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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Asalaamu Calaykum


    kawaran dalkii, safarkii wali ma ku jirtaa mise waa saa noqotay, sala cala nabi dagaalka naga yaree ninyahow


    Buufis wax la dhaho baa jira ee iska jir, intaasi kaftan bey aheed



    Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

    Topic: Who is the hater? conclusion do we deserved to be labeled as haters



    who is the “we” you talking about yaa red sea, you saying that people of Somaliland don’t deserve to be labeled as haters that’s right, but also you should know that other Somalis like people of Puntland & SSC don’t deserve as well to be labeled as haters


    Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

    I am sadened to say not a single clan from our neighbors(somali waqooyi and Puntland)that sent an Ergo to sort of try to ease the tension.

    Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

    Also I'd like to prove that somalilanders are more somali loving

    Gross generalization is a dangerous notion, no Somali region can be labeled as haters, the one who accuse an entire population of any region as haters is guilty of hate himself



    First, saxib red sea you shouldn’t accuse and target an entire communities, its unfair



    Before you address the truthfulness of your political opponents, you should question the truthfulness of your political proponents; ask them hard questions, like who is behind really the secession project?

    Why should the secessionist entity claim all the territories that Britain surrendered in 1960 (not even all the territories of former British Colony, because Haud Regoin/the reserve area was also part of former British Somali protectorate one time)


    Why the secessionist entity still consider Ethiopia friendly neighbor in the light of what is happening in Mogadishu for the last several months? Where is the courage?



    Why the secessionist entity is against the right of self-determination of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn people, while it was seeking for itself the right of self-determination for the last 17 years without success?


    You believe that those promote unity and brotherhood based on somalilaweyn are not truthful, while not indicating that those who promote unity and brotherhood based the territories Britain surrendered in 1960 are as well not truthful, and colonial lagecies, or reer woqooyinimo sometimes



    Personally, I believe all Somali people regardless of their regional or clan affliliation are equally and evenly Somali, of course there is some bad apples in every region, but to say Somalis of one region are more or less somali then Somalis of other regions is a dangerous, and it inspires tribalism, superiority and inferiority believes


    Sida uu MMA sheegay, waa dhaqan soomaaliyeed oo jireen ah in hadii laba qabiil oo soomaali ah wax dhexmaraan in la dhexdhaxaadiyo, wax cusub maaha


    People of Sool & Sanaag have mediated between the sub clans of the Northwest clan million times the last one was the fight between two subclans of same clan in Daroor, delegation from sool, sanaag and Buuhoodle went to Daroor immediately to defuse the tension



    Before the unfortunate events of Buuhoodle took place recently that claimed more then 30 people, the unfortunate events of Daroor took place first earlier which claimed more 100 people , and delegation from Buuhoodle went to Daroor to end the fighting and save lives


    Aqoonyhanadii iyo odayaashii ka tagey Sool Sanaag iyo Buuhoodle si ee u caawiyaan reer Daroor, waxay u arkayeen inay waajibkooda gudanayaan, Illaahay hortiisa ayeey u sameeyeen waxbana ma sheeganyaan,


    Odayashii tagay Daroor inkastoo ee siyaasada Somaliland kasoo horjeedeen in wadanka lakala gooyo hadana si dhakhsa ah ayeey ugu gurmadeen reer Daroor, waayo waxa ee ogaayeen in arrrin siyaasad shaqo ku laheen, markaa red sea siyaasada iyo arrimaha kale haa isku khaldin



    In 1980s, as leader of Sool/Sanaag Garaad Abduqani (may Allah have mercy upon him) was one of the few people who openly spoke against the Siyaad regime’s, although SNM committed crimes against the people of Sool/Snaag, and never agreed anything with Siyaad regime, he felt the responsibility to stop the northern civil war, the Garaad met secretly with snm leaders in 1980s at a great risk to his life, Gaa time when Riyaale was still working as senior officer of NSS, Faysal Waraabe was still a spy for NSS, the current parliamentary speaker of Somaliland was still senior diplomat representing Siyaad in Moscow



    Here is how one Somalilander described the Garaad Abduqani and his bravery

    “ (Garaad Abduqani) acted in the tradition of the noble garaads of his family. Everybody in Somaliland knows, and has close to his heart, that the Garaad acted like a lion when the historical moment called him that day.”


    Again during the northwest civil war between the sub-clans of northwest clan Hageysa 1994 and Burco 1996, it was Garaad Abduqani who led Ergo peace delegations from Sool/Sanaag to mediate between the factions of Egal/Siilaanyo and Tuur to bring an end to the conflict.

    True Hadraawi and other somalilanders mediated between the subclans of Buuhoodle, also it was the traditional elders of Buuhoodle, Sool,& Sanaag who have mediated between the subclans of Daroor earlier


    True it was boqor Buurmadow who sought to make peace between Cadde Muse and A/Yusuf when they had conflict back in 2001, also it was Garaad Abduqani who sought to make peace between Egal and Tuur when they had conflict back in 1994-1996.


    Qof kasta oo dad muslim ah nabad ka dhex dhaliyey, Illaahay khayr iyo ajar ka siiyo dunida iyo aakhiraba


    Markaa red sea ma fiicna dafiraadu walaal, labo beeloodo kasta oo jaara waligoodba saase isku caawinayeen oo waa dhaqan soomaaliyeed oo soo jireen ah, wax cusub maaha



    Any one who claims that other Somalis never helped people of Daroor and Boohoodle in their time of need or that other Somalis never mediated Egal vs Tuur or Yusuf vs Cadde conflict is lying and no different from haters


    During the northern civil war 1980s, people of Mogadishu welcomed their fellow Somalis from north in Mogadishu,


    For last 17 years, more than 1 million people left their country and crossed oceans; they landed a very distant lands as far as United States, Canada, Australia, New and zealand, people of new countries welcomed Somali Muslim refugees to an extent although they were gaalo, even Somalia’ s historic enemy Ethiopia allowed thousands of Somalis refugees from northern regions in 1980s, and later Somalis from other regions of Somalia to enter their country. Also Kenya is another country that allowed thousands of Somali people to enter their country. Although, Ethiopia and Kenya never offered somali refugees much help, they allowed Somalis to enter their countries, while somali civil still raging in Somalia, but at least Somali refugees used Kenya and Ethiopia as steppingstone and transit point to western and Arab countries.


