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Everything posted by BOB

  1. ...Don't worry my brother ilaahey faraj khyer qaba ayuu kuu furi Insha Allah. PS. do you still love your cup of tea? Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. @ Northerner... Gaalo maalinba belaayo cusub bey saadaalin...Al Gore malaha wuu shiiday oo waa lacag raadis...Wallee shilin igama qaadid dheh...Global warming or not...I put my faith in Allah s.w AND siduu doono unbey noqon Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Salam Aleikum W.W Good to see you back Kiswahili they say 'Sali Kapla Huja Saliwa' Maasha Allah nice video...thanks for the timely reminder my brother...Jazaaka-Allah Kheyr Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. BOB

    Masih ad-Dajjal

    Salam Aleikum W.W Thierry have no worries bro as Blackman, a Luo to be precise cannot be the Anti-Christ, we all know how black folks love 'their' lord Jesus Christ including Mr Obama himself plus Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said Dajjal is a jew. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: just have a look at some of our Nomads here who hail from that city and how they are purring with delight because those in charge are doing what is expected of them. Their battle cry is that the city is safe; it is being run by responsible people that are applying the Sharia law. Ngonge...I'm not 'happy' to see anyone die be it a female or male and I think after being a member of SOL as long as you have been you can tell by now that I'm not into clan garbage and my comments has nothing to do with tribe even if Sheikh Hassan Turkey happens to be someone that I've known as long as I can remember simply because he was good friends with my late father and I'm great friends with his son who's in S.A. There's no battle cry here as 'WE' the rightful owners of the city are against the killing of anybody, however if one violates the Sharia and is punished accordingly then so be it but I will be the first one to tell you that its long over due because brother only if you knew what the masses from the minority backgrounds went through in Kismayo by God you'll drown in your own tears because Kismayo is arguably the most cosmopolitan city in the entire country and as you can imagine there were all kinds of people from different race and creed living there and once the civil war broke out the minority of which the likes of Somali Bantus, Arabs, Indians, Bajunis and the rest of the Somalis from the smaller Somali sub-clans were put through hell. Only if you heard the stories my father told me who has been in Kismayo for more than 17 years I SWEAR you'd end up cursing these criminal so-called large tribes and I don't think I need to explain to you how many tribes claim the ownership of the city which in my opinion is the biggest cause of all evil as there's unbelievable hatred between these tribes and wouldn't you know it's the minorities who are caught up between these feuding giants as they say 'When Elephants Fight it's the Grass That Suffers' so I say its long overdue for those poor people to get justice and these Wadaads are providing them with that which in my opinion is the best thing to happen. Would you believe if I told you there was a Somali Bantu guy murdered by one of the so-called large tribes simply because he lent his donkey cart to his long time neighbour and unfortunately his neighbour happened to belong to the rival clan of his murderer and that's only one case which makes me baffled here because there was no topic posted entirely dedicated to that poor Somali bantu yet here we have a topic against the Wadaads and for me that's a DOUBLE STANDARD at its best and that's my last comment on this misleading and bias topic...its amazing how no one is willing to give the Wadaads the benefit of the doubt and I would like to know what makes this 'story' so credible after all this isn't Qur'aan or Saheeh Hadeeth...I didn't know SOLers were this naive I thought people were much smarter than this but now I know... PS. To give you a small example...why do you think the governor of the city is chosen to be a Sheikh who hails from Hargeisa instead of one from Kismayo...?Just ask yourself that. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Amiin Insha Allah...He will be rewarded with jannah by almighty Allah s.w my brother and I hope and Pray that you recover from this painful tragedy as soon as humanly possible insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. BOB

    How Smart Are You?

    Guys...I was hoping more than anythingelse to find out what score did Mr Admin got...Wouldn't that have been great? What happened to the Smart SOLers? Where are they hiding? this test is delicately designed with them in mind...don't you think so? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. Let me quickly comment on it before somebody whisks it away to that filthy place that I hate most called 'Politics Section' and all I've got to say to you Mr Jaceylbarey not Jaceylbaro is....That's More Like it...let the whole world know what this evil emperialist called Ethiopia is doing to our beloved Horn...Thank You Very Much My Brother. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. You're getting ahead of yourselves here people...I just want to know how come when the bloody warlords were killing people in their thousands I haven't seen a whole topic dedicated to them where people condemned their brutal actions...what's with the double-standard here? How come none of you ever bothered to post a topic discussing about the innocent civilians that the so-called Puntland and Somaliland authorities hand over to the Ethiopians, the same regime they fled from in the first place? How come no one ever bothered to post about the daily bombardment the poor civilians in Mogadishu face? Ilaahey ka cabsada ee munaafiqnimada iska daaya dadoow...Waxaad uhadleysaan sida in wadaadada Kismaayo joogo ay yihiin wax caamo ah oo aan diinta waxba ka garaneyn... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Originally posted by *Blessed: Once you really start practicing Islam, you'll find that you have nothing in common with your gaalo (and even some Muslim) friends, anyway. So, you end up drifting apart in different directions. I couldn't have said any better...absolutely spot on. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. BOB


    Speak into me... Allow me to become your vocal instrument allow me the vast satisfaction to recline as "Yours" simply between verses and sound allow me to be the inspiration of your talent speak into me... and allow me to love you... sing into me... allow me to vibe the intimacy you spread... so that simply you can understand that... I am humble at the idea of embracing you concluded within my soul as the rhythm of our love speak into me and allow us to share the breath of life sing into me and allow us to be the sheer melodies of possibilities all from the radiance of our future we come together and make the evidence from our lyrics speak reading for all to see that into you is being inside of me... Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Life: Thinking a thought that you can't sustain can't arrange your feelings around the pain heart melting the veins breaking your skin taking a breath...soul suffocating from with in a dark cold cage traps your heart swelling it whole body pays the toll left a crumble and fold life traces new paths left with new questions to ask new destiny with new task...foes and new friends to unmask feeling no remorse...fight through the agony and tears walk a strong steady pace cause no end is near hold your head high and leave room for L-O-V-E no one thing is glory from above leave a world behind resting your soul for your presence to remain forever long after you're gone remember an unhappy souls seek life while the happy one fears the unhappy be strong and live out the hard times cause a fearful soul filled with life will be happy. Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. BOB

    How Smart Are You?

