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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. ^More of them are going to Kismayo later today and early tomorrow. My feeds tell me over 150 Somali MPs will be present tomorrow for the ceremony of the birth of Jubbaland.
  2. Maaddeey;933977 wrote: ^ They have links with PL and Shirka kismayo, ma ogid?. ^The suspicious link of Alshabaab to Villa Somalia becomes even more closer to the truth when Maadeey of SOL defends Hassan Culusow's office.
  3. Xarakada al-Shabaab ayaa war-saxaaafadeed ay soosartey ku sheegtey in uu soo garey Dokumenti qiime weyn ku fadhiya kaas oo laga keenay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, ee gudaha Madaxtooyada Muqdisho. How did this happen, Oba, If Alshabaab have no links to the Presidential palace, it doesn't add up.
  4. Lool @ Oba, waryaa this is not propaganda, its true, here Allgedo reporting the same story. Al-shabaab oo Sheegtay in ay Gacanta ku dhigeen Dokuminti Sir ah Print here| By: allgedo.com: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 // u Jawaab Xarakada al-Shabaab ayaa war-saxaaafadeed ay soosartey ku sheegtey in uu soo garey Dokumenti qiime weyn ku fadhiya kaas oo laga keenay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, ee gudaha Madaxtooyada Muqdisho.   War-saxaafadeedka ayaa al-Shabaab ku sheegeen in Dukumintiga ay heleen uu yahay mid gaar ah ayna ka buuxaan macluumaad sirdoon oo faahfaahsan, qorshayaal la rabo in la fuliyo iyo waraaqo la is dhaafsadey.   Qaar ka mid ah warqadaha ay heleen ayey sheegeen in ay yihiin kuwo ay is dhaafsadeen qaar ka mid ah dalalka carabta ee arrimaha Soomaaliya gacanta kula jira, waxaana ka mid ah codsiyaal loo jeedinayo Madaxeynaha oo ku saabsan shakhsiyaad loo magacaabo jagooyin, si labada dal u wadagaan arrimaha sirdoonka.   al-Shabaab ayaa ballan qaadey in ay barta Twitterka ku baahin doonaan maclumadka ay heleen.       Allgedo Media news Desk
  5. ^Waa runtay soo ma ahan dee Magaalada Muqdisho thread-kii, what happened today in Mogadishu was testimony to that, over 150 MPs were blocked and threatened if they leave for Kismayo. Warkaygi wuu cadaaday soo ma ahan in Mogadishu ay Somalia inteeda kale hostage uhaysatay.
  6. Lool @ Xiin, waa runtey Xiinow Jaamacada Kismaayo waa Tahriir Square. Alshacbu yuriidu Jubalanda ayaa kasocota
  7. Oba, maalintee bro Haye waan iska fariisanayaa, ee yarkaan usheeg waxaa raggu kuhadlin baa jira dheh, khasiisnimada uu kahadlayo waa lagarooni.
  8. ^That's extreme waryaa isku xishood, you should be ashamed of yourself. Oba, this is true incident reported by Horseedmedia which is a reputable trustworthy news portal. Also Alshabaab have confirmed it in their twitter feeds.
  9. Waaw, at least Hiiraan Online are coming out clean now and these days, the saw the reality and saw this is no short of Tahriir Square that changed the policy of the white house towards Egypt. The demand of the people cannot be stopped.
  10. This is another scandal and clear evidence of the President office's link with Alshabaab.
  11. confidential Xarakada al-Shabaab ayaa war-saxaaafadeed ay soosartey ku sheegtey in uu soo garey Dokumenti qiime weyn ku fadhiya kaas oo laga keenay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, ee gudaha Madaxtooyada Muqdisho. War-saxaafadeedka ayaa al-Shabaab ku sheegeen in Dukumintiga ay heleen uu yahay mid gaar ah ayna ka buuxaan macluumaad sirdoon oo faahfaahsan, qorshayaal la rabo in la fuliyo iyo waraaqo la is dhaafsadey. Qaar kamid ah warqadaha ay heleen ayey sheegeen in ay yihiin kuwo ay is dhaafsadeen qaar ka mid ah dalalka carabta ee arrimaha Soomaaliya gacanta kula jira, waxaana ka mid ah codsiyaal loo jeedinayo Madaxeynaha oo ku saabsan shakhsiyaad loo magacaabo jagooyin, si labada dal u wadagaan arrimaha sirdoonka. al-Shabaab ayaa ballan qaadey in ay barta Twitterka ku baahin doonaan maclumadka ay heleen. Horseed Media newws Desk
  12. ^This is the best advice coming out as of yet, the Somali government should ignore the Kismaayo shir and or try to divide and rule. Completely agree with you on this one.
  13. ^Its HAG yaah and Hassan qoslaye's Alshabaab culprits. Carafaat, this too won't stop or halt the progress made in Kismayo, it will only enforce it.
  14. ^That's the logic of HAG man, what did Hassan Abshir, Ina Abdirashid and Abdi Wali turn into disaster. Xamar was and still is the mother of all disasters and as Hassan Abshir coined it, 'Waa Bahalo Galeen' therefore what they did wrong was trying to fix the disaster that's Xamar. That was their mistake, trying to fix it, they should have ignored it and positioned their government elsewhere like Baidoa or Kismayo.
