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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. it seems shabeelada dhexe which is one of the smallest regions in Somalia has more districts than any other region, Thanks to Sheekh Shariif aiming to leave tolka on high note.
  2. Wareegtoyinka madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif uu ku magacabayo gobolo iyo degmooyinka cusub oo sii kordhaya Madaxweynaha dowlada KMG Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa iska sii wada magaabida degmooyin cusub oo hor leh, iyo gobolo cusub oo lagu kordhiyey goboladii dalka horey uga jiray gaar ahaan koonfurta Somalia xili ay arintaas sharci daro ku tilmaameen RW Gaas iyo golihiisa wasiirada ee waqtigoodu dhamaaday. Madaxweynaha ayaa shalay soo saaray saddex wareegto oo mid ka mid ah degmo loogu aqoonsaday degaanka Jameeca Jilyaale oo ka tirsan gobolka Sh/Dhexe laga bilaabo 16 Febraayo sanadkan 2012-ka. Wareegtaad 2aad ayuu madaxweynuhu dagmo buuxda ugu aqoonsaday degaanka Shaw oo ka tirsan gobolka Hiiraan laga bilaabo taariikhda marka ay aheyd 30-ka June sanadkan 2012-ka, waxaana sidoo kale wareegtooyinkaas degmo cusub loogu aqoonsaday degaanka Gamboole oo ka tirsan gobolka Sh/dhexe laga soo bilaabo taariikhda marka ay aheyd 30-kii June sanadkan 2012-ka. Wareegtooyinkan ayaa wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha ugu baaqay in ay dhameystirto waxyaabaha ay u baahan tahay degmo waliba si loo horumariyo kaabayaasha dhaqaale, amaanka garsoorka iyo waxyaabaha kale ee ay u baahan yihiin dagmooyinkaas bulshada ku nool. Sidoo kale kulan shalay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay wareegto kale oo lagu magacaabay gobol cusub oo ka mid noqonaya gobolada dalka ka dib markii la sheegay in la kala jaray gobolka Hiiraan, waxaana wareegtada lagu sheegay in gobolka cusub loo bixiyey gobolka Shabeellaha sare kaasoo xaruntiisu noqon doonto degmada Buulo Burde. Arinta magacaabida degmooyinka iyo gobolada cusub ayaa muran badan ka dhalisay madaxda dowlada, iyadoo wareegto ka soo baxday xafiiska Raisul wasaaraha lagu sheegay in talaabooyinka uu madaxweynuhu qaadayo ay yihiin kuwo sharci daro ah oo aan waafaqsaneyn nidaamka dowliga ah, hase ahaatee madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in magacaabida degmooyinka aysan ka hor istaagi karin golaha wasiirada iyo raisul wasaaraha.
  3. Somalia;858639 wrote: :D:D How come he repeats what is said to him? very childish guy. he must be one of those teens who wear SSC tee-shirts and dance on khaatumo's endless parties, brain washed by the poisonous Garaads.
  4. oba hiloowlow;858628 wrote: isdhiibka waa maxay Shariif is going to win dad aan ogahay bey wadnaha xanuuni doontaa oo shariif lee ku jiro maanta dhan maya haddaayay markaan ku waayay baan is iri ninkii Oba ahaa waa is dhiibay oo kubeertaduu hoosta ka galay. laakiin hadda waa kuu jeedaa avatarka xataa waa soo badalatay waa shariifeesantahay.
  5. Hala yaabin ninkan cudur la yiraahdo Faroole Mad Cow disease baa ku dhacay. dad buu munaafaqad ku sheegayaa, munaafaqa sow maha kan marna halkaa usocda marna halkaa ee laba cadleeya ee afmiinshaarka ah.
  6. I understand you are frustrated coz you lost the war sxb, good luck with your nightmare.
  7. Abwaan;858611 wrote: Liibaanoow ragga dhan baan u sheegayaa inaysan bahashu naga hallaabin. Hadda meel fiican baa wax marayaan...Halla isku soo dhawaado fadlan. Abwaan, how is your fav candidate Nuur Bidaar Jnr doing? any hope? mise adna waad is dhiibtay sida Oba;)
  8. 'Liibaan';858612 wrote: Moonlight, beenta iyo munaafaqada waan inaad joojisaa, Laas Caanood kaliya maaha dhulka maqan. Mida kale Faroole iyo taageerayaashiisa waxba kama galin Laas Caanood. Reer Laas Caanod hadii ee taagersan yihiin KHaatumo waxba kaama galin, sidoo kale, hadii ee taageersanyihin Somaliland waxba kama galin. Sheekadaas waa sheeko caruurnimo, this is the politics thread, we can discuss about all issues concerning Somalis from Ras kamboni to Lowyacadde, get to grips and don't change the subject, Puntland adinkaa ka qabsaday LA, adinkaa u gacan galiyay SL, adinkaa ilaa iyo hadda ku haya SL, projectigan Khaatumo waa midaan dhaafin teleconference, iyo party, iyo dancing, waa wax lacag looga urursado islaamaha jooga yurub iyo America oo loogu sheekeeyo cadowgiinu waa MJ iyo Garoowe, adeerow hurdada ka kaca oo dabinka Galeyr haku dhicina.
