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Suldaan waad ku mahadsan tahay danaynta aad siinayso luuqadda Soomaaliga. Nuune mahadsanid adiguna saaxiib sida aad u saxday erayada uu Suldaanku soo qoray. Waxaan u malaynayaa luuqadda Soomaaligu uma baahna erayo cusub oo lagu soo daro ama hab dhismeed cusub oo loo sameeyo, laakiin wuxuu u baahan yahay barasho intii hore een haysanay yaynaan noqon "Doqontii xaabada qaadi wayday ee ii kordhiya tidhi" waxaan uga jeedaa hadaad maanta aragto qoraal soomaali ah oo daabacan waxaad ka nixi sida wax loo maluuqay. Tusaale ahaan; 1 Waxaa la iska indho tiraa dhammaan xarfihii laban laabmi jiray "MNLGRD" markaasaan la kala sixi karin xarfo badan. 2 Waxaa la iloobay inta badana la hafaa shaqalkii dheeraa "AA EE II OO UU" markaasuu qoraalkii noqday wax wada daba go'an. 3 Waxaa lagu soo kordhiyay xarfo aan laban laabmin sida "S" "haSSan" 4 Waxaa dhammaanba aan xisaabta lagu darin NAXWIHII markaasaadan kala garan karin in hadda laga sheekaynayo iyo in tagto ama timaaddo laga hdlayo. Anigoo badiyay waxaan filayaa inay lama huraan tahay in laga fakaro in luuqada Soomaaliga wax laga badalo laakiin waxaan odhan lahaa bal horta inta aynu hayno aynu kurtumo tirro
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE! 1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way. 1. Crying is blackmail. 1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it! 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. 1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor. 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days. 1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys! 1. I f you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. 1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one. 1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself. 1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials. 1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we. 1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is. 1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that. 1. If we ask what is wrong and you say nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. 1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear. 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine...Really. 1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks. 1. You have enough clothes. 1. You have too many shoes. 1. I am in shape. Round is a shape. 1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.
KIILO CUNE! Raali ahaada sheekadan meel khaldan ayaan ku daabacay e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beri baa waxaa la yidhi nin aad u cir waynaa ayaa guursaday gabadh, haday muddo wada noolaayeen ayay gabadhii u dul qaadan wayday ninkan cuntadiisa, maalinkii danbe ayay u soo ban dhigtay inuu furo maadaama wax kasta oo ay kariso aysan ninkan deeqsiin karin. Ninkii oo aad u wel-welsan ayaa u yimid saaxiibkii ugan sheekeeyay arintii. Saaxiibkii ayaa ku yidhi aniga igu daa arinta anigaa xal u heli e. Ninkii saaxiibkii ahaa wuxuu u tagay gabadhii ninku qabay wuxuuna ku yidhi: Kiilo cune ma joogaa? gabadhii way yaabtay oy is tidhi show ninka cirta waa lagu ogyahay, waxayna tidhi: maya. Ninkii wuxuu yidhi: kiilo cune markuu yimaado waxaad ku tidhaahdaa waxaa kuu yimid LABA KIILO CUNE, wuxuuna ku yidhi aniga iyo SADDEX KIILO CUNE noogu imow gurigii AFAR KIILO CUNE. Gabadhii way yaabtay oy is tidhi malah raggu waa wada sida ee adigaa haweenka la qabo ugu nasiib badan oo HALKIILO CUNE ku qabaaye qarso. Halkii ayayna ku joojisay furitaankii ay u socotay reerkeediina ku dhaqatay.
Beri baa waxaa la yidhi nin aad u cir waynaa ayaa guursaday gabadh, haday muddo wada noolaayeen ayay gabadhii u dul qaadan wayday ninkan cuntadiisa, maalinkii danbe ayay u soo ban dhigtay inuu furo maadaama wax kasta oo ay kariso aysan ninkan deeqsiin karin. Ninkii oo aad u wel-welsan ayaa u yimid saaxiibkii ugan sheekeeyay arintii. Saaxiibkii ayaa ku yidhi aniga igu daa arinta anigaa xal u heli e. Ninkii saaxiibkii ahaa wuxuu u tagay gabadhii ninku qabay wuxuuna ku yidhi: Kiilo cune ma joogaa? gabadhii way yaabtay oy is tidhi show ninka cirta waa lagu ogyahay, waxayna tidhi: maya. Ninkii wuxuu yidhi: kiilo cune markuu yimaado waxaad ku tidhaahdaa waxaa kuu yimid LABA KIILO CUNE, wuxuuna ku yidhi aniga iyo SADDEX KIILO CUNE noogu imow gurigii AFAR KIILO CUNE. Gabadhii way yaabtay oy is tidhi malah raggu waa wada sida ee adigaa haweenka la qabo ugu nasiib badan oo HALKIILO CUNE ku qabaaye qarso. Halkii ayayna ku joojisay furitaankii ay u socotay reerkeediina ku dhaqatay.
