Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. Heard this every where but only found it recently. click my finger by Erup
  2. whenever the need arises, contrary to popular believes, these Sufis picked what ever was available to them and defended themselves i.e, the darwiish and the followers of Ahmed Gurey.
  3. "which describes the feelings of the People of Puntland and their visions for the Future." More importantly, how does one ascertain the feelings and wishes of the people of Puntland? Did they do a census and determine the population of the region then ask a randomly chosen ten percent what their thoughts on the matter is?
  4. People stop dwelling in the past. Fufu, sense you used Siad Barre image, its painfully obvious what you think A Yusuf. RR, tried to help you out in articulating your point but instead you dwell in attacking a by gone leader with facts and figures from your..., Move on, there are those who Think A Yusuf was the best think to come along sense sliced bread and others who think like you but regardless, that boat has sailed and let men retire in peace. SS, Neither "we" nor you know what 90 anything of Somalis think of A Yusuf or for that matter, anything so stop inventing stats. Duke is not the facts some here take issue with but the conclusions you are drawing from them.
  5. acudubillah, ma ruun ba misa wa ruwayed waxan? On a serious note excited by Mat Kearney's new album. http://www.matkearne I know it sounds geeky but am really excited by the fact that his concert in columbus on july 16th coincides with the day I go back there. Same spot as his last concert.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: NN: I dont muc care for both but the blame is on both. Sharif AHmed lead, funded and encouraged those ****** for the past 5 years. Now he is shelling the city and has to answer for such crimes. Xasan dahir is our very own Hitler. Though Hitler was much more braver You are right and wrong just as Shariifs history is is both noble and ignominious. Those of of who use to consider ourselves pro government and pro TFG admired the unlikely school teacher who not only stood against warlords who kidnapped one of his pupils but also inspired and lead a movement to rid that God forsaken capital of the violent leaches that plagued it and what was left of it's inhabitants for nearly two decades. Yet we saw him as a traitorous rebel when he took up arms against the government and did not negotiate in good faith. What ever we thought of him, Somalis of every stripe absolved him of any past crimes when they voted overwhelmingly to elect him President. True to the nature of Somalis, the little weasel (Nuur caade) who made all this possible is all but forgotten, not even getting a cabinet post in Sharifs government.
  7. Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : quote:Originally posted by Emperor: Seriously people, Duke is only a member of this site and a not major player in the Somali plitics, will you stop dwelling on his character and rather deal with the topic at hand, deal with the message and thepoint made in the thread... hadii kale, Duke kuwaasha... Duke, you made a great point and Hassan Dahir's crimes are more than you listed, start from the days he initiated conflict and spread fitnah in the early nineties in Kismaayo, Puntland, Gedo and all over Somalia... Oh really? The man you and Duke worship, has been committing massacres in Somalia since 1977. 16 thousand people died in Mogadishu as a result of Abdullahi Yusuf's war against the people of Mogadishu. In the history of Somalia, there was NO-Body who was more bloodthirsty and fanatical as Abdullahi Yusuf. We are reminded this every-time we see the sad state of affairs in our country. Good thing he is a refugee in Yemen but his legacy will haunt us for a long-time. RR, I see your delusions are not limited to Duke. A yusuf was not blood thirsty leader let alone the most... You raise a valid point= Equating Shariif with his aggressor and charging him with war crimes for defending himself, his government and the citizens he represents is an admission of supporting a war criminal on the part of a Yusufite because that is exactly what he did when he was in that position. Just don't kill it with hyperbole, its a derogation of your point.
  8. though i don't care for either shariif or awais guy, i am sick the blink of eye shifting of loyalties among Somalis. NO nothing should be done to Shariif, he is fighting for his life and the life of the government he heads from an aggressor who got that chance do so thanks to the magnanimity of Shariif. If all the constant hullabaloo of "we want stability and government" is to be given any credibility, Somalis at the very least should send a resounding message of rejection and denunciation of the acts of this psychopathic opportunist and his cult of misguided former mo*yaans and lunatics the fringes of the Islamic world. I read often articles by sites like hiiraan and can't help but get irked by journalistic neutrality run-amaok. Latest for example blaming both shariif and awais for the blight of people in Mogadishu when its painfully clear who is the aggressor and is responsible for this. They say, you can't be neutral in a moving train. Somalia is a moving train. Whats worse then being a supporter of those terrorist named shabab, is to feign neutrality because you will get hit by that train.
