm not anywhere near Sheikh bro...its just you who chose to honour me with that name and I tell you Sheekh Shariif Ma know what I mean? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by ThePoint: ^Bob makes his return with an anti Kenyan diatribe Naah I beg to differ...I'm not anti anyone...its just that I don't like it when a kalenjin of all people ey iska dhigan waxeysan aheen ama ey is gaarsiiyaan meel aysan gaarin...the fact of the matter is...Amxaaro iyo Kenyaati they will forever live under our shadows...only if I could find the piece I wrote about them and would've made a good read I think... PS. Kenya is the birth place of my mother whom I love beyond belief so I can never be anti Kenya...I just don't like wadada ey dowladeeda ku socoto...that's all. otherwise How you been? Peace, Love & Unity.
Can I apply too because its high time that I started working and taken care of my family and earn money but above all earn the respect of my beloved wife and kids...after all sitting on my dusty bum and talking about nothing else but how 'my' tribe is superior isn't worth it.... PS. Fahan waxa aan ula danleeyahay sheekada... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Who's Marc Smith? PS. in African Cyber Cafes they don't allow you to watch Youtube. Peace, Love & Unity.
War Ninkan maad bilcaan Waamo uga doontaan intaan ka badan looma adkeesan karee Agaa...ama hadii kale idaacada maaweelada caruurta geeya...Nuune ninku waa tolee aan saan udhaano ina aaboow.... Peace, Love & Unity.
He's Nandi Kalenjin from somewhere in the rural highlands where they grow coffee but what I would like to remind him is that his tribe would've been under the brutal sole of the Kikuyus had it not been a certain Somali soldier who came to the rescue of their then inexperienced president Moi and last but not least I would like to salute my brother and comrade Adam Zayla for putting this monkey of a man where he belongs... We might fight amongst each other, we might despise each other, we might hate each other, we might kill each other but fact of the matter is and always will be...Somalis run and rule the horn and always will be...before you jump the gun ask yourself this...where would Kenya and Ethiopia be without the western back up and would there STILL have been countries called Kenya and Ethiopia if they were in the same situation that we find ourselves in? May Allah s.w Guide Us Through The Righteous Path Insha Allah... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Aw Baadiyow horta waa la murmaye adiga Gamiadee ka tirsantahay... Shiekh Abdelkadir Jeilani's story was twisted and corrupted so much so that in some sufi scriptures you wont believe the filth you'd find in there. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W May Allah s.w ease her pain and give her a quick recovery Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
Untitled: ignore my ignorance for praying for victory over our enemies as we watch over our troops who's more holy in a war where both sides claim spiritual consent and incentives to heaven? will you fight for the 'holy' trinity or ninety nine virgins? purge this world of heathens, leave your penance for repentance and redeem the hearts of men we've made religion fit like a genie in a God's bottle rub your souls and sing the songs of marty's children then become a saint, a sacred sinner but one to model with a pistol clasped between praying hands we seek the only known roaming promised land can we plan a last stand before hope disbands and our bones sink slow into a vacant desert sand.. The Choice Is Yours My Dear Reader... Peace, Love & Unity.
Najma: I remember a stunning lady her grasp on Light was heavy yet she lost her cause for living and decided to die steady is she ready to die alone and give up that life God's throne? her life's loan of liquid waters skipping this woman's a rock stone conversations on the phone her heart was falling but she kept it so the passions of him interested with a girl whose life's infected because of the pain her soul is effected with in her heart conflicts inflicted drugs became her daily dose of dossier destroying her brain daily soon she will be gone and we wont see her realize her potential living was no option she failed herself when she married Omar a young man whose tragic life was in Gods hands his life headed for the wrong path developed a taste to cause a wrath at a young age he swears at his own tears and denounces his fears he rants words of pain and massacre like a son of Kosovo abuse from Omar was heavy so she left him secretly broke a sin, striking a helpless woman there's no way she would keep him she packs her bags and lonely depressing tears start to sag she grabs a rag, kisses her mom's pic stares at the empty wall around her depressed and sad...ashamed untamed she gets into her car headed no where...she decides to stop and gaze at a bright star yet a far...she feels attached.........close, her life is still the same beautiful but still lonely shockingly the woman has the same name Stars call out on her by her given name of Najma. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Paragon: I declare this thread a 'treasure'. Watch out now such statement may tempt the Treasure Hunters to come after my tiny Somali neck. Dabshid...Obrigado My Brother. Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W in Islamic law (Sharia) the consensus view is that a male apostate must be put to death unless he suffers from a mental disorder or converted under duress, for example, due to an imminent danger of being killed. A female apostate must be either executed, according to Shafici, Maliki and Hanbali schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) or imprisoned until she reverts to Islam as advocated by the Sunni Hanafi school and by Shi'a scholars. A minority of medieval Islamic jurists notably the Hanafi jurist Sarakhsi (d. 1090) Maliki jurist Ibn Al-Walid Al-Baji (d. 494 AH) and Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328) held that apostasy carries no legal punishment. Some contemporary Islamic Shafici jurists, such as the Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa some Shi'a jurists such as Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri and some jurists, scholars and writers of other Islamic sects have argued or issued fatwas that either the changing of religion is not punishable or is only punishable under restricted circumstances however these minority opinions have not found broad acceptance among the majority of Islamic scholars. Allah s.w Knows Best. Brother Warsameh, You mention the loss of one life in the hands of 'Muslims' yet ignore to mention the losses of millions and millions of Muslim lives in the hands of Christians. No disrespect but Christianity has been spreading by the sword, knife, gun and etc, but you seem to have forgotten and worse yet you don't even realize the history in-which it came upon. 1. Millions were tortured and slaughtered in the name of Christianity during the periods of the Arian, Donatist and Albigensian heresies, 2. The Crusaders. The European armies were saying as they slaughtered both Christian and Muslim Arabs "Kill them all, God will know his own. 3. Europe's Reformation and Counter Reformation era. two thirds of the Christian population of Europe were slaughtered by Christians. 4. The African slave trade (remember that?) did you know it claimed the lives of over 10 million people mainly Muslims? 5. The Colonial conquests estimates for the number of Native Americans slaughtered by the Europeans in North, Central and South America run as high as 20 million within three generations. 6. in the 20th century, Rawanda, 1994 witnessed the slaughter of 900,000 Rwandans in a population that was over 90 % Christian. 7. 1992-1995 Bosnia. The genocide of over 300,000 Muslims and the systematic rape of over 100,000 Muslim women by Christian Serbs...Shall I go on? My point is no other Religion has spread its message with so much death and violence than Christianity. Slavery of Africans, giving them a beating and bible...did you know over 75% of those 'slaves' were Muslims? there is so much within the Christian past that no other religion can even think of comparing with. I mean lets take a realistic look at oppression and what it really means and who is being oppressed and MOST DEFINITELY BY WHO. I think people need to understand what ever it is that they worship before trying to understand someone else's religion. where does your religion come from? how did it spread and why? when one can understand those fundamental and basic questions then other things will become much clearer....Allah s.w Knows Best. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
My Brother Oz... I know you guys are in winter just like the rest of the Southern Hemisphere including Africa De Sud... Down Under has been the flavour of the month for many white South Africans but these days even the non-whites are joining them because of the crime and their departure is an opportunity for us (immigrants) that we must take advantage of and we are doing it as we speak. I met many sisters from Australia mostly from Melbourne & Perth who came here to get hitched by the brothers and it seems we have established a good relationship between Somalis based in Down Under and those of us here and long may it continue. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tsunami: BOB Waa runtaa! Waa dayuus. That is definitely a reaction I expected, and the moral the messgae should convey. Meel kale ayaa loola kacay sheekadiiba, thanks to the confused JB. War Ninyahow horta waxaad tahay nin raggeedii ah oo sheeko badan kow dheh laakiin dhibaatada meesha ka jirtaa waxey tahay waxaa kobtan isugu wada yimi dad markaad geel uheesto injir uheesa ninkan C.I.D ee Jaceylbaro la yiraahdo oo dadka Hargeysa jooga ay qaati billah ka taagan yihiin waa shaqadiisa inuu dadka waalo oo marin habaabiyo...isaga ayaana waxaanoo idil ka masuul ah ee XAAL MARIN ayaad ku sidaa ula soco. Sida kale xaaladu waa caadi sooma aha...Alxamdulillaah anaga xaggeena wax qalyo ah kama soo yeerin oo waa nabadaayna...Hashii Indho Deero aheyd ayaa beryahaan biyaha diiday oo waxey u xanuunsantahay will deriska ahoo baar qab ah aniguna waxaan ku iri kaas iska hilmaan maadaama uu yahay mid kibir badan...xoolaha intooda kale waa dhaqan yihiin oo waxey cunaan Ilaah uma waayin ee adiga warkaaga keen. Kuwii Iskusoo Fooriya Allah naga dhigo. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Oz: Bob relax man ! If you find it disturbing disregard this topic. War ninyahow maanta Qoraxda ayaa aad ukulul oo waad iska ogtahay Africa iyo Qorax kuleelkeeda biyihiina waa naga goosteen marka waad iska garan kartaa reactionka qof oon iyo qorax ay kuwada goobteen...anigoo SOL hoos kasoo raadiyey ayaa sheekadan indhaha ku dhuftay... Ausdharaaliya sidee lagu ahaa? wax roobab ah xaggiina maka jireen...taloow amaan halkaas xoolaha usoo wareejiyaa? maandhow imisa casheey igu qaadaneysaa Africa iyo Ausdharaaliya hadaan is iraahdo ukala soco? :cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
Nin xaaskiisa ragga kale uga sheekeeya waa DAYUUS fowqal DAYUUS...Full Stop. Xaaskaan soo kala tuuri you know why Somalia is in the kind of state that it finds itself in today...because waxaa meesha isugu soo wada Dameer, Daba-Dhlif, Daanyeer iyo Dayuus intaas ayuu raggii Soomaaliyeed ukala baxay. Peace, Love & Unity.
