Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. Philly is averaging 1 murder per day. i find this hard to believe, its probly the some people who claimed philly was the fattest city in America, we call those haters. By the way, these are not black cities, philly has more white people then blacks.
  2. its not disgusting, but you shouldn't do it. You want to let the cook now the food was good but not that good.
  3. Nephthys whats a "mayiiko" canjeex, LMAO@ "She might suuxid on me"
  4. two things a too sterile an environment is just as bad as an unsterilized environment. We need to be exposed to germ so that our bodies can defend against them. if you can help it, never trust with others something that goes into your mouth or anywhere near it. If thats not the case, please keep the truth to yourself, thats how am able to deal with using all things public.
  5. in hargeisa? No, No, No sxb. "Their people" are in Laascaanood, Buhoodle, Xudun, taleex, caynaba, ceerigaabo....
  6. ************* [ November 26, 2007, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  7. "It is an insult to compare the african hero to a qabiil garaads in the first place ,,," LOl, what other kind of Garaads are there? "We looked like one but we never been one ,,," You damn right, thats Somaliland over there, this is puntland! "WTF? Is there an office in this world,where typwriters are still used?" WTF indeed!
  8. laba kala doro sheekha, either your going to insult the people SSC, their Garaads or isims and their people, or they are "Somaliland", which one is it because your saying both now
  9. now to compare our araads to Mandela is an insult?
  10. thats the thing, they can not, afnugaal can write all he wants but caqiils can not go against their garaads. can a prince go against his king?
  11. exactly which garaad was missing from Bocaame? Caaqilada so ma hoos tagan garaadyada? Can they really disagree with their Garaads?
  12. lol, let them arrest them, they will have twenty mandelas in las Anod
  13. lol@ "I do not allow any of my brotherly comments to him ever be used as a political point." gotcha ya afrique
  14. " Rational thought needs to prevail and it will prevail, and you in the long run will be relegated to having been nothing more than a counter-productive minority much as the PAC is now thought off as when discussing the history of the South African fight for freedom. " I second that sentiment!
  15. "If somalis are left to their own to solve problems, they can bring a deal even if the parties are as different as the TFG crooks and the ICU for instance." question is. how long will that take? answer is eternity. Can Somalis wait that long?
  16. Kashafa, you have nothing to add to the Somali politic if you claim that all the people involved are blah blah... so either do something about it by going there or stop bad mouthing members of the Somali government.
  17. mma what ever was said about you, some of us believed that you still had some decency left in you but apparently not. you make all that fuss about a clans name but not about some one here calling a respected person in somalia a faggot? do your self a favor and and resign from your position as a moderator here, your bias is intolerably obvious!
  18. lol, where do you get the idea the birds are drunk?