  9. Somalis obsession with Ethiopia is literally like watching your house burn and being more concerned about burning bushes. For two decades, Somalis in the south, have been shelling the sh** out of each other and every attempt has been mate with anarchist with a different shirt. Sufi are the ones who brought Islam to all Somalis. Most Somalis were Sufi until all sorts of abuu hebel and the children and ikhwaans and God knows what. The Greatest heroes this country knows where sufis, The Sayid or Ahmed Gurey... Needless to say, even if this is the case that Sufis are teaming up with Ethio troops, a man defending himself needs no justification in how he does it.
  10. Actually been looking for one, use to have but lent it to a friend and to get a new one is like hundred fifty on amazon. not yet ready to fork that much on a dictionary but will see.
  11. oh, forgot, avoid sensualism and hyperbole... OMG the ethiopians are coming, anything to do with the "international community" and foreign forces, believe there is nothing to be had in that scorched earth called somalia, if any one comes, their probably trying to feed your starving masses.
  12. maskiin, shaikha seems to the latest victim of somalis two minute infatuation and contempt two minutes later. Listen children, stop with this group this group that, they will all come and go in a matter two minutes. Their all scum willing to sale their souls to achieve what they want. Two days ago, it was a sacrilege to say anything about the rebel/ good sheikh and yet again, in true Somali fashion, you to burn him at the stake 2day will supporting yet another rebel. what a predictable bottomless pit Somalia has become. Support ideas, not people is my simple advice. Jihad on poverty, declare one environmental degradation. while your at it, declare one instability and illiteracy. Avoid "siyasid" and by all means, keep your ideas about God and the right path to heaven to yourselves.
  13. Gheelle, JB and abwaan, thanks a lot guys, am now will prepared for Friday. You think you know Somali until you get a little legal document. Diaspora dude, thanks for the heads up plurals and singulars.
  14. Thanks a lot guys. Told u I couldn't spell Somali at all.
  15. Thanks a lot guys. Told u I couldn't spell Somali at all.
  16. i don't know what the heck a zara is but h&m had nice cimamads, other then that not too sure about the rest.
  17. This is what i got so far, if you can give it a quick read I'd appreciate jb. how on earth do you say documents in somali. Just kept using documintiyo, imagining the somali pronunciation in my head. 1 Shaqala ahan, xaq maxad uu leedahay? Marka aad booxiniyso foomka I-9, shaqa bixiyuhu ma samayn karo: * weydiin documentiyo gaar ah ama diido documintiyo sax ah * weydiin dadka uu eeg ajnebi ama uu hadal eeg ajnebi uun in ay booxiyaan foomka I-9 * diido qaadashada documintiyo aan wali dicin * diido qaadashada caddeynta documentiyo sax ah Shaqale ahan waxad waliba xaq uu leedahay in aad dacweyset hadee * Shaqo lugu diido ama laga fadhiisiyo sabab ah ajnebi ayad uu eegtahay ama uu hadal eegtahay * Shaqo lugu diido ama laga fadhiisiyo sabab ah aqoon Af ingriisiga ka badan inta ay shaqadu uu bahantahay Waxyabaha kor ku qoron oo dan waa sharcidaro. Waa Faquuqid. Hadee lagu diidey ama laga qaadey shaqo sababna looga degey waxyabaha kor ku qoron, waxad la hadlee karta xafiiska la yeedhahdo Special Counsel (OSC) oo ku yaal wasaarada Caddaalada ee maraykanka ama U.S. Department of Justice. 