Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. stop trying to impose you morality on others.
  2. Puts the Ethiopians aside and who takes me serious (I take myself serious thank you very much), you have acknowledged the fact these people you support partook in this "somali fratricide" yet here you pretending that they are the guardians of Somali Sovereignty. Clearly that counteraction has to be obvious?
  3. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: where do you live? ****** I have noticed that people that support peace like to curse alot, I take it you do not include "peace" into your dealings with other people? L0L tsk, tsk. I did not curse, not good to just assume things, tsk, tsk, tsk. But seriously, do live in cave because that only place where i can imagine for some not to socialize with other africans or east african at least.
  4. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: loool @ So kireystay. Lets not be ignorant. We live in a multicultural country and why can't we celebrate with our neighbors be they Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, kenyans or Jibutions and if we can't get along with our neighbors, who can we get along with. lets stop promoting hatred people. Ask around what the Ethiopians think of your likes son. the Ignorance!!! stop Generalizing, are saying a 60 plus million nations has an opinion about me? That would be surprising.
  5. stop with the red herrings and you hatred for other people, why would you support support such an organization. Clearly, you see where some of us see the hypocrisy.
  6. the silly questions people ask on this forum! Be that as it may, i do know some Somalis with serious height issues, and they are actually tall, at least 6 foot tall yet always talking about height. The People who obsess just vain. The Average Height in the us is about 5' 9 for males and 5' 4 for females. Chances are if a man has issues about how tall his girl is, believe me there are shorter girls out there.
  7. Warlords next door includes all factions of Somalia, least of all the TFG. Members of the TFG are members of a government and can not be warlords because of that.
  8. Originally posted by Nephthys: Thank god, the country is not in your hands or we'd all be dead or slaves. Not dead, just in jail.
  9. where do you live? ******
  10. so why, horn, for the love of god would you support an organization that you say partook in the "cycle of Somali fratricide"?
  11. stop trying to set poor Somalis in a war they can't win. Fighting the UN or any other peacekeepers helps no one, religious lunatics or sane citizens.
  12. loool @ So kireystay. Lets not be ignorant. We live in a multicultural country and why can't we celebrate with our neighbors be they Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, kenyans or Jibutions and if we can't get along with our neighbors, who can we get along with. lets stop promoting hatred people.
  13. we need a visionary , a renaissance man or woman. Someone who will promise to make 100% commitment peace and progress, Modernization, development, state building lets all hope such a person runs and is elected. I wonder though, will it be the parliament or the people that will elect. Should they not have started on forming political parties so far?
  14. this good news indeed. Most of the problems in that part of the world can be traced back to poverty and unemployment. Lets hope it brings development.
  15. all this talk of the Prophet vs. so and so really shows how sick minded out of touch with reality some here are too think of a petty wars between Somalis in the dustiest and poorest corner of the world in terms of the founding of the worlds second largest religion. get real people, there are no religious, global or world shaking implications for a fight between two dusty nomads and their other dusty neighbor. These criminals, be they religious lunatics or petty warlords, will be defeated regardless how much crying some do here on sol. Going back to the original topic, people would be silly to oppose negotiations, wither we acknowledge it or not. Yet we must recognize that fact that repeating the same thing, again and again and expecting a deferent outcome amounts to retardation. The Agents of anarchy in somalia, what ever form they come, will do or say anything to to keep the status quo. In my opinion, dealing with or negotiating with requires both the carrot and the stick.
  16. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Hadda saas baad dagaal urabtaa, hodhaw marka kuwaas hubka keenay ee wax qarxinaaya lasoo qabqabto oo lalaayo halkaan baad kula soo ordaysaa booyin iyo waa laxasuuqay shacab... LOOOOOL, So true. All the abu hebels in the world cannot save these psychopaths from their fate in some kinda jail or six feet under.
  17. LOL, the real border between Somalia and Ethiopia, not imaginary ones lander.
  18. these sort of rumors only encourage corrupt leaders. If the peeps at garowe online are against the reelection of Cade Muuse, spreading rumors about the inevitability of his return might not be the best course of action.
  19. kinda funny when you that, compare them to the two pics from afnugaal with the four children and the other pic from hargeisa.
