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Col. Tacabir 'Laascaanood Oo Go’doon Ahayd Ayaa Noqotay Xudduntii Dhabta Ahayd Ee Soomaaliya Isku Xidhaysay' Jun 01, 2006 By:M. A. Noor (Jeenyo) - Abu Dhabi( Waxaanu waraysi dhinacyo badan taabanaya la yeelanay Col. Maxamed Cumar Cigaal (Tacabir) oo ku soo guryo noqday waddanka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta oo uu si rasmi ah u deggan yahay, kana mid ahaa waftigii uu hoggaaminayey Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeydh ee ka qeyb gashay xafladdii Caleemo Saarka ee Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac. Col Tacabir iyo Cali Khaliif Oo Booqday Xafiiska Hay'adda SSHDA iyo Isbitaalka Laascaanood, xilligii ay Caleema Saarka Garaadka ka qayb Galayeen. Ugu horreyna waxaanu waydiinay: Su'aal: Col. waxaad nooga warrantaa xafladdii sidii ay u dhacday iyo xubnaha ka soo qeyb galay? Jawaab: Waad mahadsan tahay, marka hore waxaan u mahad celinayaa shabakadda Warbaahinta ee iyo howl wadeenadeeda gudaha iyo dibaddaba, gaar ahaan howl-wadeenada ku sugan Laascaanood, oo qeyb weyn ka qaatay howshii caleemo saarka Garaadka. Haddaan u soo noqdo jawaabta su’aasha aad I waydiisay, guud ahaan xafladdii caleemka saarku si fiican ayay u dhacday oo aan la meyn kareyn, nabad galyana ah, farxad iyo kalgacal badan ayaa dhex maray dadkii munaasibadda ka soo qeyb galay, ergooyinku waxay ku dhawaayeen 3000 marka laga reebo shacabka SSC, oo si aan tiro lahayn uga soo qeyb galay, xoog iyo dhaqaale badanna u huray munaasibaddaas. Su'aal: Waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee aad is leedahay waa laga faa’iidey maxaa ka mid ah? Jawaab: Waxaa ugu weyn ee laga faa’iiday waxay ahayd Laascaanood oo go’doon ahayd ayaa noqotay xudduntii dhabta ahayd ee Soomaaliya isku xidhidhaysay, waxaana u daliil ah, Soomaali oo dhan meel ay joogtaba ayaa wafuuddeedii Laascaanood ku kulantay munaasibaddaas darteed. Su'aal: Col. Waxaa jirtay in xubno ka socdaay Maamulka Hargeysa ay ka qeyb galeen caleemo saarka, sidaad ogtahayna shacabka SSC waa Puntland, sidee u aragtaa arrintaas? Jawaab: waxaan u arkaa arin caadi ah, sababtoo ah marka hore waa arin dhaqan oo caado u ah ummadda Soomaaliyeed inay ka qeyb gasho boqortooyooyinka asaliga ah caleemo saarkooda. Maamulka Somalilandna wuxuu khuseeyaa beelaha Waqooyi ee sameystay, laakiin Annaga wufuudda noo timid waxay ahaayeen Isimo iyo shakhsiyaad siyaasiyiin ah oo beelahaas u dhashay, martina way noo ahaayeen, si sharflehna waa ku yimaaddeen waana ku tageen. Su'aal:: Maamulka Puntland siduu uga qeyb qaatay howsha caleemo saarka? Jawaab: Anagu wax qarsoodi ahaa war kama hayno, laakiin wax muuqda oo uu taray garan mayno. Su'aal: taas ma waxaad uga jeeddaa goobta way ka maqnaayeen, Anagoo og in Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse iyo ku-xigeenkiisa Xasan Daahir Afqudhac ay kulanka caleema saarka goob joog ahaayeen? Jawaab: Meesha waa joogeen, nimanka aad sheegaysid, laakiin maxay la yimaaddeen? maxayse la tageen ayaa lays waydiinayey?. Su'aal:: Dhinaca kale Dowladda KMG ee Federaalka Soomaaliya ma jirtaa wax maamuus ah oo ay iyagu muujiyeen? Jawaab: haa wafti ballaadhan ayaa ka timid oo uu hoggaaminayey Wasiirka Boosta iyo Isgaarsiinta iyo xubno ah xildhibaano Baarlamaanka Dowladda KMG oo beesha ka soo jeeda iyo wufuud tiro badan oo ay hoggaaminayaan Malaaqyo oo ka socotay Beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle oo kasoo kicitimay Baydhabo. Su'aal:: Col. Waxaa jiray shaki siyaasadeed oo beeshu ama Maamulka Puntland qudhoodu ay ka qabeen waftiga aad ka mid ahayd ee Cali Khaaliif hoggaamiynayey, taas maxaad ka leedahay? Jawaab: war heedhe waddankan hubka ugu xoogga badan ee dadku isticmaalaa Soomaaliya maanta waa BEENTA iyo XASARADDA, Annagu waxaanu u tagnay caleemo saarka Garaadka, iyadii ayaanu ka qeyb qaadaney, howl kalana kumaanaan jirin, dee ninkii wax ka soo saarayaa isagay jirtaa. Su'aal: Taas macnaheedu ma waxaa weeye, Qoraalka digniinta ahaa ee ka soo baxay Madaxtooyadda Puntland ee ku wajahnaa waftiga aad ka midka ahayd, waa ina wax kama jiraan? Jawaab: Qoraalkaas waanu aragnay, wuxuuna ahaa macno darro, sababta oo ah wax siyaasad ah oo laga hortagaa meesha ma oollin, meesha aanu tagneyna waa dhulkagii ee deegaan kale maanu tagin, nin uu yahayba dhulkagaya iyo dadkeyga taladiisa ninna uga daba fadhiisan mayno. Su'aal: Shakhisaadka Hargeysa ka yimid ee aad carrabka ku dhufatay, ma iyagaa iska yimid mise waa la casumay? Jawaab: Maya waa la casumay, waxaana cusamay guddida guud ee calaamo saarka Garaadka. Su'aal:: Sidaad u aragtaa fikira Garaadka cusub ee ku soo biiray maqaamka Garaaddada Soomaaliyeed, isagoo ah Garaadka guud ee beelaha SSC? Jawaab: Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac waa Garaad ay ka muuqato inuu leeyahay aragti dheer (charisma) oo ah tii Aabbihii iyo Awoowgii lagu yaqaanay, intaas waxaaba ka sii weyn oo aan dareemay Anigu shakhsiyan inuu yahay nin karaamo badan, waxaan beelaha SSC kula talin lahaa inay Garaadkaas ka dambeeyaan, maadaama uu yahay nin shakhsiyaddiisa iyo sharafkiisaba dhowraya oo jecel dadka beesha u dhashay in aanay noqon dad cid kale hoos jooga. Su'aal: Baaqa Garaadku Isimada ugu baaqay inay kulan ku yeeshaan Laascaanood sidaad u aragtaa? Jawaab: waa baaq fiican dantuna ku jirto, waxaanan rajaynayaa in Isimada Soomaaliyeed ee Garaadku u baaqay ay Ajiibaan baaqaas, waayo nabad galyada nolosha dadka ayaa ku xidhan. Su'aal: Dhinaca kale, Col. waxaad ka mid ahayd waftigii ballaadhnaa ee gaadhay Buuhoodle, kana qeyb qaatay soo afjariddii xurguftii dhexmartay beelihii ku dagaallamay Aangalo, bal arrintaas nooga xog warran? Jawaab: Prof. Cali Khaliif iyo Anigu waxaanu tagnay Buuhoodle markii aanu mashaqada maqalnay, waana nasiib darro ah in dad wada dhashay oo meel wada yaalla in si sahlan xabadi uga dhex qaraxdo oo halkaas ay ku nafwaayaan rag qiimo iyo qaayaba dadka u lahaa, waa Ilaahay mahaddii dhibtii intaasay ku ekaatay, laakiin wali qodxo badan ayaa u baahan in la guro, dhaahin badana in laysa siiyo ayaa loo baahan yahay, dulqaad badanna in la yeesho ayaa loo baahan yahay. Su'aal: Cali Khaliif oo yaraantiisii ka tagay Buuhoodle muddo hadda laga joogo 40 sannadood ka hor, maantana booqasho lama filaan ah ku tagay Buuhoodle, siday kula ahayd shucuurtiisu? Sidayse dadka Gobolkaasi u arkeen imaanshihiisa? Jawaab: U maleyn maayo in Cali Khaliif 40 sannadood ka maqnaa Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigiisa, balse waxaad moodaa inuu shalay ka tagay waayo isagaaba iga badiya Balliyada iyo Jidadka, dhulka oo dhanna taako taako ayuu u yaqaanaa, marna isma odhan kartid ninkan ayaa waddanka ka maqnaa muddo, waxaaba intaba ka daran dadka siduu u yaqaan, nin walba hooyadii iyo abtiyaashii iyo aabbihii iyo xigtadiisa ayuu yaqaan, ninkaasi waa nin mas'uul ah una dhashay SSC, dadka Gobolkuna waana soo dhaweeyeen iyagoo garanaya waxaanu isu nahay. Su'aal: Ugu dambeyn maxaad shacabka SSC u soo jeedinaysaa?. Jawaab: shacabka SSC waa shacab fiican oo aad u wanaagsan oo daacad ah oo diin leh oo dhaqan leh oo Soomaali weyn ah, waxaa kaliya ee loo baahan yahay waxaa weeye golaha Garaaddada oo Xarun mideysan yeesha, talada qoyskuna halkaas ka soo fusho. M. A. Noor (Jeenyo) Desk News