Subhan-Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Dabshidoow, You must be wondering by now why SOLers chose to give the cold shoulder treatment to your 'Free Eye Test' topic and the answer is ceebeys baad wadaa...halkan waxaa jira gabdho badan oo 19 iyo 21 jir aan isku baranay markii ugu horeysay oo aan SOL kusoo biiray in early 2002 illaa iyo maantana waa 22 iyo 24 jir meesha ay aniga timaha iiga duuleen wajigiina uu iduub-duubmay sida muufo fridge la galiyey ama macawiis ay weyl calaanjisay... waxaa kaloo jirta gabar iisoo dirtay 7 sawir oo kala duwan oo kulli ku sheegtay inee iyada tahay…sabatoo waxaan usheegay inaan xoolo sheydaankan internetka loo yaqaan aan isku fiicnenyn wax aqoon ahna aan ulaheyn laakiin iyada waxey uqaadatay inaan ku dhahay aragtida indhaheyga ma fiicna oo waxey ii qaadatay inaan gashanahay ookiyaale bakeeriga dabadiisa laga sameeyay sida uu mid aan saaxibnahay gashanyahay oo aan maalin isku fiiriyey markaasaa waxaan is arkay anigoo qori kabriid ah oo dhulka yaala ka kor tilaabsanaya oo wuxuu iila ekaaday miis marka brother dadka ceebtaas oo kale ayey ka cararayaan oo waxa aad wado waa FACSHIR.COM Anyway this is my result. Right Eye: 20 /10 6 / 3 Your right eye has remarkable vision! Left Eye: 20 /10 6 / 3 Your left eye has remarkable vision! Well done. Your vision seems to be within normal range. you should have your eyes checked by an Optometrist every 2 years. Not bad for a 4o-something year old soon to be a Grandpa heh? Wallee waan ogaa in hilibka qubadaan cuni jiray ay wax weyn ii tari doonto. Peace, Love & Unity.
Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Waxaan maqli jiray 'If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck'!!! I also used to hear " If God has meant for man to be with another man...he would've created Adam and Steve instead of Adam & Eve". Dabshidoow, BOB yuusan qarkaa tuurinee is qabo ina'adeer... Qar kama tuuraayo ee runta aan in this man's world its widely accepted that men who gossip ARE NOT real men...just the same way you can't call a pimp or Gawaad a real man...funny how African Americans use that disgraceful,despicable and hideous term as praise...only if they knew what the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said of such man...Subhan-Allah. BOB, aroos maa rabtaa inaa kaaga sheekeeyo? Yaah waa igaadee miyaa? Weligayba aroos ma tagin...believe it or not nolosheyda aroos ma tagin laakiin dhowr DVD oo aroosyo ah waan daawaday...marka ma dhihi karaa aroos waan tagay iyo ma tagin? but beryahaan waan joojiyay sababtoo ah duqdeydaa filin oo maseer camal ee billoowday nooh sababtoo ah mid walboo quruxsan waxaan ku dhahaa gabartaas waan is naqaanaa ama ilmo adeer aan nahay waana single... I've even watched few from Canada who knows maybe inaad adiga eheed mid mar lagu qabtay iyadoo xalwada iyo doolshaha saaxiibteed ka boobeyso oo afka dhan iyo dharka isaga haleesay... Peace, Love & Unity.
Innaa Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicun...May Allah s.w Have Mercy On His Soul and may he ease the pain and the sorrow of all the loved ones of the deceased Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
Salam Aleikum W.W Horta ninyahow reer xamarku waxey ku maah-maahaan "Qufac iyo Qosol Midna Ma Qarsoomo" kow dheh...adiguna waxaad ooda isku qaadaba ugu dambeyntii wadada toosan baad kusoo dhacday oo cid walboo garaad leh wey garankartaa in lagu gaaray oo walibana si xun laguu ina adeer jaceylku xishood malehee waa tuma bilcaanta sidaan kuu wareerisay? anagaa tolkaa ehee bal geberta kaa waashay magaceeda noosoo sheeg aan kuugu tagne inteysan Xeero iyo Fandhaal kala dhicin...amaba aan iraahdo intaadan maryaha nagu xoorin...waadna ogtahay adigoo maryaha dhigtay cid ku eegi karta bani aadamkaba inuusan kujirin. PS. Waan ogahay waxey yiraahdaan "Doob Dareen Baa Dilay" laakiin anigu dareen igama aha ee waa iga talo illeyn rag saaxiib iyo tol ah beynu nahaye. Peace, Love & Unity.
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