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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. IGAD is better for Somalia than ICG - which is mouthpiece for so-called Somaliland administration.


    ICG is against every effort to restore south somalia, ICG is not only against deploying frontline states, but the whole idea of bringing peacekeepers into somalia whether they are frontline states or not, or Muslim or non-Muslim.


    Clearly ICG is enemy for Somalia, simply because ICG does not want to see peaceful Somalia.


    At least IGAD wants somalia restored


    but ICG does not want somalia restored at all

  2. Warsaxaafadeed Ku Saabsan Wada - Hadalkii Dhexmaray Madaxweynaha JSL Iyo Cabdillahi Yusuf Axmed , Madxweynaha Somaliya

    Hargaysa, Somaliland

    9 March, 2005

    Xafiiska Guud Ee Hargaysa






    Date 09.03.2005






    Waxa wargeiska madaxa banaan ee Haatuf ku soo baxay 01-02-05 cadadkiisii, waraysi uu C/laahi Yuusuf kula yeeshay magaalada Nairobi

    .17-02-05 Wariye madax banaan oo reer S/land ah, magiciisana la yidhaahdo Maxamed Siciid Giriig.


    Waraysiga C/laahi Yuusuf uu wariyuhu la yeeshay, waxa uu kaga hadlay arrimo dhawr ah oo qaarkood khuseeyaan S/land iyo Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale.


    Haddaba su'aalahaa waxa ka mid ahaa.


    S. Daahir Riyaale Madaxweynaha S/land saxaafada ayaad isku dhaafsateen aflagaado badan markii aad qabsatay Dalka S/land Gobolka uu sheegto ee laascaanood xiligaas oo aad ahayd M/weynaha Punt land, xidhiidhkiinu waa sidee wakhtigan maamulka S/land.


    J. Su'aasha la weydiiyey jawaabaha uu ka bixiyey C/laahi Yuusuf waxa ka mid ahaa jawaabtan


    " Madaxweynaha maalintii dhaweyd ee uu joogay Jabuuti Telfoon ayaanu ku wada xidhiidhnay, waxbadan ismaanu waydiin ee horta xidhiidh wacan oo walaaltinimo ka dhex abuuraya Somalia inaanu samayno mabda'iyan waanu isla qaadanay, xidhiidhana waa u socdaan maamulka Punt land, waanan ku dhiiri geliyey labada M/weynaba markii aan la xidhiidhay, runtii Daahir waa nin aan intii aan bartay aqoontiisa iyo garashadiisa u qadariyo figradihiisa, sidii aan ka qabay wax badanbaan ka bedelay oo hore waanigii u sheegay in ay cidii meesha dhigatay ku shaqaysato laakiin waa nin figradiisa u Xorra geesinimo badana waa muujiyey, waa nin bisil oo walaaltinimada Somalidu ka go'antahay, markaa waa wada shaqayn doonaa ( isha allah )



    Jawaabtan uu ka bixiyey C/laahi Yuusuf su'aashan waxa ay u qaybsan tahay laba qaybood:


    A. Qayb uu ku qiimaynaayo shaqsiyada Daahir Riyaale iyo sida uu isagu u arko.

    B. Qayb uu kaga hadlay wada hadal Telphoon ku dhexmaray, oo ay kaga wada hadleen arimaha Somalia.


    Hadaba M/weyne Daahir Riyaale markii uu Haatuf ku soo baxay waraysigani waxa uu ka dhigay qaylo dheer iyadoo Radio Hargeisa muddo laba maalmood ah uu ku celcelinayey beeninta warkaa isaga ah.


    Xisbiga KULMIYE waxa u cad in had iyo jeer ay Xukuumada Daahir Madaxda ka yahay aad uga qayliyo marka ay jaraa'idku helaan ee faafiyaan shirqoolo Dalkan iyo Dadkiisa lala maagan yahay, sida qayladii xukuumadu ka qaylisay heshiiskii Dawlada jabuuti iyo xukuumada S/land ku wada galeen in adhiga S/land laga dhoofiyo Dekada Jabuuti, heshiiskan oo xataa iyadoo la hayo Dukumantiyadii la kala sexeexday hadana xukuumada S/land ilaa hadda dafirsantahay, halka dawlada jabuutina ay qirsantahay heshiiskaa waxa laxidhiidha.


    Sidoo kale xisbiga KULMIYE waxa uu u arkaa in M/weyne Daahir Riyaale ay caado u tahay inuu dafiro dhacdooyin dibindaabyo loogu gaysanayo Dalkan S/land iyo Dadkiisa sida:


    1. Dabayaaqadii Bishii January ee sanadkan waraysi uu bixiyey waxa uu ku sheegay inaanuu jirin wax xidhiidh ah oo dhexmaray isaga iyo Cadde Muuse, halka uu 23-02-05 ka qiray inuu wada hadal dhexmaray, welina uu usocdo.


    2. Waxa 3wasiir, 13madax dhaqameed, Gudoomiyaha Guurtida iyo M/weynuhu isugu yimaadeen shir ay Madax dhaqameedyada ugu xilsaareen in ay iyagu ka hawlgalaan siddii arinta gobolka Sool wada hadal loogu dhamayn lahaa isla 23-02-25 Madaxweynuhu wuu dafiray.

    3. madaxweynuhu wuxuu hore u caddeeyay inaanu wax hadal ah la yeelanayn cid ka socota soomaaliya haddii aanay ahayn cid sidayada loo soo doortay, tan uu hadda ku kacayna waa mid ka hor imanaysa siyaasaddiisaa hore .


    4. Dibindaabyada iyo dhabarjebinta aan kala go'ayn ee xukuumada jabuuti ku hayso Dalkan S/land Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ku celceliyaa inay tahay saaxiibkeena 1aad Qadiyadeena ya iyadoo hormood ka tahay, iyadoo manta xataa caruurta aanay ka qarsoonayn halka xukuumada Jabuuti ka taagan tahay Qadiyada S/land.Waxa aynu ognahay in ay dawladda Jabouti tahay ta keliya ee caalamka ka mida ee madaxweynaheedu cadayay in aanay weligeed Somaliland ictiraafi doonin.



    Hadaba dhacdadan u danbaysa ee C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Daahir Riyaale dhex martay dafiraadeedu iyo ka qaylinteedu waxba kama duwana kuwaa ka horeeyey. waxaana halkaa ka cad inaan marna lagu kalsoonaan karin hadallada madaxweynaha iyo siyaasadaha uu dalka ku dhaqayo, horena waxaa looga bartay inuu beeniyo wax cad oo la wada arkayo, tanina waxba kama duwana kuwaa hore.

    Iyadoo weliba Dadka C/laahi Yuusuf dabeecad ahaan u yaqaanaa sheegeen inuu yahay nin aan wax badan qarin, waxa jirana aan been ka sheegin.

    Halka M//weyne Daahir aad mooddo inay yartahay Daacadnimadiisu, caadana ay u tahay dafiraada dhacdooyinka dhabta ah.


    Waraysigan oo la sheegay maalintii la qaaday, halkii lagu qaaday, iyo ciddii qaadayba uma eka in M/weyneheena laga been abuurayo, sidoo kale ilaa hadda muu beenin C/laahi Yuusuf.


    Waxaynu kaloo la soconaa in Jabuuti tahay marinka kaliya ee M/weyneheenu uu leeyahay marka uu Dalka ka baxayo iyo marka uu ku soo laabanayoba.


    Xisbiga KULMIYE waxa uu M/weynaha iyo cidkasta oo la aragtiyaba u sheegayaa oo ugu celcelinayaa inay samir iyo iimaan ka qaataan isku noqoshada danbe oo S/land iyo Somalia ah.


    Xoghayaha guud xisbiga

    Daa’uud Maxamed Geelle

  3. East African countries criticise ICG on Somalia


    Sun March 20, 2005 1:10 PM GMT+02:00

    NAIROBI (Reuters) - East African states have attacked the influential International Crisis Group (ICG) and other unnamed advocacy groups for creating confusion in the region and threatening Somalia's peace process.


    In an unusual move, ministers from east African peace body IGAD said reports by ICG, a conflict prevention organisation, were damaging to the African sub-region.


    IGAD members states include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.


    "The position and advice that the International Crisis Group (ICG) has been giving has resulted in damages to the region and to the peace process in Somalia," said an IGAD statement received by Reuters on Sunday.


    "While condemning the activities of these groups, (IGAD) called upon the Somali people to be vigilant."


    Officials said the statement was written on Friday at the end of a two-day meeting in Nairobi to discuss the contentious issue of deployment of African peacekeepers to Somalia.


