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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Originally posted by nuune: lol@bajiye, sxb maxaa ka fiican mid bajiyaha aad isla dubataan ood isla ruugtaan, lowskana aad isla diirataan ood isla calaanjisaan, oo micnaha romantika garanaysa cidiyahana isku fiiqataan, I know waxaad i oran doontaa ina aabooy haboobey baad tahay Afro ehehe, fish and chips ood vinegarka dhanaankiisa isla dhuuqeesaan ...Dhowaan sidaan uma qoslin...raggeedii baa tahay kow dheh laakiin is ilaali waxeysan aqoon hadaad barto waxaa loo baahanyahay inaad wadaa waxaad bartay...marka waa laga fiicanyahay in arrintaas hadhoow qilaaf keento...Baajiyaha sii laakiin af ka ha u gelin...waxaas waa wax laga qooleey baa tihiin markaad afka wax isu gelgelineysaan? Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Originally posted by al-Hashimi: Majengo? Wheres that? its my birth place my brother. Malika...hali vipi? Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by nuune: lool@waamaha, war iga daa gabdhaha waamaha waanba ku shaashoodaa I know inaad tahay reer waamo is nacey, hablaha suuqa ayaan ka doorbidaa niyahow ood isla caweyneysaan. Kuwa galtida ayaguna waanba ku xajiimoodaa, marka maxaa talo ah, suuqleyda wax dhaamo ma lahan ood caananaaska isla cabtaan Waan umaleynaayey in Filimada Hindida ee dhibkaan kuu keenaayaan...Caananaaska isla cabtaan kulahaa wax waalan... Caananaas iyo sheekadaas intaad ka baxdo bilcaan soo raadi...horta Ireland wax ma joogaan? Reer Waamo wax gaaraaya ma heyside..reer Xamar oo baajiye iyo caano baraawe inee cunto un rabto iga daa kuwaas... Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Waxaaba la yaabanahay waxaad kolkii horeba bilaawaha galka kala doontay... Gabdhaha Waamo wax gaara lama hayo...qaas ahaan reer Af Madoow iyo Khookhaani...hadaad hore usii socotana Ijaaraa iyo illaa iyo Diif iyo Wajeer gaar...meeshaas ayey gabdho ka joogaan inta kale been dheh... Gabdhaha Galtida ah ee OG'enia ka imaado ismaba fahmi karno...kuwaas nin ee noqdeen...mid Qoraxeey ka imaatay aan hada ka hor is baranay...tee igu dhigtay lee... marka mid ina adeerteen ah oo caano ma daadiso reer Waamo ah aan kuu raadineynaa aniga iyo Mzee Baashi...ka waran arrintaas? Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Those are brainwashed monkeys and donkeys brother and they have not the slightest idea of what they talking about... Hate is a word used by the weak and I would like to believe that hadaan Soomaali nahay inaan weak Raggeedii baa tahay AL HASHIMI ee meeshaa ka wad howsha walaal. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Hadaan sheego intaan caruur leeyahay waxaan ka yaabi bilcaanta aan beryahaan u baal riigo oo SOL ku jirto inee iga cararto...marka Mujaahid PM baan kuu soo diri oo aan kugu sheegi...haye dheh! PS. Jaceylbaro waxaa la ii sheegay inuu Ilaahey kuu nimceeyay Maasha Allah...Ilaahey hakuu daayo Insha Allah... Waryaa Nuune awoowgaa la jannee horta adigu goormaad guursan? Waqtigii dhamaa welina meejaanaad soo indho cadahay Agaa...war guurso ilaahey faraj kheyr qaba ayuu kuu furiye Insha Allah.... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Last time I knew Al-Hashimi was an Arabic name and here you're are talking about Carab la naco iyo wax aan loo joogin... :rolleyes: it just bugs me why Somalis of all people would want to 'hate' Arabs? is it because they don't pay us millions of their OWN money and we are jealous of their wealth? give me 1 reason why we want to 'hate' arabs...the same people that have always been our closest and loyal allies when the chips were down which in our case happened almost ALWAYS? I agree they have rubbish leaders who do more harm than good to Muslims but then again so do our so-called leaders and elders... Carab gaarimeynee walaalayaal caqli yari yeysan idin qaadin oo umadda ilaahey faraha ka qaada...hal carab ama 5 carab oo ku xumeysay uma af lagaadeyn kartid qowmiyad dhan in their millions...runtii waa arin laga naxo in qof Muslim sheeganaya uu goor walba af lagaadeeyo ama caayo dadkuu rasuulkeenii barakeysnaa ka dhashay...hadaan Soomaali nahayna aad baan ujecelnahay arrintaas dhowr marna waan arkay in SOL la furo topics oo exclusively loogu tala galay in lagu caayo Carab...Subhana-Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Bob apply for one of the jobs instead of trolling with the ladies Did you have to scream? That's why I HATE England because I was told the overwhelming majority of Somalis are suffering from Buufis mixed with depression and stress and by judging your deafening screams I would say...Yep. Good Luck Sheekh...Ilaahey Garabkaaga Ha Galo. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Let's say I was conducting a research of how many Solers chew, smoke and drink...Would I get an honest reply from everybody? Nope and I would be stup!d to expect one to begin with...and as sad as it may sound...same goes for your so-called pill and that was me being brutally honest with you. Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Salam Aleikum W.W How are you Madam....Long time no see...WELCOME back and good to see you again. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. BOB

