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Everything posted by BOB

  1. The overwhelming majority of Somalis know what Taleex represented and still does as its steeped in our history as SOMALI but Qardho? Forgive me for my ignorance but I would say Qardho has no significant history to the rest of the Somali population except to those who are born and bred there and if it has then I apologize for my ignorance and blame it on the government that didn't teach us about it unlike Taleex which is why I would argue even my neighbourhood in Kismayo which is called Calanleey is more famous than Qardho as Calanleey produced more national celebrities compared to Qardho and even Muuse Boqor himself (May Allah s.w have mercy on his soul) and Baashi would agree with me on that. Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. Dear Comrade: You give us hope whenever we feel hopeless you put a smile on our faces when all we do is frown you make us laugh when all we want to do is break down & cry you make us glee with pride when we want to get up and flee you wipe away our tears & chase away all the fears you tell us not to crumble in this crazy world of jungle you encourage us when everyone else is quick to discourage you inspire us to achieve everything we aspire to achieve you are our shining light that makes our world bright we're no royal but to our cause you always remain loyal you treasure our laughter when all they seek is our pleasure you plead with those that mislead and make us bleed you told us to hold our heads high and stand tall above all you make us believe when we never had a self belief your words bring us timely relief that soften our deep grief you gave us access to courage that shall lead to our success you told us to be brave and refuse to be pain's slave you love the people of motherland and cherish the sand in your hand you heal our pain with your words and we beg the lord to heal yours may almighty protect you and our reunion we expect. Yours Truly Children Of Somalia. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Lost Cause: Today I walked out of my front door with hope hoping to smell the fragrance of pollution inhaled all of my problems and exhaled solutions conclusions rise while my downfall is in clear sight this isn't right...who cut out the light? I hate the night it brings me to dark corners where I keep myself contained as the children cry the tears of pain that conjure up the rain the weight of the stress bring the rest of the storm in the form of thunderous noise the sails of sinking ships filled with the wind of my gasping breaths I have had the leftist point of view no wonder I couldn't find the right clues to figure out the puzzle of this struggle it's so deep Osman would be perfectly suitable my cubicle in which I work for the jerk that lurks beyond the halls I have turned into a ball so I no longer will have to suffer in the corner of my flash flood instead I enjoy pulling your patience from within my sphere of fear within my heart while you shall have to endure the hesitation until I detach you from my grasp and my thoughts you shall find careless fun after the last hug. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. BOB

    Meet Fahiima

    Wallee afkii la wada baray...waxaa la yaab leh sida fasiixa ah ee ay Afka ugu hadleyso and it 'only' took her 3 years to learn the language, kolleey waxaa jira dad badan oo ka maseeraya in SOL... Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Originally posted by Dabshid: I didnt know we have Shia in Somalia. That is exactly what I thought...I always used to hear about Istunka and I thought it was just a harmless game people played but I guess I was wrong. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. I don't give a monkey's behind about him being the first black or the last black whatever all I KNOW is he won’t do nothing for me as a Muslim and as a Somali so as far as I'm concerned he can kiss his Jewish masters behind from here all the way to Tel Aviv for all I care... Abu-Geel...why would it even be surprise to you that he vowed to support the yahood, what did you expect? You don't think they 'Elected' him because they liked his 'tan' like Berlusconi said now do you? I bet you he wont even do one bit for the millions of the poor black people in the American ghettos who are suffering beyond belief in every sense of the word let alone Palestinians...these Somalis who hail him as their messiah make me laugh...I never thought I would ever come across Somalis as naïve as they are...just because he put on Somali attire for publicity and suddenly we think like he cares about our cause...give me a break. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. No wonder they die like Chickens whenever there's an accident involving cars and trains...Does this country have a ministry of transport? loool Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. BOB

