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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Maaddeey;856036 wrote: Waa isma dhaanto iyo dhashood. Mid Sheekh Zaayid camala Alle waa ka soo dhex bixi karaa!, Maadeey sorry to say but, first part of your sentence contradicts the last of it. in another way your saying "they are all bad, but there could be good one in them" Also I thought you advocated Shariah, and as far as we know Sheikh Zaid never implemented it, but he was a rich man with lots of sky scrapers, in that case we just need oil.
  2. I have a friend who just returned from a Somali coastal town where he told us he couldn't find fresh fish to eat as people were eating imported tuna and pasta instead. imagine. this all comes down to laziness, somalis like to talk talk, but not work work.
  3. dadkan masaakiinta ee laga tirada badanyahay ee aan hubeysneyn waa dhibanyihiin ee ilaahey dhibka haka qaado, mar waa "Laangaab", Mar waa Looma ooyaan, mar waa point five, mar waa IDPs, cajiib. soomaali waxay isu cuneyso oo ladagi la'adahay waa dulmiga iyo xaqiraada lagu hayo dadkaas.
  4. xiin put your card on the table, who's your candidate?
  5. Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds. Chapter 3, verse 96. The world's tallest Minarah and clock.
  6. Oba nagadaadee sxb. this is all camouflage, your chosen candidates are Sh.Shariif, if he fails its plan B which is Baadiyow, all others waa maqaar saar.
  7. MMA your ruining the politics section by censoring your clan buddy's initials. you never censor the **** block or **** block initials.
  8. its true, the **** block are united behind Shariif sakiin more than the other blocks are united on their candidate and the Istanbul conference was proof when their elders walked out. I think its due to the guy's manipulation skills, plus his smooth talk and persuasion skills. **** never had that calibra of politician since Zoobe.
  9. ...Presidential candidate 2011 lol Oba we are in 2012 sxb. he must be the most handsome candidate;) other than that I don't know what he stands for.
  10. Xaajiga waxaa laga dhigay Meyarka Maqaayada inanta.
  11. Che -Guevara;854987 wrote: Whats wrong with that? i see that as a huge fall, from being the sophisticated professor, former prime minister and founder of Khatumo state to a XLDH sitting next to Yaloxow and Xaaraan kunaax. That's a big demotion.
  12. 'Liibaan';854977 wrote: 1: Ali Khaliif Galaydh. Adeer Cali ma xildhibaannimuu ku qancay? kkk. war ninku han yaraa.
  13. adeerow waa lagu yaqaan afku dhiigle u hadla argagixisada inaad tahay ee sheekada iyo nacnacda nagala tag. waa layaqaan cidda soomaaliya keentay gafuur la xirto, iyo qof masjid kasoo baxay la toogto. marka sxb iska aamus adigoo kale aamuskaad ku qumantahay.
  14. Showqi;854958 wrote: illaahay ha u naxariisto marxuumka. Koley hadii isaga oo Sooman, Salaadii subaxna soo tukaday (lagana yaabo in ay waliba weysadii u dhowrneyd), si fiican ayaabu aduunkan uga tagay. Kuwii dileyna illaahay maalinta qiyaamaha ah wuu ka abaal marin doonaa. waa saad sheegtay, nimanka waxan sameeyay iyo dilalka kale ee ay ka geysteen Muqdisho, Beledwen iyo Galkacyo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay waa dad ugu tala galay inay diinta Islaamka ceebeeyaan oo ay sharafta ka qaadaan, xurmadii uu lahaa dhiiga muslimka, xurmadii ay laheyd ramadaanka, xurmadii uu lahaa masjidka, xurmadii ay laheyd weysada iyo salaaduba intaba waa waxba kama jiraan oo aan lagu badbaadineyn qofka. dadku waa inay isku tashtaan oo nimankan la iska dhiciyaa.
  15. ^ Buunbuunis what? wixii dhacay uunbaa meesha ku qoran.
  16. Horta marka hore Inaalilahi wainaa ileyhi raajicuun. xildhibaanka Allaha ka waraabiyo janadii firdawsa. Aamiin. its becoming a cliche. - Masjid kasoo baxay. - Laba nin oo afka soo duubtay. - Bastoolado ku hubeysan. - Goobta ka baxsaday. - Ciidamada oo howlgal ku baadi goobaya. there are easy steps the public and the authorities can take. a) installation of cctv inside and outside the mosque. b) recruiting volunteer guards during and after the prayers. c) forming neighbourhood watches. unless the public takes drastic steps, the educated elites will be eliminated one by one by these terrorists.