    Plans by the African Union (AU) to deploy peacekeepers to Somalia from Kenya, Djibouti and traditional rival Ethiopia have sparked an angry reaction from many Somalis, including warlords and militant Islamists who have promised to attack the troops.


    Somalia has been carved up into fiefdoms run by rival warlords since 1991. A transitional government was formed in neighbouring Kenya last year and is trying to establish itself inside Somalia.


    Analysts said the statement by IGAD ministers could put conflict prevention experts operating in the lawless Somalia into danger.


    Matt Bryden, an ICG expert said he suspected the ministers were unhappy with the crisis group's stand that the deployment of peacekeepers to Somalia was a highly divisive issue and should proceed only when a consensus was reached.


    On Friday, IGAD ministers took steps to defuse the situation by agreeing to limit its initial AU-backing to deployment of troops from Uganda and Sudan.


    "Our position has been that if it is forced it could destabilise the Somalia peace process," Bryden said, adding ICG would give its official reaction to the statement on Monday.


    A majority of Somalia's members of parliament voted on Thursday against the deployment of border states to Somalia, but after the vote the lawmakers came to blows with MPs throwing metal chairs at each other.


    Kenyan police on Saturday detained Somalia's commerce minister Muse Sudi Yalahow and two other MPs in connection with the fighting and then released on a free bond.

  4. Mucalimu be smarter than that


    Ali khalif is a highly regarded Somali scholar and politician, although he did not campaigned for the Abdulaahi Yusuf camp, Ali Kahlif fully supports the legitimacy and affirmed his commitment to help the newly established government.


    Mucalime if a people express their opinion/views, you should not offend them and describe them as “mostly poor Somali mothers from Cederâ€. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech.

  5. President Abdulaahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Ali Ghedi have great opportunity to help Somalia and the Somalis to recovery from the devastating civil war,


    Somali citizens should help and give every chance their government to restore Somalia, since the newly established gobernment is last hope for somalia


    For long time Somali people were hostage for notorious warlords, making the warlords accountable for their actions could only the long lasted civil war and bringing international peacekeeper troops is the only to restore order to the lawless state.


    Somalia Hanolato


    Peace Insha Allaah

  6. Great stuff


    Despite the issue "should troops from frontline states deployed inside somalia is a debateable point"


    Whats amazing is the democratic process thats taking place in Nairobi (the fighting is a minor issue).


    Warlords are learning how to talk and debate intead of bullets!!!


    Although ,the new parliement has low quality, but more democratic and better than all somali parliements in the past and present like Golayaasha sacabka of former siyad berreregime or the current somaliland regime.


    although, Most mogadisho warlords are backed by Ethoipia, they made good decision by rejecting ethoipian troops (thats the only correct decision they ever made, though they didnot intended to disappoint thier longtime ally ethoipia)


    President Abdulaahi Yusuf should put out of his mind bringing Ethoipian troops to Somalia.


    Who can say that somali MPs are hand picked by ethoipia or another foreign power?


    Now we can be confident of the somali peace process thats its owned by somalis themselves

  7. Muuse Suudi oo is eedeeyay !




    Wasiirka Ganacsiga ee dowladda Soomaaliya ee ku meel gaarka ah, Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, ayaa dowladda Ethiopia ku eedeeyay in aanay wadin maslaxad Soomaaaliyeed.


    Muuse Suudi, wuxuu sheegtay in isaga, Cusmaan-Caato iyo Xuseen Caydiid oo is haya ay dowladda Ethiopia hadda ka hor mid walba ay gooni hub u siisay.


    Wasiirku ma sheegin hubka uu ka hadlayaa nooca uu yahay iyo tiradiisa.


    Inkasta oo Ethiopia marar badan lagu eedeeyey in ay hub siisay kooxo Soomaaliyeed oo ay is miciinsadaan, haddana waa markii ugu horreysay ee hoggaamiye-kooxeed Soomaaliyeed uu qirto in isaga ay hub siisay.


    Haddii ay taasi run noqoto, waxaa macnaheedu yahay in dowladda Ethiopia ay jebisay qaraarkii Golaha Ammaanka ee Qarammada Midoobay ee hubka ka xayiraysay Soomaaliya.


    Waxaa kale oo macnaheedu noqonayaa in Muuse Suudi uu isaguna jebiyay qaraarka, maaddaama uu isagu qirtay in uu hub soo geliyay Soomaaliya iyada oo ay cunaqabateyni saaran tahay.


    Kofi Anna


    Wasiirku waxaa uu hadalkan ka jeediyay munaasabad ka dhacday Nairobi oo ay galabta isagu yimaadeen mudanayaal baarlamaanka Soomaalida ka tirsan iyo ganacsato u badan reer Kenya, halkaas oo loogu ola oleynayay in la diido in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidan ka socda dalalka la deriska ah.


    Xoghayaha Guud ee QM, Kofi Annan, ayaa toddobaadkan waxaa uu sheegay in si aad ah loogu xad gudbay xayiraadda hubka ee Soomaaliya saaran.


    Wuxuu intaa ku daray in xitaa xubno baarlamaanka ka tirsani ay xad gudubkaa qeyb ka yihiin.


    Qabanqaabada IGAD

    Dalka Uagnda waxaa ku shirsan wasiirrada difaaca ee toddobada dal ee xubnaha ka ah IGAD.


    Waxay ka wada hadlayaan sidii ay u meel marin lahaayeen go'aankii ay Madaxweynayaashoodu ku gaareen magaalada Abuja ee Nigeria ee ahaa in ay ciidan u diraan Soomaalia si ay isu garab taagaan dowladda.


    Wasiirradu waxaa kale oo ay warbixin ka dhegeysan doonaan ergadii militeri ee sahanka ku tagtay Soomaaliya magaalooyin ka mid ah.


    Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cali Maxamed Geeddi, ayaa maanta, ka dib markii uu Madaxweynaha Djibouti ku soo booqday xafiiskiisa, waxaa uu BBC-da u sheegay in Madaxweynayaasha IGAD ay kulmi doonaan bartamaha bishan si ay go'aan kama dambeys ah uga gaaraan talada Wasiirrada Difaaca.


    Madaxweynaha Djibouti, Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa isaguna hore BBC-da ugu sheegay in aanay jirin cid xoog ku galeysa Soomaaliya.




    Waxaa uu ku tilmaamay in codsiga ciidanku uu ka yimid Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed, haddana la dhowrayo baarlamaanka Soomaalidu in uu codsigaa ansixiyo.


    Madaxweyne Geelle waxaa kaluu sheegay in Ethiopia ay qirtay in ay xasaasi tahay in ciidan Ethiopian ah la geeyo Soomaaliya, sidaa darteedna ay door bideyso in ay si kale u taakuleyso hawlgalkan.


    Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa iyaduna ka mid ah codadka diiddan in Soomaaliya loo diro ciidan ka socda dalalka la deriska ah.


    Inkasta oo dhulalkii Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yusuf iyo wafdigiisu ay booqdeen aan laga diidan ciidan ka socda dalalka deriska ah, gaar ahaanna magaalada Baydhaba laga muujiyey soo dhoweyn ra'yigaas, haddana waxaa jira in magaalada Muqdisho ay ka dhaceen bannaanbaxyo looga soo horjeedo taladaas.


    Madaxweynaha Kenya, Mwai Kibaki, ayaa isaguna ka dib markii uu maanta qaabbilay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, laga soo weriyay in uu u amba bixi doono Addis Ababa.


    Madaxweyne Kibaki, waxaa uu wadahadal la soo yeelan doonaa Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, iyo Golaha Ammaanka ee Midoga Afrika.


    Shaki kuma jiro in ay ka wadahadli doonaan Soomaaliya iyo sida laga yeelayo.




    Waxayse labada Hoggaamiye isla soo qaadi doonaan oo kale isku dhac niman la tuhunsan yahay in ay Ethiopian yihiin oo burcad ah iyo ilaalo Kenyan ah oo ka dhacay soohdinta dheer uu dhexeysa labada dal.


    Tan iyo markii codadka diidmada ahi ay soo baxeen waxay u muuqataa in Madaxweynaha Uganda, Yuweri Museveni, oo ah Guddoomiyaha IGAD ee xilligan arrintan dib u eegayo.

  8. U.N. Urges Arms Embargo Against Somalia






    Associated Press Writer


    March 15, 2005, 5:25 PM EST


    UNITED NATIONS -- The U.N. Security Council demanded on Tuesday that all nations enforce an arms embargo against Somalia after experts warned an influx of weapons could threaten the country's new government as it returns from exile in Kenya.


