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Everything posted by x_quizit
"I hope you all now clearly understand why WOMEN don't make objective Lawyers or Judges." Objection! Ur LuckyNess, I ask u to release the poor insecure Underdog, because this case seems too much for him, he seems not to stick with the subject and continues his propoganda of sexism!! Ur LuckyNess, such a person isn't needed or helpful to this case, nor will he be objective because anything that comes out of a woman is deemd emotional, I demand that his useless diatribe be stricken from the record!!! (smiling sweetly at the beautiful judge Lucky, knowing her intelligence is incomparable) Now, back to the case: Darman aka a sufferee of rejection syndrome from women we see and Nomad the eternal virile stallion Darman: as to ur "proof", i did not see any admission of guilt, it was more of a playing along with a situation, show me where it says "I, lakkad, have plagiarized, and I am Veve". Ur honor, as in most cases, when victims such as Nomad are swayed by bloodsuckers such as Darman, they tend to say what they don't mean. Also, for u to show whats' in ur private inbox, is totally unprofessional and shows a lack of integrity! May I remind u the rules of SOL is that u protect ppl's privacies? Ur Honor, I call for the dissolution of this "plagiarism" case and a new one be opened, a slander suit against "Derman, the german", on behalf of my client, who it seems , his only crime was being a lady lover. Now, the motive from Darman is jealousy, a green eyed monster only to be cured with a whipping! Ur Honor, he is mad at Nomad because he may have seen a friendship develop between my client and the beautiful vivacious Raula and Darman, through all the yrs of trying UNSUCCESSFULLY to get with Raula, finally lost touch with reality and sought to demonize my client. Therefore your honor, a man without integrity, his testimony and word are not credible or addmissible, and I ask ur LuckyNess to throw out this whole case and charge Darman with "character-slaughter". ***winking at legend, thxs for that cute pm..hehe...and yes, red is my fav color. :cool:
"I'm not interested in your sexual shenanigans dear boy. I said I wanted a HOLIDAY, in a beautifully scenic and sunny region of the world. And not some viagra-assisted 2-minute fumble in some alleyway." Barwaaqo, u shouldn't turn down a once in a lifetime horrific offer, cause u know, the last time u had anything near it, the muslims were still ruling spain. As for the topic, what gift will i want from a man? A bank account, to be replenished each month for a yr, and its for me to choose what i want to do with it, men aren't exactly blessed with good taste. And if i may request something for any future men for barwaqo, she hinted to me earlier than plastic surgery, if offered, won't be a suggestion she says no to. hehe...see u in london BEE, make sure i meet ur great-great hottie nephews..
Theme Songs that will describe this trial and some of the people looking for attn..ahem..cough..desperado :mad: Theme song: 1-Darman:stutter, stutter (joe) 2-Nomad:Not Guilty (Jay-z) 3-Desperado aka Barwaqo: choosing one line from "wanna get to know ya": "i can make a 90 yr feel like a young lady" sung to her by Geedi, the poor shell shocked refugee )G-Unit 4-Og-Moti:"Hello, is it me ur looking for"? Yes u!!! now report to the stand (lionel ritchie)
Little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense," So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I Understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit."
If Baraaqo is young and desirable, Pamela anderson is a virgin If Barwaqo isn't Desperado, Whoopie Goldberg just won a beauty contest against Halle berry ur Luckyness, i implore u to point out to Desperado, that diana cannot work miracles for blue-black acnified leathery patchy "skin" if i may use that term loosely ***leaves while flashing desperado again, and this time, seeing a look of disbelief that the bandaid boobs were indeed headlights that blinded the jealous heifer....muahhhhhhh :mad: ****looking pityfully at Desperados desperate hold on non-existent youth and points to the clock to remind the disgruntled and pushed-aside oldie that her nieces and nephews would have grand-kids b4 Lakkad looks her way again. Not to forget the 1st and only horrible experience, Ive been informed by my esteemed client that he has received indecent photos from the oldie and has since permanently suffered damage in his retina. For the love of Bariis, I demand she be put in her "oldies-r-us" convent and be given high dosages of prozak to help with the delusional dream that she was once desirable...yeah, coming from someone who has a yearbook signed by Jesus, hard to imagine when a wrinkle wasn't there!