  15. ^The threat continues even in SOL kkk nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskay Waryaa mawaxaad mooday idinku naxariis aad naxariisateen in Utango looga soo laabtay , malaha you think warlord-ki Muqdisho ineey dhahen waxaan D-block waa iska masaakiin minority ah ma aan isakaga soo celino Somalia looooooooooooolz
  16. Waxaa uu sheegay madaxwayne Culusow in ay dowladdu ku dhisan tahay qaabka 4.5 mas'uuliyiintaasna aysan xaq u lahayn inay hor istaagaan mas'uuliyiin u socdaalayso deegaamadii ay ka soo jeedeen. Sure sure Mr. President but stop the sweet talk and walk the walk, implementation is required. Release the MPs from the prison that's Mogadishu and let them travel within their own country as they wish and also ensure their security if and when they come back. Otherwise your talk is just non starter and hot air.
  17. Waxaa kaloo lagu soo waramayaa inuu jiro hor istaag la doonayo in la baajiyo socdaalkooda, loona diido diyaaraddi ay raaci lahaayeen. Balse waxaa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in uu madawayne Xasan Culusow uu u sheegay xubno ka tirsan dowladda oo damcay inay hor'istaagaan, inaysan isku dayin arintaas. Its a hostage situation, we need to send hostage negotiators. Honestly this is below the belt and the very same reason Mogadishu cannot be the seat of any government or free thinking parliamentarians. Hostage takings, threat of assassinations, looting and what have.. Truth be said, its not the real capital of Somalia but its the crime capital of Somalia
  18. This is the first report coming out of the situation, Gedoweb's take 32 Xildhibaan oo Ka Soo Jeeda gobolada Jubboyinka ayaa Ku soo aadan Kismaayo Gedoweb Online admin on Wednesday, April 03 @ 01:06:20 EDT Wararka (News) Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaliya ayaa tibaaxaay in 32 Xildhibaan oo ka tirsan dowladda Federaalka Soomaliyai inay ku soo aaddan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo ee uu hadda ka socdo shikra Jubbaland State oo berri la taagayo calanka astaanta u ah Maamulka Jubbaland State. Waxaa kaloo lagu soo waramayaa inuu jiro hor istaag la doonayo in la baajiyo socdaalkooda, loona diido diyaaraddi ay raaci lahaayeen. Balse waxaa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in uu madawayne Xasan Culusow uu u sheegay xubno ka tirsan dowladda oo damcay inay hor'istaagaan, inaysan isku dayin arintaas. Waxaa uu sheegay madaxwayne Culusow in ay dowladdu ku dhisan tahay qaabka 4.5 mas'uuliyiintaasna aysan xaq u lahayn inay hor istaagaan mas'uuliyiin u socdaalayso deegaamadii ay ka soo jeedeen. Xasan Culusow ayaa ku qanciyey xubnihii isku dayey hor'istaagga inay ka waantoobaan arintaas, haddii kale ay dowladdu dhamaan fashilmi doonto. Saaka ayaa la filayaa in xubnahaan ay soo gaaraan kana qaybqaataan calansaarka Jubbaland State. Gedoweb Online gedoweb@gedoweb.com
  19. ^Indeed, its war that's declared by Hassan Culusow but sadly against the very same MPs that have elected him. It amazing how quickly one can turn into clanist dictator. Now the MPs have been threatened with death if they dare leave Mogadishu, you know how unsafe Mogadishu is and there threat of assasination is very real over there, however majority of the D-block MPs refused to back down and insisted on traveling to Kismayo but between 20-30 MPs, I'm hearing, most of them from the minority clans of Jubbonyinka scared and stayed. I was told they would have gone with the group and nobody could have touched them now but were fearful of what's going to happen to them when they go back to Mogadishu as they all need to be based in Magadishu for their work.
  20. News just in... Kadib hanjabaab, cagajuglayn iyo laaluush iswadata oo kudhacday Xildhibaanada Somalia ee kusugan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sababtay maanta inay laba ukala jabo Baarlamaanka Somalia iyadoo Xildhibaano 40 kor udhaafay ay ku adkaysteen inay Kismaayo udulaayaan sheegayna inay naftoodu halmar go'ayso hadana ladilo iyagoo kulligood halmar isla socda. Waxaa amaankooda ubaqay tiro kale oo badan oo katirsan Xildhibaanada Somalia iyagoo sheegay inay AMISON kadalbanayaan in amaankooda lasugo. This is the latest I'm getting from Mogadishu, stay tuned... all the news will come out soon. This threat will be updates
  21. Aaway Carafaat threadkan muxuu uga cararay? I thought he was giving good advice to the Somali government, why isn't he sticking to that.
  22. Waa Map-ki dowlada Jubbaland state ee dhalatay.
  23. I thought they have already done it, called it unconstitutional and refused it before. Maanta dhan mala isalaga celcelinaa, that will do nothing but expose their weakness. Let them repeat condemning it Somalidu waxay dhahaan war laqabaa xiiso maleh ineey diidaan waa wax un la iska ogyahay oo layaqaano.