  17. Garoowe (APL ) : waxaa saaka waabarigii Salaadii Subax la diley xili uu Masaajid ka soo baxey X. C/salaan Sheekh Maxamuud (Xildhibaan Sheybe) oo ka tirsanaa Golaha Wakiiladda Puntland, waxaana diley laba nin oo afka soo duubtey. Xildhibaanka, ayaa Masaajid ku soo tukaday Salaadii Subax, waxaana uu ka soo baxey xili qoraxdu ay soo dhaweyd kadib markii uu Quraan akhtistey muddo. Xildhibaanka Saaka la diley ayaa waxa uu Golaha Wakiilada ka mid ahaa muddo dheer, waxaana uu iminka ahaa Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Khilaafaadka Golayaasha Deegaanka Puntland oo muddo dheer ka doodayay Baarlamaanka Puntland. Ciidamada amaanka ayaa howlgalo ka bilabay xafadaha 1da Augosto ,waxaana goobta ka fagaday ninka gaystay dilka xildhibaanka . Xafaiiska Wararka Allpuntland Garoowe.
  18. Jacaylbaro;854933 wrote: Shaydaan buu ahaa waa xidhay dee ,,,,, loooooooool ;) War kadaa ninka odeyga ah.
  19. watch out, they will all come to line when the BULDOZER aka Mahiga comes in.
  20. and this city is still producing the Great & The famous Somali race, Mo Farah being the latest. Mo farah Rageh Omar. Kainaan. Iman. Cadaay. and the list goes on and on.
  21. The Independent Farah kicks to glory and seals our finest day 10,000m winner embraces pregnant wife after securing Team GB's sixth gold on Super Saturday With his arms outstretched on either side like a bird of prey as he crossed the line, Mo Farah yesterday buried the ghost of Beijing, scooping gold in a heart-pounding men's 10,000m final and cementing his place as one of Britain's greatest track athletes of all time. No other British man has ever succeeded like this over this distance at the Olympics. The 29-year-old rolled to his knees and kissed the track twice, finishing first after leading the field throughout the final lap. It marked the pinnacle of a dream that was set as an eight-year-old when he came to London from the streets of Mogadishu with just three phrases of English. It was high drama for his wife Tania, too. She is seven months pregnant, and the couple are expecting twins. Somehow still composed at the end, she walked across the track to greet Farah with a proud embrace after he had pulled himself from the ground, still shaking his head in disbelief. Their daughter Rihanna had already bounded on with a union flag for a picture to treasure and one that British long-distance running commentators could be forgiven for wondering if they'd ever see. Farah had simply run away from the rest. Galen Rupp, his US training partner, who won silver, and the bronze medallist Tariku Bekele and his brother, Kenensisa, were unable to keep pace in a thrilling finish. "The Olympics doesn't come around often," said Farah, "and to have it on your doorstep, right here: it's never going to get better than this. It's the best moment of my life.. "Long distance is a lonely event: what you put in is what you get out. I want to thank everybody who has supported me from my childhood. There are too many people to thank, but I want to thank everybody who is associated with me." Born in war-torn Somalia in 1983, Farah grew up in neighbouring Djibouti. Contrary to popular belief, he is not a refugee: his grandfather worked in a bank and his British-born father was an IT consultant. Alan Watkinson, the runner's former PE teacher, recalled his first days at Feltham Community College. "You could see his physical talent straightaway," he told The Independent on Sunday. "He was gangly, but I remember the sheer ease with which he glided; his strides were effortless and he always looked very comfortable keeping pace with the fastest in the school. "Did I think he was capable of becoming a world-beater? It was hard to tell. He was fast but his talent was yet to be honed. He did get beaten in his first school cross-country race." The seeds of athletic success, Watkinson says, were planted as a teenager when he accompanied Mark Lewis-Francis and Tim Benjamin to a future training camp in Florida. When he returned, his demeanour seemed more assured. I remember him telling me 'I definitely feel like an athlete now'." Farah won a £10,000 National Lottery grant to take up running full time and moved into a house shared with leading Kenyan runners, including the 5,000m world champion Benjamin Limo. Paula Radcliffe is said to be one of his mentors and someone who "helps him mentally". He broke down in tears after spotting her two years ago when he won the 5,000m crown at the European Championships in Barcelona. At the European Championships in 2006, Radcliffe apparently told Farah: "Be brave." He later won the silver medal. Their relationship has been a fruitful one ever since. Radcliffe has been involved in some key decisions, not least advising him on his move to the United States 18 months ago, when he linked up with American coach Alberto Salazar. "There's no doubt that Oregon has put the finishing touches on him; it has certainly given him the confidence of a world beater," says Watkinson. There have been disappointments along the way, too. Farah agonisingly missed out on 10,000m gold at the World Championships in Daegu last year, when an athlete he knew nothing about – Ethiopia's Ibrahim Jeilan – outsprinted him in the final few metres to win by 0.26 seconds. It was enough to reopen old wounds of 2008 when he failed to reach the final of the 5,000m at the Beijing Olympics, a failure he described as "the most disappointed I've ever been in my life". But it has also spurred him to greater things. Since that defeat, Farah has left little to chance, crediting his new coach and training regime in America, which helped him seal a number of wins, including gold in the 5,000m at the 2011 World Championships in South Korea and a silver medal in the 10,000m. Source:
  22. The Guardian Mo Farah joins long-distance Olympic greats as he sprints into record books In an Olympics where athletes aged 15 have been scooping golds, the astonishing 29-year-old Mo Farah has just kept getting faster Truly amazing. During the last lap, roared on by 80,000 spectators, Mo Farah entered the graced zone that every athlete dreams of, winning the men's 10,000m with a marvellous sprint flourish. He also ran into the record books, becoming the first Briton to win the event, securing the nation's sixth gold medal of the day. His delight was complete when he turned around after crossing the line and saw his friend and training partner, American Galen Rupp take silver. A medal of any metal would have been a triumph in this 10,000m. Farah was racing against the cream of the world's great distance running countries, Ethiopia and Kenya. A rainbow-coloured squadron set off at a comfortable pace, the green and yellow of the Ethiopian Bekele brothers leading at the front with Farah tucked in comfortably behind. Farah had fallen back to ninth at the halfway mark with Eritrean, Zersenay Tadese in the lead. In an Olympics where 15-year-olds win gold and 23-year-olds talk of retirement, you might have thought the 29-year-old Farah was well past his sell-by date. But distance running has always been a world unto itself, and over the past year the Somali-born Briton has been getting faster and faster. As 2012 approached, it looked as if the current world champion was coming into his prime. For most of his career Farah has been unable to challenge the supremacy of the east Africans. He was in danger of plateauing, content with a level of achievement that was hugely admirable – the top distance runner in Europe – but way off the world's best. Former middle-distance Olympic medallist Steve Cram summed it up well when he said: "Mo has always been a good runner, but he became a great runner when he decided finishing in the top 10 in the world was not good enough." The previous non-Ethiopian winner was 20 years ago. Tariku and his older brother Kenenisa Bekele – who finished third and fourth in Saturday's the race – come from Bekoji, a tiny village-town 140 miles south of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Farah moved to London, to live with his English father, before he had the chance to run competitively in Africa. He spoke little English, and the few words he did know didn't help. One of the only expressions he knew was "C'mon then!" He tried it out on one of the boys at school and came home with a black eye. The young Farah could turn his hand or foot to pretty much anything. He was skinny and strong — not much different from today except for the trademark goatee. His PE teacher realised he had a particular talent for running, and mentored him. Alan Watkinson also realised early on what Farah responded to — bribes. After he finished ninth at the English Schools Cross Country Championships, in 1996, he told him that if he won the following year he'd buy him an Arsenal kit. Farah won. Watkinson was not only one to champion Farah. When he was 17, Paula Radcliffe paid for his driving lessons so that he could travel to training nights. London Marathon race director David Bedford also helped — the London Marathon Charitable Trust bankrolled Farah's education at St Mary' University College, Twickenham, and Bedford introduced Farah to Alberto Salazar, the maverick American coach credited with Farah's astounding recent progress. The turning point in Farah's career was when he started to take himself seriously. As a young man his main claim to fame was jumping naked off Kingston bridge into the Thames. In 2005, he moved into a house with a group of Kenyans, and had a revelation – to be seriously good, you need to be seriously committed. He was in the habit of going to bed at 2am and sleeping through the morning, and discovered his flatmates were in bed for nine and up at six. His mantra became eat, train, sleep. By 2010 he had won double gold at 5,000m and 10,000m at the European championship, but his time at the longer distance (28min 25sec) was still more than two minutes slower than Bekele's current world record. So Farah set off for Kenya to train at high altitude. He ran 100 miles a week, ate, trained and slept some more, and knocked more than 90 seconds off his European championship 10,000m time. Last year he set off again – this time moving his family (his wife Tania has a seven-year-old daughter Rihanna, and is expecting twins) to Portland Oregon where Salazar introduced him to underwater treadmills and cryogenic chambers, and tried to build up his upper body strength, and eradicate a tendency towards bobbing arms. By now Farah was taking his work so seriously that he walked away from his honeymoon when stranded in Nairobi because of the volcanic ash cloud — he returned to the high altitude while Tania and Rihanna made their own way home. Two years later, they were close by as Farah ran the race of his life in London, as were tens of thousands of fans who threw up a huge roar of "Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo," ordering him on to victory. With one lap to go it was Farah and Kenenisa. Farah kicked and the roaring grew louder. Then it was over. Farah kissed his hands, held his head, and wrapped himself in a union flag. Tania walked on to the track, Rhianna ran on, and he threw her in her arms. The three posed for the cameras. Bowie's Heroes played for the second time in the evening and the greatest night in British athletics came to a dream end. Source: