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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. Baashi, Abti Qaylaa gar dhaweysa mamaqashay, that's the way to make the SFG understand the consequences of their actions. Jubbaland should withdraw confidence and then Puntland must follow suit, and then lets see how Culusow would love the return of the civil war.
  2. The fool culusow thinks he can win or gain anything through war, he's going down the route of A.Qaasim, its utterly astonishing to see how naive the man is.
  3. “Muqdisho iyo xukuumada tabarta yar ee fadhida iyadaa noo bahan anagu hadaan nahay Dowlada Jubland waxba ugama baahnin mar hadey wanaaga diideen, Beesha Caalamku way arkaan waxa socda iyo habdhaqanka Villa Soomaaliya, Go’aan kayagu wuu cad yahay, Hadaysan Dowlada Federaalka ah ku shaqayn rabitaanka shacabka Jubooyinka, waxaan idiin sheegayaa Kismaayo cag masoo dhigayaan, Kalsoonidana waan kala laabanaynaa”. “Sidaan kuu sheegey Jubalnd waxba ugama baahna maanta Muqdisho, wax aan dhib ahayn hadaba noogama yimaadaan, Beesha Caalamka iyo Wadamada saxiibka waan u gudbineynaa xaalku meeshuu marayo, hadadaanba way ka dharagsan yihiin habdhaqanka Dowlada Federaalka ah,”
  4. Kismaayo 15 May,2013– PI– Dublamaasi ka tirsan Dowlada Jubaland oo naga codsadey inaanaan magacaabin Magaciisa oo la hadley Howlwadeenada Puntlandi ayaa sheegey in Dowlada Jubaland ay ka fiirsnayso xiriirka iyo wada shaqaynta Dowlada Federaalka ah, isagoo tibaaxey inay kalsoobnida Dowladnimo kala laabanayaan Hadii aysan Dowlada Federaalku aysan joojin hanjabaada ay ku hayaan Shacabka Jubaland. Dublamaasiga ayaa yiri “dulqaadku wuu dhamaanayaa, waan ognahay falwalba oo weerar ku ah Jubaland waxaa laga soo abaabulayaa Villa Soomaaliya, waan la soconaa in kharash lagu bixiyey burburka dhismihii dowlada Jubaland, waan ognahay shaqsiyaadka soo qaatey lacagahaas, Abaabulkaan waa mid uu Wado Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh”. Mar aan wax ka waydiiney waxyaabaha la gudboon dowlada Jubaland mar haday hubaan in Weerar lagu yahay wuxuu ku jawaabey “Muqdisho iyo xukuumada tabarta yar ee fadhida iyadaa noo bahan anagu hadaan nahay Dowlada Jubland waxba ugama baahnin mar hadey wanaaga diideen, Beesha Caalamku way arkaan waxa socda iyo habdhaqanka Villa Soomaaliya, Go’aan kayagu wuu cad yahay, Hadaysan Dowlada Federaalka ah ku shaqayn rabitaanka shacabka Jubooyinka, waxaan idiin sheegayaa Kismaayo cag masoo dhigayaan, Kalsoonidana waan kala laabanaynaa”. Dublamaasigaan la hadley Puntlandi oo ka tirsan Dowlada Jubaland oo ku sugan Kismaayo wuxuu kaloo shegey in Dowlada Jubaland ay wado Qorshe balaaran oo lagu xoreynayo dhamaan deeegaanada Jubaland. Mar aan wax ka waydiiney Gudiyada uu Raysal wasaaruhu usoo magacabay Xalinta khilaafka u dhexeeya iyaga iyo Dowlada Federaalka wuxuu ku jawaabey “Way dhamaatey xiligii la dhahayay khilaaf baa jira, waxaan Madaxweynaha iyo Raysal wasaaraha ku casuney shirwaynihii shalay lasoo gabagabeyey,wixii maanta ka dambeeya waxaan nahay Dowlad ay shacabku wakiisheen,Siyaasada iyo masiirka shacabka jubooyinka Ninna kalama xaajooneyno, kuwaas aad sheegeysana(Gudigii uu Raysal wasaaruhu usoo magacaabay xalinta khilaafka) waxay ku noqonayaan Xamar”. Ugu dambeyntii ayaan waydiiney Hadii xiririka idinka iyo dowlada Federaalku halkaas gaaro ama aad kala xarig furataan maxaa xiga, wuxuu ku jawaabay “Sidaan kuu sheegey Jubalnd waxba ugama baahna maanta Muqdisho, wax aan dhib ahayn hadaba noogama yimaadaan, Beesha Caalamka iyo Wadamada saxiibka waan u gudbineynaa xaalku meeshuu marayo, hadadaanba way ka dharagsan yihiin habdhaqanka Dowlada Federaalka ah,” Waraysigaan Warbaahinta Puntlandi ayaa la yeelatay Dublamaasi sare oo ka tirsan Dowlada Jubaland, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo. Puntlandi.com Kismaayo
  5. ^The Jubbaland government have already released a statement threatening to withdraw their recognition of the SFG if Culusow continues to pursue the path of creating conflict in Jubbaland - A very strong message.
