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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. If thats normal to you, then your not a normal person. The teltale signs are there to become another merciless killers, or shall I say "freedom fighters".
  2. This is the new Generation of WARLORDS. No comment
  3. Calm down Calm down guys, its just a peice of cloth, somalia is still somalia, bloodshed, terror, tahriib, piracy, and suffering, at the end of the day its people who have to turn this mess around not that peice of cloth, with respect to it.
  4. Rudy watchout these two are saying something bad in Oromai aginst you, write it down and ask your grannie, I am sure she will be shocked
  5. or are you going to the demo?
  6. Rudy are you going to the funeral?
  7. ok, i grew up in la, ...............Yall might wanna ask this your grannies! lool. they will probably laugh at yall I see, so who's your granma in LA, Miss Doubtfire? you certaily look like her, but she tought you the wrong maah maah.
  8. War mid ka daran baaba yimi. Kow, Lamu, Sidi, Ufur, anugu inta baan ka aqaan, Roobow waa oromaa la yiri maxaa ka jira?
  9. lol! dagar qabey dulka u dagaaga! lol. JB I knew you wouldn't understand Oromai language.
  10. What difference does it make if u live in bossaso xamar or hargeysa. The difference is, if you live in Xamar you'll be murdered by a crazy fanatic, or a ragtag solder or an aids infected amnisom.
  11. Xaaji We are still waiting for the pics of Riyaale meeting the amiir of Kuwait, or was that a
  12. I listened to him last week when he said "I am no longer a president and has no obligation to do any duties concearning it, and I am a normal citizen from now on." I will try to find the link again. But even if he did not say in that way, why create havoc and vacuum, why did he not wait until august when there's supposed to be an elections, I believe this problem is Mr Kiimiko's own product and it could end up in power strugle and blood shed..
  13. This is the stroy, Mr Kiimiko announced he is no longer the president last week, then today the so called parliament elected another man, then Mr Kiimiko is back again saying (YEELI MAAYO), and this reminds us of Saado Ali's song, (ii talin maysid, kuu talin maayo wada tashan mayno, kala tagi mayno) This is his interview with the BBC today, fast forward it to 09:20 /mediaselector/check /somali/meta/tx/soma li_1800?size=au&bgc= 003399&lang=so&nbram =1&nbwm=1
  14. Nice pics sii fiican baa loo soo dhaweyo puntland diaspora. War say wax u jiraan? even die hard landers are falling in love with Faroole.
  15. This is getting beyond ignorance, some times you wonder whats pushing them from behind, its absolute childish to just talk provocative irresponsible talks, our ppl are dying of hunger, thirst, disease, tahriib, and then a stup!d brainless ignorant comes along and says we are going to attack Ethiopia and Kenya.
  16. Faroole: Show me where it says $40 million aid? Ilkajii: Here here look, its here I saw it, check this. Faroole:No that is only $40, thats our hotel bill they are asking us to pay, I thought you were smarter than that ILKO. Ilkajiir: oops, sorry your honour, it must be not wearing my reading glasses.
  17. It must be one of these A) These guys are the most stup!d group we have ever witnissed. B) They are agents sent to provoke then run, giving the "enemy" the excuse to invade again. or Thy are both, but who would recruit a stup!d agent.
  18. Maamulka Islaamiga ee Magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka J/hoose oo sheegay in ay weerarayaan gudaha Wadamada Ethiopia iyo Kenya. Posted: 6/30/2009 2:59:00 PM Shabelle: KISMAAYO Maamulka Islaamiga ee Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in weeraro ay ku qaadayaan gudaha Wadamada Ethiopia iyo Kenya. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka Islaamiga ee Magaalada Kismaayo C/qani Max’ed Yuusuf oo xalay hadlayay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay weeraro ku qaadi doonaan dalalka dariska ah ee Ethiopia iyo Kenya. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay si toos ah u beegsan doonaan Wadanka Ethiopia waxaana uu xusay in cadowgii uu jabay mujaahidiintuna ay tahay in ay weeraradaasi ku talaabsadaan. “Waxaan Rabaa in aan baraarujiyo Shacuubta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Muslimiinta ah in wixii manta ka dambeeya ay waajib inagu tahay in aan duulno oo cadowga Ilaahay aan ku duulno oo gudadkiisa aan ugu tango oo guryahoodii iyo halkii ay inooga suu duuleen aan ugu tango kuwa joogana aan meeshooda ugu tango”ayuu yiri Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka Islaamiga ee Kimaamyo. Waa hadalkii ugu horeeyay ee ka soo yeeray Maamulka Islaamiga ee Magaalada Kismaayo oo si toos ah ay shaaca kaga qaadaan in ay weeraro ku qaadi doonaan dowladda Ethiopia oo maamulku uu sheegay in ay ku jabtay in ay Soomaaliya soo fara galiso.