    Somalia has been divided into fiefdoms, ruled by rival warlords since 1991, when President Siad Barre was ousted. The United Nations imposed an arms embargo the following year, but it has not been effectively enforced.


    A transitional government was formed last year in Kenya after lengthy negotiations but it hasn't returned because of insecurity.


    The four experts investigating compliance with the arms embargo warned in a report Monday of the risk posed by the continued flow of arms into Somalia "at a brisk and alarming rate," most directed at opponents of the new government.


    As a result, the report said, "there is a seriously elevated level of threat of possible violence against the peaceful establishment in Somalia of the transitional federal government."


    The council on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution authorizing experts to continue investigating violations and compiling a list of people and organizations selling arms.


    It asked the Security Council committee monitoring sanctions to consult with the experts and recommend ways to improve implementation of the embargo.


    On Monday, seven African nations agreed to send a 6,800-strong regional force to Somalia at the end of April, ahead of a fuller African Union peacekeeping mission, to provide security for the new government.


    The announcement sparked a warning of bloodshed from the self-declared governor of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, if the troops deploy.


    The experts uncovered 34 arms shipments or violations of the embargo between February 2004 and February 2005 -- 21 of them through the Bakaaraha arms market in Mogadishu. The experts said they are convinced that another arms market in Yemen keeps the Somali market supplied with weapons.


    The arms shipped to Somalia range from a large and expensive anti-aircraft gun to ocean freight containers filled with arms explosives, ammunition, small arms, mines and anti-tank weapons, the experts' report said.


    The monitoring group determined that about 67 individuals, companies and entities "were witting or unwitting parties to the arms transaction process," but it only named a few.


    "Recent arms shipments have strengthened the military capacity of opposition elements inside Somalia," the report said. "They are well organized and funded and have publicly expressed their intent to violently oppose the transitional federal government and any international supporters that may provide military support inside Somalia."


    The experts said they had identified two Somali and two transnational criminal groups clandestinely involved in facilitating arms deliveries -- one operating in Western Europe, the Arabian peninsula, the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa and the other in eastern and southeastern Asia and southern and eastern Africa.

    Copyright © 2005, The Associated Press

  9. Telkom Rakes in Millions From Somalia


    The Nation (Nairobi)


    March 16, 2005

    Posted to the web March 15, 2005


    By Julius Bosire



    Telkom Kenya yesterday announced a record one million telephone calls into Somalia per month, with a new government in Mogadishu.


    The firm's managing director, Mr John Waweru, said the business was likely to expand in the future as the Somali government consolidated its power.


    He said with charges of Sh72 per minute, the corporation was in a position to do good business with the neighbouring country.


    Mr Waweru signed an inter-connect agreement on behalf of Telkom with Mr Abdi Mohamed, the managing director of Bell Western Limited at his Teleposta office in Nairobi.


    Bell Western will offer telephone services in the North Eastern Province. Its operations will be based in Garissa Town.


    Mr Waweru said the agreement gave the company authority to connect people with fixed, Celtel, and Safaricom lines. The proceeds would be shared between Telkom and Bell Western.


    Bell Western is owned by Kenyans from the arid areas, with knowledge of telecommunications, Mr Mohammed said.


    Mr Waweru said telecommunications business was overwhelming Telkom and urged those licensed to offer the services to approach the corporation for authority to do business. He said some people were licensed to offer services but were secretly riding on Telkom facilities.


    "We shall not allow parallel networks where private companies ride on our networks. Anyone with a licence should come to us," said Mr Waweru.


    Mr Mohamed said his company would start rolling out its services in two weeks.


    The company targeted between 20,000 and 30,000 customers for both fixed and mobile lines, he said.


    With the new technology, Mr Mohamed said, a telephone call out of Garissa would cost Sh13 per minute. The cost under the current technology is Sh14 per minute, usually calculated in Sh42 per a three-minute call.


    Mr Waweru praised Jumbonet, saying it was affordable, uncongested, reliable and faster. He said Jumbonet was ready for competition.




    Report Says Recent Arms Shipments Strengthened Military Capacity Of Elements Intending Violent Opposition to Transitional Government





    The Security Council today requested the Secretary-General to re-establish, within 30 days and for a period of six months, the Monitoring Group focusing on the ongoing arms embargo violations in Somalia, including transfers of ammunition, single use weapons and small arms.



    Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter and through the unanimous adoption of resolution 1587 (2005), the Council requested the Group to continue the tasks entrusted to it, including the investigation of the implementation of the arms embargo by Member States and violations, as well as actions taken by the Somali authorities.



    Also, the Group would continue to provide the Committee, established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) to oversee the arms embargo, with a draft list of those who continued to violate it inside and outside Somalia, and their active supporters, for possible future measures by the Council. The Council would also have the Group make recommendations based on its investigations.



    Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Council resolution 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003, the Secretary-General established a monitoring group composed of four experts for a six-month period. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the Group was mandated to focus on the ongoing violations of the arms embargo –- imposed by Council resolution 733 of 23 January 1992.



    Under related provisions of the text adopted today, the Council further requested the Secretary-General to make the necessary financial arrangements to support the work of the Monitoring Group. It also requested the Committee to consider, when appropriate, a visit to Somalia and/or the region to demonstrate the Council’s determination to give full effect to the arms embargo.



    The meeting, which began at 11:40 a.m., adjourned at 11:45 a.m.






    The full text of resolution 1587 (2005) reads, as follows:



    “The Security Council,



    “Reaffirming its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992, which established an embargo on all delivery of weapons and military equipment to Somalia (hereinafter referred to as the “arms embargoâ€), resolution 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003 and resolution 1558 (2004) of 17 August 2004,



    “Welcoming further progress in the process of national reconciliation in Somalia and expecting further steps by the Transitional Federal Government towards establishing effective national governance in Somalia,



    “Reaffirming the importance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,



    “Commending the efforts of the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in support of the Transitional Federal Government and welcoming the African Union’s continued support for reconciliation in Somalia,



    “Taking note of the report of the Monitoring Group dated 14 February 2005 (S/2005/153) submitted pursuant to paragraph 3 (e) of resolution 1558 (2004) and the observations and recommendations contained therein,



    “Condemning the continued flow of weapons and ammunition supplies to and through Somalia, in violation of the arms embargo, and expressing its determination that violators should be held accountable,



    “Reiterating the importance of the implementation of the arms embargo by Member States and the enhancement of the monitoring of the arms embargo in Somalia through persistent and vigilant investigation into the violations, bearing in mind that strict enforcement of the arms embargo will improve the overall security situation in Somalia,



    “Determining that the situation in Somalia constitutes a threat to international peace and security in the region,



    “Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,



    “1. Stresses the obligation of all States to comply fully with the measures imposed by resolution 733 (1992);



    “2. Expresses its intention to give the report of the Monitoring Group dated 14 February 2005 (S/2005/153) due consideration in order to improve implementation of and compliance with measures imposed by resolution 733 (1992);



    “3. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) of 24 April 1992 (hereinafter referred to as “the Committeeâ€), to re-establish within thirty days from the date of the adoption of this resolution, and for a period of six months, the Monitoring Group referred to in paragraph 3 of resolution 1558 (2004), with the following mandate:



    (a) to continue investigating the implementation of the arms embargo by MemberStates and violations, inter alia, through field-based investigations in Somalia, where possible, and, as appropriate, in other States, in particular, those in the region;



    (b) to assess actions taken by Somali authorities, as well as Member States, in particular, those in the region, fully to implement the arms embargo;



    © to make specific recommendations based on detailed information in relevant areas of expertise related to violations and measures to give effect to and strengthen the implementation of the arms embargo in its various aspects;



    (d) to continue refining and updating information on the draft list of those individuals and entities who violate the measures implemented by Member States in accordance with resolution 733 (1992), inside and outside Somalia, and their active supporters, for possible future measures by the Council, and to present such information to the Committee as and when the Committee deems appropriate;



    (e) to continue making recommendations based on its investigations, on the previous reports of the Panel of Experts (S/2003/223 and S/2003/1035) appointed pursuant to resolutions 1425 (2002) of 22 July 2002 and 1474 (2003) of 8 April 2003, and on the previous reports of the Monitoring Group (S/2004/604 and S/2005/153) appointed pursuant to resolutions 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003 and 1558 (2004) of 17 August 2004;



    (f) to work closely with the Committee on specific recommendations for additional measures to improve overall compliance with the arms embargo;



    (g) to assist in identifying areas where the capacities of States in the region can be strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the arms embargo;