    When millions of Somalis are refugees in all corners of the world, its not surprise if people of Djibouti, Hargeysa, Burco, Laacaanood, Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Bladweyne, Baydhabo, Kismaayo welcome to their homes their fellow Somalis from Mogadishu who left after the recent Ethiopian invasion. Its shouldn’t be surprise, its expected


    Dadka reer jabuuti, Hargeysa, Burco, Laacaanood, Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Bladweyne, Baydhabo, iyo Kismaayo dhamaan waa ku mahadsanyihiin inay waajibkooda guteen oo soo dhoweeyeen walaalahood dagaalada kasoo barakacay.



    Red sea, you should reduce reading fadhi kudirir websites, wax khayra ma sheegaan, fadhi kudirir people have no sympathy for no one, there are those with low IQ who feel no sympathy for people of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle, they get excited every time when two subclans of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle clash. These are apparently the same people that claim of somalilandnimo, reer woqooyinimo, jaar baanu nahay, taariikh baanu wadaagnaa etc



    And of course, there are those with low IQ as well who feel no sympathy for people of northwest (Somaliland) and get excited when there is clash between subclans of northwest clan, true these are apparently the same people that claim of somalinimo.



    My advice for you is its not healthy to read fadhi ku dirir sites, Somalia online is also becoming lately more like other fadhi ku dirir sites these days, thats why I don't contribute much anymore.


    Almost all threads like this one, are about hate toward one clan or another clan, its either about hate toward people of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle, or hate toward people of Northwest (Somaliland), or toward people of another Somali region




    Again, saxib gross generalization is very dangerous, not all people from Somaliland/northwest, or SSC & Puntland are good, and not all people from Somaliland/northwest, or SSC & Puntland are bad, same with any other region


    The reason why some nomads always support right or wrong the warlords that hails from their region/clan is because they think that everyone from their region/clan is good, while all others are very bad


    So its not surprise when see here in SOL, those who supporting blindly C/Yusuf , F/Waraabe, Riyaale, Gheedi, Siilaanyo, Hiiraale, Qanyare, Suudi, etc waxa kaliya ee madaxa kaga qafilan waa hebel waa saxsanyahay wax kasta uu sameeyo 100%



    The important thing is the fact that the majority of the people of Puntland, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn are peace loving people who wish every peace, prosperity and success for their brothers from Somaliland (Northwest).


    And I am sure that the majority of the people of Somaliland (Northwest) are as well peace loving who wish peace, prosperity and success for their brothers from Puntland and Sool Sanaag & Cayn


    same with all Somali regions


    There is major political disagreement between the population of Northwest (Somaliland) and population of Sool, Sanaag & Cayn on the issues of secession/union, but that is minor because politics is not everything, because people of Sool, Sanaag & Cayn share many bonds with their western neighbors of northwest/Somaliland, as they share similarly with eastern neighbors of Bari, nugaal, &Mudug.


    Therefore, Red Sea you should pay no attention what some corrupted characters wrote in some fadhi kudirrir sites whether they are from Sool, Togdheer, Puntland, Somaliland, or any other region, it doesn’t matter really, because these individuals are mentally disable


    Markaa maaha ninka waalan inuu nawaalo, oo dad muslim ah nagu diro, waa inaanu intaa ka caqli badanaa, haduu ninka waalani wax ka sheegu hooyada muqadaska ah, qabiil iska dhan, deegaan ama magaalo iska dhan, waa khalad inaanu la tirsano oo aanu khalad kiisii galno oo aanu wax ka sheegno hooyadiis, qabiilkiisa, deegaankiisa, magaaladiisa, haduu isagu Illaahay ka baqeen waa in dadka kale ka baqeen.


    Haduu dhaho mid reer qudhac ah waligood reer qansax, shaah nama siin ama labo reer qudhac ah mee dhexdhexaadin, maaha in dadka kale ee khalad kiisa galaan oo dhahaan reer qudhac na waligood shaah nama siin, ama labo reer qansax mee dhexdhexaadin, markaa fadhi kudirir lama dhegeestu, waayo waa wada sakhraan oo jaad/khaad baa waalay.


    [ August 22, 2007, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: SOO MAAL ]

  2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم



    "يا أيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية فأدخلي في عـبادي وادخلي جنتي"


    "وبشر الصابرين الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله وانا اليه راجعـون"


    " كل نفس ذائقة الموت "


    صدق الله العظيم .

    Illaahay haa u naxariistu Madaxweyne Adam CabduAllah Cusmaan Cadde


    Illahay baanu uga baryanaa inuu janada ka waraabiyo, iyo in uu ehelada iyo dhaamaan shacabka soomaaliyeed samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo


    Geeridu waa xaq, maalmo uun baa la kala danbeen, cid ku hadhasa dunidan majirtu, kulu man calayhaa faan



    Madaxweyne Cadde waa halyey aad u qiima badan, oo taariikhda Somalia baal dahaba ka galay, waaxaa uu ka mid ahaa hogaamiyaashii xoriyada, waa madaxweynihii soomaaliyeed ee ugu horeeyey, waa ninkii soomaali u horseeday midnimo, wadanimo, dowladnimo, gacmo isqabsi, dimoqraadiyad


    Illaahay haa ka abaal mariyo waxa uu umadda soomaaliyeed u qabtay marxuumku



    Jazaaka Allahu khayran yaa Madaxweyne Cadde


    Dadka soomaalidu waxey ubaahanyihiin nin daacad u ah dadka iyo dalka, oo dadka midnimadooda iyo horumarkooda ka shaqeenaya ee uma baahna mid fitnah iyo kala qeybin dadka walaalaha ah ka shaqeenaya

  3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


    "يا أيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية فأدخلي في عـبادي وادخلي جنتي"


    "وبشر الصابرين الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله وانا اليه راجعـون"


    " كل نفس ذائقة الموت "


    صدق الله العظيم .



    Brother Sophist,


    Illaahay SWT ha u naxariisto Aabe, geeridu waa xaq, qof ku hadhaya dunidan majiro, kulu man calayhaa faan


    May Allah SWT Grant Aabe Jannah, and give your family strength


    Samir iyo iimaan Illaahay SWT haa ka siiyo ehelka dhamaan


    Amiin Amiin

  4. Lets hope that Cadde will leave the office gracefully on January 7th, 2008 when his term ends, Just like his predecessor Mohammed Hashi


    Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi “waxaan sidaas u yeelnay oo doorashada u galay in aanu dhidibada u taagno Dimuqraadiyadda Puntland, waxaanuna rajeynaynaa waddadaas aanu jeexnay in ay ilaaliyaan qolyaha naga danbeeyaa oo doorashooyin muuqda oo cad iyo sanduuq quraarad ah (dhalo) lagu kala baxaa”.