Khudbaddii Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali, Khudbaddii Qarnigan. Jun 02, 2006 By:C/casiis Saleebaan Axmed Faallo( Akhristayaal waxaa 22kii bishii aynu soo dhaafnay ee May Lagu Caleema Saaray Dooxada Geedda Qarsay ee Magaalada Laascaanood Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo noqday Garaadkii 19aad ee Garaadtooyada SSC ugu faca weyn, waxaanu Garaadku Xafladdii caleema saarkiisa ka Jeediyey Khudbad lagu macneeyey in ay ahayd tii qarnigan. Haddaba waxaanu akhristayaasha halkan ugu soo bandhigaynaa Khudbaddii Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo qoraal ah, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaa markii codbaahiya lagu soo dhaweeyey ku bilaabay Haddalkiisii sidan. “Bismilaahi Raxmaani Raxiim, Madax dhaqameedka, madaxda Maamullada, Culimada, Abwaanada, Wax-garadka, Aqoonyahanka iyo shacab weynahaba, waxaan dhammaantiin idinku salaamayaa Salaanta Islaamka ee Asalaama calayku waraxmatu Laahi Warabakaatuhu. “Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin waxaa si weyn u naafowday Noloshii Bulshada Soomaliyeed, xagga maamulka, xagga nabad galayada, xagga Horumarka, Xagga bulshada, sidoo kale waxaa lumay kala danbayntii, xushmadii iyo Hab-muumuuskii Soomaalidu haybadda u lahayd†“Waxaa lumay dhismahii dhaqanka, ku dayashidii wanaagsanayd, sidoo kale waxaa lumay Haybaddii, Gobonimadii, iyo Marti soorkii magaceenu ku dhisnaa ee Soomaal†"Waxaan meel kastoo Soomali ay joogto ugu baaqayaa Nabad galyada, Midnimada, israaca, kalsooni, calool fayoobaan, sidoo kale waxaan bahweynta Soomaaliyeed u caddaynayaa in Mandaqadda Nugaal Godan, Sanaag, Sool iyo Cayn ee Fadhigaygu yahay ay waajib igu yeelayso in aan Soomaali isku baadi goobo, si waafaqsan Diinta iyo dhaqanka Soomalaiyeed†“Waxaan soo dhaweynayaa Wada tashiga, Wada Noollaanshaha, is dhex-marka, is-taageeridda, iyo isku tiir-sanaanta Bahweynta Soomaliyeed min qoys ilaa Qaran, Sidoo kale waxaan idiin ballan qaadayaa in aan heegan u noqon doono Danta Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, anigoo ku shaqaynaya haddii alle idmo la tashiga Isimada si waa faqsan xilka maamul ee aan dhaxlay, sida ku cad Xeerarka, Diiwaanka, nimaadka Boqortooyadan Aasaaska u ahaa ee aan ka soo gaadhay Aaabayaashay iyo wixii ay Aaabayaashood ka dhaxleen†“Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin waxaan si gaar ah bulshada deegaankan SSC ugu adkaynayaa in ay ka fogaadaan Is khilaafka iyo xurgufaha yar yare ay sababtey Qoodhi xero kuma heshiiso, waxaana ku Bogaadinayaa sida ay Ummadda Soomaaliyeed uga danbi la yihiin haddii dagaal iyo burbur dhacay, waxaana lee yahay Waa la doogi yaan la dacaroon†“Haddii Alle idmo waxaa aynu furi doonaa Xarun wada tashi dhaqan oo aan filayo in ay horay inooka maqnayd, gunna u noqota kala daadsanaanteena iyo tan guud Soomaaliyeedba, Garaad ahaan ma noqon doono Garaad ku milma Siyaasadda Soomaaliya, ee waxaan ahay Garaad Dhaqan†Qaybtii Koowaad. C/casiis Saleebaan Axmed Laascaanood.
^^ Who might the "ciyaalka xaafada" be?
