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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Gaas confirms his ticket to presidency. listen here on voa
  2. Saalax;972428 wrote: Sanaag is dominated by us, so is Sool. What do you have ? Nugaal, Bari and northern Mudug. Jubbooyiinka are disputed regions. So basically you are the one who has 2 regions and half. GAROODI;972428 wrote: Landers live next door to las canod in fact the city of ainabo is the largest in sool. Most of Sanag and in evey region in SOMALILAND except awdal. In Ethiopia they comprise of half stretching all the way to dagaxbuur and aware in Ethiopia. So what two regions are you referring to? Did you think Og were the only Somalis in Ethiopia. What does that say about your people if people from two regions have taken over all your land?? baboons on steroids.
  3. Farole will definitely get the golden 17MPs of Sool, they took him to presidency in 2009 and VP Shire will do some arm twists, also Heylaan and Sanaag MPs will be greatly influenced by the interior minister Ilkajiir. Farole has the cash but I believe Gaas also will bring some serious money donated to him by the Mudug business folks in southern African. It will be a clash of egos, also don't rule out Omar A.Rashid as reer Qardho don't want to miss the fight.
  4. New UK explorer Soma in deal to develop Somalia's oil, gas sector London (Platts)--6Aug2013/716 am EDT/1116 GMT Newly created exploration company, UK-based Soma Oil and Gas, said Tuesday it had signed an agreement with the government of Somalia "to assist in the development of the country's hydrocarbons sector." The deal is the first agreement in Somalia's oil and gas industry since the election of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the appointment of an internationally recognized government in 2012 following decades of civil war. Under the terms of the agreement, Soma, whose chairman is former UK Conservative party leader Michael Howard, will conduct seismic surveys in Somalia's territorial waters in areas agreed with the government and in certain limited onshore areas. The company will also collate and reprocess historic seismic data using modern techniques, and prepare an evaluation of Somalia's petroleum potential, Soma said. Soma said it would also create a data room for the Somali government, into which all available data will be placed. "We formed Soma Oil and Gas having identified an opportunity to conduct exploration in Somalia as it emerges from a lengthy period of civil conflict," Soma CEO Robert Sheppard said. "Despite large recent discoveries in East Africa, Somalia remains a significantly underexplored region. "We believe that this agreement to assist the Government and the work that is due to be carried out over the next 12-18 months will provide significant momentum for the oil and gas sector in Somalia," Sheppard said. The survey that Soma conducts will give it the right to nominate and obtain exploration and drilling rights under production sharing agreements for prospective areas. Before 1991, a number of international oil companies were granted licenses in the country, which, according to oil industry experts has some of the largest prospective resources within East Africa. LICENSING ROUND Somalia wants to kick-start its oil industry, although in June it said it was delaying plans to sign PSAs this year as it reviews it petroleum law. Somalia had been expected to sign 30 PSAs this year with foreign oil companies and auction off over 300 new oil blocks after sub-dividing the existing blocks into smaller tranches. Some blocks are currently as big as 200,000 square km. It had also started talks with companies that operated in the country more than two decades ago, before 1991, including Shell, BP, Chevron and ExxonMobil. Somalia's new parliament and government was elected last year, and has set out an ambitious plan, the Six Pillar Policy, for rebuilding the country after more than two decades of conflict. Somalian government officials hope that better political conditions along with improved security will lure companies back to the country. Somalia is hoping to capitalize on the wave of oil and gas discoveries along the eastern coast of the continent. Significant gas finds in Mozambique and Tanzania and oil reserves in Uganda and Kenya have boosted competition among oil companies seeking to secure acreage in the region. --Stuart Elliott, --Edited by Jeremy Lovell,
  5. It seems the London conferences payed back, smart move by the Brits before the Turks got the contracts. Soma Oil and Gas Exploration ltd Who are these? does anyone know anything about them?
  6. Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta si rasmi ah heshiis baarista batroolka ah u saxiixday Shirkad Ingiriis balse lagu magacaabo [soma Oil and Gas Exploration ltd]. Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa shaaciyey Wasaarada Khayraadka Dalka iyadoo heshiiskan uu saxiixay Wasiirkada Khayraadka ee Dowlada Federaalka Cabdirisaaq Cumar Maxamed. Heshiiskan ayaa kusoo beegmaya todobaadyo kadib markii la shaaciyey warbixintii Guddiga Qaramada Midoobay u saartay Kormeerka Soomaaliya oo ka digay danaha shirkadaha Batroolka ee Reer Galbeedka ka leeyihiin dalka Soomaaliya inay keeni karto dagaalo horleh. Maamulada Puntland iyo Soomaaliland ayaa horey dhankooda heshiisyo u gaar ah ulla saxiixday shirkado reer Galbeed ah oo baara batroolka, mana cada sida la isu waafajin doono heshiisyadan oo qaarkood la sheegay in baarayo deegaano ay isku heystaan maamulo kala duwan. Shirkadan ayaa la sheegay in baari doonto Gaaska ku jira Biyaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo qeybo kamid ah dhulka Soomaaliya, waxaana lagu soo beegay xili Baarlamaanka la horgeeyey Hindisaha Khayraadka Bada oo oo ay dood xoogani ka taagan tahay. Warsaxaafadeed laga soo saaray Wasaarada Khayraadka ayaa lagu sheegay heshiiskan mid muujinaya xiriirka wanaagsan ee xiligan ka dhaxeeya Soomaaliya iyo Ingiriiska (UK). Dowlada Ingiriiska ayaa labadii sano ee lasoo dhaafay si weyn usoo dhexgashay siyaasada Soomaalida, iyadoo labo mar kulamo balaaran oo looga hadlayo Soomaaliya lagu qabtay magaalada London, waxayna dowlada UK noqotay midii ugu horeysay oo reer Galbeed ah oo dib u furta Safaaradii ay ku lahayd magaalada Muqdisho. Sidoo kale Ergayga cusub ee Qaramada Midoobay Nicholas Kay ayaa isaguna ah Diblumaasi sare oo kasoo jeeda dalka Ingiriiska. Akhriso Qoraalka Heshiiska Shirkada Soma Oil and Gas Exploration ltd [English] Horseed Media
  7. Carafaat;972340 wrote: Xaaji, why do you think that? xaajiga seedigii buu la rabaa bahasha ee wax fahan.
  8. Maaddeey;972317 wrote: ^ You want him to guard all the gudoomiye ku xigeenyaal?. of course that is why he was elected to the top job, to protect the lives and properties of citizens, the xamar folks also need to stand up to these gangs, but i don't blame them since they will be released next day.
  9. now this is what I call a two horse race, Farole vs Gaas, unless Omar A/Rashiid throws his hat in.
  10. Raysalwasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Prof.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa lagu wadaa inuu maanta ku dhawaaqo inuu u tartami doono xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland 8da Janaayo 2014. Prof.Gaas oo hada ku sugan magaalada Addis ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa maanta qabanaya shir jara’iid halkaasi oo la filyo inuu ka shaaciyo musharaxnimadiisa. Raysalwasarihii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa kamid ah xubnaha sumcada ku leh Puntland iyo Soomaliya isla markaana mudooyinkii lasoo dhaafay la hadal hayey inuu xilka Puntland isu soo taagi doono kadib sida la sheegay cadaadis iyo codsiyo uga yimid gudaha deegaanada Puntland. Horseed Media
  11. alshabab is getting stronger and more confident in xamar while Culusow is busy on securing revenues from Kismayo port.
  12. Kooxo hubeysan oo dilay gudoomiye ku-xigeenkii degmada Wardhiigley, ilaaladiisana dhaawacay Gudoomiye ku-xigeenkii degmada Wardhiigley ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa saaka la dilay ka dib markii ay toogteen kooxo bastoolado ku hubeysan oo weerar gaadmo ah ku soo qaaday. Masuulkan oo la oran jiray marxuum Max’ed Axmed Taako ayey wararku sheegayaan in weerarka lagu dilay lagu dhaawacay labo askari oo ka tirsanaa ilaaladiisa kuwaasoo loo qaaday goobaha caafimaadka, waxaana goobta ka baxsaday kooxaha weerarkan fuliyey. Lama hayo faahfaahin ku saabsan qaabka dilkaas uu u dhacay, mana jiro war ku saabsan oo ka soo baxay maamulka degmada Wardhiigley iyo kan gobolka Banaadir, hase ahaatee Max’ed Axmed Taako ayaa noqonayaa gudoomiye ku-xigeenkii 2aad ee laga dilo degmooyinka Muqdisho intii lagu guda jiray bishan Ramadaan ee gebagebada mareysa. Dhowaan ayey aheyd markii kooxo hubeysan ay dileen Raxmo Daahir Siyaad oo aheyd gudoomiye ku-xigeenkii degmada Yaaqshiid. Amaanka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa gaaray heerkii ugu xumaa tan markii la guda galay bishan Ramadaan ka dib markii ay ku soo bateen dilalka qaraxyada iyo weerarada kale, iyadoo dowlada Somalia ay ku fashilntay iney wax badan ka qabato amaan darada taagan.
