Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. Again your use of words are wrong the courts have clearly stated and it is clear to all who do not have an agenda that all regions that they have entered was based on invitation. So, Puntland invited these so called wadaads from xamar to come govern them? Why is it that instead of running towards hiiraan which had governmet appionted administration and puntland, why "invited" to Afgoi, merca, barawe and kismayo. They, though have not "Invited" the "wadaad" of xamar, We all know they would be willing to give invition. On the second point Islam is NOT A RELIGION IT IS A WAY OF LIFE, it is not a ism which you practice on sunday or the sabbath, Islam constitutes all aspect of life including POLITICS. brther you may define your faith as you see fit but how aragont of you to define for all its followers. Even the religion you say you follow tells you that there is no compulsion in faith. name me a perod even a day in which Somalia was governed by the Quran and Sunnah which is a idealogy and a way of life. correct me if Iam wrong was it not written on every constitution or charter of country that the source of law was the Quran (As the peoples representative understand it, not self-appionted wadaads). Again you do not seem to comprehend what i am telling you get out of this clan issue Its not about me, ours is a nation of clans and it was those very people who today fight in name of our religion against other muslims who used clan names to destroy our country and occuppy most of the south.
  2. ^^you are right, they were not muslim, they were barbarians. but unless muslims tell people (Instead of coming up some conspiracy theory or wasting time with how a sovergien government conducts its affairs) that these 19, mostly wealthy saudis, do not represent the poor masses of the third world (the case brought about by will intended westerners) or the Islamic faith, then how will they know.
  3. ojelle,again, how do you know? Just because you say or so and so says does not make it so. Be reasonable, a fact is not a believe, please find out what it means if you do not already and safe all of us some time and energy. TH the TFG ship is sinking lads either you jump of on to the life boats or drown with it Imagine for a second, if the rest of the world thought like this. Your government is not a ship you jump off when you think it will sink, you either float together or sink together. This is why we have been stateless for the past sixteen years. people come out of the dark jungle that you live in!
  4. Only muslims, after all their fellow members did, could suggist that western countries listen to their nonsense arguements about the countries foreign Policy. However much disagree with, their policy will not change because some religios community disagrees with it, not least because the countries policies are derieved from the interest of the nation as a whole but also because that desicion making is secular and does not take into account religions but reason and interest. My suggestion to the muslim community would be to help authorities find terrorist Build bridges with other communities find way to integrate not assimilate lastly, forget about forein policies or hire professionals to work with muslim government and their country to find common interest in the international community.
  5. NN you sure sure analyse things from a clanist point of view Brtoher, it is not clanistic analysis but all people who have looked the "Somali problem" have come to the conclusion that is was based clan difference. Almost all Somalis (as muslims) support the Islamic Idealogy and jurisprudence of the IUC I am sure no muslim Somali in his right mind would prefer man made laws as opposed to ruling by the divine law of (Allah subxana wa tala) Let me , for the sake of arguement, agree with you that the UIC is fighting to implement an ideology (One I think ideologies should be accepted and two, islam is religion, a faith rather than political idealogy for me), what is the Ideology that they are opposing. No religion but Islam has existed in the Somali peninsula for centuries. Such an ideological war was already, and the UIC is a couple centuries late. As you can see there are courts springing from all regions in Somalia which are run by noble people in comparison to the former stewards in the regions. Forget about (not that nobility comes to mind when I think of awes, indho iyo salaat)the rest of the Somali people, atleast are not the rest of these wadaads clan noble? Because, unlike what you say, they come from the Same Sub-sub-sub clan. How odd that the medicine you suggest for a sick nation from a virus called qabyalet is one sub-sub-sub clan to despense law,of whatevery kind. How sad that just when you think you have solved your problems and start make some progress, primitive turban wearing mullahs come to ditract people under the cloak of religion to what is in their interest. Friends, islam, perhaps before it even took root in Arabia, whats brought to Somalia and other Kushitic nations, islam ban wadna wax dadka 2006 lagu cawarikaro mahe, wax kale keena.
  6. YYM The administration in baydhabo hardly qualifies as legitimate goverment. With no institutions, or army to speak of, your so called goverment, and it's leadership doesn't have a leg to stand on. One could try to sypmathize with them and overlook their lack of creativity in reinstating the Somali state since they indeed face an enormous task, but thanks to their constant inter-squabbling and utter incompatency, the boys in baydbabo have forfiet the leadership role. Brother, you mustbe high on some stuff. We were just talking about this legitimacy yet you cantinue with, with just a little rewarding. If you think that just because you say something, it will be so, I must rudely remind you that, that is not how reality works. You can say they not legitimate because you did not vote for them but the fact remains, the fomation of this government has spared no effort to obtain the will of will of the people, therefore, as for as possible, this government is legitimate. Your unwillingness to accept this stinks a little too much of anarchism, clanism and dowladiidism. As for as them forfieting their leadership roles because of disagreement with the government, that is a silly thing to say. One because it shows that you believed in the legitimacy or "leadership role" because to forfiet, you must have it to forfiet it. Instead of forfieting, their disagreement show a healthy democratict institutions that can agree or disagree. Furthermore, how preposterous for you, seating were you are, to suggest that a government has done this or that when it is clear they have not so? I am begining to think that the problem of our country was not dictatorship but to much freedom ("Race of republicans" comes to mind)when every one in country min citizin ila waziir and regional government think they can take back their "Kalsoni" at will.
  7. They get paid too much, they travel too much, whats next? what you guys want is not a government but another something-land! Most of you here make that much yet don't think the highst officials of a country should not get that much. what sort of country do you guys want. Think up people, not down.