    (h) to provide to the Council, through the Committee, a mid-term briefing within 90 days from its establishment;



    (i) to submit to the Council through the Committee, no later than 30 days prior to the termination of its mandate, a final report covering all the tasks set out above, which the Committee will subsequently consider and convey to the Security Council prior to the expiration of its mandate;



    “4. Further requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary financial arrangements to support the work of the Monitoring Group;



    “5. Reaffirms paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 of resolution 1519 (2003);



    “6. Requests the Committee, in accordance with its mandate and in consultation with the Monitoring Group and other relevant United Nations entities, to consider and recommend to the Council ways to improve implementation of and compliance with the arms embargo, including ways to develop capacity of States in the region to implement the arms embargo, in response to continuing violations;



    “7. Further requests the Committee to consider, when appropriate, a visit to Somalia and/or the region by its Chairman and those he may designate, as approved by the Committee, to demonstrate the Security Council’s determination to give full effect to the arms embargo;



    “8. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.â€






    Before the Council was a letter dated 8 March 2005 from the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia, which transmits the report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia to the President of the Security Council. The report (document (S/2005/153) notes that arms embargo violations have continued at a brisk and alarming rate and that the Monitoring Group uncovered 34 individual arms shipments from February 2004 to the time of writing. They ranged in size from individual weapons such as large and expensive anti-aircraft guns to ocean freight containers full of explosives, ammunition, small arms and anti-tank weapons.



    Noting the soaring demand for financial sources by major parties to the conflict in Somalia to fund the arms purchases, the report says that information developed by the Monitoring Group indicates the existence of a sophisticated financial network operating inside and outside the country that may be directly involved in arms purchases. An increasing demand for funds has been noticed during the mandate period, although financial sources required by warlords to fund their operations remain basically the same. However, methods of moving funds are dynamic and, on some occasions, these illegal funds are being operated under the umbrella of legal businesses or financial networks.



    The report states that recent purchases have strengthened the military capacity of well armed and funded opposition elements which have publicly expressed their intention to violently oppose the Transitional Federal Government and its supporters, e.g., foreign troops, if they enter Somalia. In addition, the Bakaaraha arms market inside Somalia, particularly in Mogadishu, and arms markets in the neighbouring Gulf States continue to play a central role as sources of arms that fuel violent clashes and remain an obstacle to peace and stability. These markets are also a main cause of the many arms-related problems in the frontline States.



    With an increasing number of arms embargo violations, the trend has continued to rely less on air transport to ferry the illegal shipments, the report says. Instead, ocean transport and road transport have been the predominant means of delivery. However, the role of air transport should not be ignored. To enforce the embargo effectively, it is critical to monitor effectively both the border crossings and the Somali coastline, as well as to engage fully the neighbouring and regional States, the Transitional Federal Government and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).



    Emphasizing the need for any future monitoring group to work closely and effectively with these States and the Transitional Federal Government, the report notes that the Monitoring Group has investigated arms shipments that were offloaded by a combination of road and dhows. Organized criminal groups involved in the clandestine movement of arms shipments from source to recipient have consistently circumvented customs and police authorities of various States responsible for the interdiction of illegal shipments. Although customs border enforcement in the region has improved since the beginning of the Monitoring Group’s mandate, all customs authorities in the region should adopt the technique of customs risk assessment in dealing with the illicit arms trafficking. The customs authorities may also consider establishing a mechanism to share information and best practices in implementing the United Nations arms embargo.



    The report recommends continued monitoring of the arms embargo to ensure its effectiveness, for the following reasons: (a) analysis of trends and patterns provides the Security Council with a perspective and a meaningful understanding of ongoing violations and accompanying activities; and (b) continued investigations of specific violations and those parties involved expose individual violators to possible sanctions. The Monitoring Group should continue to develop the draft list of violators, including the compilation of dossiers of relevant and evidentiary materials, for eventual submission to the Security Council Committee for future punitive actions. It may also be necessary or appropriate to submit the draft list to the neighbouring and regional States for actions against the violators.



    According to the report, the Monitoring Group should establish a more formal and structured relationship with the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and possibly the frontline and neighbouring States in order to facilitate cooperation and the exchange of information. In addition, international and regional financial organizations should enhance their support for financial local authorities in the frontline and neighbouring States in terms of promoting cooperation, training, workshops, information-sharing and financial networking. Efforts should be made in focusing on topics related to criminalizing financial illegal activities, money-laundering, freezing and confiscation of assets, and the regulation and control of alternative remittance systems (hawalas).



    Annexed to the report are an explanation of the Monitoring Group’s evidentiary standards and verification process; a list of arms purchases and sales at Mogadishu’s Irtogte arms market during the mandate period; and a list of questions submitted to the Government of neighbouring Yemen.



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  11. Wafdi uu hogaaminaya Madaxwayne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf

    oo si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyey dalka masar


    Madaxwayne c/laahi iyo yusuf axmed iyo wafdigisii aayaa saaka si habsami leh logu soo dhoweyey gegeda dayuuradaha qaahira wafdiga madaxwaynaha oo uu wehlinayey Raysulwasaare Prof Gedi,iyo xubno katirsan baarlamaanka,wafigaan waxaa si aad ah usoo dhoweyey madaxwaynaha maser iyo wasiirka difaaca dadlka maser iyo ururka jaamacada carabta waxaa kaloo soo dhowayntaas qaby lixaad leh kaqaatay safarada somalida ee dalka maser.iyo dhamaan jaaliyada soomaaliyed ee degan masar iyo ururka ardayda soomaaliyeed ee masar. Oo hoostaga safaarada.


    Madaxwaynaha Waxaa safarka ku weheliyay Raysulwasaaraha Xukuumada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi waana Markii Labaad oo ay si wada Jira wafdi uhogaamiyaan tan iyo intii la dhisay Xukuumada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.


    Ujeedada Safarka Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdulaahi Yusuf Axmed & Raysulwasaare Geedi waxaa ugu wayn in ay Wadamada Carbeed ee Soomaalidu ka jirto laga dhaadhiciyo dhibaatada Haraysay Soomaalida 14 Sanadood ee la soo dhaafay


    Soo dhoweyntan madaxwaynaha lasoo dhoweyey ayaa ah tii ugu balaarneed ina ta la og yahay,safar noo can oo kale ah oo uu madaxwaynuhu kutago dalcarbeed,iyadii dowlada masarna ay balan qaaday sidii ay wax uga qaban laheed xalada soomaliya dowladana cusub,dowlada masar waxay sheegtay in ay intii karaankeed ah la shaqayndoonto.caawa ayey mar kale madaxwaynaha iyo wafdigiisa iyo madaxwaynaha masar iyo jamacada carabtuba ay balan san yihiin.iyadoo berina lagayaabo inmadaxwaynuhu ulaabto dadka Kenya waa sida wararkii ugu danbeyey ay sheegayaaan


    Madaxwaynaha Waxaa safarka ku weheliyay Raysulwasaaraha Xukuumada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi waana Markii Labaad oo ay si wada Jira wafdi uhogaamiyaan tan iyo intii la dhisay Xukuumada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.


    Ujeedada Safarka Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdulaahi Yusuf Axmed & Raysulwasaare Geedi waxaa ugu wayn in ay Wadamada Carbeed ee Soomaalidu ka jirto laga dhaadhiciyo dhibaatada Haraysay Soomaalida 14 Sanadood ee la soo dhaafay.


    Soo dhoweyntan madaxwaynaha lasoo dhoweyey ayaa ah tii ugu balaarneed ina ta la og yahay,safar noo can oo kale ah oo uu madaxwaynuhu kutago dalcarbeed,iyadii dowlada masarna ay balan qaaday sidii ay wax uga qaban laheed xalada soomaliya dowladana cusub,dowlada masar waxay sheegtay in ay intii karaankeed ah la shaqayndoonto.caawa ayey mar kale madaxwaynaha iyo wafdigiisa iyo madaxwaynaha masar iyo jamacada carabtuba ay balan san yihiin.iyadoo berina lagayaabo inmadaxwaynuhu ulaabto dadka Kenya waa sida wararkii ugu danbeyey ay sheegayaaan.


    Iyadoo ajandaha ugu balaaran ee Safarkoodu yahay Bal in wadamada Carabtu ku deeqaan Ciidamo soo celiya Nabadii iyo Xasiloonida Luntay ee Soomaaliya waloow Amuurta keenista Ciidamo shisheeye si aada la iskugu khilafay oo ay diidmo xoogan ka muujiyeen Xubno ka tirsan Xukuumada Madaxwayne Yusuf.