  13. Naxar Nugaaleed;972222 wrote: ilmahan camal waa in loo samiyo. If I were running things, I would allocate the biggest share of funds to the ministry of Education, and Sports. your right, these kids need rehab, but on the other hand remember there are hundreds of these Amniyaat "Alshabaab's assassination squads" roaming in almost every major city in Somalia armed with pistols waiting for the opportunity to kill prominent people, so to deter them is also important.
  14. Wararka nasoo gaaraya ayaa sheegay in dhawaan magaalada Muqdisho uu ku geeriyooday Xildhibaan hore Cusman Caato kadib markii uu wadnaha istaagay. Marxuum Cusman Caato ayaa ka Mid ahaa hogaamiye kooxeedyadii Soomaaliya ugu caansanaa gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho. Allaha u naxariistee Cusman Xasan Cali Caato ayaa maalmihii dambe ku xanuunsanaa magaalada Muqdisho iyadoona xaaladiisa marba marka ka dambeysa ay sii xumaaneysay. Allaha u naxariistee Cusman Caato ayaa lagu xasuustaa dagaaladii ahliga ahaa ee Muqdisho ka dhacay waxaa uuna sidooakle aad ugu soo horjeeday dowladihii KMG ee dalka soo maray marka laga tago dowladii Shiikh Shariif iyadoona uu xilal xildhibaanimo kasoo qabtay sidooakle dowladii Marxuum cabdullahi Yusuf.
  15. Sad state of Somali teenagers. Godane is sending them to hell while his kids are growing up in peaceful Hargeysa away from harms-way.
  16. Mukhtaar Xassan Max'ed 18 yrs old, assassinated Sheekh Max'ed xuseen maryacadde. executed in Beledweyn this morning. Cabdiraxmaan Xussen Jaamac Bile, murdered Sh.C/Qaadir Faarax Nuur, excuted in Garowe on the 23/07.13 Aadan Shiikh Cabdi, murdered wariye xasan yusuf absuge. he is currently on death raw in Mogadishu.
  17. Tillamook;972190 wrote: The Mayor is responsible for the city's sanitation and cleanliness, and it's unbecoming of you to stretch his remarks to such low depths. All he said was cleanliness should start at the home environs and did not talk of any woman's personal hygiene like you've implied. C'mon man, get your mind out of the gutter! it seems you've never listened the audio, he is talking about women's body and bedroom cleanness, and even mention's that he is married to one woman for 33 years as a result of her being clean, this has nothing to do with city sanitation and cleanness, this is pure Bahdilid of Muqdisho women. I call this armpit politics.
  18. Cambuulo iyo bun;972181 wrote: odaygaan is taking it to the next level ar maxaa qaadey toloow? balaayo ku aragtey I think that UNUKA ugaas was right when he said Tarzan is mad.
  19. Tarzan is now becoming Muqdisho's favourite comedian. war heedhe naagaha kilikilahooda maxaa ninkan ka galay, acuudu bilaah.
  20. Tarsan :- Hal Naag baan qabaa 35 Sano, waxaan dumarka Areebada ah kula dardaarmayaa + DHAGEYSO Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarsan ayaa haweenka kula dardaarmay in ay is nadaafiyaan Hadii kale ay dhici karto in lala guursado. ” Raggu wexey Jecelyihiin Nadaafadda anigu 35 Sano ayaan hal Naag qabaa, hadii aad is nadaafin weydo waa lagula guursanaa” ayuu yiri Tarsan oo la hadlayay Haweenka gobolka Banaadir. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir wuxuu Haweenka ka codsaday in ay nadiifiyaan Guud ahaan Gobolka, si taasi loo gaaro ayuu ka dalbaday in Naag kasta ay nadaafadda Gurigeeda kasoo bilowdo. Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Wuxuu Haweenka Gobolka ka balan qaaday ka maamul ahaan in ay ka caawinayaan Haweenka in Bilicda deegaanadooda ay hagaagsanaato, Balse looga baahanyahay in marka hore ay haweenku xil iska saaraan.
  21. Allaha sahlo umuuraha, nimankan afur, iyo salaad iyo masjid iyo ramadaan wax celiyaa oo ay ka xishoodaan majirto. Cambuulo, any updates on Tarzan's speculative sacking? and who is this General Maguunba?
  22. I wouldn't trust you with 100 seconds of our time.
  23. *ANWAR*;971957 wrote: Did I not poste a MAP `?????? You have proved my case lol Retardism is a problem when your backside doesn't know what your front side is talking about. You just advocated the fragmentation of what is left Somalia few days ago and now you are horning for a fake attention seeking nationalism and call for a war with a muslim neighbour. S!ck.