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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Brother horta is daji oo breathe in and breathe out...anigu hadaba kama hadlaayo Kismaayada maanta jirta ee uu marba qabiilkii hub badan leeyahay annagaa leh ee waxaan ka hadlayaa Kismaayadii pre-civil war the days when the real reer Kismaayo lived Kismaayo! PS. Get your facts straight first brother forget the cheap sheekada aad dad been sheegaya ka maqashay...Kismaayo baajuun ka hor bey Soomaali daganeyd...baar taariikhda nin la yiraahdo Cali Sharaa...waxaa loogu heesi jiray Ma Cabsade Cali Sharaa Cidduu Galo Ceymo Maleh...qofna ha wareysan because most tribes wont be honest enough to tell you the truth...SEEK & FIGURE YOURSELF OUT. Habeen Wanaagsan Sxb. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  2. BOB


    Doob Dareen Baa Dilay. Peace, Love & Unity.
  3. Originally posted by nuune: Bob, please sxb slow down with Grant , plus address him in English even if he knows Somali Yes Sir. Peace, Love & Unity.
  4. Originally posted by Grant: Bob, The worst you can blame on me is teaching your parents or grandparents English. Yes, that is highly subversive! Naah my grandparents were NOMADS from Qabri-Dahare, Qalaafe and Qandala and Kismayo itself and there's every chance that they died without even knowing the existence of a country called U.S never mind its English language... as for my mom was schooled in Nairobi and my Dad was schooled in Kismayu madrassa and later in Al Azhar University in Egypt marka my parents missed your teachings unless you were teacher in those different countries simultaneously. Mr Einstein relax I'm Somali and we're KNOWN for our hospitality especially towards the non-somalis marka now its my turn to teach you Somali so go and get your book but be careful yaa lagu arkin adigoo bilcaameheena la hadlaaya hadii kale sidii awoowgeey Sayid Muhammad Abdulle Hasan ayaan seefteydii soo qaadan daraawiishna meesha waa joogtaa oo Xiin iyo Sophist iyo Aaliyah ayaa I garab taagan. Gheelle...When you want to bring a country to its knees you target its source of income and in Somalia you head for the South of Mogadishu where the source of our income lay and that's when Jilib comes into the picture. Peace, Love & Unity.
  5. Waxaan Ardayda dhigata Dugsiga Barashada Af Soomaaliga ee macallim Seef La Bood aka Sayid Soomaal usheegeynaa inuu maanta casharka intaa inoogu eg yahay maadaama uu Macallim Seef La Bood cunay daawada caloosha socodsiiso 'Laxative' maadaama ay beryahaan dambe qaras heysay uuna raashinkii cuni waayey qaras darteed... Macallinku wuxuu quraac ahaan u cunaa 3 loaf oo rooti ah kiilo beer ah, kiilo canjeelo ah iyo kiilo kalaankal ah, 5 litre oo orange seeko ah iyo labo tarmuus oo shaah ah midna yahay bigees midna cadees.... Qadadii wuxuu cunaa kiilo baasto macaroni ah iyo suugadeeda, kiilo baasto fiine ah iyo suugadeeda iyo kiilo pasta al foorno ah iyo 5 chicken la dubay, jeex neef ari ah iyo 10 litre oo Pineapple ah iyo 10 litre oo water melon ah. Cashadii wuxuu cunaa 180 xabo oo muufo ah iyo maraqooda iyo 40 xabo oo malaayga nooca loo yaqano tabadinta ah, 5 tarmuus oo shaah bigees ah iyo 5 kale oo cadees ah iyo 15 litre oo caano ah...marka waxaan mar kale ardeyda ka codsaneynaa inee u sabraan macalinkooda is qaras falaya siuu abitaadka ka xiran ugu furmo. waad mahadsantihiin Dhammaantiin. By Maamulka Iskuulka. Peace, Love & Unity.
  6. Gheelle, American haduu yahay muxuu ka qabanayaa meeshan? teeda kale goormaa Kismaayo la geeyay kuwo Af Ingiriiska dadka baro when most people couldn't even speak proper Somali Agaa? :eek: You can't help but feel so SORRY for African governments...the Western countries would send CIA, KGB and other spy networks into any stable African country posing as doctors, nurses, teachers and then before you know it that country is on fire...suddenly a civil war erupts and I wonder if Mr Einstein was one of those ‘Teachers’ who was sent to Somalia to lay the foundation for our current catastrophe... :mad: If he was I would advice him to come clean and ask for forgiveness from each and every Somali in this forum and if he isn't which he will probably swear that he wasn't then so be it for Allah s.w will someday reward us all for the nightmare West put us through using the few monkeys and donkeys among us. PS. Blame them for my paranoia as well. Peace, Love & Unity.
