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Everything posted by farey

  1. Aabihii afka somaliga ayuu ahaa ayaan dhihi karaa
  2. Nuune sxb wali ma sidiibaa shaqo laawe u thay
  3. Com on Xaabsade maba xishooneysaan nimankiinaan SNMta ah
  4. Haddii ay gabar ku tiraahdo ina Abti ma is guursanaa miyaad ka shakin laheyd mise waad guursan lahayd-
  5. runta ayaan kaala yaabey socod badane
  6. sxb dacaayadaada waa iney noqotaa mid wax tarta ee yeysan noqonin mid ku saleysan hal qof , qofkuu doonaba ha ahaado , ciao
  7. sax HAHA AHA AH AHA
  8. waraa maxaa la iskaga dhigayaa dad meeshaan kuwada dhashey , dhamaantiin wadankii ayaad kawad timaadeene , mise, practice makes perfect.
  9. Ilaahey ha u naxariisto intii dhimatey oo dhan .
  10. waa cajiib somaali dareenkeeda ka hadleysa waa la ilbaxay ma ihinoo!
  11. War waa maxay dad reer xamar run ah meesha ma joogaan miyaa ? oo ka yimid Kaambo amxaaro(cabdi casiis) ama xeebta liido :rolleyes:
  12. Yes we love each other and forresten I love you oggirl
  13. Aniga wax badan kama aqaan dastuurkan cusub dad badan oo soomali aheyn ayaa i soo weydiiyey , waxaan ku iri dadka soomalida iigaga aqoonta badan ayaan idiin soo weydiinayaa , fadlan haddii uu jiro qof heli kara copy ii soo qoro . mahadsanadiin
  14. waxaan halkan tahniyad uga dirayaa madaxweynaha cusub ee somaaliyeed , waxaana rajeynayaa inuu ka duwanaan doono kii carte lagu doortey inasha allah
  15. farey


    modest, intellegent, and romantic
  16. We know we arent what they say about us right , They said this land is fiasco that isnt true I think we can solve our problems in a traditional way as we used to. I live in Europe I have good life here and work , I feel safe here but I am not comfortable here . when ever they talk about Africa they said there is famine , civil war , drough, coup,ets What are we less human or
  17. your name look romantic but as I see you are not so romantic at all or am I watching too many reer xamar movies ha ha ha . lady I am joking dont take serious
  18. Mr qaasims term is finished there are one vacant job that is warlord . you see he want to stay another 21years that is unaccepebale man hit the road man
  19. where do you get that theory have you done research, I do chew miraa and I do my job , I can not speak otheres
  20. where do you get that theory have you done research, I do chew miraa and I do my job , I can speak theres
  21. the only one who can turn me on is pamela