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Everything posted by Complex

  1. A saying goes along the lines of, "In Arabia, I saw Muslims but not Islam, in the West I saw Islam but no Muslims."
  2. Complex

    They sure are the backbone of the economy, the whole Gulf economy that is. However, looking into Saudi Arabia, I'd argue that race does play a role in getting what you want (unless you have a 1st world country's passport). But ever since the Saudi kingdom launched its Saudization campaign, things looked bleak for the foreign workers; basically anyone whose job can be handled by a Saudi.
  3. Originally posted by ThePoint: Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said. Say whaa?! Don't these people have kids of their own?!
  4. is the world coming to? First being gay was legalized...then gay marriages were constitutionalized...and now pedophiles are asking for more leverage on how long they have to wait for children to grow before raping them? Nah this ain't right man. Everyone in that party should be arrested for 'intended' child sexual abuse...seriously If people only followed Islam right, then the world would see that it's the best form of democracy.
  5. Salaam It's not a new's been going on for quite some time now. Recently I had a trip to Sudan and found out there's a huge Somali community there. I also got to know of a few Somali Catholics and an Orthodox. One of them was even the head priest at one of Khartoum's biggest churches. I asked those that knew them prior to their conversion about what made them change religions and they told me that due to Khartoum being a transit stop for Somali qaxootis looking for a way to Europe through Libya...they look for any means to provide for themselves. The church saw these men striving to make ends meet and offered them loads of $$$ if they would change religions and they accepted. One of them was even given a whole church to lead. They're never seen and have security 24/7...
  6. Salaam Mashallah brother may Allah reward you for the steps you have taken toward Him. The night prayer is performed by praying two Rakah's followed by two and so an even-numbered manner. If you then believe that Fajr prayer has come near, pray one Rakah as the Witr for the previous Rakahs you prayed. "Once a person asked Allah's Apostle about the night prayer. Allah's Apostle replied, "The night prayer is offered as two Rakat followed by two Rakat and so on and if anyone is afraid of the approaching dawn (Fajr prayer) he should pray one Raka and this will be a Witr for all the Rakat which he has prayed before." Nafi' told that 'Abdullah bin 'Umar used to say Taslim between (the first) two Rakat and (the third) odd one in the Witr prayer, when he wanted to attend to a certain matter (during that interval between the Rakat)." Sahih Bukhari (Volume 2, Book 16, Number 105)
  7. Salaam... Honestly people...stereotyping isn't healthy. Just because there are a few black sheep...doesn't mean the whole herd is rotten. The problem is...those of us who don't live in a particular area tend to hear the bad news about it before the good stuff...and judging by some of your remarks...I'm sure the western media would be proud of it's acheivement. Now I'm not protecting Saudis...because there are those filthy ones who ruin Islam's image...let alone Saudi's. But the majority are those friendly, intelligent, faithful ones who pray their 5 prayers in harmony with all the other foreigners of all calsses... Stop generalizing...I believe it's a sin to talk negative about people...