Ur LuckyNess, I call Pearl to the stand to spill the beans and exonerate Lakkad. We will meet all ur demands, new country, new identity, everything, even throw in plastic surgery. Let the interrogation begin
LOL Barwaaqo, I don't take leftovers, sowie, no offense!!! **(comes into the room, chasing after Desperado's ever expanding derriere, and taking immense satisfaction seeing my stilleto create some damage) p.s.-as to ur avatar, stop misleading desperate and lonely men/butches into believing u look anything remotely close to Sushmita Sen. For any future men looking for barwaaqo aka desperado, i would refer u to a pic of the wicked witch of the west. Canadians Rule!!! Down with stuck up brits!!! :mad:
J11 and the other gentlemen, so eager to see lakkad burn huh? Do i sense some jealousy??? Come on gentlemen, and I use the term loosely, must you insert ur inferiority complexes into a case where the word and honor of dear Nomad is questioned? Is this your way of getting him out of the way so you may flirt with the likes of Barwaqo aka Desperado? Didn't know u stooped that low! :eek: As for Barwaqo, the runaway slave also known henceforth as Desperado, take this! (flashing her and getting immense satisfaction that she can never have what i have!) :mad: Ur Honor, I hereby call upon the mental institution and the convent to reclaim its runaway oldie, as she is suffering from EXTREME delusions and jealousy. Things I have that Desperado desperatly seeks: 1-youth(aging heifer) 2-youth 3-my own hair (as she has a weave that would put whoopie to shame) 4-my own teeth (ms dentures) 5-a man! (she's still looking into the magazine when sean connery was a youth, oldie!) *** Leaves with a smirk on her face, and reassured by Lakkad in private, yes, private, that I am his one and only X-cuteness, and that the brief encouter with Desperado was when he took her back to her convent
yet the way things are going, somali women would continue to stoop so low But if they are smart enough, they ....
LOL Barwaqo, I've never been so holy entertained or laughed so hard since ive been a member of SOL, how can u do this to me? Now it's on, Im gonna let a certain someone know why U are creating drama, waiting for his attn!! Ahem! Ur honor, I implore u to dismiss Barwaqo's unfounded and emotional diatribe, and I'll tell ya the reasons why athena and I were a target. 1-because Lakkad choose us over her to represent him 2-because he informed her me and him were dating since hitler gassed the jews 3-because she realized her time was ticking and didn't want to enter her 40's without a sijui stallion by her side :rolleyes: Reasons why ur honor shouldn't pay attn to Exhibit A: 1-because whether u believe ur client or not, a lawyer must do his/her best to defend them 2-because I saw more evidence and re-read Darman's topic, I came to realize that lakkad was not guilty of the alleged crime and hence I am defending him knowing he was telling the truth 3-because Barwaqo is jealous of my figure and wants attn by trying to discredit me (sorry sista, no all of us can be midgets with pudgy loveliness, too bad, so sad) **Didn't want to get ugly, but u forced me to make u look at a mirror closely :mad: Don't mess with the Best!
"what would you do if you have a crush on some guy in your school?" *Stare and drool.. "is it bad to approch to a guy and tell him how you are felling?" *yes, under any circumstances, never be the first to say anything, cause if he truly liked u, he would have done it first. "what if you get rejected does that mean you cant face the guy anymore?" *I suggest u bury urself under a rock if ur rejected ..joking...if u do, ur pride is gonna hurt and u wont be able to look at him in the eye for a long time, so save urself the trouble and dont do anything! "is it bad to like someone who is different than you more like different divert?" *Different how? interests? race? -u can like anyone u want, opposites attract, otherwise if u were perfectly alike, it would get boring fast. p.s.-if ur truly brave, go ahead or tell the person, i mean, "ur friend" can take this advice, its ok to tell them ur feelings, but be sure they will reciprocate more likely than not.
"You honor, I refuse to discuss the details of my case against Lakkad with the tow self-hired X and Athena for the reasons I mentioned in my opening statement." Self-Hired? Ur LuckyNess I insist u look to Nomad's post where he hired me athena to represent him from this unfounded slander suit. Also, for the person who brought this alleged suit against my esteemed client, for them to refuse to go to the stand and answer the defense lawyers ques, speaks volumes!!!! Guilt i tell ya!!! Based on that ur LuckyNess, i demand that this case be thrown out and be deemed a waste of SOL members time.
