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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. aaa aaaa War kadaa OnemanGangoow yaan lagu dhagaxyeynin. no more fat wallets we were told.
  2. "Ha soo noqon horey usoco soomaaliland" waar dee ma qar bey ka tuurayaan bahasha. acuudu billah.
  3. Xaaji what i mean is that when we used to mention aan wada hadalno to our brethren in the north, they used to jump with fury saying "Wadahadal ma jiro, go'itaankeenu waa Muqaddas, maxaa idinkaaya daba dhigay..." but days changed and I welcome it.
  4. They don't go mad when they hear the word "mediation" anymore. that's a good progress, reality is entering every home in the triangle these days fast. Siilaanyo for Somaliweyn presidency in 2017.
  5. Halwasa pills can damage your mental health.
  6. War illeen. Sis I am talking about the constitutions point of view, it does not matter if there is 10 beelo or 10000 beelo in any given region. Law is Law. you might argue this law have to be changed, but that process goes through parliament, and to do that you'll need another Khaatumo in Muqdisho without fist fight. got it.
  7. OK. Last week PM Abdiwali visited Beledweyn after it was liberated from Alshabaab, then the PM told the group claiming to be a maamul goboleed called Dooxada Shabeele who control Beledweyn that the Federal Government does not recognize this maamul goboleed as it does not contain 2 regions or more. hope you get the point now.
  8. Dervish first of all why the Maakhirians join you when you made you unilateral conference and declaration of State, how can they accept something you did not invite them to. Secondly even if you unite with them The capital of the region (Ceerigaabo) is very important, who ever rule Cerigaabo owns Sanaag, and to see you guys occupying Ceerigabo is a wide shot.
  9. How did break the hearts of Hiiraanians? Haddaad wax sheegeysid hubso waxaad ka hadleysid, dad aadan waxba ka ogeyna ha u hadlin. Did you just woke Somalina? we are talking about whether SSC State will have Federal legality or not. The fact is that the federal constitution says that to form a state or maamul goboleed you have to have more than 2 regions or more. But SSC is not even 1 full gobol, you have sool with one district missing, you have Ceyn which is not recognize and was formed in late 1990s, and then you have Sanaag which the Dhuloos folks occupy only a quarter of it. Hope you understand now. But you can always have a second rate State like Ximan &
  10. They need to cut down the number of Garaads. They have 14 Garaads and hundreds of Caaqils, its like 14 captains and 200 deputy captain trying to land one aircraft. No wonder you had 14 years of Siisoco Soosoco.
  11. Burahadeer, hunduraaye haddaa kooyi miyaa adi.
  12. Whats your big hitter's next move, aka crafty Xaabsade?
  13. Or you'll come to SSC as a refugee when the HY and HJ fight again! lol Fresh Prince are you into chemistry. lol
  14. Xaaji these are not real SSC, these are what you call (Beerkey adaa ku weyn) type of SSC. lol
  15. Believe me that is not the case, they still control the baadiye mindset, I am not talking about few hundred reer magaal and qurbajoog who will go back to their homes soon, then these Garaads will start dismantling what the left.
  16. Kadar sxb Do not under estimate those rebel Garaads, we know we are Somalis, the clan and the clan chief is everything, at the end of the day they will have to gather the army your willing liberate LA , the army who liberated Kalshale were from the Baadiye and were gathered by Garaads and Cuqaal, when it comes to tribal warfare its the illiterate reer baadiye who will respond to your TOLLA'AY, not Ali Khaliif's sons who are driving SVUs somewhare in Atlanta.
  17. A_KHADAR Moon, remember this was a well awared and expected outcome for a long ago.. I see if you argue that they should layout the whole thing and annonce when everything is set.. sxb you are just elaborating what some Garaads always suspected which was a hidden agenda by the two Alis and G6 to announce a maamul goboleed which was already cooked in Addis ababa and London. This conference should've been given enough debate freely expressed by all sides (Not to boo anyone), but what you have now is just one group dominating the conference and forcing everyone to accept their way.
  18. Hopefully it won't come to this Somalia doesn't need war. Inshallah dialogue and understanding will be the path to peace. You are just creating new wars by talking about defining the border of the Beesha which does not exist, somali tribes are entangled and mingled and to talk about tribal borders is just a drum for newly created wars. Fahimta Yaa Darwiish.
  19. How can they liberate Sanaag while they couldn't free a donkey in LA which is their heartland, even if they conquer Ceerigaabo which seems to be a wild dream what about the largest tribe in Sanaag aka the Maakhirian who are just happy to go fishing in Garowe and Hargeysa.
  20. I also just realised that even SOOL is not a full GOBOL, the District of Caynabo was Annexed to SARAAR region in Somaliland.
  21. The federal Government will not recognise SSC state as it contains only one full GOBOL (SOOL), Cayn is not recognize by the federal as it was annexed from Togdheer by C/Lahi Yusuf, and they are 3rd minority in Sanaag. So this is a federal law limbo. I am afraid Abdiwali will break some hearts soon as he did to Hiiraan folks few day ago.