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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Adinku munaasabado xasuuqii hebel iyo mujaahid hebel uun ku jira waligiin, You guys remind me of the Iraqi Shiiat who waste all year remembering the killing of Imam fulan and the birth of Imam fulan. just move forward guys, move forward. I like when you tell us about a positive project being built in Sland, that's how you revenge your enemies.
  2. Xaaji, SXB I think your ignorant, or lying. Cali Cabdi Farax is from the "I" clan, He is jibutian I am not denying that, but he has blood ties with the sepretist clan, Is that not????? don't avoid the truth.
  3. Xaaji waan ogahay he is born and bred in Djibouti, but he hails from the BBH triangle, doesn't he?????
  4. Cali Cabdi Farax is Sland sypathiser, coz he is from the BBH (Burco, Berbera, Hargeysa) triangle clan .
  5. A&T ...mighty cousins to the South........ uuuh, War kadaa.
  6. xx it depends who you unite with now if Somalilanders and the regions of Somaliland is united we are strong , when we united with Koonfuria. we became weak. I believe unity is always strength,look at Rich, sophisticated Western Europe uniting with weak, corrupt, and poor nations like Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. One of the reasons I believe the South is in a mess is because the brain jigsaw of somalis is scattered and part of it is trapped in Sland, once we come together and solve this jigsaw then we will be fine. So Xaaji look beyond the Habar Habareey horizon.
  7. XX Moon light what is so contradictory about that Unity is strenght is even explained in Islam Xaaji waan ogahay in Islaamku xitaa uu ina faray Unity, balse waxaa is burinaya, Unity is strength, iyo Somaliya hakala go'do. Mise anaa waalan. Even South Sudanese people who suffered more than the landers are having doubts about separation
  8. Saalax Stuff & Nonsense. Unity is strength. What a contradictory two sentences.
  9. Maybe these individuals are sent by these two northern states to run havoc in the south while their mother states develope. conspircy theory or fact?
  10. FU'AAD SHONGOLE "Shabaab iyo dadka shacabka ah wax xiriir ah kama dhaxeeyaan , taasna waa guuldarro Maleeshiyada Shabaab ayaa markii ugu horreysay shaaca ka qaaday in sababaha ay dagaallada ugu jabaan ay tahay dadka Shacabka ah oo aysan wax xiriir ah la lahayn. Hadal uu shalay Fu’ad Shongole ka jeediyay Degmada Afgooye ayuu ku sheegay in maleeshiyada Shabaab aysan wax kalsooni ah ka heysan shacabka Soomaaliyeed taasna uu ku tilmaamay in ay sabab u tahay guul darrada sanaddada badan heysata kooxda Shabaab oo god ku ridday kumanaan Soomaali ah. “sababta ay Mujaahidiintu (maleeshiyada Shabaab) u guuleysan waayeen gaaladana looga adkaan waayay waa xiriirka aan wanaagsaneyn ama aan jirin ee ka dhaxeeya Shacabka iyo Shabaab” ayuu Yiri Fu’aad Shongole oo aan qarin guul darrada ay Shabaabku dhaxleen. Wuxuu qiray dagaal ooge Shongole in aan guulo la gaari Karin inta shacabku ay col ka yihiin kooxdooda, wuxuuna nasiib darro ku sheegay in la kasban waayay Umadda oo sida uu sheegay muhiim u ah jiritaankooda. Fu’aad Shongole wuxuu shaaca ka qaaday in aysan wanaagsaneyn in umadda loogu faano Hubka, isla markaana lagu takri falo waxa uu ku sheegay masuuliyadda, isagoo saadaaliyay in dhibaato weyn ay ka imaan doonto haddii la sii joogteeyo Tacadiyadaha lagu hayo dadka aan awoodda lahayn ayadoo la adeegsanayo Hubka iyo Maleeshiyaadka. “Haddii aan dadka ka awood badanahay annaga Allaa naga Awood badan” ayuu yiri Shongole oo hadalkaas ku weerarayay sida loo fahmay Axmed Godane iyo kooxda taageersan oo ka awood badan Isbaheysiga Shongole ee uu calanka u sido Muqtaar Rooboow Cali. Maleeshiyada Shabaab wixii ka dambeeyay qaraxii Shaamoow waxaa soo kala dhex galay khilaaf xooggan oo hareeyay Dagaal Oogayaasha Soomaalida iyo Ajaanibta isugu jira ee kooxdaan maamula, waxaana arrinta sii huriyay Go’aankii lagu galay dagaalkii Ramadaanka oo ay ku jabeen kooxda Shabaab. Axmed Cabdi Godane, Abuu Mansuur Al-Ameeriki iyo Faadil Cabdalla oo ah kuwa ugu tunka Weyn Shabaab ayaa lahaa ammarka dagaalkaasi, waxaana ka hor yimid oo gul darro mid ku dambeyn doona ku sheegay Muqtaar Rooboow iyo Fu’aad Shongole oo aan hadalkooda dheg loo dhigin, waxayna taasi sababtay in Muqtaar Rooboow uu dagaalka kala baxo maleeshiyaad uu si gaar ah uga keenay gobollada Bay iyo Bakool, dagaalkiina sidaas ayuu ku dhamaaday, ayadoo wixii markaa ka dambeeyay aan geedna la isugu imaan.