    I Like This

    Are you guys talking about a song here or film? Sorry the link failed to open for me...Jamal you know how mpofu African connection PS. Jamal you're corrupting Aaliyah now with your dizzying songs...lool Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Barakah. Sharaf. Karamah. All these words are Arabic guys...come with Somali (I doubt it if you'd find it) I think what we should focus here is how many percentage of our language is Arabic...I heard some odoyaal claiming it to be between 35%-40%...I don't know. PS. in my opinion there's nothing more sacred to Somali than his/her Qabiil...what do you think the old men mean when they talk about...'Magaca iyo Sharafteena Meel ha uga Dhicin' Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Sayid...I'm sorry bro but...I blatantly REFUSE to be governed by a bilcaan and I'd rather be a rebel than submit to this girl who's even younger than my last born granddaughter... I will follow the footsteps of certain Abdullahi Yusuf and create the first ever SOL government rebel group and oppose this (corrupt) lady leader to my last breath. If she is good at negotiations then she knows where to find me and I will welcome her as long as she comes with few dozens of loaded XL briefcases. :cool: Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. BOB

    Eating Young

    Originally posted by Cadaan: ^You can't lie to us anymore about your age, man. We've seen your picture Oooh you're referring to the photo in the FB yeah? That is my last born son and if my last born son is that old...imagine how old his daddy would be? By the way guess who I met couple of days ago? I met a Scottish dude who speaks Somali better than a lot of SOLers and he even sings the Somali national anthem and even understands the words one by one and God forgive me I lied and told him my buddy (you) can speak and write better Somali than you will in a million years and he happens to be should've seen the poor fellow when I said that to him...he was heartbroken...he really was until I confessed and told him that you're there and thereabout but one thing you have over him is the dress sense as he still dresses unlike Somali while you even inherited our lack of style sense which I have to admit left me in stitches because in that pic you really dress like a Somali dude...the only thing missing is the crazy colours that we like to mix and match but don't dispair as there's still a hope and whos to say it wont be long before you even become as colour blind as we are. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. BOB

    Eating Young

    Professor Northerner, is that why I look as old as I do because according to my birth certificate I'm 42 years young but I look like 65...I guess my pathetic nutrition is to blame huh? Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Ilaahey ayaa laga magan galaa marxaladahaan oo kale...waa arrin murugo leh oo qofka bani-aadamka qalbi jab iyo argagax ukeenta. Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. Waraa adiga how did you get access to all these Nomads' birth certificates? Waryaa heedhe you're beginning to scare me here because I'm someone who loves being private and cherishes his privacy and I wouldn't like it if a certain Somaliland CID called Rooble violated my privacy... so Mr Zu how many centuries are you celebrating now? Dhalasho Wacan oo Wanaagsan. Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Originally posted by ANTARA: dadka meesha joogaaba dambi ay leeyihiin ma jirto ee way iska xidhan yihiin. Dadka dulmi ayaa lagu qaaday, wax wanaag ah oo ay dadka kula shaqeeyaana ma jirto, aad ayay u qalafsan-yihiin, markaa Ilaahay ayaa jira. Laakiin, iyaga (Maraykanka) toodu waxa weeye, dambi lahow ama ha lahaanin meeshuunbaa lagugu haynayaa. Markay Todoba Sanadood meel igu xidheen, ee ay Gurigaygii baadheen, ee ay reerkaygii iga dhex qaateen, iyagiina cidla kaga tageen maxaa taa ka weyn? Silsilad waxa iigu dambaysay Diyaarada aan soo raacay, Silsiladi dhexda ayay igaga xidheen mid lugaha ayay igaga xidhnayd, miday Kursiga iigu xidheen. Waxaas ayay igu wada xidh xidheen.. Intaanu Jeelka ku jiray, mar kasta oo aad Albaabka makhsinkaaga dibada uga baxayso ama aad Dhakhtarka tegayso ama wax lagu weydiinayo, Silsiladaas ayaa lagugu xidhayaa si kale umma baxaysid. Wax kasta waa ay ku weydiinayaan, maalintaad qufucday maxaad u qufacday, Caruurta hubkaad bari jirteen muxuu ahaa. Al-qaacida ayaad tahay, ninka haystana waad la kulantaye, maxaad ka wadda hadasheen. Hadaad tidhaa waar lama kulmin, waad la kulantay ayaa lagu odhanayaa, wax walba waa lagu saarayaa. I'm sorry to hear the ordeal this innocent man has been through and I'm glad he's finally free and he can now concentrate on rebuilding his shattered life. This story must also be hard to stomach for those in here who believe U.S xuquuqda bini aadamka iney ilaaliso ama aysan eheyn dad aan dulmin masaakiinta, waxaan hubaa hadii ay dadka ninkaan qabsaday Muslim yihiin this topic would've been 5-6 pages by now but since it's the other way around people suddenly forgot how to type...their fingers must have gone numb. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. BOB