    Cadde Muuse xilku wuxuu kaga eg-yahay 7-1-2008, toddobada bisha siddeedaad labada kun iyo siddeeda,



    Musharaxii Ugu Horeeyey Ee Isu Soo Taaga Xilka Madaxweynanimo Ee Doorashada soo socota Ee DGPLD

  5. Well,am for united Somalia,

    I agree with sister Munira 100%, also I am for United Islamic Republic of Somalia insha Allah


    Although, I am not celebrating and not joining any of the parties


    Still, I would like to take this opportunity to say happy celebration specially to those brothers and sisters from northwest who respect the self-determination and the choice of the people from North central Somalia (SSC) to remain part of United Somalia


    "Happy Celebration,May peace reign for many years to come in Somaliland, may one day we all stand together in brotherhood"

    Amiin, Amiin amiin dhamaanteenba,



    "p.s. If you don't celebrate and you are not joining any of the parties, then suuaasho is not for you "


    Where is the neighbourly love..Xanthus?

    True, where is jaar wanaagii

  6. Dhageyso Hees Wadani ah: Dhulka Sow aniga malihi










    Sanad guuradda 64-da ka soo wareegteey Aasaaskii Dhaq-dhaqaaqii Dhalinyaradda Xornimo doonkii Somaaliyeed Sanadkii 1943-kii, aabayaashii xoriyadda qaaliga,Gobanimadda Macaan,Hanashadda ama Helidda Karamadda,Sharafta iyo Maqaamka weyn ee Ummadda Somaaliyeed oo lagu tuuraay Heeryadii Gumeeysiga, dulmigii iyo dhibaatadii heeysteey Dalkeena iyo Dadkeena-Halgan Taariikhda ka galay baal dahab ah,aniga iyo inta qiimaha Xoriyada Garanaayaa ku faaneeyno, qadarineeyno doorkii Halyeeyadda, Geesiyaasha waaweyn.


    13-kaas Halyeey oo dadoodu aad u yareeyd waxeey gartaan una kaceen gudashadda masuuliyadda Qarameed oo ka saarney Ciidooda Hooyo, waxeeyna abuureen Dhaq-dhaqaaqii Siyaasadeed oo ugu horeeyeey oo isu taagay raadiinta Gobanimadda Qaaligga-sidoo la wadda ogyahay in aan howl yarii lagu hanaan kareen Gobanimadda,balse halgaan iyo naf iyo maal loo hurro oo Wadooyin dhibaato badan loo soo maray, Xarig iyo Masaafuris lagu muteeystay iyo Ciqaab dhibkeeda lehba,SYL Ummadda Somaaliyeed waxeey u dhigeen Taariikha si weyn loo qiimeeyo, waxeeyna Mudan yihiin Mahad celin iyo amaan joogto ah.



    Waxaa Xusuusid mudan Halgankii xaq u dirirka,Xariyadda ee Geesiyaashii Waaweyn dagaalada qaraar la galay guulaha waaweyna ka soo hooreey Gumeeysigii Cadaa iyo kan Madoowba Ummadda u iftiimiyeey



    Xuquuqooda iyo Hanashada Madax banaanidooda sidda:-



    Midab Gumeysi Diida Dila



    *Halyeeygii Weynaa-Imaan Axmed Guray.



    *Halyeeygii Weynaa-Darwiishkii-Sayid Max'd C/Dalla Xassan.



    *Halyeeygii weynaa-Sh-Bashiir.



    *Halyeeygii Weynaa-Sh-Xassan Barsane.



    *Halyeeygii Weeynaa-Faarax Oomaar.



    *Halyeeygii Weeynaa-Yuusuf Samatar.



    *Mujaahidiintii Lafoolle.



    SYL-waxeey ka duuleen,kana shiidaal qaateen guulihii iyo mirihii Halgankii ka Horeeyeey oo eey hab Casriyeeysan u bedeleen iyo hanaan Siyaasadeed eey Aduunka u soo bandhigeen codsigooda xaqa ah ee Xoriyadda iyo Dhibaatadda Gumeeysigu ku heeysto iyagoo ku gaashaaman taageeradda Ummadooda Somooliyeed iyo Tawakalka Raxmaanka weeyna hanteeyn guushii, Waxaan halkan uga soo gudbinaayaa guud ahaan Ummadda Somaaliyeed Hambalyo Munaasabadda 64-naad ee ka soo wareegteey markii la Aasaasay Dhaq-dhaqaaqii Dhalinyaradda SYL, waxaana ku boorinaayaa in Maanta loo baahan yahay soo nooleeynta Dhaq-dhaqaaqaas iyo halgankii xaqa ahaa maadaama Dalkeena hooyo xiligan ku jirro Gacanta Gumeeysiga Madoow Itoobiya iyo Sheeydanka Weyn ee Mareeykanka iyo Cawaanta Khaayiniinta ah oo Kabaha u sidda Isticmaarka.



    Gusha iyagaa leh


    Maanta waxaa la joogaa ama lagu jiraa waqti adag iyo xili cakiran oo Dalkii ku Jirr Gacanta Gumeeysiga, waana arrin ayaan daradeeda leh markna loo dul qaadan kareeyn,Dadka ama Muwaadiniinta Wadaniyiinta ah,Damiirka iyo Dareenka nool leh iyo Qiiradda Wadaniyadeed ka gilgilanaayaan, isuna taagaayaan Dib u Xoreeynta Dalka iyo Soo celinta Karaamada iyo Sumcadda Dadkeena iyo Maqaamka Dalkeena, Maanta waa Maalin Jihaad iyo Halgan Siyaasadeed,waxaana mudnaanta leh wada jirka,Midnimada iyo mideeynta Codka iyo Cududda,sidoo kalle waxaa waajib ah u gargaarida,caawinta iyo Taakuleeynta Dadkeena tabaaleeysan,guryahoodii , degaankoodii laga barakiciyeey iyo kuwa sida xaq daradda ah loogu geeysteey tacadiyada xad dhaafka ah,isbitaaladda Jiif una baahan daaweeynta iyo Daryeelka Caafimaadka.



    -Somaaliyeey Kaca-Kaca Somaaliyeey-



    -Diidneey Gumeeysiga Iyo Heeryadiisaba.