  11. dhexeeya Horjoogayaasha kooxda Shabaabka, kadib markii Horjooge Fu'ad Max'ed Khalaf [shangole], uu shalay eedeyn u jeediyay Horjoogaha guud ee kooxdaan Axmed Cabdi Aw Muxumed (Godane) alias Mukhtaar Abuu Zubeyr, kadib markii uu ka hadlay masjid ku yaala Suuqa Bakaaraha. Horjooge Shangole oo ah, daaciga ururka isla makraasna ka mid ah Xubnahii la safnaa Godane, uguna xagjirsan ayaa sheegay in mas'uulka ugu sareeya kooxda uu ka tirsan yahay aysan isku hadaf ka ahayn dagaalada ay ka wadaan duleedka magaalada Afgooye iyo kuwii lagu qaaday magaalada Burhakaba ee gudaha Somalia. "Hogaamiye, waxaa midka dadka la hadla, wax walba oo wanaagsan u horseeda dadka, balse in cid walba lala dagaalamo xal kuma jiro" ayuu yiri Sh. Shangole, oo intaas ku daray in Axmed Cabdi Godane oo loo yaqaan Mukhataar C/raxmaan Abu-Zubeyr uu yahay nin ujeedooyin kale leh. Khilaafkan cusub, ayaa la sheegay inuu ka dhashay dagaalkii dhowaan ay Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan shabaabku ku qabsadeen degmada Buurhakaba ee Gobolka Bay, oo ay horay uga talin jireen maleeshiyada Xisbul Islam ee uu hogaaminayo Xasan Daahir Aweys. "Dagaalkii ka dhacay Buurhakaba, ma ahayn Jihaad, waana wax lala yaabo in lagu tilmaamo Jihaad, waayo waa xaaraan in qof Muslim ah uu dilo qof kale oo Muslim ah, isla markaana uu ku faano" ayuu si caro leh u yiri Sh. Fu'ad Shangole oo ay dhageysanayeen boqolaal ka tirsan maleeshiyada shabaabka iyo dadweyne kale. Masaajidka uu hadalkan ka jeediyay Sh. Fu'ad Shangole, ayaa ku yaala qaybta ay ku xoogan yihiin kooxda ee Suuqa Bakaaraha gaar ahaan Dawada, waxaana hadalka sarkaalkan uu ka yaabiyay boqolaal taageerayaasha kooxdan ka tirsan. Ururka shabaabka oo dagaalka kula jirta Ciidamada DF & kuwa Amisom, ayaa waxaa u dhexeeya kala qaybsanaan qayb ka mid ah ay dibada u soo baxday, inkastoo aanay weli dhicin gacan ka hadal dhexmaray dhinacyada fikirka isku diidan. Horjoogaha 3aad ee kooxda Sh. Mukhtaar Robow Cali [Abu-Mansor] iyo Sh. Fu'ad Shangole, ayaa la sheegay inay isku fikir yihiin, iyadoo Horjoogayaasha kale ay ku fikir yihiin Axmed Cabdi Godane oo ah hogaamiyaha ugu sareeya kooxdan
  12. "Land of honey and roses, Land of the wise and the noble, the only democracy in Africa, the only civilized nation surrounded by beasts, We started from scratch, Miracle of the Horn, God bless Somaliland". These silly claims remind me of Edi Amin's stup!d title "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC,[C] DSO, MC, Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular". Calm down guys, stop this nonsence of we are this we are that.
  13. We are seeing the formation of Shariif city, a walled city which has everything it needs inside, I think next they will open a suuq, and next to that it will be a kawaan hilib.
  14. My hat is off to Puntland.....this tournament seems to be uniting the nation, tonight I went to a biibito which used to be infested with fadhi ku dirir, and when I went in and sat the first thing I noticed was people talking about the teams and who's winning. That really inspired me. so puntland should be credited for this.
