Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. "The real guide to Survival" Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed "How change strategy all the way to a refugee camp" Shaikh Shariff "The Shoe actually fits" Haji yalaxow or Haji Isbaro "Why the Sons of London are closer to us then the Sons Xamar" Faysal "An anthropologican guide to the different languages, religions and cultures of Somalia" Edna Aden "How the Queen abondoned her orphans" Edna Aden "Development: Selling S*it you don't own" President Cade Muuse "The great pretender" President Riyale "Easy Guide to escaping jubaland for the perplexed" 3rd edition By Aweys with intro by Morgan and Hiirale
  2. There has been a lot of appointing in the Banadir region lately, yet the government cannot even protect the surroundings of Villa Somalia Guray, I do see government securing the country with these "Appiontments". The government must do a lot of things and these are some of them, most important of them.
  3. Dhanxiir iyo Sheekh Shariif Maanshaa Allaah; Waaryaadhaheen waxa la yidhi; “Cagtii joogsanm weydaa marbay ceeb la kulantaaye” ma maqasheen ninki Sheekh Shariif ee khaati-billaahiga iska taageen Somaliland iyo mandaqadda dadka ku nooliba ee yar oo dhalatay ayaa sawaaxiligii baqdindarteed baradiisa ka ootay oo eeyar oo dhalatay uun kaga soobaxay qaxootigii soomaalida ee uu sadaqada uqaybinayey kaga soo dhex baxay… Cajab.! Weger. Adeer nin baa laga hayay “Haddii aan kadinkaa la awdin Goraya heeryaysani way inooga soo dhici,” Igawala iminka haddaan innaga iyo reer Koonfureedkaa odhan in sida maalinba shaydaan iyo Sheikh inoogaga soo baxayo la odhan hal-hal u soo baxa. Waxase iga yaabiyay waxa nimankii reer Badhaneed ee aan waligoodba juuq odhan ka dhawaajiyay, tollow iley waa haaf maakhire waxay doonayaan in gobolka Badhasaab looga dhigo Yuusuf (Talaabo).
  4. for reasons that are not clear to me, out of the four districts of Sool, somaliland has set its sight on Xudun. Puntland has focused on las Anod. its speaks a lot about rer xudun wadaninemo that they have resisted Somaliland this long despite President Abdullahi and Xashi negligence. It seemed for a moment that president Cade and VP Afqudhac would repeat that but its very good to finally see the admiistration being more involved with that district.
  5. From Wararkii Ugu Danbeeyay Ee Degmada Xudun (Degmada Xudun}20.1-07 Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Puntland Xasan Daahir Maxamuud oo meel fagaare ah kala hadlay dadka Reer Xudun ayaa khudbadiisii goor dhoweyd soo geba gebeeyay..................................... waftigii madaxweyne ku xigeenka puntland ee labadii maalmood aanu kasoo gudubnay ku sug naa degmada xudun ee gobolka sool ayaa maanta fagaaraha dugsiga hoose dhexe ee degmada xudun waxay kula hadleen boqolaal dad ah oo katirsan qaybaha bulshada . ugu horeynba waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay qaar katirsan wax garadka degmada waxayna sheegen in baahiyaha ay qabaan iyo sida ay u baahan yihiinba in maamulka uu wax ka qabto . sidoo kale waxaa halkaas ka hadlay gudoomiyaha gobolka sool ibraahim jaamac daad oo isagu sheegay in ay ku farax sanyihiin imaatinka waftiga madaxweynaha wuxuuna sheegay in dadka reer xudun ay u tafa xaytaan sidii ay ula shaqayn lahaayeen waftiga. sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi garab fadhiyay madaxweyne ku xigeenka Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed oo isaguna dad weynihii halkasi isugu soo baxay lahadlay wuxuuna ku dheeraaday arimaha amaanka iyo nabad galyada deegaanka isagoo soo jeediyay in maamulka si wada jir ah loola shaqeeeyo. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamul goboleedka puntland xasan daahir afqurac ayaa ugu danbayntii khudbad dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabanaysa uusoo jeediyay wuxuuna ku dheeraaday sidii gole deegaan oo midaysan loo samaysan lahaa wuxuuna balan qaaday xasan daahir xagiisa lacago kabadan 15,000 shaniyo tobankun oo daalar oo uu wax ugu qabanayo dugsiyada xudun. sidoo kale wuxuu yidhi madaxweynuhu" Xudun waa magaaladaydii waxaan ka codsanayaa dadkeeda inay wax qabsadaan anana aanu gacan qabano" xasan daahir afqurac waxaa kale oo uu balan qaaday in uu udhisi doono degmada ceel isla markaana guud ahaan degmada uu galin doono biyo nadiif ah wuuxna sheegay in haatanba ay la socdaan Ijnireedadii hawshaas qaban lahaa durbadiibana lagu dhaqaaqi doono. isku wada soo duuduboo xasan daahir afqurac ayaa markii ugu horaysay wax qabad intaas le'eg usoo ban dhigay dadka deegaanka SSC gaar ahaan degmada uu kasoo jeedo ee xudun waxaadna moodaa in haatan uu madaxweynuhu sigaara ugu soojeestay wax qabadka degmada xudun halka ay jiraan deegaamo badan oo aan lahayn wax iskuulad iyo agab wax barasho toona. Liibaan Maxamed Nuur Jordan Degmada Xudun
  6. Xasan Daahir”Soomaaliya 4.5 Ayaa Wax Loogu Qaybiyey ,Wax Idinka Jira Hargaysa Oo Danbe Ma Jiro Jan 20, 2007 By:C/casiis Saleebaan AXmed Xudun(Jidbaale);-Kulan Baladhan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Maamulka Degmada Xuddun,ayna ka soo qayb galeen ,Isimo,Cuqaal, Wagarad,Ururada Bulshada iyo dadweyne Boqolaal gaadhaya, ayaa waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay madaxweyne xigeenka Puntland Xasan Daahir Max’ud. Ugu horaytii waxaa shirkaasi ka hadlay maamulka degmada,Cuqaasha deegaanka qaarkood iyo xubno ka socday Ururada bulshada,kuwaasi oo ku dheeraaday sida ay ugu faraxsan yihiin imaantinka madaxwene ku xigeenka iyo waftigiisa,waxaana ay dhamaantood xuseen baahiya ka jira Degmada Xudun,sida Caafimaadka,Biyaha iwm Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Max’ed oo isaguna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Bulshada deegaanka looga baahan yahay iskaashi iyo mawqif midaysan,taasi oo u horseedi karta horumar,waxaanu garaadku maamulka ugu baaqay in ay bulshada kasbadaan waxqabad la taaban karan muujiyaan,balan qaadyadoodana ka dhabeeyaan. Intaasi kadib waxaa hadalkii lagu soo dhaweeyey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Xasan Daahir Max’uud,waxaanu madaxweynahu ka hadlay ujeedada safarkooda,isagoo sheegay in ay degmada u yimaadeen sidii ay u indha-indhayn lahaayeen xaalada degmada. Wuxuu madaxweyne ku xigeenku sidoo kale ka hadlay Ciidamadii maamulka la baxay Soomaaliland ee deegaanka soo galay,waxaanu sheegay in ujeedaddoodu ahayd in ay ka hor istaagaan degmada Mashaariicda sanadka loo qoondeeyey,waxaanu intaas ku daray madaxweynahu in 16kii sano wixii ay bulshada SSC ka cunayeen laga soo wareejiyey oo uu isagu gacanta ku hayo. Madaxweyne Xasan Daahir isagoo arimahaasi ka hadlayana waxaa uu yidhi”waxaan ka mid ahaa masuuliyiintii Puntland uga qayb galay dhismihii Dawlada Federaalka,waxaana Soomaaliya loo qaybiyey 4.5 qabiil waliba meeshiisa ayaa deeqaha caalamiga ah loo soo mariyanaa,waxaan markaa u sheegayaa qolyaha Hargaysa u sii yaacaya,wixiinii maanta laga bilaabo anaa haya,Haragysa idinma rabto ee waxaa ay rabaan dhulkiina,xilli kala guur ah ayaa lagu jiraa ee dhulkiina ilaashada” Madaxweyne ku xigeenku waxaa kale oo uu ka hadlay Mashaariicda sanadkan Degmada Xuddun Loo Qoondeeyey,waxaase uu xusay in haddii aan Golaha deegaanka lagu heshiin lana dhisin in aanay Hay’adduhu wax mashaariic ah fulin doonin,waxaanu bulshada deegaanka ugu baaqay in ay maanta liisaskooda soo gudbiyaan ,si loo dhiso Golaha deegaanka ee Degmada Xuddun. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa waxaa uu maanta galinka danbe si gooni gooni ula kala shirayaa Cuqaasha iyo Odayaasha Beelaha Degmada Xudun,si layskula meel dhigo,dhisida Golaha deegaanka ee Degmada Xuddun oo in badan is marin waa ka jiray. C/casiis Saleebaan Axmed Xudun G/Sool
  7. MMA has done a good job to improve your Somali MMA isku Afsomaliba ma nihin ee, I doubt he could improve it, yet I am always willing to learn.