    -Diidneey Daba-dhilifyadda Iyo Khaayiniinta-



    -Diidneey Dhaawaca Karaamadeena Iyo Sharafteena-


    -Diidneey Walaahi Diidneey Gumeeysiga Itoobiya Diidneey-



    -Somaaliya Somaali baa leh-Guushuna weey Imaan-



    -Tawakalka Raxmaanka Iyo Wada Jirkeena Mudnaanta leh -


    Qorre-Xassan C/Laahi

  7. Syl_8.jpg




    Bal ufiirso dhaniyaradanimada ka muuqata iyo taariikhda weyn ee ka tageen


    Magac Da’da


    1. Cabdulqaadir Sakhaawadiin 24 Jir


    2. Maxamed Xirsi Nuur(Siidii) 28 Jir

    3. Yaasiin Xaaji Cusmaan Sharmarke 26 Jir

    4. Xaaji Maxamed Xuseen Maxaad 26 Jir

    5. Cusmaan Geeddi Raage 18 Jir

    6. Dheere Xaaji Dheere 17 Jir

    7. Daahir Xaaji Cusmaan (Dhegaweyne) 18 Jir

    8. Cali Xasan Maslax 24 Jir

    9. Maxamed Cali Nuur 16 Jir

    10. Maxamed Faarax Hilowle 18 Jir

    11. X. Maxamed Cabdulaahi Xayeesi 25 Jir

    12. Huudow Macalin Cabdulaahi Saalax 17 Jir

    13. Maxamed Cusmaan Baarbe 33 Jir



    Inta badan ummadaha dhaniyaro isku duuban sida SYL, ayaa dadkoo iyo dhullkooda u hogaamiya madaxbanaanida iyo xoriyada


    Maanta dhaniyarada soomaaliyeed ayeey u taala inay howshooda ka soo baxaan, oo ka saaraan ciidamada xabashida oo midiiyaan dhaamaan dadka iyo dalka soomaaliyeed waa howl aad u weyn..liikiin tii utaalay dhaniyarada SYL ayaa ka weyneed



    Maanta, waxaan la yaabaa shakhsiyaad sida Cabdulaahi Yusuf oo leh, xabashida waa dal aanu walaalanahay, ciidamadoodana waa joogi karaan somalia, iyo somaliweyn waa siyaasad gabowday,ma isweydiiyey americaanimo, indianimo, xabashinimo magaboobeen?


    Riyaale kaahin oo leh Melez waa walaalkey oo weyn oo waana na caawiyaa, waana taageersanahay nabada uu koonfirta kawado



    Waraabe oo leh anaga British Somaliland baa nala yidhaahdaa, waayo Ingriis ayaanu ka dhaxalnay dhulka, oo goorma ayuu Ingriis lahaa dhulka? waa su'aale


    Taa waxaa kadaran, wiilka Hargeysa ku dhashay Hargeysa waxaa xiga wiilka xabashiga ah ee Addis Ababa ku dhashay, marka loo eego wiilka Mogadishu ku dhashay



    Cade Muuse oo asna leh Xbashi waa iii joogtaa Puntland maxaa dadka iga reebay, anuu been sheegimaayo, ma waxaa la rabaa in makhaayada laga yidhaahdo odeygii cadde been buu sheegayaa


    Xuseyn Caydiid oo asna kadaray oo leh Somalia iyo itoobiya waa dad walaala ah, oo labada dalba waa la mideenayaa,



    Walaahay Illahay haa u sahlo hogaamiyaal ku sheega,


    Meesha hashii ka durdurisay nirigtii maxaa laga sugayaa?


    Illahay soomaali haa u sahlo, qofka caqliga leh uun baa garanaya qiimaha ee May 15 u leedahay dadka soomaaliyeed


    Miyeey isku dhowyihiin dhanayaradii SYl iyo odayaashan aan waxba garaneen waa maya

  8. Red sea



    Siyaasada soomalidu waa mid lagu wareerayo, oo waliba danbi badan, markaa hadalka waan soo gaabinayaa, horaana u dhiibtay rayi’geega ku aadan arrinta midnimada iyo kala goygeenta, markaa waxba kuma soocelinayo, waayo muranku khayr malaha


    Let us not question each other's characters here

    I am not questioning your character, don’t misunderstand, my point is we had an understanding


    I assumed we were on the same page to respect the people of Northcentral Somalia if they want to be part of Somalia, and respect people of Northwest if they want to secede and have their own independent state, maybe I was wrong


    Labadeenu hishiis baanu aheen waan umaleenayey, markaa khalad haa iga fahmin igana raali ahow



    I must bring something to your attention, garaad canood as well as well as Aaliyah,

    Did they say that people from Northwest should be forced to be part of Somalia?


    How about Ayoub, Northerner, castro and roobled?




    one for the SSC

    I agree with the two referendum proposal


    If there is referendum, there will be two separate referendum one for the pro-secession region – northwest/somaliland, and another one for the pro-union region – northcentral/SSC


    Anyway, the whole issue is premature. No referendums or secessions while Somalia is in turmoil. Only in a stable democracy can we consider such petty matters.

    True, no referendum will happen anytime soon, unless the political climate changes

  9. There are clanish delusions but not Somaliwayn falsehood. Think about it, one thinks their clan is greater than the rest of somalis and they are somehow unique when there is no difference to tell between them and the rest of farodheer. Alright, may be the brittish colonized us and others Italians is a reason for difference between somalis, but I am not convinced.


    Aniga dadka u arka qabiilkooda inuu soomaalida ka baxsan yahay, oo raba inay sheegtaan inay Ummad yihiin gaar ahaaneed iyagoo hal qabiil ah(And I am sorry to speak in the collective knowing not all clan members share the same views), waxaan u arkaa inayan waxba ka duwanayn xagga khaa'innimada soomaalida taageersan gacan ku dhiiglayaasha Xamar xukuma for clanish reasons, inshallah these two groups of corrupt somalis will have their day of reckoning come, hopefully soon.



    ^ Well that is true and these anti-midnimo northern cousins have allies in the south, namely, the proponents of 4.5 formula and clan superstitions, best allies they have in the south were those who supported their country's occupation, the massacre of somalis by the Xabashis, and the complete comeback of the warlords as presidents, ministers and financial moguls.