  9. Abwaan;858594 wrote: Good, so markaa in la celiyo Xasan oo Sureer la keeno soo ma habboona? Xuseen iyo C/Weli iyagana waa in la celiyaa soo maahan oo gabar la keenaa?":D Abwaanow waxaad rabtaa rag badan inay shuka gashtaan si loo daayo. lol Lets see how they handle it. Liibaan;858594 wrote: Laas Caanood waxa laga qabsaday maamul, waxaana qabsadey maamul kale. Hadana maamulka 7 bilood jira ayaa laga su gayaa inuu xoreeyo dhamaan dhulka KHaatumo. Liibaanow mid ogow Soomaali waa isku wada tabar, LA xoreynteeda uma baahna maamul ee waxay u baahantahay wiilashiina SL u shaqeeya in aad u yeertaan oo hubka ka dhigtaan, but the truth is the two JAMA Garaads don't want that as their sons get good tips from SL admin. Ma been baan isku sheegnaa.
  10. Mooge;858455 wrote: kor u dhaaftay 220 maxbuus, Are you sure they are not on Shariif's own parliament;) Maybe he learned some lessons from Bashar Alassad's Shibbixa gangs.
  11. 'Liibaan';858580 wrote: In 7 months, KHaatumo traditional elders succeeded to select 5 of the 8 KHaatumo MPs. In 2015, we expect KHaatumo people and elders to select all their representatives in Somali Parliement. KHaatumo people blame Mahiga for giving 3 KHaatumo Parliamentarian seats to Faroole. is that the whole propose Khatumo was created? where is the so called "liberation of LA"? no wonder alot of observers believed the whole thing was set up to climb into government positions. All your elders, politicians, G5,G10, G99, are in Mogadishu chasing positions while they can't put foot in LA.
  12. Abwaan;858555 wrote: Lol@Boqordabagooye oo magacaabay dhooble, sida uu soo tebiyey Dayax-Nuurkiis. lol
  13. Abwaan;858548 wrote: Mooge, who is Dhoble? Magac saddexan ma leh? Siyaasadda Soomaalidu wax walba waa ku baraysaa. Cabdulahi Xasan Dhoble. he is one of the MPs nominated by Boqor Dabagoye.
  14. Carafaat;858519 wrote: 2.Which regions are not controlled by the goverment yet? Waqooyi Galbeed & Togdheer.
  15. Wasiirka dastuurka “Madaxda dalka iyo wasiiradana waa ku simayaal inta laga soo dooranayo madaxdii bedeli laheyd” Xukuumada KMG Somalia ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqday inuu dhamaaday xiligii ay jiri laheyd maanta taariikhdu tahay 20-ka bisha Agoosto iyadoo uu socdo qorshe ballaaran oo lagu dhisayo madaxdii hogaanka dowlada Somalia qaban laheyd afarta sanadood ee soo socota. Wasiirka dastuurka dowlada KMG Somalia C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil ayaa arintaas ku dhawaaqay maanta isagoo xusay iney sii joogi doonaan madaxweynaha raisul wasaaraha iyo golaha wasiirada xilalkana sii heynayaan inta laga soo dooranayo madaxdii bedeli laheyd. Xiliga kMG ahaa waa dhamaaday, maanta ayuu ku eg-yahay, hase ahaatee madaxweynaha, raisul wasaaraha iyo golaha wasiirada sidooda ayey xilalka u heyn doonaan waana ku-simeyaal inta laga soo dooranayo madaxdii bedeli laheyd” ayuu intaa ku daray Wasiirka dastuurka dowlada KMG Somalia.