  8. brother, you believe your advocating for justice but you are actually advocating for injustice. Just as it is wrong one person to argue his vote should be worth electorily more than another for whatever reason, is it not wrong for one to suggest his vote is worth a hundred of other voters because they come from another clan, which is what your suggesting? Miniroties must respect the well of the majority, whomever they be, otherwise there can be no democracy (I know some of you are crasy enough to argues against democracy but lets leave that alone for know). arguing for minority protection is different from minority majority equality.
  9. how would you know, heard it through the grabe vine? or are you listening to she said he said form of journalist who seem to be the only journalist we have. You speak as if you knew that they are currupt with no evidence what so ever. Facts are formed by so and so said, til then you must say i believe so and so and not present your believes as facts.
  10. ^^how can there be power sharing between two entities who were formed for two opposing reasons? The government was formed to address what was universally understood as the Somali problem: Clan competition and difference. The UIC was formed at first to dispense Sharia laws in lawless mogadishu, then to kick warlords out of mogadishu and now to form a religous administration as for as they can reach. As a government based on clan balance, how can they aborb the UIC because their(UIC) clan reps already occupy whatever seats they can be given in Parliament and as self decleared sheikhs, they could have nothing to with the administration which requires some technical or political know-how? Furthermore, as clan, the UIC can only be given only few seats, will that setisfy them?
  11. You people like to waste time useless arguments. It really does not matter to me weather we adopt a 4.5, 10.2 or whatever but it seems to me that this is hardly the most important thing for people to worry about. Giving bantus and bajuns half of the cabinet and parliament does not equal them being half citizens but exaclty what it means, they half of what are assumed to be Majority clans. Might I remind you that before that formula, their share of government and parliament was no more than .2 percent at best. Tel we can conduct a census or be rational and pragmatic enough to accept equal divisions seats among different clans of Somalia, i don't see a need to attack the current formula. Furthermore, we all know too well that it easer to criticize then give constructive criticism so where are your alternatives?
  12. for the love of GODDD, people please stop saying the majority of Somalis feel or think or believe this or that unless you have conducted a poll in Somalia!
  13. can you get it through your thick head that people can not vote in Somalia and that a government must be formed through reps rather then direct votes. Furthermore, as your profile says, you are in the USA, so you can not vote officials in Somalia but as immig or Ref from that country, who ever leads the government of Somalia is your leader. Talk about thick heads!
  14. ^^^ you don't seem to have anything to say but insult your leaders.
  15. Its very sad to see the standards of Somali Journalism. who uses its said and it is believed to back their argument?
  16. ^^ what two members are speaking of because I don't think you understood? Really, the joke is on you when you say .2 formula of the ICU is better than the 4.5 one of the TFG. Like it or not, Somalia is a nation of clans, the only reasonable way to share power is to divide it equally among its clans. You attack this formula but what are the alternatives? For sure its not the ICU formula of one Sub-sub-sub Clan ruling another country. if when can sure of one thing, and one thing only is that this old formula of the icu will never work in Somalia, hide under what ever fake slogans you like.
  17. boy how we like mislead ourselves. LST, your attempts to seem unbaised and in the middle comes through load and clear but I think Nancy Reagan's "There is no moral middle ground. Indifference is not an option" might help you. For example you ask, 1. Without failing to appreciate the ICU’s mission which seems to have marched through few local snares, do you think the TFG, despite its lack of a legitimate base of support , still has the opportunity to unite the Somalis under some sort of a real government banner without a bloodshed? Why on eart does it not have a legitimate base of support? And how did you come to such a conclusion. I don't know about Somaliland and Southerners but I know very will puntland members of Parliament and goverrnment have puntlanders support, even Asha and King Kong. These questions of the legitimacy of have become trite and your repetition of it is not worthy of thinking person. There are also some here whose admiration and support of factions like ICU can only attributed only of their love or hate of certain Somali clans yet are all to ready to paint those who support their government as clanist. How ludicras is it to support a sub-sub-sub clans occupation of southern Somalia under the cloak of religion yet call others clanist for supporting The only legitimate and most inclusive authority in the country? Better yet, who is not a muslim in Somalia? The ICU is a joke and their qabiilist supporters make one want to rethink freedom of speech because there is nothing worst then motivated iddiots.
  18. brilliant! try to blow up peoples countries and their people and infrastructure and make demands. I think other non-western communities should also try this brilliant method.
  19. balaayo! you still believe in new xamri mafia? Some of you are leading me to believe that the backwardness of Somalis back home is not caused by circumstance but by Somalinemo. Fools have brought this nation to its knees yet we here we have some of the best cheerleaders for these fools. Mend your ways people or we shall forever be in that sorry state or even worse.
  20. mjjvjvckjkjckccxkxvvcxvjcxkjvcxvjcxjjvcxvjcxkvjcvjcvjcxxjxjxcxvj
  21. ^^^ ...but may Allah cleanse you heart and purify your mind.
  22. their is something to learn here: xaraan-ku-naaxyasha xamar will don any cloak to befuddle poor somalis so they can maintain status quo. Yet I wonder,now that they have reached the height of absurdity and their intentions are clear to everyone, what their next slogan will be if they have used religion already.
  23. If however a qabiil minded, self interested person stands in the way of the mujahids of UIC then know that Jihad will prevail. Funny that a clanist would attack other Somalis and call them clanist for definding themselfs. SXB, Jihad wax kale ayad ka fahamte, ithenkana wa leydenku jihadaya.