Guurka aan xoolaha lahayn Dib baa xaajo loo dhagaxguraa, tay u dhaadhiciye Dhiiqay miskaha kuugu ridi, dheregta qaarkeede Ragow hays dhabaan dhabin, adoon xeradu kuu kuu dhoobmin
Socdaal/Tacabir Nin saboolay iyo awrba way sahal dhaqaaqaane Labadaba haddaan seeto celin socod ma daayaane Anna sahayda inaan qaato iyo socodku waa daw e Salaama iyo waa nabad galyee saas ha la ogaado Cali-Nuur M. Gaas
Asc wr wb; Maanso dagan ma dayn aqaanee! Sophist sxb yaa yidhi abwaanadu kama qabyaan Cudurka Qalbiga ku dhaga, gaar ahaan gabayada Ciiddeed. Bal gabaygan ila eega Afdurudur uu rag kula hadlayay. 1. Anoo aabbahay dhaqay horwayn, kadin ah oo aada 2. Waxaan dumarka uga dhawrsadaa, dhawr tiraad bixine 3. Nimanyahaw nin dhawr neef lahoo, dhawrsan kari waayey 4. Oo gabadh rag dhalay dhooldhooliyoo, dhabanno xoodaanshay 5. Oo yidhi waxaan dhaar ku mari, Dhudi inaan guursan 6. Maxay dhami maxay dhigan maxaa, dhiisha lagu qaabin 7. Dhar maxay ka xidhan naagi waa, tii la dhaalaco e 8. Xidid waa dhagmaayee maxaa, qoladii loo dhiibi 9. Maxay dhaansan gaadiidku, waa ka ugu dheef roone 10. Dheeldheel danbeetiyo maxaa, dhamamax loo laabi 11. Dhibic maxay ku soo siin xirsiga, lagu dhawaaqaayo 12. Sida nimanka dheellidu hoddiyo, dhaantadiyo beertu 13. Dhal la’aanta lama fiiriyiyo, dhaalka yaa karine 14. Dib baa xaajo loo dhagaxguraa, tay u dhaadhiciye 15. Dhiiqey miskaha kuugu ridi, dheregta qaarkeede 16. Ragow hays dhabaan dhabin, adoon xeradu kuu dhoobmin
Mahadsanid Wiilo; waan iloobay inaan xuso gabaygaa waxaa tiriyay Maxamed Cumar Dage, wuxuuna leeyaya dhawr gabay oo kale oo uu ka tiriyay dagaalkii II ee adduunka. Mahadsanidin.
Anigii iyo mar kale; Gabayaaga soomaaliyeed inta badan murtidooda waxay ku cabiri jireen wax kasta oo maankoodu dareemo maskaxdooduna u muuqda. waxaa inta badan caadi ahaan jirtay inay ka hadlaan guurka, geela, gulufka, deegaanka, jacaylka IWM. Laakiin waxaa jira gabayaa kooban oo murtidooda ku cabiri jiray waxa ka dhacay deegaamo aad uga fog fog oo sawir buuxa uga bixin jiray dadka ay la daganyihiin sidii iyagoo aqoon dheeri ah u leh. Haddaba ma haysaa gabayadaas, aniga midkan iga qabta; Eebow Casiisow adaa, caadiloo talinee Dadkii cudur ka yaabaa diloo, lagu cabsiiyaaye Waxaa colkiisa laga khoofayaa, caasi gaalo ahe Cadwa nimanka yaalaan hurdada, caafimaad ladine Cowbaartii Xamar looga caag, calafkii dheefeede Carradaynu joognana waa, caabuq lagu reebye Faransiiska soo cararayee, camanka tuuraaya Iyo Talyaanigaa colkiyo bursashada, looga caalwaayey Ee cagaha meel uu dhigo iyo, ciirsashaba waayey Jarmalkaan cadaan iyo madow, qollo ka ceesaynin Colka dumay cawayskii marshada, soo cidgali wayday Cadka waaga ciiryaamadaa, caddar la moodaayo Cirka waxa lalaayeen lahayn, cago iyo raad toona Iyo saarkaa ciyaayeen ladayn, caw oiyo leyl Een cashana joogsanayn sanno, col weeyaane Rabbi nama cidhiidhyine dad, waa cabsanaayaaye Cawyaha badeed maydku waa, cowskan oo kale e Mowjadaha dhiigii camirray, maanyada caseeye Cumdow dhimo coomaadibaa, cunay ragoodii Ingiriis ka soo carar hadduu, Cadan ku fiicnaaye Cishriin lag baa laga dilloo calankii, soo duubye Wuxuu ciidan iyo xoog lahaa, ceejiyaa helaye London kuma