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Everything posted by Laba-X

  1. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    Calaa kulli xaal Sheekadu way sii socotay: Kashafa: Shareecadaan la duubnahay Ma oggoli iney dunto Hadana waan dacaayadayn Hoostaan ka durayaa Uurkaan u dabayaa Ma wax loo dulqaataa? Kala daaya labadaa Hadii daacad aan nahay Baashi: Dalka waan ka tegayaa Dibaddaan u baxayaa Waan daansha-daanshoon Markaan door maqnaadaan Dagaal soo abaabulayaa Kala daaya labadaa Hadii daacad aan nahay Kashafa: Jihaadka dadka kii I neceb Iyo cadawgaan ku durayaa Fuley wuu ka didayaa Baashi: Geesina dareen qaad Kashafa: Ha ka naxo dareen-qabe Baashi: Ha ku farxo dagaal ooge Kashafa: Haddaad dareeen leedahay Uu dhanyahay damiirkaagu Dagaalkii Amxaarada Hadda foodda lays galay Dushaa laga garaacaye Aduun dabarka hay dhigin Shaking his head Xiin interrupts. Xiin: Soomaaliyey dareen laay Deebaaq qaraar iyo Dacar weel ku shubatooy Isseh: Soomaaliyey dareen laay Boholaha duleeliyo Daylaanta loo qoday Dusha mara ka saaraay Laba-X: Soomaaliyey dareen laay Geesigeeda dirica ah dabar adag ku jiidaay Isseh: Waa iga dardaarane Ogow iga dambeeyow Dad haduu is maan-naco Dooni laguma wadayee Xiin: Ogow iga dambeeyow Hadday kala dareeraan Ma gaadhaan dantoodee Baashi: Ogow daarta gobanimo Dumin mayo khaa’ine Kashafa: Ogow geesi daafaca Dalka kama dhamaanine Laba-X: Ogow weli Darwiishkii Socodkii ma deynine Isseh: Ogow deyn nin naga qaba Uma deysaneynee Baashi: Ogow weli dadkeenii Darxumuu ku seexdaa Laba-X: Ogow wey dambaysaa Weli dirirta weyniye Kashafa: Ogow seefta gaal dila Degta muunan gelinine Isseh: Ogow duullimaadkiyo Gobannimo u dirirkii Weli maanu deynine Noticing that the corpulent chap (General Duke) is still sulking and fiddling with his thumbs, Kashafa remarks: Kashafa: ninka dudaya yaa dilay? Isseh: Afkuu duubanaayiyo Is-dibbirintu waa maxay? Laba-X: Yuu deyn ku leeyahay? …And then the General spoke and all ceased. With an authority he uttered his words, without as much as an imperceptible vestige or insulation that it was beyond any member of the gathering’s power to rebuke him. General Duke: Dalka sow wax kuma lihi After several minutes of silence, Xiin, who in his contemplative mood looked more in place managed a diplomatic answer: Xiin: Ha degdegine dib u jog Laba-X: Ha ku deeqdo waanadu [to General] Isseh: Kala garo diraaciyo Dambarsamaha Jiilaal [to General] Ducaysane, who sat silently throughout these exchanges as if pondering their true worth, had the last word and lamented: Ducaysane: Ileen daaman noolow Marna hadal ma deysaan!
  2. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    Originally posted by Kaara-Dille: ^Thats a bombshell, you should be ashamed of yourself, all this time we thought you were the talent, what decietful man you are... adeer plaigarism ma maqlin, pray to god you wouldn't attempt use my lyrics(hal-abuur), your skinny legs will be sued to roost in hell. Adna Ilaahay Jannat-ul-Firdowsa hakaa waraabiyo Insha-Allah. Emperor Ma dhufays baad iigu jirtaa sxb waadiga Raage ugaas ii mariyeye waanba kaa shakiyey!
  3. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    Originally posted by Kaara-Dille: ^Thats a bombshell, you should be ashamed of yourself, all this time we thought you were the talent, what decietful man you are... adeer plaigarism ma maqlin, pray to god you wouldn't attempt use my lyrics(hal-abuur), your skinny legs will be sued to roost in hell. Adna Ilaahay Jannat-ul-Firdowsa hakaa waraabiyo Insha-Allah. Emperor Ma dhufays baad iigu jirtaa sxb waadiga Raage ugaas ii mariyeye waanba kaa shakiyey!