Og Girl and Bulo, very well said and thank you for the evidence as well that some ppl were too hard headed to hear. Good to know objective ppl exist, so salafi, are bulo and Og girl making up that too? or is it ur male pride that leads u to not listen to a woman? In any case, all my arguments were presented, so take it or leave it, and continue to misuse the religion to suit ur needs, after all, u are following a long tradition of fakes. Ciao
Salafi, why don't u just say ur looking for excuses to marry 57 wives and u don't want to be bothered to ask the first? Of course not, cause she's a woman doesn't deserve ur respect huh? Marry as many as possible b/c u choose through narrow mindedness see things black and white and do not dissect and read btwn the lines...and furthermore, ur level of intelligence and maturity is seen keenly through ur response, not once, not 2x, but 3x, choose to refer to my answers as "bla bla". Therefore with such a narrowminded view, why bother answering to u since u only like to hear uself dear islamic scholar u, go on with ur bad self... Whether u like it or not, islam has given women the right to choose, and not u or any taliban minded individuals will take that right from us, so believe what u like, because u don't have to answer to me on Judgement day. May the forces be with u, whatever sect u follow.
"But before we go there your honor, in terms of procedure, as I understand them, the defendant “Lakkad” has blatantly requested to represent himself and, consequently, he made the opening for his trial by publicly threatening me to disclose some lies and propaganda aimed at stirring the focus from his heinous crime.. so I request from your honor to dismiss anyone talking on his behalf." The defense requests the finger pointer to the stand, ie Darman....Let the interrogation begin....questions to be asked: 1-if Lakkad's alleged reply to expose u were "lies", why are u hot under to collar? shouldn't the truth prevail if indeed he's espousing lies???? 2-when did he represent himself? I implore ur LuckyNess to check the post where Lakkad asked me and athena to represent him, therefore darman's logic is unfounded and may be a product of guilt 3-The Judge cannot dismiss a defense lawyer, and her job, her LuckyNess is to be a fair moderator not to pick and choose who can represent whom. The Defense calls upon Darman to issue a statement of why the issue of the alleged plagiarism couldn't be discussed among them, b4 putting it in front of the SOL members? or why not just the alleged injured parties rather than trying to discredit Lakkad from future posts? Ur LuckyNess, once again, the defense asks that u pay attn to the motive of the prosecutor.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Lakkad has deposited enough goodwill into these forums that we may allow this withdrawal without bankrupting his status. however I feel this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black - defense counsel is attempting to use the Defendant (Lakkad) as vehicle to justify their own hidden agenda which I believe to be character assassination of Darman ( Do the words "Weapons of Mass Destruction" ring any bells?)" I see the green prosecutor/a disgruntled Jury member delegated to janitorial duties during lunch time (as we cant afford extra help here at SOL)wants to put his own spin on the lakkad vs darman issue. May I remind the puppy that this is not an issue about u and me but rather about the unjust character assassination of lakkad, like other nomads have stated? Proof: Um mehar, Athena, Og Moti Furthermore, this has turned into a character assassination of not only dear Nomad, but his well-intentioned and gold hearted Defense Lawyer, due to previous issues with a Jury member. I hereby call upon Her LuckyNess to withdraw Jury Puppy from duty and strike his objections out of the files, as they are unfounded. Evidence: 1-Darman and X never had issues, therefore, no need to want "revenge", BUT 2-X and UD were embroiled ina tug of war where X won, and now the disgruntled 'loser' wants revenge by making the defendant look back, as if!!! The name speaks for itself 3-Nomad sought me out as his lawyer therefore I was called to right a wrong, and the proof is there (scroll up) The defense will be back in round 4 :mad: :mad:
Bulo, well said sista, excellent way of proving to Salafi that divorce is a way out if the wife chooses not to be a co-wife. Also salafi, u said i was "bla bla" ing about the "excuse of war times", well bulo's post shows u as well that that was the case back then when polygamy was more accepted and allowed. Also, i do not need to ask Nur, as i have my own brain functioning for me, and thank god i can utilize it to find the answers im seeking, but Nur is more than wlc to add his 2 cents, doesn't mean his word is gold or his interpretation. Also Salafi, for someone seeming to be quite versed in the quran, u seem to have convieniently forgotten or chosen not to use the sura when polygamy came aboard, and specifically came out like i was telling u earlier, at the times were orphans and widows were a high number and men were allowed by God to take them into their home by marrying them. Lastly, The Prophet, (saw), enjoyed many rights that normal beings can't enjoy, and he had more than 4 wives that is allowed, therefore, if U want to copy Him, then would u also have more than 4 wives? Common sense should prevail!