  7. Originally posted by Grant: I can't speak for other periods, but in the Sixties, Kismayu was said to be a ****** city. Sorry Eisntien I don't do french...elaborate on what you mean by ******? waaba reer Jilib of all people wax hakaa sheego...waryaa Jilib would've been a ghost town had it not been Kismayo oo Malaria ayaa idin dhameyn don't even THINK for one second inaa Mareereey idnka leedihiin... Ghelle...I'm FULLY aware of that and it breaks my heart to know all these monkeys running around aren't from Kismayo yet they claim to 'own' Kismayo...Qabiilow wixii ku Qaata Qandho Qalaf hala Dhaho. Peace, Love & Unity.
  8. I can't believe I even commented on it...Ceebey Tacaal...Nuune no Qarxis...ha i qarxin yaan hadana qoorta la iqabane...lool Peace, Love & Unity.
  9. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Bob, I don't mind learning about Kismayo. If somalia becomes one day inshallah developed and the war stops I ACTUALLY see myself living there...from what I heard its beautiful city. qalin iyo warqad ayaan so qaatay, bilow markaa ... salaam First and foremost Kismaayo natives are known to be laid-back with the devil may care attitude, we are humble people, we never discriminate all Somalis are one and the same to us...the worst mistake people OFTEN make is when they try to play the tribal card with us...uh uh we don't play that game in fact for us that topic is TABOO. We love one another, in fact you can even say we're drunk with love for one another and wherever we go the first thing we do is ask if people from Kismaayo could be found in that particular town or city and once we find him/her watch us go and talk in our local lingo known as af jinni ( pity these days people from all over the country learned it but have no fears they are not as fluent as we are) We intermarry regardless which tribe you belong to...we produced some of the wealthiest businessmen in the history of Somalia...Allah s.w blessed us with dhaqaale from fishing to livestock to farming, we have natural beaches with white sands...we could’ve easily had a zoo or game to rival any in Africa as it was a hub for wild animals especially the big five which is what the tourists want first and foremost. We produced so many famous (national level) sports men who went on to represent Somalia for so many years, we have Caasho Cabdoow, (she lived two cariish away from our house) the first Somali singer to make name for herself outside of our borders, we even produced Baashi..the future Millionaire in hard currency, the most valuable SOLer ever and then there's me...just BOB...a dreamer who has a big date with destiny . I don't know how this came to be but Kismaayo has ONLY four neighbourhoods in Farjanne, Faanoole, Shaqaalaha and my neighbourhood Calanleey the oldest and the biggest of them all...we could’ve easily had 5 or 6 more as there were enough people to fill them all in but our late president didn't see it that way. End Of Part 1. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  10. Originally posted by Protocol: *BOB You're misinformed, cities like qardho, bossaso etc are very diverse and not just one clan lives there. In fact there are Oromo people, and people of all clans living in puntland. Most somali's have actually moved north, so it would not be surprising if the north is more diverse now. Hold your donkey there my dear Saaxiib Protocol...I know Bari more than you think I do and the diverseka aa ka hadleeso waa after the civil war...I TOTALLY AGREE with you on that but then again so is Xamar contrary to what many believe laakiin aniga waxaan ka hadlaayey long before the civil war even Hargeisa waxaa ku nool kumanaan qabiilada dago aan aheyn yet we say waa magaalo ay leeyihiin so and so qabiil...Why? I was referring to in the days you were in diapers...long long time ago...I mean once upon a time when we (reer Kismaayo) used to sing 'Boowe Bari Laga Reysay Bariis Caano leh i forgot it now' you can't say a city is truly diverse until the so-called Minority ay cod ku yeeshaan magaaladaas and in Boosaaso waxee ahaan jirtay hadaa eheen Caliga Cade ahem Cusmaan Dooy ama Daashka you're almost invinsible mise been waaye? Those three BIG BALLERS aa monopoly ku heestay ganacsiga and they still do to some extent...remember when Cusmaan and Cali ee is dagaaleen...they even tried inee dabkooda Kismaayo nagusoo gaarsiiyaan laakiin maxaa nagu taqaanaahe cirka aan ufiirinay nooh reer bari ka dabaasha aan dhahnay anaga Reer Kismaayo aa nala dhahaa Bari centuries aa noogu dambeeysay laakiin there's no tribe oo monopoly ku heestay Kismaayo in any time pre-dagaalka qabiil walba oo magaalada dagan wuxuu u arkay inee magaaladiisa tahay be may Baajuun or Baraawe. PS. Bro the overwhelming majority of people from Kismayo have at least one parent or family member from either Bari or OG'enia me included which is why we know so well where these two players hail from...marka boowe yaa mar dambe lagaa maqlin BOB waa misinformed markaan ka hadlo Bari. Peace, Love & Unity.
  11. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Bob*, my best friend from where? Sorry my bf isn't sixirleey...KIX KIX KIX, GAX GAX GAX GAAAAAAAAAX... Yaa reer Xamar maciin ka dooni jiray? :mad: saas ee kuugu daadinaayaa in front of the whole world...Reer Baadiye Fowqal Reer Baadiye... Peace, Love & Unity.