2 Hadee aad rabto in aad xareyso dacwad ku sabsan Faquuqid, su'aal ka qabto booxinta foomka I-9 ama dhowrista Shaqaalaha ee sharciga, waxad la hadlee karta: Xafiiska Special Counsel (OSC) 1-800 255-7688; maqalku hadu kugu adag yahay: 1-800-237-2515 U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division—NYA rm 9000 Office of Special Counsel For Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20530 Macluumaad inta dheer oo ku sabsan Documintiyada immigration-ka, waxad ka helesa: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 1-800-375-5283 3 Wasaarada Caddaalada ee Maraykanka Qeybteeda Xaquugal madaniga Xafiiska Qunsulka Khaaska oo la xiriira Immigration-ka ku daqanka shaqaleeysinta xaqdarada Mar Hadee aad xaq uu leedahay Shaqeenta, Cidna Ha Uu Ogalan In Ay Ka Qaado. 4 Booxinta Foomka I-9 Aqoon Noce bey uu bahan tahay? ▼ Documintiyada kuwa aad rabtid ayad ku caddeyn karta in aad xaq uu leeddahay shaqeenta , hadee ay documintiyadu yeheen kuwa ku qoran foomka dinicisa dambe. Kuwa shaqada bixinaya kugu ma qasbi karaan documentiyo gaar ah, sida "green card," Mana DIIDI KARAAN qaadashada Documentiyada aad keentid. ▼ documentyada aad keentid waa in ay asaasaan laba wax: qofka aad tahay iyo in aad xaq uu leedahay in aad maraykanka gudihiisa ka shaqayset. Hal document dinaca Kuwa A aya ku filan caadeynta qoofka aad tahay iyo in shaqo lagu ogol yahay. hadee aadan keenen mid ka mid ah documentyadan, waa in aad keenta mid kuwa B ah oo aasaasa qofka aad tahay iyo mid ka mid ah C oo aasaasa in shaqo lagu ogal yahay. ▼ Shaqo-bixiyuhu ma ku diido karaan shaqo sabab ah warqada ama documentiga caddeynaya in shaqo lagu ogal yahay aya waqti aan la gareen dacaya. Kuwa shaqada ku seenaya waa in ay hubsadan in lagu ogal yahay shaqo oo ey ku weydeyaan in ay arkan documentiyo ama caddeyn sax ah oo an wali dicin. Ku noqoshadan ogolanshada shaqaleeysentada hadana xaq waxad uu leedahay in aad kala doraated documentiyada kuwa aad isticmaaleyset.
  18. a yusuf is enjoying his retirement, let the old man rest.
  19. this has turned into an Iman vs. Michelle. Thats not all the the point of the interview. One thing, the two woman are completely different, should not be compared and successful in their own right. Iman is beautiful, a huge understatement, she an Icon of the fashion world, the Supreme court of whats beautiful and to top it if she is a successful business woman and the first high profile black supermodel. Mrs. Obama, is mrs. Obama. A first lady and an academic record that inspires all minorities. Lastly, the lady was actually complementing mrs. Obama.
  20. thanks JB, that helps quite a lot. i will need a very large Somali dictionary for the future.
  21. more importantly, how does one bridge the difference between the northerners themselves. This is question that no lander from the central regions thinks about. what will this stance mean outside Burco, hargeisa and berbera? For example landers in these cities make a big fuss about the inclusion of SNM histroy in school curriculums. Yet the communities outside these cities few this organization with will known hatred and tribal chauvinism the part of the central clans. how can you reason out of on the one hand holding southern Somalis accountable for the actions of the former national government, so much so that, it has become the raison d'ete of seccession yet including other northern somalis with closer ties to the regime. Lastly, why can't sland secede based on that what we wanted. what need is there for more justification?
  22. justice form employer discriminatory practice file a charge worker protections this would be of great help for now
  23. got rid of six so hopefully its shorter. by the way, translating the difficult words would be very helpful. Poker, my job is not translation, told you i can't even spell the language. none the less the poor NGO i work for will have seminar with the help of the justice department. worse comes to worse, i will do my best and they can have a good lough. btw, this is plea for help, stop being confrontational.