  6. We are waiting for the Gedo boys to fight or the HAG to attack Kismayo, go ahead lets us see bullets fly.
  7. ^Abdi Mohamud's support was not a new news, he supported it from the beginning. Wax war cusub aan ahayn ayaa jiray iyo wax war cusub ah intaas kala garo. For example, hada masoo qori karo PM Saacid oo kasoo horjeestay Madaxwaynaha Jubbaland as a new headline or news. Sababtoo ah horay ayaan u ogayn inuu kasoo horjeeday.
  8. ^LOool, thanks for laugh mate What about the Habros clan of Berbera, Burco and Hargeisa. They must be very closely related by blood, right?
  9. The PM went there himself and couldn't get or make strides and returned with disappointment, what can few people he sent do?
  10. We welcome the support of the President of the Somali region in Ethiopia. Xx looks to pour more fuel as always but this has nothing to do with clan, Ethiopia, Kenya and IGAD have supported the conference in Kismayo from the get go and President Abdi would have supported the successful end of the process and congratulated the President even if he was someone from Gedo. Also on the other hand we know that, HAG's Culusow and Ghele of Djibouti refused the conference from the get go and would have opposed anyone elected in the conference. Markaas, this is no difference and everyone is actually sticking to their old stance.
  11. According to Xaaji Xayraan, these two men are from different ethnic groups: But these two men are from the same ethnic group: And according to him, the H clans SOOL, SANAAG and Puntland is fake and non-existent but the Habros are true and exists.
  12. ^Car bal taas haka jawaabo, laakiin haduu doono waa iska Xaaji Xayraanoo wuxuu kudhihi doonaa - They are of the same sub clan but not ethnicity. According to Haaji Xayraan you could be from the same clan but different ethnicity, so for him may be reer SOOL are ethnic Somalilanders
  13. You mean Culusow and Saacid will recognize Barre Hiiraale. I thought that was not a new news. They sent Barre Hiiraale to Kismayo, no?
  14. Ahmed Madoobe has got this one in his bag, and Sheikh Shariif was once an Islamist warlord. Its not going to change the reality on the ground the greater support he enjoys within Jubbaland.
  15. This another futile exercise that SL is barking on, no one can change the country code as these have been allocated to these countries years ago and its part of the international regulations for communications. 251 - Ethiopia 252 - Somalia 253 - Djibouti 254 - Kenya 255 - Tanzania 256 - Uganda These are the country codes of the major East African countries, waana sideey isu xig-xigaan iya meelaha ay kuyaaliin, markaas how are they going get a new area code, are they going to rob Dj or Kenya or Ethiopia inteey kacararaayaan kan Somalia. It will remain to be 252 but the numbers that come after it will vary from region to region as it currently is right now.
  16. I know of a certain someone in Mogadishu who claims and has always claimed Somali Predident, read the story below: http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=2802
  17. Waar dee UN-tu soo ma oga in SL ay tahay Qaran jira I really do love my northern brothers very blunt take on issues.
  18. Oba, who said Mogadishu will be better than those capitals and how do you prove it. Everything has a saturation point waryaa you gota know that first, also the development and construction of a city depends on its country population, resources and work ethic of its people.
  19. Muuqdisho is not the best city in Africa. It cannot even compete with small Djibouti let alone Adis or Nairobi. With regards to the capital, the Somali people will decide where the capital will be because I doubt all the Somali clans will go back to build and invest in Mogadishu, those days are long gone it will only be the HAG that will live and build there.
  20. ^Nop, they clashed over how the government should implement federal system and specially where Gedo should be joined, Jubbaland or Bay and Bakool. And also the Somaliland talks with Somalia. Cadnaan, you keep talking about reer BAydhabo, Adeer reer Baydhoba have no more MPs than rumored to be behind this and no, they don't have the political organization and capacity to pull such motion which also angered Faroole and forced him to publicly release a statement. This is an alliance and behind it are, Jawaari, Culusow and some SNM members.
  21. Malistar, wake up boy and face the reality waryaa. Faroole wouldn't warn of this action if he's orchestrating the mission nor will he make a press release that will backfire on him because simply Shirdoon can go out too in less than 10 minutes and make another press release refusing Faroole's allegation saying nothing is being planned against him. Faroole has strong ties and links to what's happening in Mogadishu and particularly has active communications with the Prime minister. Faroole right, and this is Jowhar.com reporting it confirming his point. He said that few days ago and it came out now that HAG MPs and RRA are doing the bid to blackmail the PM and Faroole made it clear if that happened you can kiss goodbye to dowlada government any progress that was made in the last few years.
  22. Chimera;949332 wrote: So the nationalist Prime-Minister who in the past was demonised and degraded as a lackey has now become a misunderstood champion of the J-project and a potential martyr in the eyes of the same critics? LOL, I give up, Somali politics is shady as hell. We have disagreed with PM as much as we've disagreed with Culusow, we've never called for the PM to be removed as we don't also call for President to be impeached - we only disagree with his policies specially when it comes to Jubbaland. But my question to you is, who wants the removal of the PM?
  23. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka mooshinkan ayaa waxaa ilaa iyo hada saxiixay in ka badan 80-mudane, kuwaasoo awood u siineysa inay Gudoonka baarlamaanka horgeeyaan mooshin miisaankiisa culus yahay.