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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. This man comes across as fool to me that's in addition to being a puppet. What makes me more surprised is that the President sent high level delegates to Kismayo twice and both occasions he was included, I'm so gobsmacked as to what he's doing in Mogadishu that's so important? Why should he himself land in Kismayo, meet and sit down face to face with the men in Kismayo. Doesn't he know that an initiative such this the creation of Maamul of Jubbaland is a BIG DEAL of an issue and profound political significance which will either break or make his status and government and hence requires or warrants his visit rather than releasing random statements.
  2. Gabbal;922828 wrote: I merely encapsulated what Aw-Libaax's deputy said, however some problems have arisen after the spokesman of one of the camps refuted it. The conference has not ended and it seems discussions are ongoing. I will refrain from commentary until they officially remark on their agreements. The main problem is not the idea of Jubbaland itself but when it is appropriate the begin the initiative. The Gedo governor's side believes the land must be totally freed. He rightfully observes two districts of Gedo, all of middle Jubba, and barely 10 kms of Kismaayo are all Shabaab are occupied and they must be liberated first. Does this mean that the rumors we have been hearing is true, that reer Gedo iyagaa is khilaafsan oo dad midaysan ma ahan? And when is the final outcome released and does mean this will be the end of khilaafaad and united on the formation of Jubba admin regardless of the timing mase wali timing ayaa la isku haystaa?
  3. Well, its good to know that it was a small incident and that things are moving forward.
  4. This was good demo against Alshabaab and its criminal enterprise. Fight Alshabaab wherever you see. Dadka waa sax in lakiciyaa oo Alshabaab lanacsiinaaya colaad xunna oogu abuuraa inay ladagaalaan. Wacyigalin fiican iyo Mudaahaardayada noocaan oo kale wa ina laga sameeyaa magaalada kasto oo Somalia ah. Qabiiladaba waa la isku kicin jiray ee shacabka hada waa ina lagu kiciyaa inay Alshabaab ladagalaan qofki ah ee arkaan dilaan soo sheeegaan oo waliba qalaan.
  5. This is good news and the priority for President Hassan should be to fight Alshabaab but not dwell on disrupting Jubbaland.
  6. Oh you posted the same news: So why do you think both Ahmed Blacky and Mr. Libaax blame Saxardiid? If this was about sub clan
  7. This is his take on the incident: Gudomiyaha Maaamulka Ahlusunna ee Gobolada Konfureed Sh Maxamed Maxamuud Yusuf Aw-libaax ayaa waxaa uu manta marki ugu horaysay ka hadlay Shaqaaqadi shalay ka dhacday Magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta Gobolka Jubbada Hoose. Gudomiyaha oo asago ku sugaan Xarunta Gobolka Gedo ee Garbaharey Shirjaraid u qabtay Saxafada ayaa waxaa uu ku dheeraday ka hadalka Dagaal qasaaro badan dhaliyay oo Kismaaayo ka dhacay. Ugu horeeyn Gudomiyaha Ahlusunna Waljamaca Gobolada Konfureed Sh Maxamed Aw-libaax waxaa uu sheegay ka masul ahaan in u si weyn uga xun yihiin dhibaatada ka dhacday Magaalada Kismaayo isla markaana uu tacsi u diraayo dhamaan inti ku wax yeelowday dhacdadi xanunka badnayd eek a dhacday Kismaayo. “ Dhawaqa naga soo gaaray Magaalada Kismaayo xili aan u fadhinay Shir aanu ugu diyaar garobaynay Shirweynaha Maamul usameynta Jubboyinka iyo Gedo waxaa uu ahaa mid si weyn no damqiyay waxaana markiiba xiriiro aanu la samaynay Maamulka KMG ah ee Magaalada Kismaayo bal si loo xakameeyo dagaaladi socday taasina wa lagu gulaystay in “ ayu yiri Sh. Maxamed