Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. war xishooda, cayda oday wayeel aah in aad meeshan la timatan everyday waa laga fiican yahay.
  2. the guy has personal issues with the people of nugaal, i don't think he is a reliable source on ssc either, do you?
  3. war as long as you wave that maxican flag, stop with the pretense of caring what you call wanla weyn. did you run out of somaliland news?
  4. Bariga Sanaag, your a hargeisawi with the name bariga sanaag, please believe, thats more hipocrisy then i see anywhere else. Me, stop being childish and grow up. if you have nothing add, move one. This is not a dating program, you don't have to like anyone, its a place to exchange ideas and views. Africa, we can shut our eyes as much as we like but reality is reality. "Somaliland" is a single clan and even if you add SSC, its two clans. Qabiil qaran noqday dunida xagee ku aragtay?
  5. sheekha, stop using Somaliland newspapers as a source. Theres no conflict between the Garaads and their people including both the ones inside SSC and the others. You either accept their view or don't but to make things up and lie about it is beneath you. As for the Sl amry not being there with out the locals logic of yours, they do, like i said: the ones they employ. And lest be honest, the SL army was never confident to this day to go inside of Laaska. at best they go in very few hours to clean blocked roads and leave.
  6. short documentary video about Norway I wish Somalis sow the bigger picture like these Norwegians
  7. hypocrisy aya ethnka khaldamey, "same people who say SL is one clan state YET they are even dividing small town based on their puntland tribe against their hated "SNM gang" tribe, YET at the same time they are arguing for unity and somaliweyn." apparently, your the only ones hiding the fact that Somaliland is a clan entity, let me clear up your confusion. Somalinemo has nothing the fact that these states are based along clan lines, whats against Somalinemo is trying to divide the country. Speaking of clans, do you know the acronym that Somalis have created for the Siyad barre regime? It was MOD and i think you know what it stands for, the Somalis your running from are in Sool, Sanaag iyo cayn, what can you share with them that you can not the rest of the other somalis? as for the division of Sanaag, that division has existed for hundred of years, its not something puntland did. The difference between SL and Pl is that Pl respects other Somalis enough not to come to them with bogas claims about a former colonizer but let them decide what they want to do. Pl never goes beyond Kalkacyo in the south and buhoodle in the north west because its wise enough to learn from what has been going on in Somalia for the nearly two decades. instead of mocking that wisdom, you should learn from it.
  8. Cara, Somalis are victims of something called groupthink and though i would discourage generalization about other peoples, i think it ok to generalize about groups of Somalis.
  9. Castro, Some Believe that the people of bay and bakool are larger then the other three or four, lets not forget the other d or awdalites. _, the awdalites were treated just as badly as those from bay and bakool.
  10. find a single person aside from those employed by your administration, who are clearly motivated, by money that supports your administration. Where are these people you talk about sheekha. Runta sheeg, do you really believe in the nonesense people of SSC that you talk about? Was there ever a member of SOL from SSC who supports somaliland? Maxad isu inda tireysan? Whats the point of a dishonest discourse or did this forum become another place to spread the propaganda of the rerka?
  11. its not a religious holyday but a day to be thankful for everything and eat and watch parades and party. i have to admit, i have been looking forward to all things pumkin spice and egg nog.
  12. what administration in Somalia is not based on clan
  13. "The Boocame declaration is not more than some odayaal oo xamaasad qabyaaladeed hayso and nobody will support them to shed the blood of their people for nothing more than one man's intention." Lets see if your administration sees things in the same way odoyal kulaha, war sheekhow, we have a different traditions then you. Our Graads, even according to your own "odayal", come from longest royal houses in all of Somalia. We don't see them as odayal, of course some like whose "Suldan" were burco cut sellers before the civil war would not understand the importance of our Isms, so we forgive all that none sense about our elders and Garaads, you know no better. "Less than one hour a really big contradiction started to come from the same place where the shirka uu ka socday ,,,, here is one while THIS one came right after that one. YOu can already sense the contradiction and some ppl want to put this the way they like." it s not contradictions, it all part of the same declaration, one is a short version and the other the full one. "Those in Boocame, they never discussed about what is good for reer sool, the development, solving the internal differences and so on ,,,, they were there for few days this is what finally came. I was communicating with some ppl in LA and they were really disappointed. " I really wish you would stop with the pretense
  14. what you dont want to see is that this effort is lead by "Xaabsade's people". if he will be killed, they will decide that. As for a a graad warlord, you know what they say, one mans freedom fighter is another's terrorist. Waa lo wada simanyahay the fight sool, sanaag and cayn.
  15. Sanaag minus northwestern ceerigaabo and ceel afweine district
  16. insults and we want you join us do not go hand in hand do they duke, i think someone is a little scared.
  17. Somaliland will not listen, the boocaame message, is a message for rer SSC
  18. Qudhac, lets not get into insulting elders. Odayasha you speak about include all the traditional leaders of SSC, most importantly Graadka Guud Garaad Jamac garad Ali. I don't think you want to go there, we already know you will not listen to them for the people of Sool have always been clear about where they stand and you will always come but this or that. Truth is, leass then ten percent of the people of SSCayn support Somaliland and none of its leaders. By the way, you control nothing, SL army is there becuase they are the guest of xaabsade group and though we know you and your kind will not heed call of our elders, fools like xaabsade might, at the very least, his supporters will switch sides, listen their elders and join a united front. sheekha, you should know better
  19. adeer yey this adeer so and so that, peeps, leave the family alone already. you don't see me commenting about your adeers, do you?