    Waxaa ka mid ahaa Wafdiga Madaxwaynaha & Raysulwasaaraha Xubno ay ka mid ahaayen Rasulwasaare Ku Xigeen Ahna wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Eng Xussen Maxamed Faarax Caydiid, Raysulwasaare ku xigeen ahna Wasiirka Maaliyada Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow, Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Prof Cabdulaahi Sh Ismaaciil, Wasiirka Waxbarashada Cali Cabdulaahi Cosoble, Wasiirka Iskaashiga& Horumarinta Caalamiga Dr C/saaq Jurulle, Xidhibaan Cali Fiqi iyo Xubno kalle.


    Wafdiga waxaa goroonka Diyaaradaha ku sii sagootiyay Xubno ka Tirsan Labada Gole ee Xukuumada Hase yeeshee Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Sh Xasan Sh Adan iyo Hogaamiyaasha Hubaysan ee Muqdisho kuma Jirin Xubnihii Sagootiyay Madaxda Xukuumada Federaalka ah.


    Madaxwaynaha iyo Raysulwasaaruhu waxa ay hore ubooqdeen Wadamada Itoobiya, Jabuuti, Ugaandha, Imaaraadka, Saciidiga, Qadar, Naajeriya, iyo Yaman waxa kaloo ay Safar ku Tageen Magaalooyin ka


    c/risaq Ader ali kaneec


    qaahira masar



    Somaliweyn(BBC/Cairo,March 14,2005)




    Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf si weyn ayaa loogu soo dhaweeyey Qaahira

    Markii wafdiga Soomaalidu uu ka degey garoonka Dayuuradaha ee Masar dadkii halkaasc ku soo dhaweeyeryv waxa ka mid ahaa Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda ee Masar, Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta iyo madax kale oo badan.

    Islamarkiiba waxa wafdiga loo gudbiyey Qasiriga Madexweyneha ee ku yaal Madrasa Jadiid, halkaas oo Madexweyne Xusni Mudaarak uu ku qaabiley Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo wafdigiisa.


    Waxyaabaha labada madexweyne ay is-xasuusiyeen waxa ka mid ah xiriirka soo jireenka ajh ee Soomaaliya iyo Masar ay sanooyinka badan wadalahaayeen.


    Wariyaha BBC-da uga soo waramay Qaahira ayaa sheegey in soo dhaweynta wafdiga Soomaalidu ay ka heleen Qaahira ay markhaati ka tahey kalgacalka ay Masar u heyso shicibka Soomaalida.


    Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusugf waxa uu markii hore la kulmey Madexweyanaha dalka Masaarida ka dibna galinkiidambe ee Isniinta ayuu la kulmey Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabata, Camar Mussa.


    Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta Amr Musa ayaa qado sharaf u sameeyey wafdiga Soomaalida.


    Kulanka Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo Camar Mussa waxa uu ka dhacey qado sharaf wafdiga Soomaalida loogu sameeyey Hoteelka al-Xayat ee Qaahira. Wararka ka imaanaya Qaahira waxa ay sheegayaan in Jaamacadda Carbtu ay niyad fiican iyo qalbi furan ku soo dhaweysey wafdiga Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf.


    Wafdida Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf waxa uu Jaamacadda Carabta ooy u sheegeen in Soomaaliya ay u baahantahey dib u dejin iyo dib u dhis, ooy Jaamacadda Carabta ka filayaan iney taageero siiso Soomaaliya, si maleeshiyada dalka joogta hubka looga dhigo, xasiloonina waddanka dib loogu soo celsho.


    Waxa jirtey in shir heer wasiir ahaa oo Ururka Carbtu uu dhawaan yeeshey uu ku faaqidey arimaha la xiriira kaalmeynta Soomaalida oo laga hadley in Madexweynaha, dowladda iyo baarlamanka Soomaalida ee cusub la gargaaro. Waxa shirlaas laga sheegey in dowladaha Carbeed een weli ku dhawaaqin gargaarista Soomaaliya ay shirka la iskugu imaan doono Algeria ku soo diyaariyaan waxa ay Soomaaliya ugu talagaleen.


    Waxa kale oo wafdiga Soomaalida iyo madaxda Masar isku soo qaadeen maadaam ay Masar iyo Soomaaliya xiriir soo jireen ah oo dhinacyo badan leh ay lahaayeen in Masra ay dardar galiso arimaha lagu kaalmeenayo Soomaaliya.

  13. Weapons flooding into Somalia


    Tuesday 15 March 2005 12:16 AM GMT



    Anarchy has been sweeping the country since 1991


    Weapons are still pouring into Somalia at a brisk and alarming rate - undermining efforts to install a new national government, UN monitors have said.



    Despite a 1992 UN arms embargo and rising prices, individuals from both the new transitional federal government and opposition groups are buying up the illegal weapons, according to the latest report from the monitoring group on Tuesday.


    While demand for financing has soared, buyers are finding the money inside and outside the northeast African nation from sources ranging from illegal charcoal exports and printing counterfeit currency to school and university fees and looting, the report by the group of four outside experts said.


    The group recommended tightening controls along Somalia's borders and coastline. It said neighbouring countries should coordinate better and share information to improve their effectiveness.


    Violators list


    The monitoring group turned over to the UN Security Council a sealed draft list of arms embargo violators, in the event the council plans future enforcement measures.


    A country of around 10 million people, Somalia has been carved up into fiefdoms run by rival militias since 1991. A transitional federal government was formed in neighbouring Kenya last year and is trying to establish itself inside Somalia.


    But the monitoring group gathered information, documents and pictures showing that despite the new government, "or perhaps because of it, arms embargo violations continued to occur at a brisk and alarming rate."


    It said the arms shipments easily circumvented neighbouring states' efforts to block them.


    With most of the weapons flowing to opposition groups, "there is a seriously elevated level of threat of possible violence against the peaceful establishment in Somalia of the transitional federal government," the group said.






    You can find this article at:

  14. U.N.: No more arms smuggling to Somalia


    Published March 15, 2005



    UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations Security Council issued a resolution Tuesday condemning the smuggling of arms into Somalia.


    Despite a 1992 Security Council arms embargo, countries the Council declined to identify are still selling weapons and ammunition supplies to the East African country. Those countries, the Security Council said, should be held accountable, although the resolution does not specify what action could be taken.


    The resolution also says the U.N.'s special arms monitoring group in Somalia will remain in the country for an additional six months.


    At the same time, the resolution praised efforts by the African Union and the seven-nation Intergovernmental Authority on Development to support the new Somalian administration.


    Somalia has lacked an effective central government since 1991, with the ousting of President Siad Barre.



    Illegal arms threaten new Somalia government - UN

    14 Mar 2005 23:51:30 GMT


    Source: Reuters


    By Irwin Arieff


    UNITED NATIONS, March 14 (Reuters) - Weapons are still pouring into Somalia at "a brisk and alarming rate" despite a 1992 U.N. arms embargo, threatening efforts to install a new national government, U.N. monitors reported on Monday.


    Despite rising prices, individuals from both the new transitional federal government and opposition groups are buying up the illegal weapons, according to the latest report from the monitoring group.


    While demand for financing has soared, buyers are finding the money inside and outside the northeast African nation from sources ranging from illegal charcoal exports and printing counterfeit currency to school and university fees and looting, the report by the group of four outside experts said.


    The group recommended tightening controls along Somalia's borders and coastline. It said neighboring countries should coordinate better and share information to improve their effectiveness.


    The monitoring group turned over to the U.N. Security Council a sealed draft list of arms embargo violators, in the event the council plans future enforcement measures.


    A lawless Horn of Africa country of around 10 million people, Somalia has been carved up into fiefdoms run by rival warlords since 1991. A transitional federal government was formed in neighboring Kenya last year and is trying to establish itself inside Somalia.


    But the monitoring group gathered information, documents and pictures showing that despite the new government, "or perhaps because of it, arms embargo violations continued to occur at a brisk and alarming rate." It said the arms shipments easily circumvented neighboring states' efforts to block them.


    With most of the weapons flowing to opposition groups, "there is a seriously elevated level of threat of possible violence against the peaceful establishment in Somalia of the transitional federal government," the group said.


    The opposition groups "are well organized and funded and have publicly expressed their intent to violently oppose the transitional federal government and any international supporters that may provide military support inside Somalia," it said.

  15. President Museveni Warns Somali Warlords


    The Monitor (Kampala)


    March 15, 2005

    Posted to the web March 14, 2005


    By Frank Nyakairu



    President Yoweri Museveni has told Somali warlords and said the peacekeeping troops will be deployed with or without their permission.