    As long as the south is dominated by the clan mentality, unitarian somalis have no case. Once the south comes clean, the clan supremacy goes away, like in the ICU days, all clan fiefdoms will feel the earth beneath them shaking due to pressure from within without any somali from outside their regions coming to them to enfroce unity.


    Hate to say it saxib, but as long as warlords and unfit men are given positions of responsibility in the south, Somalinimo is dead. And having said that, I despise anyone who thinks his clan can stand aside from the rest of somalis. Waan sugaayaa dadkaasoo kale when the day comes inwhich somalis with honour demand them to come to the table for accounting or face the consequences.

    Well said, very eloquent, you very sincere brother



    Xoogsade afkaaga caana lagu qabay, waxaa ku jirtaa dadka ee islaamnimadu iyo soomaalinimadu runkahay, qadarin ayaad mudantahay


    Qof sida Xoogsade oo kale u fakaraya ayaa ku haboon inuu soomaali hogaamiyo, qof islaamnimada iyo somalinimodu garanya qiimaha ee leedahay


    Insha Allah, One day islamnimo and somalinimo will prevail, and Somali people will have a good time.. amiin


    Anuu waxaan la yaabaa damiirka iyo caqliga dadka diiday midnimo ku salaysan somalinimo oo ku badashey inay u doodaan midnimo taariikh guumeesigu katagay ku salaysan, waxba ma dhaamaan kuwa taageersan warlords u adeega xabashida sida Yusuf, Qanyare, Caydiid, Riyaale


    There is nothing wrong with if one Somali region wishes to secede like northwest, but to glorify colonial history and colonial borders is very sad

  10. Red sea,


    baryahan maxaa kugu dhacay, Militarism uu sheegayo MMA halkee ka keentay,


    If referendum was taken today based on who want to secede in Somaliland vs. those who don't, what do you think the outcome would be?

    Are we back to square one yaa red sea? Because your question is not fair at all


    I was counting you, red sea, you were the pro-choice champion, so what happen?


    While back, you said in one thread that if people of Burco decide to secede and establish their own little independent state, they should be respected



    The majority of the Somali people support United Somalia, if majority matters at all!


    Somaliland administration and some of its supporters are entirely wrong to claim all the territories of former British colony, and advocate aggression toward people from Northcentral Somalia (Laascaanood, Buuhoodle, Dhahar, Lasqorey) since the majority of people from Northcentral Somalia (Laascaanood, Buuhoodle, Dhahar, Lasqorey) are against the secession



    Although I believe unity and think it’s wrong to divide and balkanize our country Somalia, but that’s just my personal opinion, I respect the choice of the people from the Northwest if they don’t want to be part of United Somalia, and you should respect the choice of the people from Northcentral Somalia (Laascaanood, Buuhoodle, Dhahar, Lasqorey)


    If Somalia is divisible, well the ex- British Somaliland is as well divisible


    Mida kale, hadii somalinimo dadka soomaaliyeed mideen Karin, Somaliland nimo cid ee mideen kartu majirtu




    Saxiib saan horaba kuugu sheegay, xaqiiqda waa in laga hadlaa


    Shakhsiyan, aduu waad kasoo horjeedaa in xuduud la kala dhexdhigo dadka walaalaha ah ee Reer Hergeysa iyo Reer burco/Togdheer ama Reer Hergeyso iyo Reer Barbera /saaxil


    Dadka Reer SSC dhinacooda waa kasoo horjeedaan in xuduud la kala dhexdhigo dadka walaalaha ee Reer SSC iyo Reer Woqooyi Galbeed (Hargeysa/Burco/Barbera), lakiin dadka Reer Woqooyi Galbeed (Hargeysa/Burco/Barbera) ayaga ayeey u talaa hadii ee ogalanayaan in xuduud la kala dhexdhigo woqooyi Galbeed iyo SSC!!!


    Dadka Reer SSC iyo Reer Bari/Nugaal/Mudug waxey hishiis ku yihiin inay midoobaan iyo inay xaaraan tahay in xuduud la kala dhecxdhigo dadka walaalaha ah ee Reer SSC iyo Reer Bari/Nugaal//Mudug,


    Waa wax aan la aqbali Karin oo xaqdarro ah in Maamulka Somaliland asagoo ku adacoonaya taariikhda isticmaarka Ingriisku ka tagay, ku riyoodo inuu xuduud kala dhexdhigo dadka walaala ah ee Reer SSC iyo Reer Bari/Nugaal/Bari


    Deegaanada raba inay wax wada qabsadaan ama midoobaan, ayaga ayeey u taalaa hadii ee wax kuwada qabsanayaan muslimnimo, somalinimo, qabyaaladnimo, ama taariikh uu isticmaarku ka tagay


    Dadka deegaan kasta ku nool waa in la nabad galiyaa



    Okay brother, yes that list of one faith, one language etc.. has been overused.

    Red sea you over used one dialect and one subculture as well!!!!.. lol


    If one religion, one language, one culture are not important? Why should dialect and subculture matter? walaal think big and outside of the ex-British Somaliland box


    Markaa saaxib soomaali hadaano nahay kuligeen waxaanu nahay ul iyo diirkeed for thousands of years, somali people are the most homogenous people on the face of the earth


    Soomaali people have same culture, same language, same history, and most importantly same religion

  11. Dr Cali Khalif Galaydh: Dagaalku wuxuu la istaagay kooxaha wax iska caabinta oo qaabka wax ka bedela


    Warkii 30-Apr-2007 iyo Qormadii:

    Dr Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo horey u soo qaabtay xaafiiska Ra`iisulwasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa wareysi uu siiyey Teleefinska Aljazeera barnaamijkiisa Muntasiful-yowm waxaa uu ku sheegay in



    Dagaalka Muqdisho ee istaagay aysan macnaheeda aheyn muqaawamadii ayaa dhamaatay, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay dagaalka mid ay kooxihii muqaawadu u joojiyeen sababo la xiriira ayagoo doonaya inay qaabkii dagaalku ku socdey wax ka badalaan lana yimaadaan tab cusub.



    Dr Cali Khaliif ayaa ku sheegay in kooxaha Muqaawamadu ay ka shaqeynayaan istiraatijiyad ka duwan midii ay hadda ku dagaalamayeen kana wax tar badan oo ay ku xanuujinayaan cadowgoooda, asagoo meesha ka saaray in muqaawamadu ku eg tahay Muqidisho oo kaliya, hase ahaatee wuxuu ku sheegay wax iska caaibta looga soo horjeedo joogi taanka Itooobiya inay tahay mid gobolo iyo deegano badan gaarsiisan siina socon doonta inta ay joogaan ciidamada Itoobiya gudaha Soomaaliya.



    Haddalkaan kasoo yeeray siyaasiga Dr Cali Khaliif oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee sida weyn uga soo horjeeda ciidamada Itoobiya ee xoogga ku haysta Soomaaliya, ayaa waxaa qaba dad badan oo xog-ogaal u ah sababihii ay kooxihii Muqaawamadu ujoojiyeen dagaalka, waxama soo baxaya warar tibaaxaya in kooxihii wax iska caabinta ee xaq u dirirku ay mar dhaw bilaabi doon nooc dagaal oo ka duwan midkii dhawaanahan socdey.


  12. Red Sea


    You are right Yusuf committed more crimes then riyaale, but at end of the day crime is crime


    Somaliland nabada ha ilaaliso wax nabada ka fiican majirto,


    Unlike Yey who has alot of respect from his region or kinsmen, Riyale doesn't have non.

    That’s not true, both riyaale and Yusuf are unpopular warlords,



    One thing they have in common though, they are both Mujrimiin,

    True, also they are xabashi informers

  13. Red sea iyo Garaad


    Hadaba shakiga badan iska saara,


    Red sea, caamir iyo dadkale oo aad la xisaabtamasid dib nuugu dhig


    Adna sidoo kale Garaad, red sea iyo dadkale oo aad la xisaabtamasid dib nuugu dhig


    Waayo xisaabtu mid kheyr leh maaha oo laga soo horka laabanayo, markaa wixii danta guud ku jirtu haa laga shaqeeyo


    Markaa hada waxaa la joogaa wakhti dibu hishiisiin, bal ilaa iyo inta ee wax iska badalayaan arrimaha cakiran ee somaliya

  14. A Sad state of the Union

    Ali H. Abdulla

    April 24, 2007



    The seat of the Shah


    Somalia is going through a difficult period that can induce grown-up men and women to shed tears as a result of the havoc engulfing their once beautiful capital city, the jewel of the Indian Ocean; a city visited by the likes of the famous Arab explorer Ibn Battuta; a city whose history dates back to the days of the Persian Empire that probably gave us the idea of celebrating the No RUZ in the form of great bone-fires lit by nomads who do not even know the actual origin of the occasion. They know it as the Dabshid and it strangely coincides with the spring celebration of the same occasion in Iran. Some even translate the word Mogadishu as the seat of the Shah, which is itself a translation of the Arabic word “مقعد شأه ”.


    Immediately after the fall of the former regime, the city witnessed ugly scenes of mass exodus, rape, killing, looting, vandalism and wanton destruction that parallel the destruction of Baghdad in the days of the barbaric Mongolians of Hulagu Khan.


    The majestic Uruba and Juba hotels became ugly edifices poked with bullet marks and mortar shells. The historic museum lost all its valuable and irreplaceable contents to ignorant barbaric looters. Even the symbols of national identity and pride such as the monuments of the Sayed, Xaawa-Taako, and Dhagaxtuur did not escape the wanton destruction.


    The city was ransacked of its inhabitants including ancient inhabitants who trace their roots all the way back to the days of the Persian Empire. More than any group, these people suffered untold atrocities at the hands of drugged gangs who did not spare even young virgins taking refuge in mosques. The marauding vandals occupied the houses of the fleeing masses and used public buildings as latrines and holding pens used for housing goats, cattle and donkeys.


    At that time, all these atrocities and destruction were unleashed by Somalis who bore names like Mohamed, Ali and Abdalla. No invading forces caused such havoc on the ancient city. It was destroyed by Somalis whose leaders crossed the border from Ethiopia with the blessing of a communist dictator seeking revenge for the battles of Godey and Kaaramardha.


    This time, the atrocities and destruction are being administered directly by Ethiopian troops backing Somali collaborators. It seems that their mission is to erase the city from the map of the earth and reduce it to rubble.


    Some of us are applauding the invading Ethiopians and their collaborators just as some of us applauded the Somali gangs who hid behind patriotic names like USC, SPM, SSDF, SNM etc.


    But this is no time to take sides in this unfolding tragedy that threatens to unravel the very fabric of our society and push us back centuries to the days of the Jahilia with clan replacing nationhood. This is no time to hold clan meetings in the Diaspora stoking the fires of clan hatred and firing irrelevant foreign expressions like “ich Bin Ein ******”.


    This is a time for Somali expressions like “Somaali baan ahay”. This is a time for leadership and responsible politics. This is a time for sanity and genuine patriotic stands. This is a time for relegating clan politics to the dustbin of history and replacing it with national politics.


    The two sides fighting in Mogadishu are criminals who do not care about the innocent civilians who get caught in the middle. Cowardly thugs fire mortar rounds from residential areas and cowardly Ethiopians and their TFG stooges respond with heavy artillery that does not differentiate between civilians and combatants. In my books, it is wrong and criminal to support either side. They are both evil.


    The seat of Hatshepsut


    There is a huge ancient acacia tree in Eastern Sanaag called the Mahan tree, “Geedka Maxanka” It is rumored that Queen Hatshepsut sat under that tree in one of her visits to the land of Punt which ancient Egyptians regarded as the land of the gods.


    The land of Punt is not the Puntland of today, a political entity based on clan affiliations, just as Somaliland is a political camouflage for misguided clan groupings with a strange nostalgia for an abhorrent colonial past.


    The inhabitants of the land of Punt are in the middle of an ugly rivalry between two clan-based administrations that do not care about their well-being. Despite a handful of opportunistic individuals who participate in these administrations, the majority of the inhabitants prefer to wait for the birth of a national government that can re-unite the Somali people.


    When Puntland and their Australian mercenaries tried to illegally exploit the mineral wealth of the area, the land of Punt stood-up to them and sent them packing. When the misled soldiers of Somaliland tried to occupy one of their villages, the Land of Punt rose-up to the occasion and defended their ancient and sacred forts.


    These incidents should send a clear message to both administrations that they should both stay away from this sacred land. The people of the land of Punt prefer to be left-out of the bitter rivalry between the two clan-based administrations. They are holding the fort for a national government.