    new person

    Salam Aleikum W.W WELCOME my brother...I hope you will enjoy being here with us Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. I've been a formula one fan for a quite sometime now and I've never watched more dramatic race than the one I just have where I honestly thought Lewis blew it when Vettel overtook him at the last lap but as luck would have it the Toyota guy Gloc lost grip as he was running on dry weather tires... as you may know winning your first championship in any sport is THE HARDEST and now that he's got that out of the way I believe he will go on to dominate F1 for quite sometime and I will not be surprised if this guy goes on to become the greatest F1 driver ever as he has all the necessary ingredients to become just that. Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. BOB

    Masih ad-Dajjal

    Not haven't heard anything never mind everything...did you hear what Dr Hassan Khomishov thinks of you? Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. They want to glamorise dating, boyfriend and girlfriend and above all qaadicul dariiqnimo miyaa hada? Dadku markey diin la'aan noqdaan they lose their sense thus failing to differentiate between RIGHT and WRONG. Allow dadkeena sidaan u dhaan oo naga qaad jahliga iyo dulmigan nagusoo hagoogtay...Allow wadada toosan nagu hag oo naga saar cudurkan qabiil ee na gumaaday Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Conspiracy...Marax iyo nus aa don't even reply to my e-mail these days soo ma aha because you've gotten big headed...wait until I see my Dumaashi... Geel_Jire...malaha Obama jaguu u ballan qaaday Pujah... Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. BOB

    How Smart Are You?

    Yaa kugu yiri Eri keliya ayaa rimo...Aga? Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. BOB

    Masih ad-Dajjal

    Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: btw Dajjal is said to have curly hair Yep that's right but the Jews are naturally curly haired as well...forget the few 'Fake' jews with blue eyes and blond hairs. The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) also said the last people that Dajjal will come out to are the women folks where he will stir them up beyond belief and if you look at the current state the ladies find themselves in where there's so many feminist organizations specifically designed to mislead them then one doesn't need to be genius to figure out we're in that phase that our beloved prophet (p.b.u.h) mentioned. May Allah s.w Guide Us All Through The Righteous Path Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  23. BOB

    How Smart Are You?

    Nuune naga daa Af Soomaali ha noogu badalin yaan meesha lagu kala tegine...waxaa jira bilcaamo riman oo aan ka baqaayo inee ilmaha soo tuuraan. Peace, Love & Unity.
  24. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: but unfortunately we are ridiculing it if like it doesn't concern us. Salam Aleikum W.W Brother the reason I'm ridiculing this particular initiative is...I don't trust one bit the people who are involved and running this project...they're all conmen and yes Al Gore included and same goes for this so-called 'credit crunch' as far as I'm concerned it's another scheme to squeeze the poor more than they've already been squeezed. Peace, Love & Unity.
  25. Originally posted by Geel_jire: i think of it as one really big scam ... like the boogy man .. only this scam costs billions of dollars Exactly...that's why I said Al Gore waa lacag raadis oo Bush ayaa ka dhameeyay intii yareyd ee uu haayey. laakiin maxaa ka rabtaahee wallee shilin aan leeyahay ma arko. Peace, Love & Unity.