  12. Aniga maa dhahay macalin aan ahay oo dadkaan wax baraa mise adiga? Macalin noocee ah aa tahay adiga oo ardeyga weydiinaayo inuu wax baro? Boowe aniga South East iyo waxaa sheegeyso ma aqaan the point is Kismaayo iyo Calanleey meeshee ku yaalaan WAAN GARANAA and that's all I need to know...amaje?loool Peace, Love & Unity.
  13. Calanleey is situated at extreme South meaning Kismaayo...KK been haka sheegin Kismaayo waxaa ka imaaday one of her best friends who's beloved to her mana uquurto inee Kista caayso...waa kugu daadatay...lool Peace, Love & Unity.
  14. KK Beesaani nimada aan kugu jeclahay Wallahi...unlike gabdhaha ee insecurity dishay...they should be grateful to Allah s.w who blessed them with health and cimri... Peace, Love & Unity.
  15. Naah boowe horta waxaad weligeey iga maqleen waa chokora ma maqashay? if you did look no further...teeda kale iskuul Soomaali ciqaabtiisa waa kasoo qaday and in Kenya the worst thing that could happen waa expulsion which I never cared...LooooL. Calanleey ka cabso abaa...meeshaas RAG RAG DHALAY aa ka imaado...markaas aa sheegee Qardho...maa Qandala dhahdid instead (ahem ahem) Peace, Love & Unity.
  16. SAYIDOOW Troll kaaga ma aqaane si fiican wax noo bar ama nagu kala wad iskoolkaan aan xitta kursiga leheyn iyo saqafka...roob baa nafta naga wada qaaday iyo qorax... Peace, Love & Unity.
  17. KK adiga sanadkaaga 11 bilood kaliya waaye miyaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ BOB, I used up my Somali quota for the day, saaxib. Iga raali aho. You know a friend of mine once read your Somali and he almost CRIED literally because he felt so sad for you but I wish you should've seen his face when I told him that you are a father and you were teaching your kids how to write & speak fluent Somali. Malika...Mo'oneye Kisomali huruma bwana Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  19. War LUUQADA badala Awoowgiin La jannee Agah! WE KNOW inaa English taqaanaan...bloody maryooleey wax bartay nac-nac badanaa? Peace, Love & Unity.
  20. Suggestion: markaan arrimahaan oo kale ka hadleeno ka warama hadaan Af Soomaali ku hadalno maadaama ay meesha dad aan Soomaali aheyn joogaan mana fiicna inaan ceebeheena adduunka usheegno...Ceebteena Ilaahey Ha Asturo Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  21. Innaa Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun. may Allah s.w forgive his sins both major and minor and may he ease up the pain and the sorrow of those who he left behind Insha Allah. Salam Aleikum W.W Peace, Love & Unity.
  22. Horta aniga waan kasoo horjeedaa tuugadan Qaaducul-Dariiqa ah ee aad ku sheegtaan Pirates mana garanayo waxa aad u ammaantaan sababtoo ah waxey xittaa qabsadaan maraakiib u raran dad ganacsato ah oo Soomaaliyeed mar marna waxey qabsadaan markab saad u sida masaakiinta marka Nuune walaal tuug lagaa qabtay haka xumaan... Aniga ahaan India ayaan ogolaan lahaa intuu Amxaar iheysan lahaa sababtoo ah mid waa cadowgaaga taariikheed oo kasoo horjeeda jiritaanka aad jirto waan aragtaa siduu ugumaadayo umadda maatada ah ee Soomaaliyeed midna maba ku yaqaan oo maba kaa yaqaan Swahiliga umana jeedo inuu ku xasuuqo illeyn wax isaga kiin xiran baaba jirine. Aniga waxaa ii diyaarsan dacwo aan udiraaiyey C/Laahi Yuusuf, Geedi, Qanyare, Muuse Suudi, Indho Cade, Moorgan, Ina Ceydiid, Cali Mahdi, Maxamed Dheere, Cusmaan Caato and Bare Hiiraale iyo kuwo kale oo badan oo aan hada xasuusan sababtoo ah intaas oo dhan waa GACACN KU DHIIGLEyaal oo Soomaali bey laayeen ugu dambeystiina cadoow bey gacmaha ugaliyeen marka nin walboo Soomaali ah waxaan ka codsanayaa inuu raggaan deyn...ballan baan hore ugu qaaday inaan deyn kuwaan illaa aan kusoo hubsado meesha ay Soomaali ku hubsadeen...I know hada waa UNTOUCHABLES laakiin weligeen sidaan kuma jireyno oo qabiilna laguma gabandoono oo waxaa imaan doonta maalin XAQ wax lagu kala bixiyo marka aniga maalintaas baan sugayaa Insha Allah hadaan taa kahor dhintana caruurteyda ayaan mas'uuliyadda uga tagayaa Insha Allah... PS. I even have the names of some men who own certain websites that only entice people and promote tribalism and violence amongst the Somali civilians by God xitta kuwaas ma dhaafaayo I've written down all their names...I might be only one guy but I'm sure there are thousands of Somalis across the globe who feel exactly the same way and its just a matter of time before we join hands Insha Allah. Peace, Love & Unity.