caweeyaan kobtay, cudud u yiileene Ceegada dadkii caydhsan jiray, dirirkii caatowye Caatibo la’aan buu Bankii, ceeg usoo dagaye Rabboo caynsha mooyee ninkaa, saanad lagu ciirye Caawimo haddii uu doonana waa, caynka raaciye e Gaaladan is cayntaarin ee la isku, cayn qaaday Ee qaarba qaar cunahayee, caymo kala wayday Culimadu siday sheegeen waa, camal jihaadkiiye Calankiyo Islaamkaa u dambayn, cudud la sheegtaaye Cilmi qaarkii laysma cudriyee, cayn kalaa imane Marbuu dirirku noo curan oo, ceesh naloo furiye Ciqaabna ha kayaabina haddii, Diinta la cusleeyo
Fandhaal replied to Wiilo's topic in News - Wararka
asc wr wb; Nuune mahadsanid sxb, soo dirso lacag aan laba Fandhaal iyo xeedho kuu soo diree. Wiilo ku mahadsanid adiguna soo dhawaynta, aad ayay u haboontahay inaan Soomaali wax ku qoro, qoraalkan aan soo diray ma ahayn mid aan anigu leeyahay ee waa mid aan maqaal kasoo min guuriyay calaa kuli xaal hawsha baraarujinta baylah tirka luuqadeena halkaa kasii wada. -
Jacayl baro mahadsanid sxb maansadaa isoo jiidatay marka waad garan kartaa inaan sidii ceel soo burqan doono lol Qarnigaa badalay maansadii qaaliga ahayd e kan qudh qudhiya geeraarka aad looma qaayibo e Dhoodaan ma cid gabaydaa iminka hadhay waxaan mooday in waa hore ay god galeen intii gabyi jirtaye bal site kan ila fiiriya anigana www.doollo.com
Asc wr wb; Kobtani ma labadiina basay u xidhan tahay mise waa la idinkula dabbaalan karaa; gabaygaan soo shanqadh raacay. Wiilo gabadhaha Soomaaliyeed waxaa ku jira kuwo aad u gabay fiican runtii Faiza cid ay la hadlaysayba way gabayday, ma jiraan gabayo kale oo ay tirisay ,,,,,,,,,,
Asalaamu calaykum waraxmah; Waan bururaa markaan arko meel lagu hayo murti Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan gabay, bal aan saarka iska soo rido lol Dahabow jacayl baa idilay, oo idaashadaye · Cishqigaaga duulaanka ahi, waygu soo dagaye · Haddii aadan daaweyn xubbigu, wuu idilayaaye · Is dillaacin mooyee wax kale, iima soo dagine ·  · Dawo waxaan lahayn iyo sunbaan, duhur cabaayaaye · Anigoon dakano aadmi qabin, ways daldalayaaye · Dab haddaadan ii shidin la waa, inaan dawoobaaye · Is dillaacin mooyee wax kale, iima soo dagine ·  · Nin dayuurad haysta yaan odhan, diilinta i saare · Waxay sii daryaantaba kolkay, dowyo sare gaadho · Daruuraha markay gaadho yaan, dam iska soo siine · Is dillaacin mooyee wax kale, iima soo dagine ·  · Markab diririglayn iyo intaan, doonyaha raaco · Badda weyn markuu ila derdero, yaankasoo degiye · Meel aan dabbaal lagu karayn, Dahaboy caynkeeda · Iyo daakhil kaan tagahayaa, daacadda Ilaahe  · Haddii aadan daaweyn xubbigu, wuu idilayaaye · Is dillaacin mooyee wax kale, iima soo dagine ·  · Haddaadse raro dun lagu daadiyey, oo daabac laga buuxshay · Oo midabku deyldeylan yahay, dadabta gaadhsiiso · Diyaar loo sameeyey iyo, dharkii deeqa aragaaga · Oo damacu wuu badanyahee, deymo kaa qabato · Yaan duunyo kuu siin hayaa, adi dadaalkaaye · Danbigaaga oo idilna waa, layga dedayaaye · Waan diir xumaan maalintay, diinftu kugu taale · Xigaalada dugaalkeed badhbaa, la iska diidaaye · Dadkiinaan jeclaan iyo intaad, duray wadaagtaane Wacdi shaqlane gabaygan waxaa tiriyay Wacdi Shaqlane.