Constitutional Blunder by the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament of Somali Republic Asha Ahmed Abdalla Member of Transitional Federal Somali Parliament of Somali By Asha Abdalla I am deeply disappointed by the news which was widely broadcasted all over the Somali media including the BBC Somali Service, regarding the deal struck by Putland Authority and Somali Parliament Speaker on the controversial and illegal mining exploration in Majayahan. My disappointment stems from the breach of Federal Charter as it relates to the so called “Majayahan Agreement†The Federal Charter already has specific articles concerning natural resources of the country. It is the sole duty of the federal government to oversee how the natural resources of the country are funded, explored and distributed. By allowing some regional entities within the federal system to be exempt from this rule will complicate other equally important constitutional issues such as Ports management, administration of regional airports, border patrol, and Passport and Immigration issues. This illegal exemption could jeopardize the existence of a viable Somali Government. The Federal Charter delegates the Executive Branch of Government, namely the Prime Minister through the Ministry of Water and Natural Resources, to address any concerns and issues which arise regarding the negotiations and implementations of oil and mineral explorations within the federal state. The Federal Charter specifies the role and functions of The Speaker of Federal Somali Parliament. The Speaker cannot unilaterally approve international agreements, nor can he unilaterally endorse international agreement. It is the function of Somali Government to negotiate an international agreement. The entire Federal Somali Parliament then votes to accept or reject any international agreements presented to them by Somali Government. According to the Federal Charter, neither the Speaker nor the Putland authorities, have legal grounds to engage in any international agreements. I am deeply disappointed that the Speaker has failed to consult with Somali elders from SANAAG region on this issue before signing the so called “agreementsâ€. We all know that the conflict in the region has escalated into bloodshed. The elders of the community have in the past released a Communiqué in which they expressed their desire to resolve the conflict through dialogue. There is an ongoing conference in BARAN participated by all SANAAG community elders to address many issues affecting the community including the ongoing crisis in Majayahan. The Speaker did not attempt to meet with community elders for their suggestions and input before signing this agreement which affects their community, thus undermining the confidence of the community for the Speaker. I am also deeply saddened that while our Capital Mogadishu is burning in a conflict in which over 300 hundred of our fellow Somali citizens have perished, hundreds have been wounded and many displaced from their homes, the Speaker chose not to go to Mogadishu, but instead chose to fly to Bossaso to settle oral disagreements (between Mohamed Gedi and Adde Muse) where there was no exchange of gun fire between them. The Speaker’s priorities are misplaced when our nation is in need of good and sound political leadership which have the interest of Somali people at heart. The Speaker’s unconstitutional actions could undermine the relative peace enjoyed by the two more stable regions within the Somali Republic, namely Puntland and Somaliland. I call upon the Speaker to explain himself on the floor of the Somali Parliament on the above noted breach of Federal Charter and to convince members of Federal Somali Parliament who have doubts on the stated purpose of his visit to Putland, the real purpose of his trip to Putland. Asha Ahmed Abdalla Member of Transitional Federal Somali Parliament of Somali Republic Badio, Somalia
war miya walantaheen misa ana walan. out of the three regional capitals of sool, sanaag iyo cayn, two are part of puntland solely because of the will of the people of these regions and one has no agreed upon administration. The first two are Buhoodle and Las Anod. the other, Erigavo, is more complex. Erigavo's four clans agreed long time ago to put peace above all and remain neutral until they can reach a comprehensive agreement. Thanks in large part to the reluctance of puntland adminstration (The Puntland Vice President is from this city) to start wars, the situation has remained so. Among the three, Erigavo is the only one we can argue about which of the two states its part of becouse argueing about where Las anod and Buhoodle belong is a stupendous exercise in silliness. Rudy, on one hand you insult this city of Las Anod and on the other, you make it seem as though what only matters to you is that it is a Somali city. Whatever the case, I understand your problem is with Puntland and not Las Anod, like many other people here. I fail to understand this. I can see that few Somalis, in an effort to seem fair to Somaliland, equivocate two completely different entities. This has to be the case if this hatred of puntland is anything but that famous Somali couse of hating for the sake of hating. I can only encourage people to staop this and to educate themselfs about what puntland stands for.
The new government should be finding ways to rehabilitate these guyz by turning into the new Somali Army Dhubad, this is what bothers me the most about how the new army is being. These kids should be the very type of undisciplined and immoral people that a professional army should avoid yet if you do not find a livelihood, as the president reminds us every time he speaks, they pose a threat both government and people, law and order. What a sad state that what once was the best army in sub saharan Africa will be composed of thugs turned solders.
Rudiyow, Ma ka dabba oo Cassimdda Darwiishta ayad granweysey misa wat ciyaareysa? Las Anod is both figuratively and literally, Geographically, politically, Historcally, culturally and linguistically were north and South meet. A Southern gateway for northerners and a Northern gateway for Southerners. LA has and hapefully will remain a middle ground where any and everything Somali is welcomed. Yet, despite this brother, I see no need to debate where or what LA is. You are all aware of, I asume, what happened at the first visit of a "Somaliland" President. If you don't know, he was chased as far as Ceerigaabo. From that day on, the Somaliland flag was brought down and the Puntland Flag (The Flag of the Somali republic as all other symbols of Puntland) raised. At all levels, administrative officals are appointed from Garowe and Puntland's Darwiish forces protect the city. As I have said before, to what state Las Anod belongs is very clear but that it is part of Puntland does not mean it is not a neutral ground for Somalis. This neutrality should not be taken to mean a neutrality on Somali Unity. There are somethings one can be neutral about but unity is not one of them and that is why, however great the affinity between northerners, LA choose to go with its Eastern brothers. Castro's you can't be Neutral on a moving train comes to mind. For those brothers advocating the disunity of Puntlanders with such ideas of a north central Somalia, know that the elders of puntland were will aware of the Somali Saying of ama bur ahow ama bur ku tiirso and that Puntland Unity is above all, must advantageous for citizens of Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn.
"Is yo dad a terrorist, cuz u da bomb!!" thanks, i'll try to use this one!