  4. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    To give credit where it is due (I should have stated this in the opening post), the words you have read above and the ones you will read (soon come) are all an amalgamation of dozens of poems by prominent Somali poets - I have just tweaked them a little. More to come...
  5. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    To give credit where it is due (I should have stated this in the opening post), the words you have read above and the ones you will read (soon come) are all an amalgamation of dozens of poems by prominent Somali poets - I have just tweaked them a little. More to come...
  6. I Nominate: Isseh Sophist Northerner Xiin Fahiye
  7. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    Amidst the clutter of the cutlery behind the counter, the whistle of the coffee machine and the hubbub of discordant sounds that dinned the environment, the SoLers sat unperturbed in the far corner, sipping their beverages. It is the café, they usually frequented after their days have dimmed. Flipping through the Kasmo Newspaper, Kashafa began… Kashafa: Rag baa tegey dorraad galab [from Europe to Mogadishu] Xiin: Rag baa weli ka diimmoon Baashi: [wiping his spectacles] Rag baan dayrtan iman karin Isseh: Somaliya gumeystihii jartaa degay Dibaddana ka joogsadey Da.badhi.lif adeegsaday Darxumadiyo hooga Wuu ku diirsanayaa Laba-X: Soomaaliyey wax kuu daran Iyo wax dantaada ah Haysku darine kala daa Qalbigaaga daahiri Damiirkiinna weheshada Dawga toosan wada mara Dawankana isku afgaro Baashi: Doodaydu waxey tahay Dacar iyo dhunkaal baa Dacar qaar u keenee seeftaada danantiyo dumbuqaaga qaadoo dagaal cudurku yuu gelin Emperor: Waxaa lagu durqumayaa dibbir iyo nin naaxiyo inta qaranku deyn iyo dembi uu ku leeyahay adinkuuna dulqaatoo docdayda aan qeexee Dooddaydu waa Qaran Kashafa: Alshabaab waakan daacad ah Dalka iyo dadkiisaba Labadaba u daahir ah Bulshada xumaha uga diga Daw san u horsed taga Dufan lays marmariyiyo Lacagi aaney daadihin Weheshada dadkii hore (rasuulki iyo asxaabti) Dariiqey banneeyeen (Jihad) Yaan dib looga soo noqon Xiin: Difaaceeda qarannimo Aan u qaato duubkoo Darmaan Xiinfiniin dhalay Aan u fuulo dooyaada Boogaha na daashaday Danyartoo midowdiyo Ficil baa u dawo ah Laba-X: Waxa iga dardaaran ah Dani waa halkeedee Daq kastoo laduugaa Waa kii dillaacee Dareenkeenu waa meel Hadaad diir naxaysaan Dagaalkii la galay iyo Dalkii aan xorayniyo Gobanimo-u-dirirkiyo Dakanada Amxaarada Dadka maad u sheegtaan? The corpulent General Duke who sat befuddled beside Baashi pushes his chair and stamps the floor in anger. Isseh: Ninka duday habeenimo Gafuurkaa ku daaliye Dad muxuu ka dhimayaa Laba-X: Dood waliba baanteed Baashi: Duq waliba garaadkii Xiin: Nin dan lihi ujeedadii Kashafa: Dab waliba kulaykii [naarta] Isseh: Nin dudiyo gafuurkii [to General] Laba-X: Maad ka deysid boogaha Haka qaadin diirkee [to Isseh] Kashafa: Maxaad carrabka dalabta leh Ugu dedi subeeciyad? [to Baashi] Baashi: Maxaad isugu daahirin Dad waa ku wada yaqaane [to kashafa] …To be continued
  8. Laba-X

    SOL Cafe...