    Museveni was speaking at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) workshop aimed at drawing deployment plans for the peace support mission.


    "We have to deploy whether they (warlords) agree or not. They are holding nine million people hostage, how many years have we lost in Somalia? It is either 14 0r 15 and this must stop," Museveni said in an impassioned appeal at Entebbe Resort Hotel yesterday.


    Defence officials and ministers from several East African countries are meeting in Entebbe to map out the Somalia peacekeeping mission which Uganda's UPDF is proposing to be part of.


    "Here in Uganda we have had a lot of problems we fought with Sudan and Mobutu and never called the United Nations to help us we solved all these problems ourselves," he said.


    Museveni slammed the UN and European Union as failures in solving African problems.


    "I do not remember any positive change in Africa brought about by the UN or Europe," said Museveni.


    "I have no speech but I'm speaking from my experience it's a shame for one of the ancient races to suffer for so long while Africa is looking on," he added.


    Museveni who is currently the IGAD chairman seemed let down by the speed and draw backs in the seven-day meeting called for a positive solution for the Somalia.


    "I want to talk to the Somali transitional government I'm told they are also there confused," he said


    Countries from the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have expressed the will to send stabilizing troops to the war-torn Somalia but seem still bogged down a mandate and sources of funding. Ministers and defense experts were last evening slated to sign a communiqué but had not by press time. The communiqué will include the deployment plan, troop contributing countries and size of the mission.


    The AU has authorized IGAD countries: Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti to send an interim force to Mogadishu to help Somalia's transitional government relocate there from exile.


    Some Somali clans and Islamic court leaders have vowed to resist any foreign troops. Some protestors said they would resist forces from Ethiopia and Djibouti.


    Warlords in the country are divided on the deployment, which has already met fierce opposition from the Somali Islamic cleric.


    Somalia plunged into chaos after the fall of President Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Since last October, Somalia has adopted political institutions president, government, and parliament but the latter remain in Nairobi for security reasons.

  16. UN presses Somali warlords to agree to cease-fire

    07 Mar 2005 23:48:35 GMT


    Source: Reuters


    By Irwin Arieff


    UNITED NATIONS, March 7 (Reuters) - Somalia's warlords must stop fighting among themselves and agree to a cease-fire as a first step toward peace and security in the lawless northeast African nation, the Security Council said on Monday.


    The 15-nation council, in a statement adopted unanimously, welcomed the progress made by Somalia's fledgling national government toward restoring central authority but said a comprehensive and verifiable cease-fire agreement was needed before feuding factions could start to disarm.


    A country of as many as 10 million people, Somalia has been carved up into fiefdoms run by rival warlords since 1991.


    The new government was formed in the safety of neighboring Kenya last year and is currently trying to establish itself inside the Horn of Africa country.


    Somalia's new President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi, both of whom are still based in Nairobi, toured parts of Somalia in recent weeks to prepare for the return of their government, which hopes to begin disarming militias once it is ensconced inside the country.


    Winston Tubman, head of the U.N. political office for Somalia, told the council in a closed-door session before it adopted the statement that the security situation in Somalia remained precarious.


    Intermittent fighting continued, fueled by factional rivalries and extensive violations of a U.N. arms embargo, Tubman told reporters in a summary of his council briefing.


    The capital Mogadishu was particularly insecure, Tubman said. But the political process now under way at least pointed the way to a possible end to the crisis, he said.


    "I believe this new effort constitutes Somalia's best chance in many years to achieve peace and security. It is a process, however, that will need (international) support to succeed" as well as help from the Somali people, he said.


    The powerful earthquake and tsunami that devastated Indian Ocean coastlines on Dec. 26 killed as many as 300 people in Somalia and touched some 18,000 households. Recurrent drought is also a problem in the region.


    But international assistance for many needy victims cannot be delivered until aid workers are assured of better security, said Tubman, who is leaving his U.N. post to run for president in October elections in his native Liberia.

  17. UN SC presidential statement welcomes progress in Somali National Reconciliation, notes need for expanded UN presenceConcurs with Secretary-General Enhanced UN Role Must Be Incremental, Based on Discussions with Transitional Government




    Security Council

    5135th Meeting (PM)


    The Security Council, reaffirming its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement in Somalia, welcomed progress made in the Somali national reconciliation process, and took note of the need to expand the United Nations presence in that country, as proposed by the Secretary-General in his latest report.


    In a statement read out by Council President Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg (Brazil), the Council welcomed the efforts of the United Nations Political Office in Somalia (UNPOS) and its leading role in coordinating support for the Transitional Federal Government to implement the agreements reached at the Somali National Reconciliation Conference and establish peace and stability in Somalia. It concurred with the Secretary-General that a further enhanced role for the Organization must be incremental and be based on the outcome of discussions with the Transitional Government.


    Commending the efforts of the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) in support of the Transitional Government, the Council also recognized the African Union’s readiness to play an important role in a future peace support mission in Somalia. Such a mission must be carefully planned and would require the support of the Somali people.


    In his latest report to the Council (document S/2005/89), the Secretary-General notes that the IGAD process has produced a power-sharing arrangement in that country for a transitional period that stretches for five years. While this had clearly been the most inclusive peace process ever, involving all clans and most major faction leaders, it cannot be said that either peace or reconciliation has been achieved or that fighting inside Somalia has ceased.


    An enhanced role for the United Nations, he continues, would include assisting the continuous dialogue among Somali parties for reconciliation; assisting in the effort to address the issue of “Somalilandâ€; coordinating support for the peace process with Somalia’s neighbours and other international partners; and chairing the Coordination and Monitoring Committee, as well as playing a leading political role in peace-building activities.


    Also through today’s statement, the Council urged all Somali faction and militia leaders to cease hostilities and encouraged them and the Transitional Government to enter into immediate negotiations for a comprehensive and verifiable ceasefire agreement leading to final disarmament.


    The meeting began at 4:53 p.m. and ended at 5 p.m.


    Presidential Statement


    The full text of presidential statement S/PRST/2005/11 reads, as follows:


    “The Security Council reaffirms all its previous decisions concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular the statement by its President (S/PRST/2004/43) dated 19 November 2004.


    “The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 18 February 2005 (S/2005/89), reaffirms its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the situation in Somalia, and its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.


    “The Security Council welcomes the progress made in the Somali national reconciliation process, in particular the Transitional Federal Government (TFG)’s ongoing relocation efforts, expects further progress in this regard and stresses the need for the international community to provide strong political, financial and capacity-building support for these efforts.


    “The Security Council commends the efforts of the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in support of the TFG. The Security Council reiterates its support for the African Union’s efforts in assisting the process of transition in Somalia. The Security Council recognizes the African Union’s readiness to play an important role in a future peace support mission in Somalia. Such a mission must be carefully considered and planned and would require the support of the Somali people.


    “The Security Council urges all Somali factions and militia leaders to cease hostilities and encourages them and the TFG to enter into immediate negotiations for a comprehensive and verifiable ceasefire agreement leading to final disarmament and welcomes the willingness of the United Nations to provide advice in this regard.


    “The Security Council expresses its gratitude to all those donors who have supported the peace process in Somalia and encourages donor countries, regional and subregional organizations to contribute to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia, in particular through efforts coordinated by UN agencies.


    “The Security Council welcomes the establishment of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee (CMC), chaired jointly by the Prime Minister of the TFG and the United Nations, through which donor countries and regional and subregional organizations can provide support to the efforts of the TFG.


    “The Security Council stresses that improving the humanitarian situation is an essential component of support for the peace and reconciliation process. The Security Council strongly believes that ensuring humanitarian access to all Somalis in need and providing guarantees for the safety and security of aid workers is an immediate priority and obligation of the TFG.


    “The Security Council welcomes the efforts of the United Nations Political Office in Somalia (UNPOS) and its leading role in coordinating support for the TFG to implement the agreements reached at the Somali National Reconciliation Conference and establish peace and stability in Somalia. The Security Council takes note of the need to expand the United Nations’ presence as proposed in the report of the Secretary-General of 18 February 2005 (S/2005/89). The Security Council concurs with the Secretary General that a further enhanced role for the Organization in Somalia must be incremental, and should be based on the outcome of discussions with the TFG.


    “The Security Council reaffirms its full support for the peace process in Somalia and the commitment of the United Nations to assist the regional and subregional efforts in this regard.â€




    Before the Council was the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in Somalia (document S/2005/89) dated 18 February 2005 and covering the period since his last report of 8 October 2004 (documents S/2004804. He notes that the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) process has produced a power-sharing arrangement in that country for a transitional period that stretches for five years. While this had clearly been the most inclusive peace process ever, involving all clans and most major faction leaders, it cannot be said that either peace or reconciliation has been achieved or that fighting inside Somalia has ceased.