    I wonder why more people aren't taking the test, Hey people why are you avoiding this...we want to know once and for all who is the Smartest SOLer...Come On People. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: War odaygan waalan Sheikh Turki la lee yahay yaa ummadda ka qabta? Why can't they just concentrate on the big issues: The Ethiopian Occupation? Salam Aleikum W.W Waraa Sheikha faraha nooga qaad...hadaan fornicationka xaraamta ah la joojin sidee wax ku xalismaayaan teeda kale don't jump the gun bro before making sure that 'this story' isn't propaganda manufactured by kuwa kasoo horjeeda in waddanka diinta islaamka lagu xukumo. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Salam Aleikum W.W inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileyhi sincere and heart felt condolence to you and to your family and May Allah s.w ease your pain in this trying time and May he reward Dad with jannah Insha Allah. Amiin. My dear brother I also lost my dad just over a year ago and I can only imagine the pain you're currently going through and I pray Allah s.w to give you the wisdom and the strength to over come this sad experience Insha Allah... If you ever need someone to share your grief with Bro please I'm here for you my brother Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. I'm sure most SOLers are smart which is exactly the reason why I want you to take this tricky test and see how smart you really are or if you're here on this earth just to make up the numbers. Come on smart people get to working and GOOD LUCK... Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. Nuune...Fa'ka aw ku dahlaa kaaliin aw lihmaamay daha...xaw ku dahlo am goojo ni'ta. ilaahow Waamo noo daa...meeshaas meel dhaanto lama helaayo. Kool... Reer Kismaayo dad fiican inee yihiin (the majority of them at least) waa ogtahay hadaan dad fiican eheen oo sabar badan magaaladeena maalin walba la iskuma qabsadeen... Beesaani hadaa maqasho Reer Kismaayo waaye...Caano ma daadiye yaal. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. in that case...Happy Birthday Ms Cara...I'm sure A&T will write a magnificent story or poem for you specifically for this occasion. Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Pssssssst, yaakuu sheegay inaa lugo cadahay? **leaves thread hiding luguha and thinking "aloow yuusan i cowryin reer Kismaadyoodkan"** I read it on Baashi's weekly journal of 'Waxaa La Yiri' and I think it had one or two pics of you taken from Buuga Wajiga. Reer Kismaayo uu ahaa wiilka aa adiga iyo saaxiibtaa xamaneyseen...waa my cousin from Dhorondho and just like you he's happily married now with two kids. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. May you live to celebrate many more years with all your beloved family and dear friends in health and in joy Insha Allah. Yours Truly: The African. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Oo mawaxaad ka sugeysay inuu saan kuugu kala jiijiido heesta? Hooy wareegto lugo ilaali adiga...aroosyada aad aado markaad gabar Shiinees ku aragto ha xamanin yeey ceeb kee raacin oo eey ku dhihin 'Abaayooy maxaad saas iigu ceyneysaa oo aan kugu sameeyay'! Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. That's exactly what happens markaad xaaraan ka dharagto...kuraastii baa tabar kuu weyn. Nono=Fat in Kiswhaili...I don't know exactly what Nene means but I will ask around Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. Believe it or not Bishaaro and I know it may sound cliché but 'IT WASN'T ME' who posted it and I would like to know who did it because I live alone and I only log in from home...I guess ciyaar ciyaartii ayaa la igu bilaabay AGAIN. :mad: You know waxaan qabaa dad iga daba shaqeeyo oo iska jecel iney hack gareeyaan my e-mail account, my sol ID and so on and so forth which is funny really because bal maxey iga rabaan aniga of all people! PS. I don't even have a clue waxuu ka hadlaayo iyo meeshee usocoto iyo meeshee ka socoto 'Sheekadan Gaaban'. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. La Bombanera is the stadium of Boca Juniors from Argentina, Nuune adiga waxaan Anfield aheyn ma taqaanid miyaa? Awoowgood La jannee...maanteeyba noo keeneen Shiinees Af Soomaali ku heesaayo...Wallee Afkii la wada baray Ibtisaamna weyba ku hadli la'dahay Aboow heeloow Shiineesna waaba iigu heesayaa, hooy is ilaaliya Maryooleey waan idin aqaan intaad Shiinees aragtaan is dhaha afka ma yaqaan oo ku xanta... even though I didn't understand one word of what the guy was saying but still I have to give it to him I don't even know the song or the guy who sang it....but the guy who recorded him is Somali, you can tell from his accent. I hope and pray inuu diinta baro instead of heesaha iyo waxyaabaha kaloo sheydaanimada ah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. ...Istaghfur-Allah...I must have watched dozen times when I first saw it and it made me cry... This dude is CORRUPT to the core...his department is accused of financial mismanagement and you know in Africa that's not something worthy of a news... Peace, Love & Unity.