  15. Wikileaks reveals that while the Arab ameers, ministers, intelegence chiefs and even Kings can be called on a short notice meetings by junior American diplomatic officers, the Chief spy of Ethiopia can not be met by even senior American diplomats. THATS WHAT I CALL SELF RESPECT. 13. (S) It is interesting that Getachew’s description of President Isaias mirrors Getachew’s own character, as well. ADDIS ABAB 00001318 004 OF 004 Getachew avoids speaking with foreigners and few foreigners really know him. He is not well liked within his own agency for decisions he makes in isolation which, at times, make little sense and are not discussed in consensus with his staff. His apparent hot temper and reclusive habits have made it difficult for his staff to gauge his moods and understand his thought process. The Prime Minister himself and other EPRDF leaders have remarked to the Ambassador that it is difficult to talk with Getachew and to meet with him, but that his loyalty to the EPRDF is never in question. Despite his poor reputation, Getachew is regarded as a strong EPRDF hardliner and commands considerable authority and influence within the powerful EPRDF executive committee which lays down the policy for the ruling party and the government. While relations with NISS officials below Getachew’s rank are extremely cordial and, depending on the unit, very close, the Ambassador has met with Getachew only twice in the past three years, and other Embassy staff have also met with little success in engaging him. Even visiting senior U.S. intel officers have not been successful in meeting Getachew. Ambassador will pursue future meetings with Getachew but he will never be a close contact. End Comment. YAMAMOTO here is the full cable report
  16. War naasihii meeye? mise rajabeeta baa loo galiyay waa hore.
  17. I am sure this guy was telling the Sland guys that recognition was near while he was busting their girls in marathonic porn sessions.
  18. I really thought Faysal Cali Waraabe was the one deported from hargeysa.
  19. Lets vote for our own transitional government in SOL politics section. First of all we have two presidential candidates so far. Jaceylbaro Vs General Duke profiles. Name: Cawaale Qowdhan aka JB. D.O.B: 1966 Place of Birth: Dumbulukh, Hargeysa, Somaliland. Education: Graduated from Gacan Libaax Secondary school. Employment:1985-1990 Ex-Guulwade at Daami Orientation Centre. 1991-94: Gaandhari for the beesha galbeedka Burco. 1994-2010: Member of UDUB party. Election pledge: (I, Muj Cawaale Qowdhan will transform Somalia and bring it to the civilized world of Somaliland. I will deal with any trouble making Koonfurian with Heavy hand and will smash them with SNM styled iron fist. I will build more marfishs and hodheelo from Afgoye to Kismayo, and I will keep the blue flag as it is, except I will change the white star into our own blackie) I aprove this massege so please vote for me and my vice presidential candidate Xaaji Qunjuf. General Duke Name: Islaan xabeeb Islaan Muuse (Aka the General) D.O.B: 1968 Place of birth: Somewhere between Garacad and Eyl. Education: Omar Samatar secondary in Galkacyo. Employment: 1987-1991 a junior SSDF cadet. 1991-2004: reporter at Yameyska News Agency. 2004-2008:Speech writer for president A/Lahi Yusuf. 2008-now: Retired and SOL addict. Election pledege: (I, Islaan Xabeeb will liberate the milky city of Laascaanood, I will give free health care for every retired pirate, I will transfer the capital of Somalia from Muqdisho into the great city of wind, Garowe, even if you don't vote for me I will become president over your dead bodies like my uncle did) I approve this message so please vote me and my vice president candidate rrr Xudeedi. Please forward you candidacy application to Libaax sankataabte if you think you fill these 5 conditions. 1) You have to be born before Kacaankii barakeysnaa. 2) You have to be a radical activist for your little corner. 3) You have to be spending at least 18 hrs a day on SOL politics section posting how great your ppl are. 4) Your posts have to be over 30,000 stuff and nonsense. 5) you have to have a PHD degree on animal cruelty.
  20. the guy shouting on saados background sounds like our friend Xiinfiniin.
  21. Whats wrong with these SSC guys these days, calling names like Dhiigshiil, Bintiland, blah blah. did the Darwiishs lost the plot?
  22. ciidamadii Ingiriiska ee ku sugnaa Somaliland iyo ciidamadii Talyaaniga ee ka soo duulay dalka Somalia iyo Itoobiya As if the British forces are native Slanders and the Italians are attacking aggressors. the fact is DAMEER iyo LABADIISA DHAGOOD BAY AHAAYEEN.