Aw-libaax. Inta uu socday Shirka jaraaid ee Gudomiyaha Ahlusunna Waljamaaca Sh Maxamed Aw-libaax ayaa waxaa uu fariin adag u diray Taliyaha Ciidamada Maamulka KMG ah ee Magaalada Kismaayo Gen Ismaciil Saxardiid waxaana uu yiri. “Waxaan halkaan fariin cad uga diraya Taliyaha Ciidamada Maamulka KMG ah ee Magaalada Kismaayo Gen Ismaciil Saxardiid waxaan leyahay Taliye waa in aad sida u ugu dhaqsiyo badan aad cadaalada ku horkeento Ciidamadi dhaca u gaystay qaar ka mid ah Shacabka Magaalada hadi aysan taasi dhicin waxaad qaadi doonta Masuliyada Dagaalki Kismaayo ka dhacay ayu yiri Sh Aw-libaax. “Ciidan ma ahaan shaqsiga dhaca u gaysanaya Shacabki la rabay in uu ka ilaaliyo kuwa dhacaya waxaayna u bahan yihiin kuwa falkaasi gaystay ciqaab adag iyo dhaqan celin, ayu yiri Aw-libaax. Ugu danbeyn Gudomiyaha ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Shirki ay u jogeen Garbahareey uu gabo gabo u marayo Shacabka iyo siyaasiyiinta Gobolka Gedo na ay manta wixi ka danbeya hal far noqonayaan oo ay si wada jir ah uga qayb qadanayaan Maamul usameynta Jubboyinka iyo Gedo. Maxamed Jamac Garbaharey-Gedo
  8. Dabrow, FYI, not only him but also Aw-Libaax, accuses Saxardiid and asks him to bring the perpetrators to justice or take full responsibility of what took place.
  9. Kolay la isma afgaran, Wafdigi tagay Kismayona waji gabax ayuu meesha kala noqday. But what was the point of sending these ministers to Kismayo if you don't put things in a better way or are even unable to persuade the men in Kismayo into an agreement. Hassan Culusow is a digging big whole for himself through his actions. This was unannounced, unexpected and another big failure in a long series of blunders regarding Kismayo debacle. He was better off not sending anyone, laakiin aawaye hee caqli majiro wuu isa sii ceebaynayaa, wax laga faa'iiday hada majirto aan ahayn more khilaaf iyo shaqsiydiisa/kartidiisa oo more question mark lasii saaro? Mar hadaa tagaysid meesha waa inaad agenda-haaga soo fulisaa hadii hatagin marka hore ama sida statesman like udhaqan oo wax lagaa rabo samee. Its as simple as that.
  10. ^Indeed, and thats the reason I posted, I was just glancing Horseedmedia and saw it on the side. But why such story or news does not make into the headlines or discussion and the brief one hour conflict in Kismayo was exaggerated into a major war oo magalaada lakala qabsaday when in fact such event is a daily occurrence in Mogadishu.
  11. Iska-horimaad dhexmaray Ciidamada Federaalka oo ka dhacay Suuqa Bakaaraha Muqdisho Ugu yaraan Labo qof ayaa ku geeriyootay Saddex kalena wey ku dhaawacmeen kadib Iska hor'imaad Ciidamo ka wada tirsan dowladda maanta ku dhexmaray Suuqa Bakaaraha. | on February 24, 2013 0 Comments suuqa_bakaarahaCiidamo ka wada tirsan Dowladda ayaa muddo kooban isku rasaaseeyay gudaha Suuqa weyn ee bakaaraha kadib markii ay isku khilaafeen Lacag Canshuur ay ugu magac dareen oo laga soo uruuriyay Goobo Ganacsi oo ku dhex yaalla Gudaha Suuqaasi. Labo Qof uu mid kamid ah yahay Dhinacyada dagaalamayay ayaa dhintay halka saddex qof oo rayid ahna ay ku dhaawacmeen waxaana muddo kooban ku xirmay goobaha ganacsiga suuqa inkastoo markii dambe dib loo furay. Ma jiro wax war ah oo kasoo baxay saraakiisha sarsare ee Ciidamada Dowladda ee ku dagaalamay Muqdisho haseyeeshee marar badan ayeey ciidamadu sidaan oo kale u dagaalameen. Horseed Media 2013
  12. How come Sayid Mohamed, Ali Dhux, Ismail Mire and the like did not make to the list. Not even Sandulle or Xaabsade? Loool, but I spotted someone from the wrong clan in that list though - the D-block, how did Sheikh Abdirashid Ali Suufi end up in that list? Is it me or is that his picture.