Fandhaal replied to Wiilo's topic in News - Wararka
Wiilo aad ayaan uga helay mawduucan aad bilowday, runtiina waa arin loo baahan yahay in wax laga qabto "Caano daataba dabadoodaa laqabtaa" bal ila eega maqaalkan kusoo baxay Toronto Star oo uu qoray wiil soomaali ahi qiyaasihii 2001 kii Somali Language Woes in Canada (From today's Toronto Star) Mohamud Hussein Khalif Imagine the "hypothetical" scenario of a mother needing an interpreter for her child. Or a father giving up on trying to explain things to his offspring due to a language barrier. Or a youth not being able to greet, let alone converse with, her sibling back home because each finds the language the other speaks Greek. These may sound too theatrical to some. But it is a reality for many Somalis in Canada. Take the case of Guled Mohamed, a 7-year-old boy who was born to his Somali parents at the Humber River Hospital in the west end of Toronto in 1994. The only language Guled speaks with ease is English. Strange as it may sound, neither his mom nor his dad speaks English well enough to carry on a conversation with a native speaker, like Guled, comfortably. But most of the time, the family manages to communicate through a combination of miming, body language, facial expressions and some words of mixed linguistic origin. In some cases, however, this breaks down and the need arises for an interpreter, who may or may not be handy at the time. Guled's story is not an isolated incident. It is in fact a common phenomenon in many Canadian households of Somali descent, where the parents immigrated to Canada as adults with no knowledge of any language other than their mother tongue. The reasons for this include the fact that not everybody had the opportunity to go to school in Somalia. In 1990, just before the civil war broke out, the overall literacy rate in Somalia was estimated at 24 per cent of the total population of about 5 million. To make matters worse, for those lucky enough to go to school, the medium of instruction in schools was the Somali language, while Italian was the language of instruction in the institutions of tertiary education. But the question arises as to why the parents of Guled, both of whom are naturalized Canadian citizens, and others like them do not speak English if they had been in Canada long enough to obtain citizenship. Two factors complicate things for Somalis trying to learn English as adults. First, Somali is very different from English in many ways. The linguistic structure and the syntactical configuration of English are fundamentally alien to that of the Somali language. Somali belongs to the Cushitic linguistic family common in some parts of East Africa. The second factor is the socio-economic condition of Somalis, which, by and large, does not permit them to invest the time necessary to learn a new language. They come to Canada as poor refugees with no family ties or other appropriate support mechanisms. When in Canada, their priority is to establish themselves and to attend to their most basic needs. Moreover, the civil strife in their home country forces them to devote most of their time to working to not only earn a living for themselves but also to support their family members back home. As a result, language training takes a back seat. The more important question, however, is why is it that Guled and other children like him do not speak the mother tongue of their parents. This question is relevant for three reasons. First, because the only language the parents speak with facility is Somali, it follows that it is also the only language spoken at Guled's home. It is therefore interesting that children learn a language that is not dominant in their family. What this implies is that the television, under certain circumstances, does a more effective job in educating than parents. The second reason has to do with the importance of a child learning as many languages as she can. Numerous studies show that learning more than one language during childhood is beneficial for the advancement of children's mental faculties. Third, and the most symbolically important factor, is that of identity. Being so far away from their country of origin and having to live in a country that is so different from theirs, the only thing the Somalis are left with as an identity symbol is their language. However, only a decade into their mass immigration to Canada, those born here and those brought in their early years are already finding Somali a foreign language. A direct result of this eventuality is intergenerational breakdown of communication with far-reaching ramifications for the family as well as for the wider Canadian society. For new immigrants, proficiency in the dominant language of the host country is a necessary prerequisite for successful settlement and cultural adjustment. On the other hand, the rate at which their mother tongue is deteriorating relative to other immigrant communities is highly disconcerting. The Somali language is dying fast, especially among the youth. It is not surprising to see a mother and child unable to communicate. In such a situation, how can parents be expected to influence the behaviour of their children positively and instil values in them? Canada encourages new immigrant communities to preserve their heritage. A plethora of institutions exist to help such communities to keep links with their past. It is these institutions that failed Guled and his cohort. There is no single fully developed program to help young kids from Somalia (and other non-European countries) to learn their language. There is a Toronto District School Board project where a weekly after-hours Somali language course is being offered in schools, but is too small in size and scope. There are also no possibilities for promoting other cultural activities. For instance, writers in Somali may be eligible for funding from Heritage Canada only if they submit a complete translation of their work into English along with their manuscript. These facts point, some say, to the existence of "cultural racism" against immigrants in general and Somalis in particular. But they are more of an indication of how Canada does not understand Somalis and their culture than it is a calculated plan of cultural racism. Somalis' knowledge about Canada and its culture is limited, too. But in the final analysis, one thing is obvious: the current strategies used to teach English to Somali immigrants and to help communities preserve their culture (especially their language) need to be overhauled. --------------------------------- Mohamud Hussein Khalif is a member of The Toronto Star's community editorial board.