Salafi, I see ur a back up on the childish squad, nice to finally see ur true colors, and not hiding behind an islamic persona. Well done!!! Using the same lines as the others eh, "emotions"...uhmm..very creative and well thought argument u have there buddy :rolleyes: I don't know where u get ur facts or what type of Islam u follow, but u have yet to show me any proof of ur claims that the woman has no choice, and don't give me a few saudi sheikhs who think women driving is synonymous with her cheating!!! U make the issue of marrying up to 4 wives as easy as shopping for groceries, and im not sure what sect of Islam u follow but, there are restrictions in practicing polygamy, but if ur so gung-ho to have multiple partners, by all means, knock urself out! U have yet to answer my previous questions, about men in our society not being able to feed ONE family, yet wanting to take on the responsibility of another, so stop sifting and choosing to answer some, how about u answer all my ques? or could it be that u have no answer???? Thought So!
New Developments to the case: Og Moti has come forward and denounced Darman's character assasination, I think this is a positive step towards for defendant. I hearby call Og Moti to the stand, to declare how and when he was approached to air lakkad's dirty laundry. I also call upon the SOL community, to say yay or nay to Darman's Target assisination case, and if u would all be so kind as to just say "yay" if u agree with Darman's method, and "nay" if u oppose it, and we will determine what the SOL community feels about this matter. The defense rests, but with one eye and ear open :mad: p.s.-legend,lol-I told ya to be aware of my x-quizit abilities, wlc to my den
Legend, do not bring our slight altercation over to this thread, this is a matter of motive/gain vs harmless fun...( shivering in my stilletos, pls leave me be) Moreover, remember, if u point a finger at someone, 2 are pointed right back at u, so legend remember that, b/c i will find something on u as well..(hoping my intimidation works) :mad:
Miskiin, heres a novel idea, why not use the woman's name???? shocker!!!! After all, we are given names in order to be addressed as such, therefore, the word naaya should just disappear, and no need to re-invent a cute name for it. p.s.-in Tdot, there is a store called "Waryaa"...sells clothes and other items, so they found a way to use the name and make it into a brand.
Lucky, if ur the Judge, then Im sure in ur court too hypocrisy isn't allowed, it was used as a figure of speech ur LuckyNess, so i withdraw my statement...(hopes kissing *** will win me the case)... :cool:
Playmaker, ever heard of innocent b4 guilty? I demand my client be addressed as such and not be swayed by other ppl's "motives" and when has it been a crime to post in another site with a new name? Let me ask u guys this... ***-do ppl always tell the truth when they are online? no!!!! and thats a fact, so why indict him for following what most ppl do here? Hypocrisy has no place in my court... p.s.-anyone who goes against him or wants to label dear Nomad guilty of partaking and spreading the wisdom of the posters to others, watch ur back, because i will dig into ur past and discredit u!!! :mad: :mad:
Who says it has to be argumentative? You can express your ideas without attacking the individual believe it or not, so your more than wlc to add your 2 pesos, as long as its constructive. And there's nothing to correct, thats my view/opinion, and no amount of debating will change it, however I am open to hearing why u and some of the rest are pro-polygamy and what can be gained from it. I challenge you to show me a few examples of when it has worked out and I'll be glad to hear it.
LoL Nomad, now u forced me to be on ur side, so I must defend u although I didn't agree with ur plagiarism, but im gonna let the lawyer in me come out. Reasons to acquit Nomad: 1-he is actually doing a service by copying the topics because he's paying homage to the posters, he's saying that u guys had great topics that other sites would benefit from, so its in appreciation 2-in the court of X, u need to specify if u dont want ur ideas to be stolen, and since none of the posters added in fine lines or a disclaimer stating that they didn't want copy-cats, anyone is free to use these topics 3-the topics were for the most part general, and just because he didnt change the exact headings, doesnt mean tht others can use the same idea... exhibit A-anyone can talk about romance ideas, movies, etc...wasn't someone's original ideas... Now...lets see the motive why Nomad was unfairly singled out, because this could have just ended at the restaurant where the 2 discussed it, but why put it on display? Isn't it Islamic to hide ur brothers faults and not highlight it to the rest? What would be gained from him being exposed? :rolleyes: Stay tuned, on another episode of "Caught Red Handed...I need a lawyer" segment...
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