  8. N-syl, bilaash bat uu dabaldegeysa. This will only help the government. Mostly, its just the sort of news it could use in its deplomatic efforts to secure african peace keepers. Secondly, if a pretense was needed at all, this justifies whatever action the president takes to disarm xamar and that he now has increased constitutional authority to deal with instability, I am sure he will take care of this little problem. How foolish you are celebrating something that will only hasten the demise of your ideological brethern: Terrorist and anarchist!
  9. red sea, he went Awr Boogees and sarmanyo which are in sanaag not sool. Also, does he need a reason to visit?
  10. sometimes you guys amaze me. This is not about xabashis. there is not a single xabashi on either side. This is not about the TFG. and is not about puntland. this is about Somaliland aggression against the people of SSC.
  11. yes this is true. Its long in the making and the people who are leading this are traitorous ceerigaabans be they from the northwest, south or east. The people of Xudun always knew of Somaliland intentions and I used to question why rer Xudun were spending so much money on local militias but know understand. Fu’aad Aadan cadde was chased from Xudun (By my father no less) and the new ones who are being incouraged by the new traiter Fagadhe will meet the same fate. Vice president Afqudac and rer Xudun know their land better then anyone and these rag tag militias will soon run back burco and hargeisa.
  12. for god sake people, martial law is whatever our parliament wants it to mean. They make all the laws. You can't use cooke cutters for laws. also, "the most credible man"? The man refused to come chair the parliament his job. According to the charter, if he is absent for more then a month, he automatically dismissed.
  13. will, no i did not but people seem to pretend that it is. and yes, I not only did, it was a fact. here is another secret, UIC was not even a qabiil or a clan but a sub clan but and the TFG is made up of all somali qabiils. Stay tuned for more secrets.
  14. the whole program can be described as one step forward and three back. In the end, have gotten anywhere with their policies?
  15. as long as someone doing the job walaal, its all good with me. but going back to the piont you have raised, the section of the charter that you pionted out does not counterdict that make up of the government becouse there are no parties as of now. The section is outlawing tribally based parties but not government. Iska ma indo tiri karno the realty on the ground, which that our problems (and it just accord to me that we don't have tribes but clans in somali) clan based. Its a transitional government and its purpose was to address the problems facing the country I.e. clan dicvision, how can we fault them for that?
  16. According to intl law, I hear that there can be no martial law & parliament at the same time. brown, our constittution or laws are not international laws but whatever our parliament deems is in our best interest. This law just gives the president extra authority to pacify the country.
  17. OK people, let me be the devil's advocate and tell you why he can not be part of the government. clan balance: If they take him in they have to take someone from his clan out of Parliament and maybe the cabinet. Difficult times: This government mandate runs out intwo years, the tasks ahead of them are huge and they don't need anymore opposition or dowladdiid. Honestly, even though I don't care for the guy, he was trying to over throw the government only few weeks ago but then there are people like suudi and qanyare who in the parliament who have also done their best to undermine the government. The smart and just thing to do would be to have him house arristed in mogadishu so the government can keep an eye and make sure he stays out of cousing the government more problems. In ideal world, all high ranking members of the UIC should be pardoned by the president in exchange for staying out politics.
  18. why would the world's 911 be a rogue state?
  19. And why would the people Mogadisho fight for them unlike some people in this forum who are seef-la-boods, Somalis back home know what is in there interst. Maxkamadahana Allahu Abkbar bey ku sodoweyeen dowladana Somalia hanolato ayey ku sodoweyeen. They fought because they were forced to. Do you think the school children sent to the front line went out of their own free will?
  20. There is no parliament but I am its speaker, some how does not make sense to me. caqli xumo! This said that he would impeach the president and prime minister, yet more then one hundred eighty members of parliament voted to dismiss him. Did he think the eight sycophants who folow him around are the somali parliament? and who is a hostage, the one who can not go to his house or the one in it?
  21. "WE GOT HIM" , You may want to consider a career in comedy. I was laughing for an hour!
  22. Che The courts gave Somalia an oppurtunity to move beyond the clan system. Lord have mercy, is this self imposed blindness? How can Sub-Sub clan org do this? and the potential to take Somalia into new era where people's loyalties stem from their beliefs rather than their lineage. By beliefs do you mean religion? If, by new era, do you mean like the one brought Saudi Arabia by the Saud family and The wahaabis or the Taliban in afghanistan or Xamaas in Gaaza or the Ayatollas in Iran or Xizbullah in southern Lubnan? of all the problems we have, why would you invite to worst, Theo-crazy.
  23. Speaker voted out, My morning could not have started off better. It is a sign of good thinks to come. I fully support the desmissal of this big headed, divisive and ignorent member of government.