    The seat of Leadership


    The country has a leadership crisis. An old, ailing strongman who defected to our arch enemy after a devastating war has come back to haunt us with the same Ethiopian tanks and artillery that massacred our people in Godey and Jigjiga. It seems that he is determined to complete his mission of destroying Somalia as a viable state since the only language he excels at is the use of force no matter what. He has a cartoon character for a Prime Minister who has a suspicious and cozy relationship with an ungrateful former guerilla fighter who used to be based in the city that his soldiers are now pounding to rubble.


    We have a former NSS colonel who almost lost his life in the city of milk when he unwittingly entered it without the knowledge of its elders. He continues to play with fire by mobilizing his small army and attempting to reach a non-existent border. He forgets that such a border was forced upon us by a colonial power that used airplanes to massacre thousands of valiant Dervishes.


    We have a former general who keeps signing disadvantageous deals with foreign nationals and companies whose only aim is to exploit the hidden riches of our country. He also condones the exploitation of thousands of unsuspecting immigrants who leave the seat of his administration to perish in the shark infested waters of the Gulf of Aden. His gunboats protect fishing trawlers that destroy our coral reefs with illegal fishing nets that threaten our rich marine life


    It is sad to witness how one of the most respected leaders in Somalia has tarnished his illustrious name by standing side by side with a mediocre clan leader who only a few weeks ago lobbied for abolishing the borders that Somalia has with Ethiopia and unifying the two countries into one state.


    It is also sad to see how the same leader abandoned his status symbol in the form of a bushy goatee and a red Kafia. He trimmed his famous goatee, donned a European suit and sought the patronage of a communist dictator with close ties to the State of Israel, and who is not even a Muslim.


    We have enough charlatans with suits messing up Somalia and a simple man with simple attire gave us a lot of hope. Symbols cannot be discarded lightly. Yasser Arafat refused to abandon his famous Kafia until his death, a symbol that represents the struggle of the people of Palestine for a homeland. Just as die-hard Somali Landers are wrong in replacing the blue flag, the Sheikh is wrong in abandoning his famous red Kafia. Let us hope that he can get it back and seek better allies.


    Concluding remarks


    Such is the state of our Union. But do not be disheartened because there is always hope as long as there are Somalis. The important thing is not to support any of the evil forces who dominate Somali politics and to strive to come up with a new alternative that can unite us all.

  15. I appeal to all somali people from Somaliland, Puntland, SSC, Bay/Bakoo,Gedo, Hiiraan, Juba and Shabeele regoins to help people of the capital Mogadishu and long forgotten occupied western Somalia In their current crisis?


    Yaa og behri qolada booska Mugadishu ku jirasa


    iska ilaawa maamulada TFG, somaliland puntland waxba ma soo wadaan




    United We Stand, Divided We Fall



    The Four Oxen and the Lion

    A Lion used to prowl about a field in which Four Oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near they turned their tails to one another, so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four.


    "Those oxen are too good friends to suit me," said a hungry lion. "They are never far apart, and when I am near them they turn their tails to one another and show long sharp horns on every side. They even walk down to the river together when they become thirsty. If I could catch one of them by himself, I should have a feast."

    But one day the oxen had a quarrel.

    "The grass is freshest over in the valley," said one of them. "Let us go there."

    "Oh, I don't like the grass there," said another. "It is better on the side of the hill. Let us spend the day there."

    "I do not want to climb the hill," said the third ox. "The grass right here suits me best."

    "I do not like any of the places of which you speak," said the fourth ox. "Come with me and I will find you the best grass you ever tasted."

    "I am going to the valley," said the first ox. "You three may go where you please."

    "And I shall go to the hill," said the second ox. "I think you are mean not to go with me."

    "And I," said the third ox, "shall stay right here. You may all be sorry if you leave me. The lion may catch you."

    "I am not afraid of the lion," said the fourth ox; "and if none of you will go with me, I shall go by myself to hunt a better pasture than any of you can find. I am older than you and I know where the best grass grows. You had better follow me."

    "We will not do it," said the other three oxen. "You are not our leader if you are older."

    So the four oxen separated. One went to the valley. The lion was down by the river and saw him coming. He waited quietly until the ox was very near; then he pounced upon him and killed him.

    Then the lion looked about for the other oxen. One of them was feeding on the hill. He saw the lion coining, but, he could not get away. He could not defend himself with only one pair of horns; so he too was killed.

    As the other two oxen were far apart, it was an easy matter for the lion to kill them also. And that is the way the quarrel ended.

    (from Fifty Famous Fables , by Lida Brown McMurry

  16. First, I agree that elders of Puntland should speak against the Ethiopian invasion in Somalia; because its very important that our elders make their voices heard,


    but to criticize only Puntland I think its bit unfair, those who only criticizing Puntland have other motives and not honest to themselves


    I think all of us, we should work on uniting divided Somali people against the real enemy of Somali people, instead of taking every opportunity to attack and score political points against nomads from specific regions whether they are Somaliland, Puntland, SSC, Bay/Bakool, Juba, Shabeele, Banaadir


    Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa Baroortu Orgiga ka weyn


    I don’t understand why Somali elders, educated people,waxgaradka, politicians from Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, sool, Sanaag, Bari, Mudug, Shabelle, bay, bakool, Gedo, juba are silent about recent events???



    I cannot believe like mma said in another thread, that there no mass demonstrations against Ethiopian invasion in Somalia in Borame, Hergeysa, Barbara, Burco, Ceerigaabo, Laascaanood, Las qorey, Boosaaso, Garowe, Galkacyo, Baladweyne, Badhabo, Kismaayo

    What happen to our brothers in Djibouti, Arab World, and Muslim Ummah

    Where are so-called Somali lawmakers? Members of Somali transitional parliament, members of Puntland parliament, members of Somaliland parliament



    Oo waa maxay juugba la iskuma dhahayo

    maxaa dhacay soomaalidu iskuma naxasee


    masaasaa Mugadihsu lagu daawanayaa?


    Somali people where they are should know that silence means agreement


    Red sea,


    Invading a land is wrong whether its done by Melez or waqaf, the adhicadeeye/dhahar conflict and other conflicts between Somalis for the last two decades, allowed Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia



    Melez waxuu ka faaideesanayaa kala qeybsanaanta dadka soomaaliyeed ee eheed inay walaala noqdaan inta ee ayagu isku duulaayaan,


    You shall stop support the puppet regime supported by ruthless killer Melez, and we shall all come out against the Somaliland plan of attack in Eastern Sanaag. Fair enough?

    thats good, but I don't think your fellow somalilanders will do the same, because Mogadishu current crisis is only 4 monsths old, while the SSC conflict is 18 years old


    lakiin arrintu caamir kaliya maaha ee dhibaatu baahsan oo soomaalida oo dhan bey heysata


    I heard Siilaanyo from the oppoistion party, but the head of the state along with the parliament are silent?