  16. Xildhibaano tiradoodu gaareyso 211 xubnood oo ka mid noqon doona Baarlamanka cusub ee dalka Somalia ayaa goor dhow oo maqribnimadii caawa ah lagu dhaariyey munaasabad ka dhacday garoonka dayuuradaha Aadan cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho. Munaasabadan ayaa waxaa goob joog ahaa madaxweynaha dowlada Somalia, raisul wasaaraha gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka, xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada, wakiilka QM, saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM, wakiilo ka socda beesha caalamka gaar ahaan dalalka daneeya xaaladaha Somalia iyo guddiga Farsamada soo xulista xildhibaanada cusub. Kuraas fara badan ayaa la dhigay barxad weyn oo ku taala gudaha garoonka dayuuradaha Aadan cadde taasoo ay ku fadhiyeen madaxda iyo xildhibaanada cusub, waxaana xildhibaanadaas dhaariyey shan Garsoore oo uu horkacayey gudoomiyaha maxkamada sare ee dowlada KMG Somalia Caydiid Ilka-xanaf, iyadoo xildhibanada cusub markii la dhaariyey ay koox koox gacmaha u saarayeen kutub lagu dul safay miis dheer oo halkaas lagu diyaariyey. Amaanka magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan garoonka Aadan cadde oo markii horeba aad u adkaa ayaa si weyn loo sii adkeeyey waxaana dadka lagu baarayey dhowr goobood ka hor inta aysan gudaha u gelin garoonka Aadan cadde iyadoo ay baarayeen ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa dowlada KMG Somalia. Waxaa goobtaas ka hadlay xubnaha guddiga farsamada soo xulista xildhibaanada oo ka hadlay howsha ay qabteen, iyagoo balan qaaday iney sii wadi doonaan shaqadooda inta laga soo dhamaeystirayo xildhibaanada harsan, sidoo kale waxaa hadda socda khudbado ay jeedinyaan madaxda dowlada KMG ah ee waqtigeedu dhamaaaday iyo xubno ka tirsan beesha caalamka oo sheegay iney maanta tahay maalin taariikhi ah.
  17. 'Liibaan';858485 wrote: Open Letter To Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations- Subject: Abuse of the Selection of Somali Parliamentarians- From: The Traditional Elders of KHaatumo State of SOmalia Garad Jama Garad Ali Garad Suleiman Garad Mohamed Garad Jama Garad Ismail Garad Abdullahi Garad Soofe Sultan Said Osman Ali Garad Abshir Salah Mohamed Ugaas Abdullahi Isse Nur Garad Ali Buraale Hassan Garad Abdi Salaam Hassan Mohamed Garad Mohamed Osman Mashgare Garad Suleiman Buraale Ugaas Farah Mohamed Ali As you know, your Excellency, Somalia is now approaching the end of the transitional period In line with the provisions of the Roadmap for Somalia, the primary responsibility for what to replace the transitional set up was entrusted to proven Somali traditional leaders assembled for this purpose in Mogadishu representing their respective clans. The first task of the assembled traditional leaders was, inter alia, to select the delegates of the National Constituent Assembly, deliberate on the draft constitution, and then adopt it once supported by majority vote. Their second task was to select the allotted members of parliament based on the 4.5 classifications of Somali clans in Somalia. A committee of arbitration to mediate inter and intra clans disputes was also put in place. This process that was assigned only to the clan traditional elders assembled in Mogadishu was supposed to be free from any outside interference, whether from the Traditional Federal Government (TFG), regional administrations, foreign governments and above all your Special Representative, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga. These arrangements established for the traditional elders in Mogadishu have been working reasonably well up until now. What we now face is a gratuitous crisis hatched by the president of the Puntland State of Somalia, Mr Abdirahman Froole, when he challenged at the meeting of the signatories of the Roadmap in Nairobi (6 August) the manner the clan elders present in Mogadishu distributed the parliamentary seats allotted to them as SSC clan hailing from the Khatumo State of Somalia (based on the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions in north west Somalia). The fact that the SSC Clan of Khatumo State belong to different clan and regions from those of President Faroole, should have persuaded him that he has no right or business to involve himself with their affairs. All the recognized Khatumo traditional leaders that selected the Constituent Assembly delegates are currently present in Mogadishu and they are the ones mandated to represent the SSC clan in Mogadishu by the Council of elders, the highest body in the structure of the Khatumo State. Without cause or justification, Mr Faroole granted himself the prerogative to choose some of Khatumo members of Parliament. Apart from president Shariif Ahmed and the AHLU SUNA representative, who walked out of the meeting in protest against this flagrant shenanigans against the Khatumo people, what is incomprehensible is that some co-signatories, and of all people your own UN Special Representative, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, stood by and supported Faroole's brazen demand. It is on occasions like this, when some of the players in the Roadmap, and in particular its co-signatories, are riding roughshod over the rule of law and justice that the Somali people look to your SRSG to defend them and not to be an accomplice in this sordid conspiracy to deprive the Khatumo people of their inalienable right to select their MPs through their traditional leaders in line with the established procedures set up