  20. Boocaame Subax Nimadii Saaka oo ay Kuu Beegnayd 18 Bisha 5 ee May ayaa ahayd Maalin ay magaalada Laascaanoodi ahayd Mid Kacsan Halka Dadka Taageersan Maamulka Riyaale ay ayaamahanba u ololeynayeen Sidii ay Xaflad Balaadhan uga Dhigi Lahaayeen Sool LaascaanoodYadoo dhanka Kale'na shacabka badidiisu ay u diyaar garoobayeen Nadiifinta Gudaha Magaaladda Laascaanood oo ku Beegan 18 Isla Bisha May oo sanad walba laga xuso tan iyo inatii uu Maayarka ka ka ahaa C/rashiid barkhadle hadaba waxaa ay maamulka Somaliland soo uruuriyeen dad aan Tiradoodu badnayn oo maskaxda Laga Xaday Iyo baabuur tikniko ah oo lagua daad shey Guud ahaan magaalada laascaanood wadooyinkeda Ilaa iyo hada waxaa Xidhan wadada wayn ee Laamiga yadoo Quraarado(DHALOOYIN) lagu jajabiaayey Laguna Gubay Calanka SOMALILAND dhanka kale Wariyayaal Ka soo Jeeda Somaliland oo jeelka Loo taxaabay kadib markii ay sawiro ka qaadeen Calanka Somalidiidka Somaliland oo HOLCAYA LAASCAANOOD SOOL SOMALIYA
  21. Allsanaag [5/18/2008] Mudaharaad ka dhan ah Gooni isu taaga S/land 18ka may oo laascaano ka dhaca Maalinta 18ka may waa maalin ay Maamulka la magaxbaxay S/land ay u aqoonsadeen Maalinta gooni isu taaga Maamulkaasi iyadoo Gobolada sscayn la isu yiraahdo ee sool sanaag iyo cayna u ah Maalinta Qashin ururinta. Hadaba maalintaas oo ku beegnayd Maanta ayaa waxaa Magaalada Laascanood ka dhacay isku dhac dhexmaray qaarka mida Taageerayaasha Maamulka S/land iyo shacabka Magaalada laascaanood ka dib Markii ay Masuuliyiin hoostaga Maamulkaasi isku dayeen in ay Xusaan Maalintaasi Halka dadka reer Laascaanoodna ay ka horyimaadeen in Magaalada laascaanood laga Xuso maalintaasi oo ah Maalinta qashinka ee Goboladaasi waxaana ay sheegeen dadkaasi in ay diidan yihiin in Soomaaliya la kala gooyo. Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxaa lagu dhex arki karayey dadwayne Aruurinaya Qashinka Magaalada dhexyaala isla Markaasna Banaanka uga saaraya Magaalada Iyo kuwo u dabaal degaya Maalinta 18ka May ee S/land u ah Maalinta gooni isu taaga. dad caraysan oo ka soo horjeeda Xusitaanka Maalintan ayaa waxay Magaalada dhexdhigeen DHagxaan iyo Taayiro lagubay iyagoo diiday in la dhexmaro laamiga magaalada Laascaanood oo ay si Xoog ah imika ku haystaan Maamulka daahir riyaale ee Hargaysa looga arimiyo. Ciidamada Maamulka lamagac Baxay S/land ayaa damcay in ay Xasuuq u gaystaan dadkaasi shacabka ah ee diidanaa kala qay qaybinta Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa hakad geliyey qaar ka mida Masuuliyiinta kasoo jeedo Magaalada Laascaanood iyagoo u sheegay in aan shacabka wax dhibaato ah loo gaysan. shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada laascaanood ayaa iyagu si wayn uga soo horjeeda oo diidan qabsashada S/land ee Gobolka sool waxaana la orankaraa in Maamulka la magacbaxay S/land uu wado isku tolid dhinaca shacabka ah oo ay khasbanayaan. Xasan faarax gudaal(Xasan Yare) gudaal18@hotmail.c0om
  22. Laascaanood oo ay saaka xaaladeedu kacsan tahay {Laascaanood}18-5-08xaalada magaalada laascaanood ayaa saaka aad u kacsan iyadoo wado kasta oo magaalada ahna ay xidhan tahay taas oo ay sii dheertahay iyadoo rasaastu ay aad uga dhacayso.......................... Magaalada laascaanood saaka waxay ku jirtaa mid kamid ah maalmihii ugu darnaa ee ay soo marto iyadoo xaaladeedu ay aad ukacsan tahay amaan daro xoogana ay kajirto. waxaa xidhan inta badan wadooyinka magaalada oo ay ugu horayso wadada halbowlaha u ah ee laamiga waxaa lagubayaa taayiro waa weyn waxaana lagu goynayaa wadooyinka dhalooyin iyadoo ay isbaacsanayaan dhalinyaro gadoodsan iyo ciidamada labaxay somaliland. sidoo kale waxay ciidamadu albaabadu isugu dhufteen dhamaan iskuulada iyadoo ay ardayduna arintaasi ka biyo diideen. iskuulka sare ee magaalada laascaanood ayaa waxaa yimi aroor yadii hore ee saaka askar ku gaashaaman baabuurta tiknikada ah waxayna ardayda iyo macalimiinta ku amreen inay albaabada isugu dhuftaan oo ay kasoo qayb galaan si khasab ah maalin ay somalidiidku ugu yaadhaan wax ku magacaabaan gooni isutaag . waxaa kale oo ay askartu xidh xidhay dhalinyaro iskood isku soo abaabulay oo wadooyinka magaalada kanadiifinayay qqashinka isla markaana banaynayay wadooyinka xidhan iyadoo ay ugu dabaal degeyeen maalinta qashin gurista ssc ee 18-ka may. majiraan ilaayo hadeer cid wax ku noqotay rasaasta xooga leh ee ay sooridayaan askarta waxaase wali jira xaalad kacsanaan ah. WIdhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center