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Everything posted by MoonLight1
The guy is a legend, he is a useful peace keeper on our backyard aka Baraxleey, so why wish hurt for him.
We did his own thread, the youth can't just get the guy. Bad target anyway.
Haye Maadeey, who's your next target after Qaybdiid.
Why I dont like that city is that for example one section feels more connection with people from Buuhoodle then their own city folks. Imagine a hospital, police station or a school that doesnt help/accept/threat people from the own city but support folks from hundred kilometers away. Carafaat that is a problem for all somalis, for example the folk in Burco feels more brotherly and connection to the folks in Gaashaamo ethiopia rather than his neighbors in Yagoori.
I knew only IGLANDH could make them behave. Imiseey Soomaalida kale lahayd walaalayaaloow kaalaya, and now, the master called them with his white finger, Hey come here.
Hogaanka Rasmiga Ah Ee Xisbiga Udub Oo Maanta Ku Dhawaaqaya InayTaageersan Yihiin Ka Qaybgalka Somaliland Ee Shirka London Kadib Markii Ay La Kulmeen Weftiga Safaarada UK Ee Addis Ababa Hargeysa, February 2, 2012 (Haatuf) - Guddoomiyaha ku meelgaadhka ah ee xisbiga UDUB Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin iyo xubanah kale ee hogaanka xisbigaasi ayaa la filayaa inay maanta ku dhawaaqaan inay taageersan yihiin ka qaybgalka Somaliland ee shirka London lagu qabanayo 24-ka bishan February 2012. Kadib markii shalay Hargeysa kulan kula yeesheen wefti ka socday Safaarada UK ku leedahay Addis Ababa, kaas oo sharaxaad ka bixiyey qaabka iyo maamuuska ay Somaliland kaga qaybgalayso shirkaasi oo la filayo in lagu gorfeeyo arimaha Soomaalida ee la dagaalanka Budhcad baddeeda, Argagixisada iyo qorshayaal cusub oo ku aadan mucaawinooyinka gargaar iyo horumarineed ee beesha caalamku u fidin doonto Somaliland iyo Somalia. Safiir ku xigeenka Chris Allan ayaa kulankaasi hogaamiyaha xisbiga UDUB Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin ka raali galiyey shir si khalad ah u dhacay oo diblamaasiyiinta Britain ay la yeesheen kooxda Cali Warancade ee ka falaagowday xisbiga UDUB iyagoo Xasan Embasi oo xidhiidhka u hayey weftiga uu si qaldan ugu geeyey Cali Warancade iyo kooxdiisa halka ay kula shiri lahaayeen Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin iyo hogaamiyeyaasha kale ee sharciga ah ee xisbiga UDUB, kuwaas oo uu ka mid ahaa xildhibaan Cabdi Gaagaale. Weftiga safaarada UK waxa uu isla shalay la kulay hogaamiyeyaasha xisbiga UCID oo uu horkacayey Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay ka wada hadleen shirka London iyo amuurihiisa.
I can see khaatumo boys are having good time in Garowe
The jist of it is, that Somaliland's policies and strategies are drafted in the livestock market of Hargeisa, not in the State House. And that is scary. Wallee ishaad ka riday.
Hague visits the TFG The UK International Development Minister visits PL The assistant to the British safeer to Xabashland visits SL . Ngonge, There is a xaayoow shirib, which says Wardhiigleey wasaarad waaye, Intakalana wakaalad waaye Hope you understood.
As you can see there are a lot of good hearted people as well.Some even cried. yes Abdul every nation have good and evil in them, as long as the good ones standing and confronting the evil, No problem.
Arabs are not and will not be happy Somalia drilling oil. and the evidence is there for the last 21 years, they just watched us destroy each other with no help but only famine handouts through western organisations, and look how they helped Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and now Syria.
Here is another one, This time Iraqis.
Showqi its called (abcNEWS Would You Stop Muslim Discrimination ?) Hare is the video link.
Let me not generalize, but the number of standbyers or supporters of the waiter's action, is appalling.
This programe went out last night and its about the civil war in Syria.
Taallo Lagu Xusaayo Col. Richard Corfield In Hergeisa
MoonLight1 replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
Oody I advice, you should write your own GREEN BOOK like Gadafi's. Pages and pages of HOT air . -
Taallo Lagu Xusaayo Col. Richard Corfield In Hergeisa
MoonLight1 replied to IAmRevolution's topic in Politics
Ingiriis jabyoo waxaa ku dhacay jac iyo baaruudee -
If I was elected as a president, which I doubt will happen cause I wont be running for one, I would make sure qaraabada dhow ee dagaal-oogeyaasha, mid hore ee xilligii dowladda, kuwa xilliga dagaalka sokeeye, cid Alle ciddii corruption ku caddaado oo dhan baa bixin llahaa lacagtan inteeda badan. lol....Toloow imisaa markaan warkaas iri farta wadnaha ku haysa meeshaan? lol Lacagihii qaranka ee iskoollada dibedaha loogu soo aadi jirey iyo waa la iska goyn lahaa....Waxa beer qof dowladda u shaqeeyey leeyihiinna waan qaramayn lahaa markaas baan review ku samayn lahaa ciddii u qalantana waan siin lahaa....Guryaha sidoo kale ninkii laba guri ka badan leh oo dowladda u shaqayn jirey amase xilligii dagaallada sameeyey waa loo yaabaa! Call me a dictator balse, haddaan la iskaga daba imaan dalka la burbursaday meesha waxba ma yaalaan! Thats what I call Austerity measures. its going to be tough I tell you, plus Somalia will need more credits to rebuild, so imagine by 2020 how much. haddii Alle na gaarsiiyo.
Don't worry the world owe us more than that for our fish, dumping nuclear waster or somehow violating our territorial. Haddii laga fursan waayana Shaloongo/Hagbad qaran baan geleynaa oo qofba 100 shilin bishii ah that saves us. Or Shidaalka, macdanta iyo barwaaqada xoolaha nool baa na fagsan doona.........HORTA DOWLAD LEE AAN DHISANNO ee adi dadka ha cabsiin Moon... Abwaan sxb this is really making me nervous as I see the slow meltdown of Greece economy because of debts, and Genrmany telling them to hand their taxation sovereignty, bury in mind the clock is still ticking and every day God knows how much goes on top. I think before the war it was a hundred and something million, and now it passed $2 billion. that is really scary for a sub third world country.