    He recalls that shortly after his election, President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed sought a large number of peacekeepers from the African Union to help the Transitional Federal Government relocate to Somalia. Since then, a consensus had emerged that the most feasible option might be a protection force fielded by the African Union. In consultation with the African Union, the United Nations is prepared to support the African Union in the planning of a protection force.


    According to the report, the Secretary-General hopes that training programmes envisaged for foreign troops and Somali security forces would include a humanitarian and human rights component. In the area of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the United Nations will continue to support the efforts and build on the experience of United Nations agencies already involved in such programmes.


    The deployment of any foreign military forces will require an exemption from the arms embargo on Somalia, the report says. This aspect notwithstanding, greater efforts should be made to enforce the embargo. The recent report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia made it clear that extensive breaches of the embargo prevail and weapons and explosives continue to flow into the country. The enforcement of the embargo, with improved monitoring capacity and the establishment of enforcement measures, would considerably enhance overall security.


    Stabilizing the humanitarian situation is an essential component of support for the peace and reconciliation process, the report emphasizes. The success of the new Government and the reconciliation process will depend not only on support from the international community, but also on the contribution of the Somali population at large, including civil society organizations. An immediate priority and obligation of the Transitional Federal Government should be to ensure humanitarian access to all Somalis in need and to guarantee the safety and security of aid workers.


    Thanking donors who are responding to the immediate needs of the peace process, the Secretary-General notes that, aside from the earlier contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for Peace-building in Somalia, Norway took the lead by providing $2 million from its 2004 budget to allow the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to meet some of the urgent needs of the Offices of the President and Prime Minister, as well as 30 ministries. Ongoing efforts by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and United Nations agencies to reach out to non-traditional donors should be accelerated. In particular, the Arab League countries, which are already contributing to Somalia, could do more.


    The report states that if the Economic and Social Council were to establish an ad hoc advisory group on Somalia to examine the country’s humanitarian and economic needs, review relevant assistance programmes and prepare recommendations for Somalia’s rehabilitation, reconstruction and development, such a group would have an important role to play in supporting the peace process. In his previous report, the Secretary-General pointed out the likelihood that progress in the Somali peace process would call for an expanded United Nations political presence to assist the Somali parties in implementing their agreement. At the same time, any enhanced role for the Organization must be incremental and based on the outcome of discussions with the new Government.


    According to the report, such a role would include assisting the continuous dialogue among Somali parties for reconciliation; assisting in the effort to address the issue of “Somalilandâ€; coordinating support for the peace process with Somalia’s neighbours and other international partners; and chairing the Coordination and Monitoring Committee, as well as playing a leading political role in peace-building activities. The Secretary-General intends to appoint a Special Representative, at the Assistant Secretary-General level, to lead the expanded United Nations role with the assistance of an augmented staff at the United Nations Political Office for Somalia, including a deputy.


    The report also covers developments inside Somalia, including the formation of the Transitional Federal Government; and activities of the United Nations and the international community. The section on the humanitarian situation covers United Nations system operations activities to promote peace, including sub-sections on child protection, education, health, governance, livelihoods, water and environmental sanitation, HIV/AIDS, as well as internally displaced persons and refugees.

  18. 7 March 2005 – Calling on United Nations Member States to support war-battered Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, the Security Council today said it would welcome an incrementally expanding role for the world body in the Horn of Africa country.


    The Government has been trying to relocate from Nairobi, Kenya, to a home country still suffering from widespread insecurity.


    "The Security Council welcomes the progress made in the Somali national reconciliation process, in particular the Transitional Federal Government's ongoing relocation efforts, expects further progress in this regard and stresses the need for the international community to provide strong political, financial and capacity-building support for these efforts," the Council President for March, Ambassador Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg of Brazil, read from a consensus statement.


    The Council recognized the African Union's (AU) readiness to play an important role in a future peace support mission, but such a mission "must be carefully considered and planned and would require the support of the Somali people," the statement said.


    It urged all factions and militia leaders to cease hostilities and, together with the Transitional Federal Government, to start immediate negotiations towards a comprehensive and verifiable ceasefire agreement leading to final disarmament. The Council also welcomed the UN's offer to provide advice in this regard, Mr. Sardenberg said.


    More resources were needed for reconstruction, especially for those efforts coordinated by UN agencies, he added.


    Meanwhile, improving the humanitarian situation was essential to forging peace and reconciliation, and ensuring access to Somalis in need and guaranteeing the safety and security of humanitarian aid workers was an immediate priority and obligation of the Government, he said as the Council congratulated the UN Political Office in Somalia (UNPOS) on its achievements.


    UNPOS chief Winston Tubman told a news conference earlier Monday, before briefing the Council, that an expanded UN presence in the Horn of Africa country could help Somalis implement their agreements and coordinate regional and international backing for the peace process.


    The UN also could chair a Coordination and Monitoring Committee, as well as play a leading political role in the peace building that is still needed, he said.


    "The capital, Mogadishu, is particularly insecure. We cannot say that either peace or reconciliation has been achieved, or that the fighting inside Somalia has ceased. At the same time, a fledgling peace process has pointed to a way out of the morass. We have worked hard to support that process," Mr. Tubman said.


    Calling attention "to a very dramatic moment taking place in Somalia today," he said the Government's leaders had visited Somalia, "testing the waters."


    "They were warmly received by the Somali people while on a brief tour last week, conceived as part of a phased-in return," he said.


    According to a recent report on the country by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Mr. Tubman said, the UN was willing to offer advice on organizing immediate negotiations for a comprehensive ceasefire, was calling for the strengthening of the arms embargo and was prepared to support the AU in planning a protection force.


    On that last aspect of national security, he added, "Although some Somalis have expressed concerns and reservations, we hope their concerns can be addressed and their reservations overcome."


    The prevailing insecurity was preventing the UN from implementing post-tsunami programmes in large areas of the country. "With better security, we can reach many more people in need," he said.


    Mr. Tubman said the briefing was his last because he was resigning from the UN to become politically active in his own country, Liberia.

  19. Somaliland : Reality on the ground Vs its Outlook

    Mar 02, 2005


    Where there is a confusion 3C will be in action to shed a light, where there is a history in the making 3C will be a credible witness. That is 3C philosophy of its existence and this article is an attempt to shed a light over the confusion surrounding Somaliland, in doing so 3C will explore Somaliland geographical coverage as an administration Vs rest of Somalia and the reality on the ground Vs dreams many hold dearly in their hearts.



    In order to explore Somaliland’s span of control and compare to that of the rest of Somalia will enable us to understand the extend of their power and influence, therefore I start with Somali geography – The former Somali Democratic Republic, currently known as Federal Republic of Somalia is made up of 18 regions, some regions are bigger in size and have more inhabitant than others. Somaliland administration claims the territorial integrity of what once was a former British Somaliland – existed prior to 1960 independence.




    The timing in this context is crucial because history has it, the geography in Somalia changed numerous times depending on who colonised where and when, it is also relevant to mention that once the British colony was in charge of Somalia including what later become Italian Somaliland – meaning one Somalia under one colony.




    Going back to the subject, former British Somaliland consists of 5 regions out of 18 regions in Somalia. I don’t know about you, but to me given the above figures things are not looking so good for Somaliland in terms of size. In percentage wise this makes up just fewer than 28% of Somalia. However low 28% may seem, what is even more shocking is that this 28 percentage is based on Somaliland’s claims (of land that they do not either have control or the support of the local people), which like many other claims in history i.e. Saddam Hussein claim of Kuwait is simply claim and claiming is one thing turning it into reality is a whole new ball game, with huge risk and consequences.




    1991 SNM (made up of one tribe and not included other inhabitants in former British Somaliland) hastily and unilaterally declared ill-thought independence from the rest of Somalia, since then Somaliland’s quest for international recognition produced nothing other than never ending disappointments and failures. In the domestic front, the promise of a just and democratic Somaliland also failed. Leaving Somaliland administration to barely have a control of Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings.


    Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings “eeheeheeh†that doesn’t even represent one region in Somali/land; let us go back to our calculation, 1 region out of 18 regions in Somalia. May God maths is performing magic today, in percentage wise Somaliland administration controls BIG 1/18 = 5.5% of Somalia or 1/5 = 20% of Somaliland – Even though in reality Somaliland administration scarcely have control in less than one region, yet it constant claims the territorial integrity of whole of former British Somaliland territories. My advice to Somaliland – claim parts of Australia as well (Ku qabso ku qadi mayside), reason being: they have more or less the same weather, it used to be under the British and you are quite good with claiming land doesn’t belong to you.