"Laascaanood: A ray of hope. May 24, 2006 By:Ubax Abdikariim “Dad siyaasi wada sheegtiyo suxufiyiin miidhaan Sarkaalnimana wada doonayiyo sado in loo dhiibo Sagaal taliye, madaxweynayaal saami kela yeesha Sandulena kuwada doonayaan seeja lagu dooran Oo suruc qabiiliyo watiyo damac ku seesaaban Marna dhaqanka soomaaliyeed kuma saleysneyne Waxaa sidey sabaan akhirkoo waad la socotaane.’ By Jamac Kadiye Cilmi Kugu maaley, kugu maaley Kugu maaley! The flags of the Somalis everywhere have one thing in common, the five pointed star. This week in Laascaanood, The city of the milky lakes and the home of the braves resembled that Somali star. As representatives of all five Somali areas, Five Somali clans and Somali dignitaries from five continents united under the trees of Geedo-Qarsey, Laascaanood, in a peaceful celebration of the coronation of a new Somali traditional leader. A century of dark colonial division, and over decade of bloody civil war seems to wash away in the Lakes of Milk, Laascaanood, as the Somalis gather to celebrate the coronation of 20th Garaad of the SSCayn Kingdom, Garaad Jamaac Garaad Cali Garaad Jamac who filled one of the oldest Somali traditional ruling seats. The picture that greeted one in Laascaanood was an image only a Pan- Somalist could dream and appreciate, a ray of hope shone over the city of Laascaanood, a promise perhaps that one day soon Somali-weyn might sit under similar trees to discuss our future, peace and reconciliation without foreigners’ interferences. Many say it is a good omen when all five Somali areas/countries, all five clans, representatives of contending and opposing politicians sit under acacia trees as tradition dictates. Nostalgia of our roots filled the air, importance of the dignity of our Tradition Leader was on everyone’s mind, and it seemed as though the Somali star on our flags was the guiding light that guides us to our origins, one nation. Let us hope, this noble gathering was the first step towards the right path of Somali nation and the gathering of the five points is a return to that one nation, especially in this climate, which mimics a repeat of the last century... The New Garaad and the traditional leaders from all Somali nation were on the same page. They seem to understand the most valuable commodity a nation can own is its people. They seem to remember what makes a nation strong is its united front approach to building the nation, patience, determination, and the diligent work of its citizens towards that greatness. Is it any wonder way they were chosen and elected to the positions! The sincerity of their voices was refreshing, their genuine caring of the welfare of their people shone through. The message that came out of the gathering was one of peace and unity for the Somali people, which is stark contrast of the messages sent by the forever feuding politicians that congest and pollute the airwaves with their invective rhetoric of war, destruction and division. Over three thousand Somali dignitaries arrived in Laascaanood, to joint the celebration of the coronation of the 20th Garaad of SSCayn Kingdom, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac. The guest list read who is who in lands of Somali; Former Prime Minister of Somalia, Cali Khaliif Galaydh, deligated from Djibouti, NFD, Somali regions in Ethiopia, Jubaland, Bay and bakool, Mogadishu, the President and the VP of Puntland regions, members of the TFS parliament, members of Puntland Parliament, Members of Somaliland Parliament, Independent Politicians, National Poets, Scholars, Historians, Imaams, Somali Traditional leaders from all Somali areas and clans( Sultans, Garaads, Malaaqs, wabars, Islaans, Maqaams, Beeldaaje, Guurti, Cugaal, Nabadoono, Boqoro), Singers, Dancers, Military Generals, women groups, and thousands of well-wishers Somalis gathered for the celebration. Absent were the warmongering criminals who work for the division of the Somalis and keep the nation into feuding pockets. Miraculously, the city of Milky lakes had calming affect on the Somali politicians, it seems it appeased and quitted the constant struggle of the politicians. It was the first time that representative of Transitional Federal Somali government, Puntland regional government, and the separatist Somaliland administration sat side by side without incident, the _expression of their faces was one of conciliatory, all were smiling, greeting each other warmly, Peace and tranquility was the order of the day. The gathering for the coronation of the 20th Garaad of SSCayn kingdom, Garaad Jamac Garaad Ali is a reflection of the need of the majority of Somalis, to coexist peacefully without division or animosity. Kudos goes out to the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn for achieving such a historical event in such a short time. They showed the world that they are brave patriots, traditionalists, who understand the word Somali to mean to welcome and please ones guests. It was not a small feat to host such a historical event in such a short notice. All the attending dignitaries pay their respect to Laascaanood because the people of SSC had always stood for peace, the love of the nation, and unity. That resolve paid off this week. Let me take this opportunity to address the Garaad of SSCayn Kingdom, whose celebration created such a historical event, I am sending him my warmest regards and congratulations to the New Garaad, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac, kugu maaley, kugu maaley, kugu maaley. May Allah bless the new Garaad with wisdom, kindness, just rule, peace and prosperity as Allah had blessed the Garaads before him. May Allah be please with the Garaads before him and include them those invited to Janaatul Fardowsa and May they receive offerings of a drink from Kowthar. May Allah guide our entire tried and true tradition leader to the right path which leads us away from the dark times, and lead the nation to unity, peace and prosperity, may their task be one of ease, may Allah guide them a way to restore the dignity of the Somali people! My Somalia I wish an everlasting peace, Nabad iyo Caano. Wabilaahi towfiiq. Ubah Abdikariim" Note, I took the liberty of changing clan name used in this article to "SSCayn" and the original article is posted at As this article pionts out, this event is the only event in recent times, if at all, where members of all the administrations of Somalia came togather. As I read this, I thought of two possibilities and wanted to know which one you tought would be best. clearly, rer laascaanod have a great potential to unite Somalis, should they pursue this? also, as somalis say, Ninki teesa ka so baxa aya tu kele ku darah, so should focus on their own affairs and betterment?