  13. ^Its not only the time, or the tone that's not helping, or that they have already angered the current men who fought hard to get these regions cleared of Alshabaab and men who are paying a great deal of wealth and all this efforts and energy, touring the two Jubba's and Gedo collecting delegates, and yet the PM, the President and the whole government ignored them and didn't even bother to respond. How do you think the current organisers of the conference would feel and respond? That all is just nothing but what adds injury to insult is, Gogosha Kismayo iyo Jubbaland loogu dhisaayo Maamul ineey taalo Xamar??? WTF, where are we? Ma barigii kalitalisnimada ayaa lajoogaa? Xamar maxaa laga sameenaa ama Maamulka Kismaayo loo sameeynaayo maxaa Xamar kagalay? R/Wasaraha matagi karo miyaa Kismaayo, Madaxwaynaha Kismayo matagi karo miyaa? Maxee utagi waayeen magaalada waaba la martiqaadayee oo haduu problem jiro u address gareenwaayeen. WTF? Waxbaa isqabsan lahaa, I don't know something going down under, kolay salaadu meel ayay kaxirmi la'dahay
  14. ^All the conflict was between Gedo boys, the pro shir and those few anti-shir supported from Mogadishu. Raskamboni was not directly involved but only joined later to repel the group that attacked the police station. The whole conflict was between reer Gedo themselves who were not ready for the conference in terms of their unity and full support behind the initiative for the creation of Jubbaland and short number of delegates present to representing them. While the Kab-n-lax were ready with their delegates and were fully united in creating Jubbaland state and were waiting for reer Gedo to sort their differences and complete their number for the Shir. Only two days ago, the delegates that were suppose to come from Garbahaarey were stopped from flying to Kismayo by another Gedo group propped up and supported from Mogadishu. The same sabotages was occurring in Kismayo too by few individuals and some of the officials of same clan including the police head decided to arrest them but armed militias came to the police demanding to release the men by force but the police refused and then what happened was a history. Death and armed confrontation in which both sides loses were greatly from Gedo clan.
  15. The PM is becoming a good puppet, and rather an unintelligent puppet, you are invited to Kismayo and so you must invite them to Mogadishu too - what a classic stup1dity given that they didn't even respond to the first invite from Ahmed Madobe. This government is just looking for trouble and instability in the region. But what Hassan Culusow and his puppet PM are forgetting is that people have vehemently denied that Kismayo and Jubbaland will not be controlled or run from Mogadishu. Any initiative that creates an admin or sincerely wishes to bring a lasting peace to Jubbaland should be done in Jubbaland with and amongst the locals, not in Mogadishu.
  16. ^And to add one more, I do and take all these conflicting stances based on nothing plausible or intelligent but because of Irirism
  17. Xukuumadda oo shir wadatashi ku casuntey Guddiyada maamul u samaynta Jubbooyinka This is rather poor and silly from the government, an ediotic form of response, 'waa lagu martiqaaday adigana martiqaad iyagana' kind of childish and an intelligent come back. The whole thing is to destroy the shir and efforts in Kismayo and bring back the old days of bloodshed to the city. Sadly Saacid is used to fulfill this agenda. With what happened in Kismayo yesterday, it seems Hassan's Culusow's agenda of destabilizing that port city is winning. If the government is sincere it should go to Kismayo, meet the locals, address the problems and situation properly and encourage any peaceful initiative but anything done or hosted or imposed from Mogadishu will not be accepted by the people. Let's wait and see.
  18. What I don't understand is, why ee Muqdisho eey uhirgali ladahay oo uharsan waysay about the issue of Kismayo. Weeba kuwaasheen meeshaas.
  19. This ain't looking good man, so now Mr. Iska hurdaaye (Saacid) decided he should meet all and every high profile arrival to country miyaa, well at least he's demanding to be noticed.
  20. Yeah, I can be your friend anytime, send the money via Western Union.
  21. How do you guyz watch these shows? Any online streaming sites? post
  22. I am WW, and I approve whatever Wadani said in this thread.
  23. Before we all jump the gun and list lists of what see in the west or Japan. Let's think and discuss about what we need first, to be sufficient, sustainable and rich African success. Don't forget to keep in your mind during the thinking process that you should also be constrained by the available resources and capabilities.