  19. Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay inuu duulaan ku qaadi doono dalalka Itoobiya iyo Kenya ee deriska la ah Somalia Gudoomiye ku-xigeenka maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka J/hoose C/qani Max’ed Yuusuf ayaa markii ugu horeysay dabioolka ka qaaday in ciidamada maamulkooda ay weerar ku qaadi doonaan wadamada deriska la’ah Soomaaliya gaar ahaan wadamada Kenya iyo Itoobiya. “Maanta waxaan doonayaa in aan baraarujiyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Muslimiinta ah in wixii hadda ka dambeeya ay waajib inagu tahay in aan duulno oo cadowga ILAAHAY, godadkiisana ugu tagno, guryahoodii iyo halkii ay nooga suu duuleena ugu galno” ayuu yiri Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maamulka Islaamiga ee Kismaanyo C/qani Max’ed Yuusuf. Waxaa uu intaa ku daray in ciidamada labada dal ay yihin kuwo fashilmay oo aad u taag daran ayna mujaahidiinta oo kaashanaya ALLE iyo shacabka Soomaliyeed dagaal toos ah ku qaadi doonaan, isagoo sheegay iney tusi doonaan awooda mujaahidiinta, waana markii ugu horeysay ee ciidamada maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ay hanjabaad noocan ah u jeediyaaan dalalka Itoobiya iyo Kenya ee deriska la ah Somalia.
  20. Hello captain sparrow, or shall I call you the black Robin Hood Waaaw good to see Mr Faroole moon dancing in the state department corridors.
  21. The solution is simple, just let a cow lick your head three times a day for 3 days, and then wait for a week, you're hair will grow by 3inchs a day and by the end of the month, your hair will be 2 miters long.
  22. Moon...I gather that Waberi especially Liberia St was full of people who were originally from Kismayo. [big Grin] Yeah Mr BOB somehow reer kismayo and reer waaberi have much similarities, such as love for the sea and afternoon dips into the the skool bulusio corner of the sea, plus their love for playing football, My dad had two wives one lived in kismayo with her children so you can say I am half kismayo man, they lived in an area called calanleey and then lately moved to shaqaalaha. I never had the chance to see that city but I have lots of memories from my father, older brothers and sisters. But what do you say about "Kismayo iyo kistaada", ppl condemn the kismayans on this issue, but I see that as self sufficient promotion.
  23. lol Fabrigas thanx for the tracking, but your still wide off the mark, I am not from Kismayo and I have never seen the city, but half of my brothers and sisters are from there, and I was born bred and grewup in VIA LIBERIA xaafada waaberi Muqdisho. Satisfied Mr Fab, I am sure you'll not until I tell you who my clan is. So try again, I am sure you'll go empty handed as more experienced men such as Duke and emperor tried it before and failed miserably.
  24. The city is rich on. A) Agriculture. B) Fishery. C) Livestock. In Peacetime this is a city which has every thing, plus its not far from Kenya and could be a big business center, no wonder everyone wants to conquer it. But the people of Kismayo are said to be XAASID as they invented the say (KISMAAYO IYO KISTAADA, KARINTAADA, KARBUUNADAADA). But Jaajuumow this is the best time for your family to get their house back, just go there and tell the alshabab guys where your home is, I am sure you'll get there empty as the looters wouldn't want to loose their limbs if they're cough.