Montenegro in independence vote : A Case to Watch
Naxar Nugaaleed replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Suldaanka "But here are the interesting facts." "1. Montenegro is voting for Referendum on Independence without Belgrade's approval and opposition." This is not a fact. In a fact MOntenegro and Serbia agreed that this referendum could conducted by either state after three years, which is now. One big diiference between "Somaliland" and Montenegro "2. Montenegro has been an autonomous state and has been using a different currency to that of Serbia since 2002." Another difference in that Somali has only one legal currency. "3. There are minority groups of different ethnic backgrounds, including ethnic Serbs who are adamant about maintaining their union with their Serbian brothren." Somalis are of the same ethnicity unlike the people of the Bulkans. "Will our own Unionists be brave enough and accept the faith accompli?" A big no but Will secessionist be brave enough and accept the fait accompli? "I am sure you are not one of those who beleieve that SOOL and SANAAG are inhabited only by a certain clan that do not support Somaliland." though it was not addressed to me let me answer and say not Sool and Sanaag but also cayn do belong to clans that are against secession and for Somaliwein. "So, if I might ask you, where exactly does this clan border that Puntland claims go through?" Buhoodle district, Sool, Sanaag maybe. "Can it be defined? I only know a clan border which overlaps one another and continously shifts." The English made treaties with clans/tribes whose territories were and are defined not some entity called Somaliland. What binds these tribes/clans together into a modern state when they had nothing to do with each other aside from them all being colonized by another state. Mr. Oodweyne First let me offer a "little brotherly advise" and say attack ideas not people. "Firstly...suppose that the government of Serbia were to reject that outcome ... what Serbia could do about it.... the short answer would be, nothing ...short of going for war in... and that not within the realm of possibility...due to the political wind of the present-time." Serbia would be absurd not to comply with agreements that it made with Montenegro not because it could not (I am just not aware of the " political wind of the present-time" you speak of becouse the worlds police is busy with iraq and Afghanistan but that is another arguement) but it has no reasons to not comply. "...suppose...that the large Minority...that is in favour for the continuation of the union...were to say, we do not accept... the annulment of the existing union...answer...they either start a war in the regions that they inhabits...or they can acquiesce with that established facts on the ground..." A true Wadani does not consider the dismemberment of their country mere facts on the ground. Further more, options would not be limited to starting a war in their regions but would include taken up arms against secessionist where ever they may be found and taking back their country. Believe it or not, one one who truly believes in what he is fighting for can be stronger than a hundred. Also, Serbians or unionist Somalis (I believe this is were the comparison is being made) are far from the a minority when you consider the whole state and not substates. "...if one is not so sure as to the correctness of that can ask the nearest EU’s diplomatic office in anywhere in the world; or perhaps State Department office in Washington, or even the US’s embassies across the so far as the legal correctness of that Somaliland’s referendum of 2001 is concern; as well as whether that “Referendum†had essentially nullified the non-existing union of the 1960 merger between the then State of Somaliland and Somalia State." I fail to undersatand what diplomatic offices, State Department office in Washington, or even the US’s embassies have to do with the legality of an independence referendum (No such thing took place, it was a referndum on a constitution) in Somalia. Even so, if things are clear to these "offices" as you make them out to be, why have they not recognized "Somaliland". "...there are no ground of appeal...towards Somaliland’s legal re-affirmation of here independence; but given that there no effective government that is functioning in Somalia...there is no avenue that is be...representing Somalia in that eventual table, to formally dissolve that dead political union in amicable manner." This lack of government that you suggest is why there is no avanue open to this government and future ones is for discussion about a unionis precisely why there is also no avanue for secession also. "Secondly, if...Somalia were to dispute the legal correctness of that argument...on the ground that certain section..haven’t took part in...referendum, then that would only be an argument that shall consist of...a boundary arrangement...much like the case between the Eritrea and Ethiopia..." Yet the miscomparisons cantinue. Ethiopia let Eriteria go but had border desputes, Serbia agreed to let Montenegro go if a referendum calling secession succeded. No such things have happened in Somalia. Furthe more, If (and there are way to many ifs) Somalia is despute a referendum because a lot people did not participate, it would not be a boundry despute as you put it but the existence of the hypothetical state. "Thirdly, suppose that Somalia is still not satisfy with that argument, and it’s even denying