    Riyaale did congratulated Melez for invading Mogadishu, saying we support Ethiopia for helping south Somalia


    Even Siilaanyo didn’t denounce Ethiopia, he only condemned TFG, there is difference I guess,

    Somali president and Somaliland’s parliament speaker were reported in Addis Ababa, doing business with Melez, maybe they were there because of Ziyaara


    Cadde said Ethiopia came to support Somali government, so they were invited


    Afqudhac only blamed Eritrea for destabilizing Somalia while he ignored Ethiopia


    Maybe we get the leaders we deserve, because both mujrims Riyaale and Yusuf think they are elected leaders


    And by the way, what does attacking Sanaag has to do with Ethio invasion of Xamar?

    Ma la yaabtay, maybe riyaale is attacking poor people of Dhahar because they are collaborators of Ethiopia


    I think Riyaale should attack Addis Ababa instead


    He is worried for his kinsmen and not worried for the people in Xamar. That is the point I am trying to make.

    Most of Somalis including SOLers are selfish who don’t care about other people


    Anuu wxaan u maleenayaa soomaalidu inta badan wey kala shaki san yihiin, markaa shaki haa la iska saaro


    I just don't like duplicity.

    Che, most Somalis are hypocrites, red sea waaba luugu qaatay


    Garan meysid ka run sheegaya

  17. Garaad iyo Red Sea,


    Aad iyo aad baa ukala shakisantihiin,


    Markaa waxaan idin leeyahay shakiga iska saara, marna waad hishiiisaan, marna waad isku kacdaan


    One good thing about Red sea is that he respects people from SSC if they wish to part of United Somalia and not Somaliland, what red sea wants is people to respect the decision of his home region Northwest (Hergeysa, Burco, Barbara) to secede from Somalia


    One good thing about Garaad is that he respects people from Northwest if they wish to secede and not be part of united Somalia, What Garaad wants is people to respect the decision of his home region North-Central Somalia (Sool Sanaag and Cayn) to remain united with Somalia, Garaadom lol


    The problem comes when people debate about somalinimo/unity and somalilandnimo/secessionism?


    I congratulate red sea and Garaad for respecting the wishes of specific regions

    That’s the most important thing , but that’s not enough, both of you should start respecting opposite ideologies like Somali unity, secession of a region, proponents of unity, proponents of secession




    The good thing about “me” is that he never gets angry, the man is very diplomatic

  18. Like Che said


    LoooooL@people this time Garaad waa lagu goobtay.


    ninka haa iska feesteeye daaya


    Soomaalida qola walba teeda inay ka tashataa u fiican intii walaaltinimo guud soo noqoneyso.



    intaa soomaali waa loogu taagwaayey, anuu waxaan qabaa dhiba maanta somalia kama jiri laheen hadii qolo kasta deegaankooda ku eekaan lahaayeen, cidii is rabta ee wax wada qabsandaan lna qashqashin


    Deegaanada raba inay wax wada qabsadaan ama midoobaan, ayaga ayeey u taalaa hadii ee wax kuwada qabsanayaan muslimnimo, somalinimo, qabyaaladnimo, ama taariikh uu isticmaarku ka tagay

  19. Red sea,


    Horta Salaamu Calaykum,


    Waaban yaabay, oo shiikhiii maxaa helay?!!!



    sxb siyaasada soomaalidu mid la af-fahmayo maaha ee yeenan madaxa ku wereerin


    People can have different political views, but still we are all Somali and Muslim people


    I didn’t want first to respond, but you went very far persisting that people from SSC are qabiilist, they dont support unity, somalinimo etc and their regoin is the least developed


    Sxb, I am not saying to sugar coat, you have every right to express your views, I am saying to avoid condemning only one region/clan, its really not healthy and just to be fair


    Walaal, I didn’t understand the reason that convinced you to accuse only people from SSC as qabiil-minded people and their region as the least developed region in north Somalia or all Somalia


    Regarding the qabiil, if people from SSC support unity because qabiil, likewise people from northwest support secession/somaliland for tribal reasons as well,


    Hadii sida aad aduu ku doodoso ee wuxuba qabiil tahay, ma la oran karaa markaa Somaliland baa ka gardaran Puntland??


    The idea of dividing brotherly somali people along colonial borders without their will is ridiculous and unjust because our people who share a long history before even colonials, religion, geography, language, culture,


    Ma jiraan wax hurumar oo weyn oo ee gobolada soomaaliyeed isku dhaamaan

    In reality, more or less all Somali regions have relatively same level of development

    There is political crisis in SSC region; however I don't believe that Sool, Sanaag are the least developed region in North Somalia or all Somalia


    Somaliland and Puntland never did anything good, how can then people of SSC expect from them anything? most of the African governments are exist in name only


    Most projects like hospitals, universities, schools in Somalia, is established by local people whether they are in Somalia or in overseas, for example Amoud University, Burco University, Puntland state university, Nugaal University or Buuhoodle Hospital

    The credit should go to the people not corrupt regimes


    Both Burco university and Nugaal University were established 2004,


    Inkastoo ee ani shakhsiyan ilatahay in gobolada soomaaliyeed ee kale wax badan ku dhaamin gobolada SSC haga horumarka, lakiin hadeeba taasi jirtu anuu waan u hanbelyaanayaa waana u bgaadinayaa gobolada aad xustay sida Togdheer, woqooyi galbeed, iyo Awdal horimarka ee gaareen,

    qofka muslim ka ahi waa inuu la jeclaaadaa walaalkii waxa uu naftiisa la jecelyahay


    Hadii ee rabaan gobolada woqooyi galbeed inay ka go'aan walaalhood soomaaliyeed, waaxaanu leenahay Illaahay haa idin garab kalo hadii aa sidaa garateen, dhinaca kale dadka gobolada woqooyi galbeed ku dhaqan waa inay ixtiraamaan dadka gobolada SSC maadaama ee doorteen inay somalia raacaan



    Mida kale, you claim that secession is for the best interest for the people of northwest since its their choice, while at the same time you claim that unity with the rest of Somalia is not for the best interest for the people of SSC although its their choice to remain in union. Are you asserting that people from SSC don’t know their best interest as well??!!!!