    Amidst the clutter of the cutlery behind the counter, the whistle of the coffee machine and the hubbub of discordant sounds that dinned the environment, the SoLers sat unperturbed in the far corner, sipping their beverages. It is the café, they usually frequented after their days have dimmed. Flipping through the Kasmo Newspaper, Kashafa began… Kashafa: Rag baa tegey dorraad galab [from Europe to Mogadishu] Xiin: Rag baa weli ka diimmoon Baashi: [wiping his spectacles] Rag baan dayrtan iman karin Isseh: Somaliya gumeystihii jartaa degay Dibaddana ka joogsadey Da.badhi.lif adeegsaday Darxumadiyo hooga Wuu ku diirsanayaa Laba-X: Soomaaliyey wax kuu daran Iyo wax dantaada ah Haysku darine kala daa Qalbigaaga daahiri Damiirkiinna weheshada Dawga toosan wada mara Dawankana isku afgaro Baashi: Doodaydu waxey tahay Dacar iyo dhunkaal baa Dacar qaar u keenee seeftaada danantiyo dumbuqaaga qaadoo dagaal cudurku yuu gelin Emperor: Waxaa lagu durqumayaa dibbir iyo nin naaxiyo inta qaranku deyn iyo dembi uu ku leeyahay adinkuuna dulqaatoo docdayda aan qeexee Dooddaydu waa Qaran Kashafa: Alshabaab waakan daacad ah Dalka iyo dadkiisaba Labadaba u daahir ah Bulshada xumaha uga diga Daw san u horsed taga Dufan lays marmariyiyo Lacagi aaney daadihin Weheshada dadkii hore (rasuulki iyo asxaabti) Dariiqey banneeyeen (Jihad) Yaan dib looga soo noqon Xiin: Difaaceeda qarannimo Aan u qaato duubkoo Darmaan Xiinfiniin dhalay Aan u fuulo dooyaada Boogaha na daashaday Danyartoo midowdiyo Ficil baa u dawo ah Laba-X: Waxa iga dardaaran ah Dani waa halkeedee Daq kastoo laduugaa Waa kii dillaacee Dareenkeenu waa meel Hadaad diir naxaysaan Dagaalkii la galay iyo Dalkii aan xorayniyo Gobanimo-u-dirirkiyo Dakanada Amxaarada Dadka maad u sheegtaan? The corpulent General Duke who sat befuddled beside Baashi pushes his chair and stamps the floor in anger. Isseh: Ninka duday habeenimo Gafuurkaa ku daaliye Dad muxuu ka dhimayaa Laba-X: Dood waliba baanteed Baashi: Duq waliba garaadkii Xiin: Nin dan lihi ujeedadii Kashafa: Dab waliba kulaykii [naarta] Isseh: Nin dudiyo gafuurkii [to General] Laba-X: Maad ka deysid boogaha Haka qaadin diirkee [to Isseh] Kashafa: Maxaad carrabka dalabta leh Ugu dedi subeeciyad? [to Baashi] Baashi: Maxaad isugu daahirin Dad waa ku wada yaqaane [to kashafa] …To be continued
  9. Funny how the good Sheikh still clings on to Xudaibiyyah Peace treaty to justify his stance - two completely different circumstances, two different approaches! Allaylehe sharaf dheeraad ah ayey mudanyihiin nimanka Al-Shabaab la magacbaxay!
  10. waryaa Mujahid, where have you been my friend! Anftu Ilaahay siduu ugu talagalay weeye sxb oo wax dhibaata ah lama cabaneyso! adigu iska waran sxb! Ibtisam, lol o'right me love! Respect Burco! I've got my 5 baloodh there...
  11. War Yaa Maakhir wax ka sheegay? A&T, War hoy joog! :mad:
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: Don’t exhaust yourself, ...Indeed, fellow SoLers, Don't exhaust yourselves - talking sense to Duke is futile - a sheer waste of time and energy. Even if the guy were to be empowered with all the logic of Kant, it would still be insignificant to return his twisted brain to normalcy, let alone help him reason coherently! As for this agreement - it is not worth the paper it is written on, therefore, not worth much debate!
  13. Yaa Xiin, Ina Adeer, horta waad garatay oo I have boycotted Starbucks' Caramel Machiatto a long time ago, however tempting it might have been. Hadaan taa ka gudbo, waxaad soo tabaabushlaysaba sida aniga ii muuqata meesha waxaad ka wadaa I am right, you are wrong! Lakiin, if we were not to blind ourselves to the plight of the masses and the unfolding disasters, the happenings in Somalia are as clear as daylight! waxaa la yiri: Waxey gabari oydaa Markuu Geesi qabi jirey oo uu Gocor xumi dumaaley Somalia's situation today is as such - ilaa geesigaas laga helayona, dulli iyo darxumo uun sow kuma jireyno?
