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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. Saacid malaha hurdadi uu kakacay miyaa and wants to claim back and take his roles, lately the President has been running the show and doing everything while he was reduced to making trips to police stations within Mogadishu and attend demos in support of the government. Waxaad mooday inuu ahaa political campaign team leader or low key security police official of Banadir.
  2. ^LOOOOOOOOL, that's classic! Innaba caadi ma ahan, hadalka waad soo gaabisay Abwaan, kuwi marki uu Yey joogay ku doodi jiray ciidan qabiil oo Puntland laga keenay ayuu wataa mana ahan ciidan dowlad ayay reer Muqdisho kudoodi jireen, maanta waxaad leedahay ciidanka Banadir laga soo aruuriyay waa ciidan dowladeed, isn't that hypocrisy?
  3. ^Xiin the paragraphs above in your two posts are correct and point out the truth on the ground, why do you keep repeating it, is there anyone disputing it? That point is fair and correct, we are all Somalis and know the reality on ground, lets not delude ourselves and prolong this unnecessary directionless discussion.
  4. Raamsade, of course there is nothing wrong with NA in Benadir being from one clan but its better to have mixed army in all the regions of the country. But the most important part is the NA should have at least 5 bases in all over the country, trained and equipped equally. Also I completely agree with your first paragraph, in fact that is the best route of action as things stand and given what we have gone through and also the military transformation and advancement the world armies have made. Its no longer the number that matters but the quality.
  5. It is my hope that all the attendees of this SOL Shirweyne will take the seats and attend the Shir as themselves and not representing anyone else but the big BUT, we have had enough of fake traditional elders, politicians and other mercenaries claiming to represent people in Somali shirar when the truth is otherwise. WW Spokesperson of SOL's voiceless community and silent majority.
  6. ^Socialise you say? I thought our(Somali) woman were very social and outgoing both in Somalia and the west as they take part in the all ladies gatherings, Hagbad aruun and weddings. Also I agree she doesn't have to cook, clean or serve all times, she can go out all she wants to visit her friends, mother, sister or what have you but what I was saying there was no need for the lady to go to work everyday from 9-5 when there is no pressure and specially when the man is doing the same. She should stay at home and perhaps have more time to socialise with her children, friends and family or whatever she likes. Regular work is about winning bread for me and not social.
  7. I said it before this issue of the manufactured massacre of 2007-2009 was nothing more than an attempt to counter the illegal property occupation raised.
  8. Its true the so called Somali governmentt troops are unruly, undisciplined, poorly trained militia and mostly clan oriented. They have no aura of Somali army representation and so long they remain the same, I believe any arms that end in their hands will be a disaster and may lead to more problems and Isbaaros in Somalia. With that said, I believe the current government must create and recruit a proper Somali army which is well trained, well disciplined and that comes from all corners of Somalia. They should have at least 5/6 bases in regions of the country or the administrations that are to be members of the federation of the Somalia. A base in what is today Somaliland (Berbera was one before), a base in Puntland (Galkayo used to beI think), one in Hiiraan, one in Bakool and one in Lower Jubba. All the mainn Somali cities should be army free including Mogadishu and only have well trained police force.
  9. Why would my wife work when I'm able, working and can provide for my family. Woman should be contempt in their house if there is no pressing problem that forces them to leave home for work every morning.
  10. ^LOool, since when did you become a feminist or championing issues relating to woman. The last time I checked you were very far right when it comes to woman bordering misogynistic.
  11. ^Acuudu bilaah you are brutal and have very inhuman like heart. There is no such thing as privacy in Somalia, better get used to it and don't you dare talk to old people like that let alone your Eedo. Indeed you gota make up to her and pay Xaal marin.
  12. ^Looool, easy with the brother, wuxuu isyiri xoogaa is xarfaani but unfortunately boosts about gabar Ethiopian ah Oba, the phrase, sleeping with the enemy, rings a bell. War gabdhaha Somalida ah Romantic kunoqo oo your efforts of 'love' display gali ayigaa ku xaq lahee.
  13. WOMAN are bad drivers universally and the Saudis even men are bad and crazy drivers. If they add more cars on the road driven by woman it will be a disaster in Saudi Arabia. Wax badan waa maqli doontaa 'Al marxuun khaldaan'
  14. ^What? Did you say Shariif Hassan? Is he still active in the arena of Somali politics, I thought he was out and done. Also what are both the Ethiopian troops and AMISON forces doing in Baidoa?
  15. oba hiloowlow;916990 wrote: Im having a date with this etihopian girl wish me good luck folks! Hadhow buu kuleeyahay wadani ayaan ahay, jack foqal jack dheh
  16. ^Thank you for the info. I'm sorry for the brother, my mistake, although I did not mention him or anyone in person but I saw few familiar individuals making the same loud noise anytime Islam/Muslims are talked about in a negative sense.
  17. Land? to do what exactly? Real state is not a good idea in Somalia, don't buy a house or plot to build a house, its waste of time.
  18. uchi;916824 wrote: Those degrading tent like clothing need to go, and for the wahhabi sympathizers, you need to move to Saudi Arabia and leave these poor Somali girls alone. Its too late mate, as what you call wearing 'tents' have overtaken the country, now its you that needs to move to and live in San Francisco or Vegas and Miami Beach.
  19. I think people are confusing the character of a person and his faithfulness. Yes, faith and religion improves someones character but also who have faith and are religious could be make mistakes, be sinners and possess aggressive behavior. We are all humans, at the end of the day. Lets not fall for the tricks of the agnostics among us.
  20. I don't think the British will send troops to Somalia.
  21. I think the author lives in his own clan lala land and his attempt to re-brand a version of history that's only few years back is pathetic. He has produced no substantial evidence but fadhi kudirir talk, as usual this sort of talk has become predictive counter argument against the rising demand to leave occupied properties of Mogadishu. Markasta oo layirahdo guryaha dadka laheesto halaga baxo ayaa kahortageeda wuxuu noqday anagaba waa nala xasuuqay kii 2007-2009. Amuuraha Allaha sahlo. Been yaan la isku sheegin ee dadka guryaha xaaraanta lagu haysto halaga baxo.
  22. QansaxMeygaag;916764 wrote: kkk. Waryaa waranka ha iladhicin! I am not normal because I complain about my friends and what they say? Isn't that what friends do like 24/7? Of course that's what they do. Actually my friends say, all the girls and even the ladies in our blocks love me, am I super handsome?