Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. Nothing will come if this but a waste of resources, I guess if it helps people but if whites and blacks can over their differences, surely Somalis can too. We should follow the Homegrown model that South Africans have used rather then this
  2. Showqi brother there is no need for this, if the cant win I the ground war, I see no need for them to bomb important infrastructure, the handful of shababi they kill us not enough a justification for destroying such a place
  3. By all means get them where ever they are but we are already lacking in infrastructure and kismayo's airport is one of the few actoul airports in Somalia: Mogadishu, Berbera, kismayo and one other
  4. Christians use scripture as advice not a letter of the law Warya
  5. Certain things are not worth sharing, building some Indian toilets is one of them.
  6. I totally support this campaign but why the airport? Why destroy infrastructure?
  7. Lets hope the recent fiber optic connection will sometime soon result in people having access to information. To think that this place is supposed to be the most socio-economically progressive place in East Africa is disheartening
  8. I don't know about you guys I was laughing the whole time
  9. Nice song but can someone please pickup an actual musical instrument rather then this electric keyboard.
  10. In the words of abtigis is an undeniable truth that "ethnic somalilanders" would have us overlook with a barrage of tangents about all sort of things. It's this clannish predicament that we find our selfs in as a people that allows some to call a national symbol such things the first warlord and shaydan. And certain people's support of this shameless Charlatan is yet more proof of the truth in abti's words.
  11. So between the sayid and the English colonizers , are you telling us you would have sided with the English because this is what this argument boils down to?
  12. Qabiil has poisoned certain people so much so that even the dead are not safe from their venom. An ***** after a mirqaan session decides take on a dead shaikh for some tribal ps from a hundred years ago. Any breathing Somali person who in this day and age would fall for some English colonizers propaganda needs to check him or herself into a mental asylum ASAP. As for the rest of you, the Sayid is dead, it does not matter what you think of him, move on with your life's and guard yourself against this poison called clannisn that has become so fashionable among northerners as of late.
  13. This the funniest thing I've read all morning, sol post from jail. Hope they let you out soon
  14. Abti is on to something, there were glaring Inconsistencies lol
  15. Maskiinow africanku Latin ma garanayaan, Marka aad new xoolo cusub la helo Waa Ina magac Latin la siiyo lol
  16. This movie makes me wish I had a private theater, but I know a small indIe film so I think am good lol.
  17. Loool@alpha, very astute of you, but your wrong in one sense, other then Samatar getting the post, I am very happy with the results and happy that the era of shariif and gaas is over