the right of Somaliland to exist, let alone to independence republic by the name of Somaliland(with boundary re-arrangement to it’s eastern side of the border between Somalia and Somaliland); then in that case, the matter will leave the negotiation table, and in things will have to be settle in the all fashion way; namely, in the battlefield of those dust-bowl regions between Somaliland and Somalia;" I am afriad that is the case but I wonder, if Sanaag (One of the most beautiful regions of Somalia and among the few untouched by civil war) is part of "dust-bowl regions" as you put it, what the mars like and destitute regions of waqoye galbed and northern togdhere could be called. "Fourthly, suppose that it comes to passed that the case were to became apparent that none of these legal argument is cutting muster with who ever representing Somalia in that eventual table; particular if the tone of the Anti-Somaliland’s brigade is any guide as to what their eventual position will be; then in that case, as we may suspect all along from the tones of the Somali-weyn’s believers, we are more than happy to settle matters in the old fashion way of blood-and-guts." Let me asure you that true wadanis, darwiish will be even more happy to oblige. "...suppose that this TFG of the present-time goes the same way as that of the Arta’s TNG...the question will be...what that ...may mean for Somaliland’s legal quest of her independence...answer will be...will be automatically granted by those same “powers-that-beâ€(who have used the absence of an effective government from Somalia, as a ploy to keep this non-existing and fictitious union on the road, till some sort of a government may be cobbled together for Somalia, that can negotiate with us, in a jointly-agreed separation). these “powers-that-be†seeem to be everywhere, you would think with such omnipotence, there would be less problems in the world. Forgive me but I am agian confused. these “powers-that-be†" who have used the absence of an effective government from Somalia, as a ploy to keep this non-existing and fictitious union on the road" will also grant Somaliland independance automatically? which one is it because they can't be working towards to opposing ends. "Therefore, the argument, as they have intimated to us; would be that given that there is no credible partner on the other side(i.e., from Somalia), to whom one can negotiate with, when it comes to a formal separation of dissolving the said dead union; and hence, in that eventuality the case of Somaliland’s will be even more easier to handle, as least from the perspective of those same “powers-that-beâ€, than what it could have been hitherto, if the case itself hinges on a negotiated separation between two entities, with all of the complications of border demarcation that will entailed in it’s wake. " 16 years and counting but if you still have hope, go a ahead. "And Finally, it’s incumbent on all of us, in this sort of discussion, to bring a clarity of thought... as opposed to borrowing a sheer insensible argument from thin-air... therefore one would be well advised to argue whatever his case it may be, in a manner that both shall do justice to the intellect of his interlocutors as well as the inherent seriousness of the argument itself in it’s entire" Clarity indeed. I could not agree more but would like add that people attempt to express themselfs in a way that is not unnecessarily convoluted. clarity is the best policy and remember that the point of communication is to understand each other. Lastly, If I may forward my own suggestion, isku xeshoda. Our ancestors must be turning in their graves. as a northern Somali i am ashamed of these secessionist as i am sure our grand fathers who fought for the liberation of our people would be. It is told that when British agents asked the Sayid to pay tax at Berbera, he asked that they pay, for they were in his country. Very few people like that existed in the colonized world. be proud of that instead of being "the orphans" of some foreign queen who colonized you. It is no secret that northerners were at the forefront for not only the fight to liberate our people but also our unity. It was the same old politicians (Egal among others) who run to mogadishu at the independence of the north without thinking when the late Garaad Ali to told them wait a little who told him "Laa Yaa Garaad" and than returned to call for secession almost fourty years later. How ironic and shameful for their children today to cheerlead for the dismemberment of their nation? -
Munaasabada Caleemosaarka Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ali
Naxar Nugaaleed replied to SOO MAAL's topic in Politics