    Somali/Land Fact Sheet


    Regions %


    Federal Republic of Somalia




    Former British Somaliland

    5 out of 18 regions



    Somaliland Administration controls

    1 region out of 18



    Somaliland Administration within former British S/L

    1 region out of 5






    Recognition for (one city country) Somaliland




    Even though recognition for my tiny Somaliland is mission unattainable, nevertheless, it would hit the international headlines should it happen. What could be more interesting to read or sell newspapers than an article named “Recognition for One City Countryâ€, this is certainly how 3C & other newspapers will cover the historic event: -




    BREAKING NEWS - (date 3C/Location) Today the world community have LOST the PLOT once again as it increases the financial burden on the international community by granting recognition for my tiny Somaliland, the country is made up of one city and couple-surrounding villages, Gross Domestic Product = 2% (virtually non-existence), administration wise - corrupted and mismanaged, Freedom of the Press – Free as long as they uphold/fully comply with the general law namely do as you are told rule – any breach of the do as you are told rule carried imprisonment i.e. the recent arrest of Jamhuuriya (Local Newspaper) chief editor. Democratic front, democracy is normally defined as by the people for the people. In S/L they defined it as by the elite for the elite other than that it exists in the minds of some dreamers and in reality it is purely militaristic type of authority (inherited from former regime) hiding behind the sham claim of democratic status. This is deliberate done knowing that the world community don’t seem to care the internal affairs of failed nation. In short Somaliland brings one more mouth for the world community to feed with what is already an inadequate resources.




    Couple Minutes Later – having received complaints from the international community the UN gets its sanity back and takes its recognition for my tiny Somaliland back as well. By then Somaliland achieved its long-waited goal of becoming recognised nation as it enjoyed 2 minutes as sovereign country. This puts S/L in a better position to pull maximum benefits from the talks with the new Transitional Government of Somalia and in the end settles with deputy Prime Minister and lived happily ever after




    3C congratulates Somaliland for their achievement of 2 minutes fame and equality welcomes them back to Somalia (Lama huraan waa – cowska Jiilaal). Remember you were not the only victims of the former military regime lead by late President Siad Barre (May Allah rest his soul in peace).





  20. Somaliland : Reality on the ground Vs its Outlook

    Mar 02, 2005


    Where there is a confusion 3C will be in action to shed a light, where there is a history in the making 3C will be a credible witness. That is 3C philosophy of its existence and this article is an attempt to shed a light over the confusion surrounding Somaliland, in doing so 3C will explore Somaliland geographical coverage as an administration Vs rest of Somalia and the reality on the ground Vs dreams many hold dearly in their hearts.



    In order to explore Somaliland’s span of control and compare to that of the rest of Somalia will enable us to understand the extend of their power and influence, therefore I start with Somali geography – The former Somali Democratic Republic, currently known as Federal Republic of Somalia is made up of 18 regions, some regions are bigger in size and have more inhabitant than others. Somaliland administration claims the territorial integrity of what once was a former British Somaliland – existed prior to 1960 independence.




    The timing in this context is crucial because history has it, the geography in Somalia changed numerous times depending on who colonised where and when, it is also relevant to mention that once the British colony was in charge of Somalia including what later become Italian Somaliland – meaning one Somalia under one colony.




    Going back to the subject, former British Somaliland consists of 5 regions out of 18 regions in Somalia. I don’t know about you, but to me given the above figures things are not looking so good for Somaliland in terms of size. In percentage wise this makes up just fewer than 28% of Somalia. However low 28% may seem, what is even more shocking is that this 28 percentage is based on Somaliland’s claims (of land that they do not either have control or the support of the local people), which like many other claims in history i.e. Saddam Hussein claim of Kuwait is simply claim and claiming is one thing turning it into reality is a whole new ball game, with huge risk and consequences.




    1991 SNM (made up of one tribe and not included other inhabitants in former British Somaliland) hastily and unilaterally declared ill-thought independence from the rest of Somalia, since then Somaliland’s quest for international recognition produced nothing other than never ending disappointments and failures. In the domestic front, the promise of a just and democratic Somaliland also failed. Leaving Somaliland administration to barely have a control of Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings.


    Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings “eeheeheeh†that doesn’t even represent one region in Somali/land; let us go back to our calculation, 1 region out of 18 regions in Somalia. May God maths is performing magic today, in percentage wise Somaliland administration controls BIG 1/18 = 5.5% of Somalia or 1/5 = 20% of Somaliland – Even though in reality Somaliland administration scarcely have control in less than one region, yet it constant claims the territorial integrity of whole of former British Somaliland territories. My advice to Somaliland – claim parts of Australia as well (Ku qabso ku qadi mayside), reason being: they have more or less the same weather, it used to be under the British and you are quite good with claiming land doesn’t belong to you.




    Somali/Land Fact Sheet


    Regions %


    Federal Republic of Somalia




    Former British Somaliland

    5 out of 18 regions



    Somaliland Administration controls

    1 region out of 18



    Somaliland Administration within former British S/L

    1 region out of 5






    Recognition for (one city country) Somaliland




    Even though recognition for my tiny Somaliland is mission unattainable, nevertheless, it would hit the international headlines should it happen. What could be more interesting to read or sell newspapers than an article named “Recognition for One City Countryâ€, this is certainly how 3C & other newspapers will cover the historic event: -




    BREAKING NEWS - (date 3C/Location) Today the world community have LOST the PLOT once again as it increases the financial burden on the international community by granting recognition for my tiny Somaliland, the country is made up of one city and couple-surrounding villages, Gross Domestic Product = 2% (virtually non-existence), administration wise - corrupted and mismanaged, Freedom of the Press – Free as long as they uphold/fully comply with the general law namely do as you are told rule – any breach of the do as you are told rule carried imprisonment i.e. the recent arrest of Jamhuuriya (Local Newspaper) chief editor. Democratic front, democracy is normally defined as by the people for the people. In S/L they defined it as by the elite for the elite other than that it exists in the minds of some dreamers and in reality it is purely militaristic type of authority (inherited from former regime) hiding behind the sham claim of democratic status. This is deliberate done knowing that the world community don’t seem to care the internal affairs of failed nation. In short Somaliland brings one more mouth for the world community to feed with what is already an inadequate resources.




    Couple Minutes Later – having received complaints from the international community the UN gets its sanity back and takes its recognition for my tiny Somaliland back as well. By then Somaliland achieved its long-waited goal of becoming recognised nation as it enjoyed 2 minutes as sovereign country. This puts S/L in a better position to pull maximum benefits from the talks with the new Transitional Government of Somalia and in the end settles with deputy Prime Minister and lived happily ever after




    3C congratulates Somaliland for their achievement of 2 minutes fame and equality welcomes them back to Somalia (Lama huraan waa – cowska Jiilaal). Remember you were not the only victims of the former military regime lead by late President Siad Barre (May Allah rest his soul in peace).





  21. Madaxweyne Geelle: "Sidii dowladihii hore lugaha loo haystay, tana in lagu daro baa la doonayaa"




    Jimce, Febraayo 25 2005


    Madaxweynaha dowladda Jabuuti Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa sheegay in dowladiisu taageereyso rabitaanka maamulka Soomaaliyeed ee dhowaan lagu doortay dalka Kenya.


    Madaxweyne Geelle oo u waramay idaacada BBC laanta afka Soomaaliga ayaa cadeeyay in dowladiisu diyaar u tahay in ay ciidamo u dirto Soomaaliya, marka ay labada golle ee dowladda si rasmi ah u codsadaan.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa ka deyriyay qaabka ay u dhaqmayaan hogaamiyeyaasha Soomaalida, isagoo ku tilmaamay kuwo danahooda gaarka ah u adeegaya isla markaana doonaya in ay shacabka marba meel u jeediyaan.


    Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo hadaladiisa niyad jab laga dareemi karay ayaa sheegay sheegay in isaga iyo madaxweynayaasha wadamadda IGAD ay diyaar u yihiin in ay dowladda cusub ka caawiyaan wax walba oo karaankooda ah.


    Madaxweyne Geelle ayaa dhanka kale dhaliilay go'aankii ay dowladda Kenya ku diiday in ay ka qeyb qaadato ciidamada nabad ilaalinta ee la filayo in Soomaaliya loo diro.