    land of love

    Salam Aleikum I'm not sure which one I like more...your name, the poem or could it be those hypnotic eyes of yours ... PS. Beautifully written piece with swearing words... Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: lol BOB Vipi Mzee una machezesha huyu manzi LoL salaama brother mbona uko kimya siku hizi Afro niaje kaka...nilikuwa busy sana na kazi...unajuwa haliyangu...natafuta pesa tu... ...mambo vipi...umemaliza shule ama badho? PS. Aaliyah...Soomaali waxey dhahday intaad iga deyso adigu Shaqo isii aan kuu duceeye maandheey sidaan shaqo uraadinayey lugihii baa i dhamaan raba sida kabihii. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. BOB

    Black Beauty

    Pity Hibo isn't here any more to defend herself... Lily...waa ku salaamay Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. adiga shaqo isii oo aan kuu shaqeeye PLEASE... Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Originally posted by AAliyah416: ^ maxa lugu falaya nin shaqa haysan...soco shaqo raadso Adiga shaqo ma isiinee? Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. Originally posted by Norf 1: Ninku ma xabad yar bu ka helay miyaga tolow? Ninyahow oday dhammaaday oo hadana xoolo laheyn yaa doonaya? Ayeeyooyinkii baa idiidaya iska daa gabdhihii yaraaye... Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Maasha Allah at least some positive news from a Muslim prospective... Brother God I would advise you to live on the streets rather than living in a home that you bought by paying riba because Islam FORBIDS you to recieve or pay riba (Interest). Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. ^^^^and here I was expecting to read Muslim conquest . Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Salam Aleikum W.W May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul and may he grant him Jannah Insha Allah gave this sermon approximately 17 years ago... =11& Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Waddankii ayaa la qaatay oo Amxaaro faraha loo galiyey and you guys have the nerve to talk about Somali and Somalian...ask yourself this simple question boys and girls...What on earth could possibly make you Somali when there's no Somalia? if it was up to me I would call us MONKEYS and DONKEYS...because that's exactly what we are...if you want to argue with me then come and see me at my place in the African jungle then I shall set you all straight. Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: BOB, speaking of those Nigerian low budget movies, can you believe that Somalis in the States (or at least in my town)are crazy about them. Every house you visit, you would see an entire family sitting down and watching the kind of movies. I wonder sometimes if they can even understand that accent at all( Eeh mo brodha hoo r yuh? i yom fontantik eeeh.) And about the giving HIV thing that really funny to say the least. ^^^ Bro...My sister in law visited me from the States with my brother and the few days she was here we couldn't get her to watch anything else but these movies and worse yet she even bought handful of DVDs which I swear I could never understand why! Here in Africa ladies are mad about these films some of them would sit in front of the telly all day long and watch these nonsense...the problem doesn't end with the accent alone but also the actors are as amatuers as one could find and oh my God...the storylines...I truly believe that Abtigiis & Tolka and Ngonge can easily outdo them...maybe I should suggest this idea to them heh and become their agent...what do you think? Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^LOOOOL. Go on and BOB show us your cards What cards are you talking sweet like Xalwo Kismayo mixed with fresh milk & honey coated with chocolate vanilla best served with Tangawiz? How's Eastend? Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. I'm sick and tired of their second grade movies as its from the so-called Nellywood with its lame story lines and nursery rhymes not to mention the poor camera work and editing with even poorer sound that is being sold on every corner and you want me to add to their mobile phones? Bishaaro....OVER MY DEAD BODY. :mad: Peace, Love & Unity.