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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. "Waar soo ninkii Edward (they pronounce it idwadh) ahaa wada joogna, kii john ahaa nalama soo hadlino, ma odhan onantii ilisabeet aheyd iloow iyo iloow ii imaaday idin tidhi muu odhan! " That is the moment they get a real erotic release. Abtigiis waxaad ku dartaa " Tony Blair anakaa dhalnay, John Major anakaa dhalnay, Edward anakaa dhalnay, uf iyo akh anakaa dhalnay...."
  2. .....dimuqraadiyad nimanka ku baaqaya diinta islaamka dibada ayay ka joogaan,... I always suspected what are this Xisbullahi upto, but they seem to be Takfiiri group more dangerous than Shabab if they get weapons.
  3. you don't get zack. he was happy with status quo of anarchism. now that green shoots of governance can be seen, he is mortified. so he yearns for the father of destruction aideed. simple. Wallee ishaad ka riday. desperate times require desperate measures. Maantana ictiraafkii ma Caydii buu isugu soo biya shubtay.
  4. The oppressed *******After 24 years******** The oppressor
  5. Dukey, as I said on early posts the soft landing has started and you see lots of extremist nomads preparing for this day.
  6. Ahmed M.I. Egal Carafaat who is this writer, is he the great Cigaal's son.
  7. Carafaat for Somaliweyn presidency 2012. you could be the uniting figure sxb.
  8. Carafaat you will be stoned to death by the mob lynch. just wait for minutes.
  9. Oodweyne . Now, if the government come out and say, we are attending, then, my argument is, they better have a good damned reason, Your next arguiment after the conference will be, (...if the government come out and say, we are uniting with Somalia, then, my argument is, they better have a good damned reason,) . But the future looks bright since you conceded.
  10. No is suggesting uniting with Somalia not a single person in Somaliland mentions that not even the one in the TFG the likes of Ina Omaar. politicians are good on preparing people on soft landing. they open debates first, then they make decisions.
  11. No Oody what amazes me is from ppl like you and similar shibirayaal were singing every day in SOL threads, Gooni baan isu taagnay, Annagu Somalia waxba iskama kaaya galin, Qaranimadeenu wa muqadas, Qaranimadeenii baan dib ula soo noqonay, waxba idinkuma darsaneyno, blah blah blah and we were sayin all the way Aakula tahay boowe Fast farward. now you and your fake Mujahidiins are telling me if Somaliland's interest is in seating in a conference "being held for Somalia" you will attend. That is big progress or pragmatism, call it what ever you want dude. I don't think any recognized nation will seat on a conference damaging or questioning its Independency.
  12. This guy look and sounds like a stand up comedian. Xaglatoosiye would've been ideal for these war times.
  13. haaha, politics, ooh, politics, even Oodweyne is landing softly after 21 years of gliding.
  14. Oodweyne ^These are the yesterday's scrap merchants and their teeming looters, who today, decided to pull on, a borrow suit, and pretend, that they govern some god-forsaking barren entity call "state"; and he things, Somaliland, and here elected president will brake bread or even sit with these ever-chancing thieving miscreants of history, indeed... Oodweyne sxb don't put all your eggs in one basket, as you did it on Buhodle gamble, otherwise you will be labeled the most id1otic GEEK SOL have seen, we will see your leaders rubbing shoulders with Caalin, Faroole, Gaandhi, Tiiceey and so on. SL will attend this meeting SANDULLE as we say in maay (fad ama ha fadin, wallee waa lagu fadsiin), I am sure if Italy, or even USA called for this conference you wouldn't attend it, but this ain't a normal conference, you have been told off to attend by your MASTERS the Brits, and you don't have the balls to say NAY to GB which contributes 60% to you GDP. Car bal diid.
  15. Xaaji that room above is a conference room in Cadaado, but the London one will look like this. Happy now? guarantee you the middle seat.
  16. Jug dhaha saaxiibayaal, we have a new student in the class. This is how London Conference will look like. Of course with SL in the middle seat.
  17. Xaaji, I think Morgan just want to claim back his villa, whats wrong with that? Villa MOOORGAN
  18. This now seems like the Asad regime of Syria, most of Sland politicians can't wait to join the party in London, deserting the empty slogns one by one, until you see only Siilaanyo and his shibrayaal or shall we call his SOL شبيحه singing.
  19. Britain is there for their interest. Oil. Piracy. Alqaida. Dynamite isn't it?
  20. hahaha. Oody keep the good work bro. but banging your head on a wall is hazardous. Faysal just got bleeding.
  21. I thought Oody recovered from the Buuhoodle right hook, but I think he is still seeing some stars.