for all the assembled traditional leaders now based in Mogadishu. Once these rights are allowed to be abused, and worse, seen to have been sanctioned by your SRSG, they are bound to undermine the whole fragile process now under way with all its adverse implications. President Faroole's unacceptable and bizarre action in Nairobi can best be understood against its background going back to the time when the SSC clan in the SSC regions, exercising their inalienable rights to self-determination, formed their own Khatumo State in January 2012. President Faroole, rather than come to terms with this reality, had ever since been engaged in relentless vendetta against this nascent Khatumo State of Somalia, determined to derail or scuttle. And clearly, it is for this reason that he concocted his unwarranted predatory intervention, which is based neither on reason nor could be justified on the basis of the procedures set up for the Road map to end the Transition. Sadly, your Special Representative to Somalia. Mr. Mahiga, has taken leave of his responsibilities to support the mandate of the United Nations as an impartial entity to support the rule of law and assist in peaceful resolution of the prolonged conflicts in Somalia. He has morphed into an “arbiter” dispensing favours and patronage for his own ends to strong parties and confidants at the cost of those who are not represented in the small cabal of Roadmap co-signatories as is now happening to Khatumo state. The special UN representative can not be allowed to support Faroole’s mindless claims to abrogate to himself the traditional leaders' assigned role to nominate the members of parliament in the post transition period. We appeal to you, Mr Secretary General, to address and redress Mr. Mahiga’s unfortunate blunder and blind support to Faroole to intervene and interfere in the mandate provided to the traditional leaders(of all Somalia) to select their members of parliament. The attempt to usurp the Khatumo State's traditional leaders' responsibilities could unravel the Roadmap and peace process as Khatumo leaders walk out of the process. They could be joined by other clans in support and solidarity with them or because they are fearful of similar interferences happening to them. The Khatumo people are in the unfortunate unique situation among other Somali clans and regional States in Somalia of confronting the collusion of one hostile wily regional leader and your own SRSG. It behoves you, Mr Secretary-General, as well as those in the international community engaged in the early and successful conclusion of the transitional governance phase in Somalia to prevail over both Mahiga, who is now part of the problem and not its solution, as well as Mr Faroole, who is now the greatest wrecker/ "spoiler" of the peace process. For the sake of the Roadmap, they should be made to desist from abusing their positions as co- signatories and refrain from interfering in the selection of each clan as to who should represent them in parliament. Please accept, your Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration. Garad Jama Garad Ali Garad Suleiman Garad Mohamed Garad Jama Garad Ismail Garad Abdullahi Garad Soofe Sultan Said Osman Ali Garad Abshir Salah Mohamed Ugaas Abdullahi Isse Nur Garad Ali Buraale Hassan Garad Abdi Salaam Hassan Mohamed Garad Mohamed Osman Mashgare Garad Suleiman Buraale Ugaas Farah Mohamed Ali cc: Ambassador USA Ambassador of UK Ambassador of Turkey UN Secretary- General Special Rep for Somalia
  18. This is a big blow for the Khaatumo project and a boost for Dabagooye and Cameey. C/Kariim Jaamac former information minister and one of the founders of Khaatumo is missing on the list. 1) Caali Khaliif Galeyr. 2) Saada Cali Warsame. 3) C/Lahi Xasan Dhooble 4) C/Risaaq Max'ed Yusuf. 5) Cabdi Max'ed Cali 6) Cabdi Cabdulahi Max'ed 7) C/Waaxid C/Lahi Jamac 8) Siyaad Max'ud Shire.
  19. guys leave Oba alone. its a bad day to be a Shariif supporter.
  20. Mooge;858437 wrote: saado waxay ka xanaagday the insults, the attacks and all the bad-mouthing of garowe clan by galeyr supportes. that was the main reason. she said wait a munite? aren't these people our family? aren't they Somali? why are we insulting them through media everyday. she could not tolerate loser galeyr's hostility towards the clans of Puntland and envy. she is proud Somali and stands tall as independant woman. Mooge that's not what triggered her, I heard from a very good source that she was not sent any invitation or ticket to go to the taleex conference, The sheikhs and wadaad's attending the conference pressured Ali khaliif not to invite her as they did not want music in there. she was very angry with that decision and felt humiliated, then she released the song TUUG WAA TUUG addressed to Ali khaliif..
  21. oba hiloowlow;858413 wrote: Kismaayo is actually a good option Kismaayo is too big for NGONGE;858413 wrote: When did you give up on your sheikh, Oba? lol I already said that the shariif camp lost the battle way before it even started.
  22. oba hiloowlow;858409 wrote: He will be known as the Aden Cadde of this era and Mahadaay airport will be named after him;)
  23. Pressure from Garowe is working. Farole must have calculated his outburst yesterday.
  24. I agree with you, voting without the whole 275 MPs, some clans will oppose the new admin and will consume vital time and resource to satisfy them. if Somalis waited 22 years to get out of intrim admin surely they can wait for another day or two.