  14. Kismaayo will soon be under the control of Al-Shabaab, insha-Allah. Talks are currently underway between the Odayaal of Kismaayo and its vicinity and the Al-Shabaab men. The elders have shown strong support for their Muslim brethren and are said to be willing to accept their presence. As for Huuraale, Huuraalena hadalkiisa daa heeryadii tuurye Wuxuu hungureeyaba loo diid dhulkuu ku hammiyi jireye Harrad iyo kulayl baa ku dilay hul iyo buur dheere Meel uu haad ka kacay buu raqaa haradaa marane Wuxuuse soo hugmaba weligii ma gaaro haybad iyo guule ...nin maanta wax laga filayo ma aha!
  15. Yaa Hunguri, Walaal aad ayaad ugu mahadsantahay the explanation that you have put forth. Yes indeed Diintu waa dulqaad, Diintu waa xikmad, Diintu waa macaan, Diintu waa nasiixah. Laakiin everything has its appropriate time. Aayadaha aad soo daliishateyna waa xaq. Laakiin ina-adeer, '...Atu'minuuna bi bacdil kitaabi wa takfiruuna bi bacd'. Are we here disregarding some of the teachings of the Qur'an and believeing in the rest? 'famaa jazaa'u man yafcal daalika', and the punishmnet for a person who does this is but the torment of hellfire. The Qur'an clearly states 'ya ayyuha lladiina aamnu ida laqiitumu-ladiina kafaruu zaxfan falaa tuwalluhum-ul-adbaar' (Anfal) The above Ayah instructs the Muslims not to turn their backs on an enemy once they have met. Now an enemy stands in your doorsteps, an enemy whose actions are perceptible to all and sundry, and yet we are claiming that the Al-Shabaab should not fight them and defend their land. Ina-adeer Hunguriyow, The Xabashis are massacring the people in the streets and villages mar allaale markii mid laga dilo - ama magaalada gudeheeda ha lagu dilo ama dibadeeda. They take out their revenge on the public and wallahi they will continue to do so ilaa laga joojiyo oo kurta laga wada guro mooyee. Do you think nimankan iyaguba inaaney lahayn family iyo caruur iyo aabe iyo hooyo - maxaa ku kallifay inay naftooda iyo maalkooda u huraan si ay Amxaartan wadanka ka saaraan. Waxa keliya oo ku kallifay waa Qur'aanka oo ku amray aayadaan kor ku soo qoray iyo aayada kaloo fara badan oo ay culamadoo dhami soo daliishadeen kuna dhiiri geliyeen nimankan aynu hawl yaraysaneyno iney la dagaalamaan gaalada iyo munaafiqiintaba. 'wa qaatiluuhum xataa laa takuuna fitnatun wa yakuuna-diinu lillah' So we can condem the Al-Shabaab as much as we want from our comfort zones here in the west, but they are doing a task which we too should be doing but haven't got the guts to do so! Marka aflagaadada uun aynu ka dhawrno walaalayaal nimankaa Jihaadka ku jira. Mise waxaad diidantahay waxa maanta Soomaaliya ka taagan oo lagaga dhawaaqay inaanu Jihaadba ahayn?
  16. ^^Hunguri, ina adeer, Inkastoon kugu raacsanahay inta hore, inta dambe waad ku gaftey. Wacade isuma dhowa oo way is dhaamaan Al-Shabaab iyo nimakan Gaalada Raacay. Ilaah baan kugu dhaarshee ina adeer ma nin gaal la saftay iyo nin kasoo horjeeda ayaad leedahay way isu dhigmaan? Wallaahi laa yastawuun...
  17. Koora-Tuunshow, Ina-Adeer, you are a man acquainted but with a little understandings of the religion. It is wise that one educates oneself and familiarises himself with the fundamentals of Islam before embarking on mission to discredit the culamaa and utter, unwittingly, erroneous words against them and the Deen. In your blind support of the Xabashi invaders and their Gaala-raac puppets who continue to wreak havoc in your country, you have blithely disregarded your covenant and the calls of the culamaa thereby jeopardizing the basic tenets of your Deen. Even when logic demands and makes it your prerogative to defend yourself against those who are intent on killing you and raping your women, you remain to be unsighted. Have you take leave of your senses ina-adeer? As for SeekKnowledge, Leave him to his beans. The man is cruelly depriving a village somewhere of an i.diot, as the saying goes! Obviously he is relishing his time frolicking along the dark road of ignorance.
  18. The amount of Cantrabaqash the man spews is unbelievable - yet he accuses other of it. Keep defending your inefficient kinsmen with your pitiable remarks Baashi, but trust me once those lanky and scrawny Youths raise dust from the stampede of their slippers, the likes of you, General Morgan and The Liverless one would be given a run for their money. Until then...iska duryan!
  19. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: These people have declared war on America. It is only a rhetoric, but it might have an effect on the decision making process of policy makers on national security. Koora-tuunshow, Ina adeer Allena kuma badin dulli iyo darxumo e maxaad dusha isaga saartay!
  20. Laba-X


    Emperor, iga raali noqo walaal. Sidaad odtahay sxb I have been quite busy lately and it has thus taken me some time to reply to your voluminous posts. As I mentioned in my earlier response to you, one of the important things in a discussion is that we see things from a wider perspective, rather than limiting ourselves to just one viewpoint. But since you are, as you mentioned are proverbial for, staunch in your stance and support the government with full conviction, then I doubt you this discussion will bear any fruits. I want you to be impartial, not biased, and give each party its rights. I am not hereby coercing you into supporting Al-Shabaab, but rather to state the truth, in accordance with the Sunnah of course. And speaking purely from an Islamic perspective here, it is not wise to judge things by how we see fit, but instead by how Allah deemed fit. Your first objection was that to the call of Jihad – its application to the Somali conflict. Whilst we both agree that Jihad has its Axkaam and all, lets be clear and unambiguous about what we say. When you say: it [Jihad] shouldn’t cause more fitna than which you strive to eliminate and it shouldn’t also lead to the disintegration and the destruction of the Muslim society but instead unite the whole Ummah …What Fitna are we hereby referring to? Is there any Fitna greater than the occupation of a Muslim land by polytheists? Shouldn’t religion be defended at any cost? For those innocent souls caught in the crossfire, they will be raised each according to his intention and acmaal. Or are you referring to the killings of government troops as Fitna – because if you are, then a lot more things need to be clarified and defined before that. As for Nasr, we cannot delve too much into it because we simply are not knowledgeable enough of it to discuss it or its nature and to whom Allah grants it to. But sure of it as the day I am that Al-Nasr has a condition as Allah states in the Qur’an: ‘In tansuru-llaaha yansurukum…’ And how does Allah the Almighty need your Nasr? By fighting for His deen so that His words and rulings are elevated against those of the polytheists. Also, I do not maintain that Nasr comes about as a result of killing Kaffirs and bombing places. But winning a battle against the Mushrikeen is certainly a Nasr from the Almighty. Is it not? for any two armies one can defeat the other, any side can win a single, two or three battles, …When armies engage, and one is fighting for the sake of Allah and the other is fighting for Taquut, Allah is with those who are engaged in His path. If one trusts in Allah and carries His message with conviction, then as Allah mentioned in various verses in the Qur’an, Allah paves a way for him for everything. Only if the level of Imaan of the believers is depleted or so low that there is no difference between them and those whom they oppose, does Allah leave them to their devices. Then it becomes a test of muscle power. Other than that The problem today is that Muslims want to proclaim victory without having to work for that victory. There was a time when a Muslim man would go and confront Rustum in nothing but his tattered clothes and sword and demand the dates from his land because his children liked them. Today, out of our spiritual weakness and deficiency in Imaan, we are shamelessly imploring the disbelievers. All this because we have disregarded the tenets of Islam and our weakness is caused primarily by our love of this world and the riches it contains as the Prophet forewarned us. Today an enemy is in my house slitting the throats of my children, raping my women folk and slaughtering the men and here we are debating whether it is Jihad or not! Doesn’t even common sense dictate it my prerogative to defend myself with whatever means I deem fit and necessary to repel the enemy at my doorsteps? You measure Al-shabaab’s achievements as having destroyed Mogadishu, having killed civilians, disregarding the plea of the greater populace. We all know that Mogadishu’s destroyers are there today perforating the remaining few edifices of the city with shells and mortars. It is clear as daylight that the civilians, including government’s troops, are routinely massacred, mutilated and raped on a daily basis by the invading forces. How could you then proclaim Fitna when it is mentioned that Al-shabaab have killed someone and not when the Ethiopians, with their perverse methods, rape and kill our women everyday? Why is it easy for you to invoke curses upon them and not on the transgressions of the Ethiopians? And as for their denial of the greater plea of the populace, you may be surprised to counter the vivid reality on the ground – Al-Shabaab this very moment has more ground support than the invading forces and their puppet poltroons. You also touched on the fact that SL and Pl have their reservations about the youths claiming they are clan groups masquerading as Islamic warriors. What the SL and PL administration have to say about the Al-Shabaab means very little in fact – so little as not to merit any further mention. As for the SL and PL residents, come one Emperor, you know very well that people have travelled in their hordes towards the South to lend a hand to their brothers. What we are doing here, my dear friend, is that we are engaged in a discussion of which we do not have enough material to base it upon. We do not see the stark realities on the ground and what little facts we have are sprinkled with gossip and unfounded information. You question how Al-shabaab’s strategies and their knowledge on Islamic affairs by asking how they can achieve what the Itixaad couldn’t. First it would be imperative to judge the apparent as I have mentioned before. As to the question of their knowledge, you are falling into the trap of those who proclaim that they have no Ulama, when we all know otherwise. Al-shabaab are not free of error. To err is human and they can make mistakes with regards to tactics and strategy, but to question their knowledge and ideology is not an easy thing. Sufficient proof must be presented to support the claims. We should also know to set our priorities and prioritize our objectives. There is no dispute among the knowledgeable scholars of Islam today that an enemy occupying your land automatically compels you to defend yourself, your religion and your land. This is an Individual Obligation – just as Fasting is an Individual obligation. If you’ve taken your Shahada today and Ramadan were to start tomorrow, would you be exempted from it until you learn how to pray and memorise the supplications before you start fasting? No. Similarly, if an enemy occupies even a fragment of your land and you happen to live there, then Jihad becomes Fard-ul-Ain on you – an Individual Obligation. So what's is there to debate about? That obligation must be fulfilled, otherwise it is questionable on the day of reckoning! It is the first priority before everything else. As for the ‘What’ after the expulsion of the invading forces, all steps necessary should be taken to establish an Islamic state. Would anyone disagree with me on this issue? It is worthy of note here that one who opposes the establishment of an Islamic state has opposed the governance of Shari’ah over a land, thereby directly defying the rulings and laws of Allah. It is the obligation of every Muslim to actively seek an Islamic state in their country. And on this I say that A light has been ignited in our country; do not unwittingly partake in the extinguishing of that light Emperor. May Allah forgive us if we have erred! p.s. Where is Brother Nur when you need him to clarify some matters!
  21. Whenever issues of concern regarding the Somali community are raised, it is usually those deplorable community elders in their senile old age whose inarticulacy is only surpassed by their garrulous mouths that are at called to speak. Let’s get rid of them. I am looking for young people to partake in a short documentary to voice their opinions regarding violence within the Somali community. People with a first hand experience in gang violence or those who have been victims of such violence are highly preferred so that they can honour us with their presence and confer upon us their knowledge. Why is it that the media concentrates on one aspect of the Somali community whilst disregarding the other – i.e. constantly highlighting the ills of our community with the label of violence and brushing under the carpet the instances when the Somalis fall victim to such violence? I want someone articulate enough to do the job. If you know any such person and can direct me or are willing to take part yourself, please send me a PM. And if you think that you are not yet ready to show your handsome face to the world, anonymity will be provided. It is about time we tackled the litany of criticisms often flung at the Somali community. Due to the relatively short period of time, the sooner you make contact the better!
  22. Laba-X


    Stoit, You have no 'other alternative' my friend - A war is raging at your doorstep maxaad isu indha tireysaa. First you eliminate the danger and dispose of those who pose a threat to your stability, your land and religion, then you work on fortifying that stability. You need to prioritise your objectives - that of attaining peace and that of expelling the inavding force. Though both are important, they are not of equal measure right NOW! Know your priorities my friend...
  23. To play with C.J Haabiil's words, Galgaladkaygii xalay iyo walaalayaalow gama’ la’aantayda Gogoshaan ku jiifsaday hurda goodkii igu yaacay Gasiinkii la ii dhigay waxaan gowska uga daayey Dad guryii ka yimid baa war baas iila soo galaye Gablamooyin waxay ii wadeen guul darriyo hooge Geeridii Cayrow bey sheegayeen gacal ha waayeene Gabbal baa u dumay reerihii geliga Muqdisho yiile Abidkii rag waa go’i jiree tanise waa gawre Dhawr haloo u wada gaar ahaa gocanayee mooyee Mid weeye haddii lays galoo rasaas laysku gooraamo Gurmad noqonayaa iyo annagu guuto bixinnaaba Giiryaalihii fule markuu gelelef rooraayo Rogaalkuu giraangirin ogaa gocanayaa mooyee Gar adkaatay, xaajada gurracan, guurti kala maagtay Haddii geedka laysugu yimaado golaha waayeelka Waxay gola fardooddaba haddii la isku soo gaadho Nin waliba hadduu gees damcoo giijo madixiisa Wax la wada gorfeeyaba haddii la isu geyn waayo Gaagaabsayaa iyo isagu gees u hadal yaaba Guddoonkii la wada raaci jirey gocanayaa mooyee Alla wuxuu golxaalow ahaa gedefka reeraaye Magaciisu waa gudubsanaa gaaliyo Islaame Galbeed iyo Baraa laga yiqiin gololkii dheeraaye Gaashaan biruu noo ahaa gocanayaa mooyee Adduunyadatan laga guurayo ee gebegebaa taagan Ee laga galbaday meesha iyo geeridii Maxamed (p.b.u.h) Anuun baa gubtanyoonaya oo geesigii tebaye Gartaa uu noqday Eebbow ma jiro garangar waartaaye Allahayow wax badan baan gefaye Adigu hay goynin Oo geesta Nebigii i mari maalinta lays gurayo. Allaylehe Geesi geesi dhalay iga dheh! Ilaahay dembigiisa ha dhaafo, Janadiina haka waraabiyo, reerihiisana samir iyo iimaan haka siiyo!
  24. Subxanallah! And some people are so accomodating that they are more than joyous to to be subjagated by these emaciated Amxaars, festooning them with glory and praise all the while...
  25. Laba-X


    LazieG – I am sorry to disappoint you and waste your time my dear sister. And though you have quoted me, you haven’t refuted any of the points you have selected. I still wait your rebuttal. Stoit You said: You are fighting your own government making it weak. You the alshabaab supporter are your own enemy. …You fail to notice that it is the Government that is fighting the people it should preserve. Well many would like to make you believe that we would be taken over for ever. We would lose our homeland, our freedom along with our dignity and that we will all be serfs in our own homeland. …We have already been taken over my friend, and we have already lost all that you mentioned above. What would then really happen were we to surrender…. Firstly the ethiopians will most probably leave if what brought them there in the first place is not there anymore. …You are too naïve in your thoughts Adeer. What brought the Ethiopians is nothing remotely close to what you have in mind. What brought them is far deeper than your ‘establishing peace’ façade – something of an esoteric knowledge which you haven’t quite fathomed yet. What will your reaction be if war was renounced and, to your sheer incredulity, your importunate entreaties fall short on their inexorable ears? remember the old saying devided we fall, united we stand. This act will unite all somalis regardless and the glue that sticks us together will be so strong, our actions will be coordinatedd that our possible impact is enough to scare them. …Wake up sxb! That mantra has severely been exhausted from over usage. If the advent of the Ethiopian army and their foray into Somali soil couldn’t do the job of uniting us, forget your co-ordinated actions and their impact. Your choreography fails to generate the desired outcome. The international community will have no choice but to sympatise with us having shown a clear intent to peaceful means. …Again you are wallowing in self pity, constantly yearning for something depleted from men’s hearts. The world has ignored you. Not only that but your piteous state and her ever destitute folk have engendered in them a wave of ‘compassion fatigue’. After nearly two decades of neglect, do you not put an end to the ignominy of seeking sympathy and imploring? I am however of the believe that infact they [Al-shabaab] are the problem ...And you haven’t stated one singularly lucid reason! Jimcaale, Awoowe, your calls for reconciliation are just that – calls for reconciliation. If we are alive to see another twenty years, they will still be just calls for reconciliation. Emperor, Wax culus baad soo sidaa baan filayaa. Hadde kaballoodka waan ku daaleye igala soo gaar sxb!