From Dhahar online "Caleemo Saarkii Qarnigga.(Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali). (x. carab) May 20, 20:30 Munaasabdda Caleemo saaraka Garaadka Guud ee 19-aad ee Qoomiyada Daraawiishta degaamadda SSC-ga xurmadle-Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac,ayaa u muuqda in uu noqon doono caleemo saar taariikhi kii ugu caansanaa uguna qeyb gal badnaa caleemo saarida hogaan dhaqameedka Somaaliyeed, lguna qori doonto buugaagta dhaqanka iyo Sugaantaba. Magaaladda Laascaanood waxaa joogta xurmadlayaal kala ah:- -Boqoro. -Salaadiin. -Ugaasyo. -Garaado. -Imaamyo. -Maqaalyo. -Beel-daagayaal. -Islaano.(Islaan). -Maqaamo. -Guurti Waaweyn. -Cuqaal. -Salaadiin Ka Socda-Jabuuti,Zoonka Shanaad iyo S/Kenya. -Sugaan-yaqaano Waaweyn. -Abwaano Caan ah. -Siyaasiyiin Madax Banaan(Waaweyn). -Wasiiro F.Somalia,P/Land Iyo S/Land-ba. -Xildhibaano Golayaal Barlamaan. -Masuuliin Heer Qaran Ah. -Saraakiil Sarre. -Ergooyin Bulshada Madaniga ah. -Axsaab Siyaasadeed. -Ganacsatada ugu Caansan Somaaliya. -Gansatada Somaaliyeed Ee Dubay Fadhiya. -Wakiilo Ergooyinka Caalamigga ah. -Ergooyinka Jaaliyadaha Qurbo Jooga:- -W/Mareeykanka. -Austaraaliya. -Qaaradda Yurub. -Dunidda Carbeed. -Qaaradda Afrika. -Aqoonyahanka Somaaliyeed:-Koonfurta,P/Land,S/Land iyo Qurbo Joogaba oo Magacooda leh. -Muwaadiniin Caadi ah. Marka Taariikhda dib loogu noqdo horre uma dhicin caleemo saar sidaas looga soo qeyb-galay Ummadda baaxadaas lehna ka xaadireen iyagoo qadarinaaya xurmadda iyo maqaamka sharfeed oo eey leedahay Garaadnimadda Reer Garaad iyo faceeda weyn ee soo jiritaankaba iyo maqaamka Garaadadii caanka ahaa ee soo Maray iyo doorkoodii hogaamineed iyo habkoodii milgo gobeedba. Waxaa amaan iyo bogaadinba Gudigga qabanqaabada howlaha Caleemo saarka oo si habsamiyeeda leh howlahooda u wada kuna dadaalaayo in wax walbaa sida loogu talo galay u socdo:- Habka soo dhowaanta,hab maamuuska martida,degaanka,gaadiidka, Iyo habsamida goobta caleemo saarka oo si heer sarre ah loo habeeyeey oo u qalanta munaasabadda weyn ee caleemo saarka Garaad Jamaam Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac oo dhaceeyso 22/5/06 Maalinta Isniinta hadii Alle idmo. -Alla Mahad Leh- Qorre-Xassan C/Laahi Sh(Xassan Carab)- -England-UK-" -
Puntland no longer recognise Geedi as PM...
Naxar Nugaaleed replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Geedi has truly proved that he is a flip floper. One time he believes that Somaliland could go its way another time he is for Somali unity. One moment he approves the agreement between Puntland and range, another moment he does not. In the once more he says that he will do samething about warlords in Mogadishu and than back tracks. Cade has proven that he knows nothing about federalism. States within a country can not conduct their own foreign relations or agreements. No federal, that I know of, does this. Regions within a country can take back "Kalsooni". Basic logic dictates that you can not take back what you did not give. a prime minister, spacially the kind we have, needs the "kalsooni" of the people, his president and government and not regional governments. It is nice for him to have the "Kalsooni" of every person and entity but not necessary. Either case, this is a prime example of how Somali leaders never look for the greater good of the people. Hurumarka puntland waa hurumarka Somalia. This benefits everyone. Granted, legal procedure was ignored, but this is win win deal for everyone and geedi, if he realised that have ignore, for the greater good, this side stepping of legal procedure by the puntland administration. Why, with all the problems they must overcome, must they create for themselfs, nonexistent problems? -
"What a vivid and realistic account of the world of the Socialist/liberals/pluralists etc.... These groups take GOD OUT OF THE PICTURE and replace them with their personal whims of what is the RIGHT thing to DO and SAY. They are more idealistic then most but are a good sample population that reflects 'Popular Sentimentality'. Its good that your Iman and sense of 'where you are from' raised Alarm bells in your head-Alhamdulillah Fi Amanillah" Khayr walaal, Socialism and liberalism are not what you, among others here make them out to be. You and others should be greatful for the people who brought these ideologies to people. Believe it or not, most of the world is "Liberal" today, thank God. for example, both the republicans and democrats are both libral in ideology. You are wrong to associate the personal believes people such as abortion or religion, however they justify them wither its liberalism or some other ideology, with an entire ideology. Basically put, Liberalism is an ideology that promoates personnal freedoms ( protection from entities like the goverrnments or or religous organizations be it a mosque or a church but not God as some simpltons claim there is no one organization here on earth that is the true representitve of 'GOD' that can be opposed by an ideology, American bill of rights is a good example), a democratic government (one that respects the will of the people), protection for minorities and market economies. Socialism, unlike liberalsim, is based on economic justice not free, market or laissez-faire economy. another difference, for you guys who are grouping two opposing ideologies together, is that one is based on individualism and the other on Sociatal or community. It is my opinion that political liberalism and economic socialism is the the only ideology that is just, rational and practical enough to govern people. Such things as your personal views (Humans well never agree on one common view) about abortion and God can have no room for the politcal organization of societies with different view of those subjects. According to the Quran believers should say to non believer "Lackum deenakum wa liya deen" or "Unto you, your religion and unto me, mine". Is this not the pluralists you speak of? Let me just say, as Fukuyama said in the end of histry, that Liberalism has fought with many other ideologies and remines the only one today. This is the best that human reasoning could come up with. Think twice, friends, before you belittle liberals. Better yet, know that it because of lebralism that you live in Sociaty that can have both people like and me in peaceful coexistence.